In an Instant - on TV - Minn Bridge Collapse.



On TV right now, they are playing a doc about the Minn Bridge Collapse on ABC.

Interviews of people who lived through it.

What do you think about Republicans blocking American infrastructure investment but willing to spend trillions on Iraq? About blocking American infrastructure investment, but willing to lose trillions in tax money from the super wealthy? About the GOP's total disregard for the safety of American citizens?
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Fool me once shame on you..............

Fool me twice shame on me.............
On TV right now, they are playing a doc about the Minn Bridge Collapse on ABC.

Interviews of people who lived through is.

What do you think about Republicans blocking American infrastructure investment but willing to spend trillions on Iraq? About blocking American infrastructure investment, but willing to lose trillions in tax money from the super wealthy? About the GOP's total disregard for the safety of American citizens?
Oh look.. more mindless partisan bigotry from rdean.
On TV right now, they are playing a doc about the Minn Bridge Collapse on ABC.

Interviews of people who lived through is.

What do you think about Republicans blocking American infrastructure investment but willing to spend trillions on Iraq? About blocking American infrastructure investment, but willing to lose trillions in tax money from the super wealthy? About the GOP's total disregard for the safety of American citizens?
Oh look.. more mindless partisan bigotry from rdean.


Who blocks money being spent on US infrastructure?

The right.
94% of the engineers who worked on the bridge weren't Republicans....

Just saying

Do we really want people building our bridges who care about how the steel feels but can't run any numbers on it?
787 BILLION in tax payer money..............


Where was this concern then?
The Stimulus Plan How to Spend 787 Billion - The New York Times

The Stimulus Plan: How to Spend $787 Billion

When the debate was going on for this..............I said that 100% of it needed to go to the infrastructure...........100%.............and all money accounted for.........every cent.....................

It ended up being money being thrown at everything including their buddies in handouts..................It was the fleecing of america when the money would have been better spent to fix real problems in this country IF WE WERE GOING TO DO IT.......

Again, fool me once shame on you.
fool me twice shame on me.
On TV right now, they are playing a doc about the Minn Bridge Collapse on ABC.

Interviews of people who lived through is.

What do you think about Republicans blocking American infrastructure investment but willing to spend trillions on Iraq? About blocking American infrastructure investment, but willing to lose trillions in tax money from the super wealthy? About the GOP's total disregard for the safety of American citizens?

You had both houses and the presidency, and blew through $800 billion. So.... what's your excuse? You have already screwed us over with trillions in additional debt that will plague this country for decades.... are you telling me you failed to actually use the money you blew, to do anything of any value?

If you are this incompetent.... If the left-wing side is so utterly incapable of doing anything of value with the money you spent..... wouldn't we WANT the republicans to prevent you from blowing more money?
OK USMB. Explain to me why the Republicans in the posts above are such tards. Please. It's easy to go look up how that very small stimulus was spent:

Here s How Obama Spent 792 Billion On Fiscal Stimulus - Business Insider

They are such stupid fucks. Can anyone explain how they got that way? Or were they always lazy tards?

Here is even more detail:

The Stimulus Plan A Detailed List of Spending - ProPublica

And what did Obama do trying to get GOP support? Made 1/3rd of the bill fucking tax cuts:

Stewart claims that the stimulus bill is one-third tax cuts PolitiFact

Fucking worthless GOP tax cuts. Every time the GOP gives America tax cuts, most of the cuts go to the very rich and our deficit grows like wild fire. It's the promise of a few bucks. America falls for it again and again and the GOP sells the same rotten deal again and again. Such dirty people. Enemies of this country.
We could fix bridges if we weren't importing the world's refuse, throwing more money at welfare for drug addicts and education to get worthless degrees.
On TV right now, they are playing a doc about the Minn Bridge Collapse on ABC.

Interviews of people who lived through is.

What do you think about Republicans blocking American infrastructure investment but willing to spend trillions on Iraq? About blocking American infrastructure investment, but willing to lose trillions in tax money from the super wealthy? About the GOP's total disregard for the safety of American citizens?

You had both houses and the presidency, and blew through $800 billion. So.... what's your excuse? You have already screwed us over with trillions in additional debt that will plague this country for decades.... are you telling me you failed to actually use the money you blew, to do anything of any value?

If you are this incompetent.... If the left-wing side is so utterly incapable of doing anything of value with the money you spent..... wouldn't we WANT the republicans to prevent you from blowing more money?
Hello, knock knock nit wit. Never in the history of the country has this nation gone to war and gave out over three trillion in tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans. Oh, it's happened before? Name the time. Go ahead. Teach us.
Then there were trillions in deficit from the Tax Cuts, the GOP blackmailed Obama into extending them EVEN THOUGH THEY DIDN'T WORK.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Then you lost the revenue from the millions of jobs moved to China and the over 40,000 factories closed from 2001 to 2008.

For American manufacturers, the bad years didn't begin with the banking crisis of 2008. Indeed, the U.S. manufacturing sector never emerged from the 2001 recession, which coincided with China's entry into the World Trade Organization. Since 2001, the country has lost 42,400 factories, including 36 percent of factories that employ more than 1,000 workers.
Decline in US Manufacturing employment Thom Hartmann

Then you had the trillions spent on Iraq BEFORE Obama even became president. Then there are the trillions it will cost to provide medicare care for the tens of thousand of young Americans maimed in Iraq. They were maimed under Bush but the cost goes to Obama by the right fucking nasty and dirty right wing.

Worst of all, a lot of that debt goes to right wingers for using reconciliation THREE TIMES under Bush. The dumb-asses don't even know what the Republicans used it for. Go ahead, ask one.
94% of the engineers who worked on the bridge weren't Republicans....

Just saying

Do we really want people building our bridges who care about how the steel feels but can't run any numbers on it?
So you are saying don't build any bridges at all? The Republicans are too fucking stupid to be engineers? You think going back to gravel roads is a "good thing"?
Red States going back to gravel roads - Google Search

Uh huh.

OK USMB. Explain to me why the Republicans in the posts above are such tards. Please. It's easy to go look up how that very small stimulus was spent:

Here s How Obama Spent 792 Billion On Fiscal Stimulus - Business Insider

They are such stupid fucks. Can anyone explain how they got that way? Or were they always lazy tards?

Here is even more detail:

The Stimulus Plan A Detailed List of Spending - ProPublica

And what did Obama do trying to get GOP support? Made 1/3rd of the bill fucking tax cuts:

Stewart claims that the stimulus bill is one-third tax cuts PolitiFact

Fucking worthless GOP tax cuts. Every time the GOP gives America tax cuts, most of the cuts go to the very rich and our deficit grows like wild fire. It's the promise of a few bucks. America falls for it again and again and the GOP sells the same rotten deal again and again. Such dirty people. Enemies of this country.

$792 is a "small stimulus"?

Yeah, let's look at that.
Here s How Obama Spent 792 Billion On Fiscal Stimulus - Business Insider
This is the link you just posted. So I'm using YOUR information.

$37 Billion to Food Stamps and other welfare programs.
$48 Billion on education.
$324 Million on "accountability" which paid the GAO, the Inspector General, and other government people.
$58 Billion to bail out states and local governments that were spending more than they collected. Including Food Stamps.
$42 Billion on "Green Energy", grants to major corporations to produce "green energy" or to add solar panels to a government building.
$13 Billion to National Science Foundation (gov), and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (gov).
$19 Billion for 'health care', which happens to include the Department of Health and Human Services (gov).
$870 Million for business, like the Small Business Administration, and Co-Op Services. (gov)
$2.1 Billion for.... National Endowment for the Arts.... Census Bureau... Filipino WW2 Compensation... (gov,gov, huh?)
$3 Billion Cash for Clunkers
$48 Billion subsidies for Clean Water, Low-Income rent, and Amtrak.
$26 Billion for "Youth Employment" (there's a winner), Police, and Education Jobs. (gov)
$79 Billion for COBRA, and Unemployment Comp.
$34 Billion for MORE Unemployment Comp
$30 Billion for MORE Small Business 'incentives'. (fail)

Now, we finally get to the real "Infrastructure spending".
$93 Billion for "Transportation and Infrastructure".

But get this... it really didn't go to that.
Only $27 Billion went to highways.
Only $8 Billion went to 'high speed rail'.

Where did the rest go? Low income housing credit.... (credit?), and National Park Service? (now that's critical), Safe Drinking water? (how many in the US have died from lack of safe drinking water?)

So we have roughly $35 Billion spent on 'infrastructure', out of $787 Billion.


If you are this incompetent.... If the left-wing side is so utterly incapable of doing anything of value with the money you spent..... wouldn't we WANT the republicans to prevent you from blowing more money?

Oh, I thought you said we need infrastructure spending? If let you blow more money, how do we know you won't give it away for Food Stamps, and then demand more money?
94% of the engineers who worked on the bridge weren't Republicans....

Just saying

Do we really want people building our bridges who care about how the steel feels but can't run any numbers on it?
So you are saying don't build any bridges at all? The Republicans are too fucking stupid to be engineers? You think going back to gravel roads is a "good thing"?
Red States going back to gravel roads - Google Search

Uh huh.


We're going back to gravel, because you burned through $787 Billion, and didn't do jack about the infrastructure you think is so critical.

If you idiots on the left, had let us keep our own money, we'd have the money to build decent roads. Instead we have $18 Trillion in debt, and all you can do whine we should have burned even more money down your wasteful program black holes.

This is all your fault. All of it is.
94% of the engineers who worked on the bridge weren't Republicans....

Just saying

Do we really want people building our bridges who care about how the steel feels but can't run any numbers on it?
So you are saying don't build any bridges at all? The Republicans are too fucking stupid to be engineers? You think going back to gravel roads is a "good thing"?
Red States going back to gravel roads - Google Search

Uh huh.


We're going back to gravel, because you burned through $787 Billion, and didn't do jack about the infrastructure you think is so critical.

If you idiots on the left, had let us keep our own money, we'd have the money to build decent roads. Instead we have $18 Trillion in debt, and all you can do whine we should have burned even more money down your wasteful program black holes.

This is all your fault. All of it is.
I guess you didn't bother reading post #13, did you. Notice I posted links? Why don't you? Oh, you don't know how?
94% of the engineers who worked on the bridge weren't Republicans....

Just saying

Do we really want people building our bridges who care about how the steel feels but can't run any numbers on it?
So you are saying don't build any bridges at all? The Republicans are too fucking stupid to be engineers? You think going back to gravel roads is a "good thing"?
Red States going back to gravel roads - Google Search

Uh huh.


We're going back to gravel, because you burned through $787 Billion, and didn't do jack about the infrastructure you think is so critical.

If you idiots on the left, had let us keep our own money, we'd have the money to build decent roads. Instead we have $18 Trillion in debt, and all you can do whine we should have burned even more money down your wasteful program black holes.

This is all your fault. All of it is.
This post gets 3 clowns.
94% of the engineers who worked on the bridge weren't Republicans....

Just saying

Do we really want people building our bridges who care about how the steel feels but can't run any numbers on it?
So you are saying don't build any bridges at all? The Republicans are too fucking stupid to be engineers? You think going back to gravel roads is a "good thing"?
Red States going back to gravel roads - Google Search

Uh huh.


We're going back to gravel, because you burned through $787 Billion, and didn't do jack about the infrastructure you think is so critical.

If you idiots on the left, had let us keep our own money, we'd have the money to build decent roads. Instead we have $18 Trillion in debt, and all you can do whine we should have burned even more money down your wasteful program black holes.

This is all your fault. All of it is.
Did you know Republicans cut taxes on the wealthy while declaring war? Has this ever happened in the history of this country? And that happened during Bush's first term. Obama wasn't sworn in until 2009. Bush tax cuts cost over three trillion when the country needed it to send troops and weapons overseas. GOP not Obama.
Trillions were spent on Iraq. GOP not Obama.
Tens of thousands of Americans maimed costing trillions into the future. GOP not Obama.
Revenue lost from over 42,000 factories closed from 2001 to 2008. 34% employing over 1,000 Americans. GOP not Obama.
Shall I go on?

Did you know much of that debt came from Republicans using reconciliation THREE TIMES under Bush? Do you even know what Republicans used reconciliation for? Do you? Well?

Thought so.

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