In Afghanistan, As the US Pulls Out the CCP Moves In...

Strange that the US is actually conceding defeat to the Taliban and even taking measures to ensure that the Afghan military won't stand much of a chance of stopping their enemy.

Destroying the infrastructure of the US military base is saying loud and clear that the US knows the Afghan army will lose it quickly.

Another complete US military failure that had no purpose other than appeasing the American people's bloodlust with another slaughter of a country's people.

Other nations that took part in Afghanistan with humanitarian efforts, might as well been fighting against the US.

When and on which small country will America attempt it's next bombing campaign? What cause can be manufactured by the US to save Venezuela's people with bombs?

Are there any countries left that haven't completely rejected US imperialism by turning to China for free trade and China's way of peace?
Afghani leaders had been terrified for years about upsetting Trumpā€™s Washington over talks with the communist Chinese; but now that Biden is in office, officials are welcoming the CCP with open arms.

Why would Americans be concerned about China being welcomed in to bring peace and prosperity to Afghanistan?

Is there some reason that would make them turn against ending their war?

It's going to take some very creative thinking by the Trumpers if they expect to spin the ending of this war against Biden!

1. the communists will take over America.
2. America will be taken over by communists.
3. America will become communist.
4. Communism will become America.
5. Biden is a communist.
6. Communism is Biden.
7. America will have no country on which to drop its bombs.
8. something new and original?

China Is Now ā€˜Welcomed With Open Armsā€™

Following US Departure From Afghanistan;

Plans to Invest $62 Billion, Expanding Its

ā€œBelt and Roadā€ Initiative

"After years of working to re-legitimize Americaā€™s credibility and strength when confronting foreign policy, Donald Trump moved to make good on his promise to end the ā€˜forever warsā€™ and called to have all of our brave sons and daughters return home.

Trump was lambasted by just about everyone in the media for his actions

Now 6 months later, as Biden is cheered for pulling the remaining US forces out of the region, Beijing is gleefully stepping in to invest $62 Billion in Afghanistan to continue furthering its 60-country, $3 trillion ā€˜Belt and Roadā€™ Initiative.

Afghani leaders had been terrified for years about upsetting Trumpā€™s Washington over talks with the communist Chinese; but now that Biden is in office, officials are welcoming the CCP with open arms.

Not only has this laughing-stock completely weakened our stance and removed all credibility from the office of the leader of the free world, he has elevated radicals to prominent roles in his administration who are working to undermine the strength of our military and giving comfort to terrorists like the Taliban."

Way to go, Joe.

During the Bush administration the Chinese built a railroad in Afghanistan and a power plant.. They also have mining operations.

They share a border 1400 mile with Afghanistan .. and there are the Hazara Shia who have some Chinese heritage.

Your claim is so ignorant, but it is Gateway Pundit.

The Chinese have been using soft power successfully in Afghanistan for nearly 20 years.
Strange that the US is actually conceding defeat to the Taliban and even taking measures to ensure that the Afghan military won't stand much of a chance of stopping their enemy.

Destroying the infrastructure of the US military base is saying loud and clear that the US knows the Afghan army will lose it quickly.

Another complete US military failure that had no purpose other than appeasing the American people's bloodlust with another slaughter of a country's people.

Other nations that took part in Afghanistan with humanitarian efforts, might as well been fighting against the US.

When and on which small country will America attempt it's next bombing campaign? What cause can be manufactured by the US to save Venezuela's people with bombs?

Are there any countries left that haven't completely rejected US imperialism by turning to China for free trade and China's way of peace?

Bush invaded Afghnistan to save ENRON.

Bush invaded Afghnistan to save ENRON.
Americans have many novel ideas about why they were able to cheer the slaughter of the Afghanistan people.
The topic has moved on to the ending of that war and another loss to US imperialism.

Cheer up, and think of the peace and prosperity China is about to bring to Afghanistan.

The world is about to witness how Afghanistan can be conquered and won over without any need for BOMBS.

Some crazy people will even start saying it's the 'communist' way.
The CCP have been using 'soft power' (buying Democrats) for decades....

That's a terrible thing to say against any American, be they D or R!

Soft power is un-American.

Hard power with bombs from 30,000 feet is the American way!

Nevertheless, Biden is definitely selling out the American cause of imperialsim to China by ending that war.

Trump could have won that war, even if it took another 20 years.

Bush invaded Afghnistan to save ENRON.
Americans have many novel ideas about why they were able to cheer the slaughter of the Afghanistan people.
The topic has moved on to the ending of that war and another loss to US imperialism.

Cheer up, and think of the peace and prosperity China is about to bring to Afghanistan.

The world is about to witness how Afghanistan can be conquered and won over without any need for BOMBS.

Some crazy people will even start saying it's the 'communist' way.

ENRON was a huge contributor to Bush's campaign and they were all friends. They failed to negotiate a deal with the Taliban to provide a gas pipeline from the Stans to ENRON's Dabhol power plant.

The Chinese have been using soft power successfully in Afghanistan for nearly 20 years.
The CCP have been using 'soft power' (buying Democrats) for decades....

You are about as stupid as they come. China has huge investments in Africa and Canada .. They just inked a pipeline deal with Saudi Arabia..
Canada is to be condemned as just another 'communist' utopia, for choosing peaceful relations and free and fair trade with China.

But in defense of Canada and our support of communism, not unlke the rest of the world that is turning their backs on US imperialism.

Soon Canada's women will be limited to 1 or 2 babies!
Nevertheless, Biden is definitely selling out the American cause of imperialsim to China by ending that war.

Trump could have won that war, even if it took another 20 years.

Trump supported Biden pulling out. Then again Trump said he was pulling the military out. So winning wasnā€™t an option. At least according to Trump.


The Chinese have been using soft power successfully in Afghanistan for nearly 20 years.
The CCP have been using 'soft power' (buying Democrats) for decades....

You are about as stupid as they come. China has huge investments in Africa and Canada .. They just inked a pipeline deal with Saudi Arabia..
Canada is to be condemned as just another 'communist' utopia, for choosing peaceful relations and free and fair trade with China.

But in defense of Canada and our support of communism, not unlke the rest of the world that is turning their backs on US imperialism.

Soon Canada's women will be limited to 1 or 2 babies!

I don't know anything about that. I do know Trump picked a fight with Canada over dairy products right after he was inaugurated.
Nevertheless, Biden is definitely selling out the American cause of imperialsim to China by ending that war.

Trump could have won that war, even if it took another 20 years.

Trump supported Biden pulling out. Then again Trump said he was pulling the military out. So winning wasnā€™t an option. At least according to Trump.

Attempts to create political spin against Biden, need much more creative thinking.

1.Trump could have won that war if given as little as ....... years more to do it.
2. Trump wasn't 'really' going to end that war.
3. Trump would have created a surge that would have quickly won the war.
4. Trump would have offered more to Afghanistan than China had to offer.
5. Trump would have declared that the war was already won!
6. Other ideas that prove Biden did the wrong thing??

Trump supported Biden pulling out. Then again Trump said he was pulling the military out. So winning wasnā€™t an option. At least according to Trump.

Obama was reportedly pulling troops out of Afghanistan. Instead, not only did he leave them there, he started a new war by invading Syria. As he walked out of the WH he left troops in Syria to fight HIS war. So what's your point?
Biden bad! Bad!
At least in the mind of the lunatic OP.

Proof of that is that Trump would have ended/not ended the war.
He's peeing himself frantically looking for some kind of Trump spin on this thing.

How about this? Obama started a war in Syria?
And then doublecrossed his country by allowing Putin and Assad to end it by eliminating Syria's missing WMD's!

The obvious reason why Trump could have/should have not allowed this Afghanistan war to end.

Biden is going to lose a huge amount of support for prematurely ending this war! Riiiggghhhttt?

China Is Now ā€˜Welcomed With Open Armsā€™

Following US Departure From Afghanistan;

Plans to Invest $62 Billion, Expanding Its

ā€œBelt and Roadā€ Initiative

"After years of working to re-legitimize Americaā€™s credibility and strength when confronting foreign policy, Donald Trump moved to make good on his promise to end the ā€˜forever warsā€™ and called to have all of our brave sons and daughters return home.

Trump was lambasted by just about everyone in the media for his actions

Now 6 months later, as Biden is cheered for pulling the remaining US forces out of the region, Beijing is gleefully stepping in to invest $62 Billion in Afghanistan to continue furthering its 60-country, $3 trillion ā€˜Belt and Roadā€™ Initiative.

Afghani leaders had been terrified for years about upsetting Trumpā€™s Washington over talks with the communist Chinese; but now that Biden is in office, officials are welcoming the CCP with open arms.

Not only has this laughing-stock completely weakened our stance and removed all credibility from the office of the leader of the free world, he has elevated radicals to prominent roles in his administration who are working to undermine the strength of our military and giving comfort to terrorists like the Taliban."

Way to go, Joe.

How many times did Donald Trump tried to pull out of Afghanistan? How many times did the generals talk him out of it?

You were all for pulling out of Afghanistan when Trump wanted to do it, but now that Biden has donewhat Trump promised and failed to do, suddenly you oppose it.

Now that Biden has actually done what Trump failed to do, youā€™re screaming about the Chinese moving in. What happened to ā€œAmerica Firstā€ and an end to all foreign wars? What do you think wouldā€™ve happened if Trump had pulled out?

It must be tough for you, Skeazy. First Biden stopped the virus and got the country reopened, so now youā€™re cheering for people refusing to get vaccinated in Red States. Youā€™re cheering for your own voters to get sick and die, because thatā€™s whatā€™s happening to them.

If Biden canā€™t stop the virus itā€™ll help Republicans win in the midterms. Letā€™s keep it going!!!

China Is Now ā€˜Welcomed With Open Armsā€™

Following US Departure From Afghanistan;

Plans to Invest $62 Billion, Expanding Its

ā€œBelt and Roadā€ Initiative

"After years of working to re-legitimize Americaā€™s credibility and strength when confronting foreign policy, Donald Trump moved to make good on his promise to end the ā€˜forever warsā€™ and called to have all of our brave sons and daughters return home.

Trump was lambasted by just about everyone in the media for his actions

Now 6 months later, as Biden is cheered for pulling the remaining US forces out of the region, Beijing is gleefully stepping in to invest $62 Billion in Afghanistan to continue furthering its 60-country, $3 trillion ā€˜Belt and Roadā€™ Initiative.

Afghani leaders had been terrified for years about upsetting Trumpā€™s Washington over talks with the communist Chinese; but now that Biden is in office, officials are welcoming the CCP with open arms.

Not only has this laughing-stock completely weakened our stance and removed all credibility from the office of the leader of the free world, he has elevated radicals to prominent roles in his administration who are working to undermine the strength of our military and giving comfort to terrorists like the Taliban."

Way to go, Joe.

Good...let them waste blood and treasure there.....

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