In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

There is one thing Trump tries to articulate like a trained bear with which I happen to agree.

I'm pretty sure Trump was fed the idea by his handlers about five minutes ago, but I have mentioned it quite a few times over the years.

We are heavily subsidizing the defense of our allies. It pisses me off Europe looks down their noses at us for not having the giant social safety nets they do, while their very existence is due to living off our massive defense tit for damn near a century now.

Let's see how long their social safety nets last if we make them pay their own defense costs.


You are aware that the UK pays its way here. The nuclear weapons for Trident submarines are leased from the USA, the submarines which carry those are bought and paid for by the UK government. Much of the technology is based on your nuclear subs, most of the components are bought from the USA.

As for big social safety benefits, taxes in most of Europe are much higher than in the USA, your cost of living is much cheaper. Social security benefits in the UK are really not up to much!

I would agree though that I'd have no problem with the USA asking for more of a contribution from some European countries. Most of Europes defence is reliant on the USA, France and the UK!

Yes, the UK has been meeting it's NATO obligations. In that they are exceptional.
And they are financially struggling. Worse than we are.
There is one thing Trump tries to articulate like a trained bear with which I happen to agree.

I'm pretty sure Trump was fed the idea by his handlers about five minutes ago, but I have mentioned it quite a few times over the years.

We are heavily subsidizing the defense of our allies. It pisses me off Europe looks down their noses at us for not having the giant social safety nets they do, while their very existence is due to living off our massive defense tit for damn near a century now.

Let's see how long their social safety nets last if we make them pay their own defense costs.


You are aware that the UK pays its way here. The nuclear weapons for Trident submarines are leased from the USA, the submarines which carry those are bought and paid for by the UK government. Much of the technology is based on your nuclear subs, most of the components are bought from the USA.

As for big social safety benefits, taxes in most of Europe are much higher than in the USA, your cost of living is much cheaper. Social security benefits in the UK are really not up to much!

I would agree though that I'd have no problem with the USA asking for more of a contribution from some European countries. Most of Europes defence is reliant on the USA, France and the UK!
While Europeans have higher tax brackets, they also have more deductions as I understand it, do you not? What is the average persons tax rate and how much of that is reduced by deductions you can claim?

As to NATO, the US pays far more than its share as reflected in its share of the total NATO GDP. This needs to change.

Its a bit complicated Jim because across Europe you have different ways of being taxed. In the UK unless you're self employed you normally are in PAYE which is automatically taken out of your salary so the money you get each month has already been taxed. Personally I liked this because otherwise I wouldn't have the discipline to put money aside each month. In terms of deductions lets say you own property which you let out, its probably similar to your system in the USA, you can deduct wear and tear, repairs, agency fees.

The Scandinavian countries generally have the highest tax rates in Europe, in the UK currently the basic rate is 20% then add varying amounts of national insurance contributions which go towards state benefits, pensions. We do have a tax free allowance though currently 10,600 pounds pa, if you earn more than say 42000 pounds pa anything above that gets taxed at 40%.

The UKs benefit system is not really generous compared to other European countries.

I do agree with you though re NATO, its only fair that countries pay their fair share. Its not upto the USA to subsidize other countries. The issue I have with Trumps rhetoric is some issues need to be handled with a lot of diplomacy,hes like a bull in a China shop.
Of course any American President should put Americans first but Trump is just full of empty rhetoric, what solutions does he have that are practical and workable. He just tells crowds what they want to hear, he fires off soundbytes that can fit onto a baseball cap. He's not running because he wants to make life better for Americans but simply as a vanity project to soothe his over inflated ego.

If you believe that the American President should put America first, then you are on the OPPOSITE side of all those people attacking TRUMP for wanting to craft policies that put Americans first.

The duty of any President is to make life better for all Americans. The problem I have with Trump is that he does not put forward practical solutions, solutions have to be based on reality and what can be done instead of promised which won't be delivered.

Like what president delivered on what ever he said during campaigning?
Of course any American President should put Americans first but Trump is just full of empty rhetoric, what solutions does he have that are practical and workable. He just tells crowds what they want to hear, he fires off soundbytes that can fit onto a baseball cap. He's not running because he wants to make life better for Americans but simply as a vanity project to soothe his over inflated ego.

If you believe that the American President should put America first, then you are on the OPPOSITE side of all those people attacking TRUMP for wanting to craft policies that put Americans first.

The duty of any President is to make life better for all Americans. The problem I have with Trump is that he does not put forward practical solutions, solutions have to be based on reality and what can be done instead of promised which won't be delivered.

Which "solutions" are those?
There is no difference between Trump sand Hillary,

HIs world view is completely different. HIs policies are complete opposite.

Hillary will give the illegals amnesty. Trump will deport them AND their anchor babies.
If that was true the Trump wouldn't have given her so much money.....

Businessmen and corporations don't donate money to politicians because they agree with them, but because they have to prevent the power of government from being turned against them.

The difference in policies is real.
Only a scumbag sells his values. that is more proof Trump is just like Clinton

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Dealing with unpleasant rules and people is something most people have to do.

If you have not, good for you.
He is a sell out. Period. End of story.

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HIs world view is completely different. HIs policies are complete opposite.

Hillary will give the illegals amnesty. Trump will deport them AND their anchor babies.
If that was true the Trump wouldn't have given her so much money.....

Businessmen and corporations don't donate money to politicians because they agree with them, but because they have to prevent the power of government from being turned against them.

The difference in policies is real.
Only a scumbag sells his values. that is more proof Trump is just like Clinton

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Dealing with unpleasant rules and people is something most people have to do.

If you have not, good for you.
He is a sell out. Period. End of story.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

He's a realist, living in the real world.
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.
Now if he could just come up with some plans to do that without causing trade wars and the loss of every ally we have, we'll be all set.

Do you mean like Reagan did to save Harley-Davidson? Tariffs even the playing field.


WASHINGTON, April 1— In an unusually strong protectionist action, President Reagan today ordered a tenfold increase in tariffs for imported heavyweight motorycles.

The impact of Mr. Reagan's action, which followed the unanimous recommendation of his trade advisers, is effectively limited to Japanese manufacturers, which dominate every sector of the American motorycycle market.

The action was exceptional for protecting a single American company, the Harley-Davidson Motor Company of Milwaukee, the sole surviving American maker of motorcycles.

The only comparable trade action by this Administration, the President's decision last May to impose quotas on sugar imports for the first time since 1974, was aimed at an entire industry.
Now if he could just come up with some plans to do that without causing trade wars and the loss of every ally we have, we'll be all set.

Do you mean like Reagan did to save Harley-Davidson? Tariffs even the playing field.


WASHINGTON, April 1— In an unusually strong protectionist action, President Reagan today ordered a tenfold increase in tariffs for imported heavyweight motorycles.

The impact of Mr. Reagan's action, which followed the unanimous recommendation of his trade advisers, is effectively limited to Japanese manufacturers, which dominate every sector of the American motorycycle market.

The action was exceptional for protecting a single American company, the Harley-Davidson Motor Company of Milwaukee, the sole surviving American maker of motorcycles.

The only comparable trade action by this Administration, the President's decision last May to impose quotas on sugar imports for the first time since 1974, was aimed at an entire industry.

I would disagree with such action, and your claim that it leveled the playing field.

How is punishing the other team, leveling the playing field?

So you are great chess player, and I suck. So to "level the playing field", I'm going to ban you from having rooks and bishops. That's "leveling the playing field"?

We're going to run the 50 yard dash. But I'm kinda slow, so instead of working out more, losing weight, or training hard.... I'm going to ask the official to make you run 60 yards.... you know... to "level the playing field" a bit.

You people..... Asking the judge (government) to punish others, is not leveling the playing field.
Now if he could just come up with some plans to do that without causing trade wars and the loss of every ally we have, we'll be all set.

Do you mean like Reagan did to save Harley-Davidson? Tariffs even the playing field.


WASHINGTON, April 1— In an unusually strong protectionist action, President Reagan today ordered a tenfold increase in tariffs for imported heavyweight motorycles.

The impact of Mr. Reagan's action, which followed the unanimous recommendation of his trade advisers, is effectively limited to Japanese manufacturers, which dominate every sector of the American motorycycle market.

The action was exceptional for protecting a single American company, the Harley-Davidson Motor Company of Milwaukee, the sole surviving American maker of motorcycles.

The only comparable trade action by this Administration, the President's decision last May to impose quotas on sugar imports for the first time since 1974, was aimed at an entire industry.

I would disagree with such action, and your claim that it leveled the playing field.

How is punishing the other team, leveling the playing field?

So you are great chess player, and I suck. So to "level the playing field", I'm going to ban you from having rooks and bishops. That's "leveling the playing field"?

We're going to run the 50 yard dash. But I'm kinda slow, so instead of working out more, losing weight, or training hard.... I'm going to ask the official to make you run 60 yards.... you know... to "level the playing field" a bit.

You people..... Asking the judge (government) to punish others, is not leveling the playing field.

So you have to compete with third world nations that basically have slave labor, what do you do? Let your industry fall so that those remaining can get cheap slave labor products? If the US is going to demand certain benefits and pay, then how can any company compete with countries that demand nothing? Is that right for either country?

You are going to compete in a 50-yard dash, there is a 20 mph wind. You opponent gets to run down wind you run up-wind. Fair right?
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.
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In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

The guy with the ties from China? The one whose hats are made by "rapists"?

Did you just fall off a turnip truck? In Rump's worldview Donald T. Rump comes first, last, and everywhere in between. It's always been that way and we have absolutely no indication whatsoever that it will not always be so.

Yes, in such contrast to Hillary Clinton.

Uhh... yeah I guess. Actually in such contrast to, oh, the entire rest of the human race.

Need a clue? Here ya go.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
... If you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.

At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. <<​

--- Sound like anybody you've heard of lately?

Ya.. My new puppy. That dang thing DEMANDS to be the center of attention.
In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

The guy with the ties from China? The one whose hats are made by "rapists"?

Did you just fall off a turnip truck? In Rump's worldview Donald T. Rump comes first, last, and everywhere in between. It's always been that way and we have absolutely no indication whatsoever that it will not always be so.

Yes, in such contrast to Hillary Clinton.

Uhh... yeah I guess. Actually in such contrast to, oh, the entire rest of the human race.

Need a clue? Here ya go.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
... If you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.

At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. <<​

--- Sound like anybody you've heard of lately?

Ya.. My new puppy. That dang thing DEMANDS to be the center of attention.

Ah, but when you correct it for chewing on your shoes, does the puppy run to Woofer-Twitter and post 137 pathetic whining tweets howling about how "my human's a loser"?
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

So how are Hillary or Bernie any different? If anything, Hillary is far worse. She's been after the job since she was in college.
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

So how are Hillary or Bernie any different? If anything, Hillary is far worse. She's been after the job since she was in college.

The same way most human beings are different --- they don't go around endlessly bloviating about how whatever they have is the biggest, bestest, most gold-plated in the world, they don't have bankruptcies that they then turn around and deny ever happened, and they don't melt into a diaper-rash puddle of prepubescent twitter whining any time somebody dares not to grovel for them.

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