In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

So how are Hillary or Bernie any different? If anything, Hillary is far worse. She's been after the job since she was in college.

The same way most human beings are different --- they don't go around endlessly bloviating about how whatever they have is the biggest, bestest, most gold-plated in the world, they don't have bankruptcies that they then turn around and deny ever happened, and they don't melt into a diaper-rash puddle of prepubescent twitter whining any time somebody dares not to grovel for them.

Your original complaint was that Trump wasn't patriotic, that he was power hungry and that he craves attention. When it was pointed out that your chosen candidate is no better on these issues, you started bleating about Trump's style.

It would be far easier for you to admit that you're a yuge hypocrite and that you really don't give a crap about any of the issues you original whined about.
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

So how are Hillary or Bernie any different? If anything, Hillary is far worse. She's been after the job since she was in college.

The same way most human beings are different --- they don't go around endlessly bloviating about how whatever they have is the biggest, bestest, most gold-plated in the world, they don't have bankruptcies that they then turn around and deny ever happened, and they don't melt into a diaper-rash puddle of prepubescent twitter whining any time somebody dares not to grovel for them.

Your original complaint was that Trump wasn't patriotic, that he was power hungry and that he craves attention. When it was pointed out that your chosen candidate is no better on these issues, you started bleating about Trump's style.

It would be far easier for you to admit that you're a yuge hypocrite and that you really don't give a crap about any of the issues you original whined about.

No, Finger boy. I had no "complaint"; my original point was the psychological profile of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The bit about "patriotic" was brought up just in the last few posts by Ray from Cleveland. Perhaps you should learn to read before traversing the dangerous waters of exotic terms like "yuge".
The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

So how are Hillary or Bernie any different? If anything, Hillary is far worse. She's been after the job since she was in college.

The same way most human beings are different --- they don't go around endlessly bloviating about how whatever they have is the biggest, bestest, most gold-plated in the world, they don't have bankruptcies that they then turn around and deny ever happened, and they don't melt into a diaper-rash puddle of prepubescent twitter whining any time somebody dares not to grovel for them.

Your original complaint was that Trump wasn't patriotic, that he was power hungry and that he craves attention. When it was pointed out that your chosen candidate is no better on these issues, you started bleating about Trump's style.

It would be far easier for you to admit that you're a yuge hypocrite and that you really don't give a crap about any of the issues you original whined about.

No, Finger boy. I had no "complaint"; my original point was the psychological profile of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The bit about "patriotic" was brought up just in the last few posts by Ray from Cleveland. Perhaps you should learn to read before traversing the dangerous waters of exotic terms like "yuge".

So now you're just outright lying about what you said in your post. That's why arguing with douche bag leftists is such a waste of time: they lie even about what everyone can see with their own eyes.
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

There is no money while being President. There's tons of money afterwards. Was DumBama a millionaire before he got to the White House or while he was living there? How much you want to bet that after he leaves, he will be hitting the circuit and charging at least 150K to give speeches?

If you believe queen Hillary, she and her husband were dead broke when his two terms were up. Today they are part of the 1% club and have been for quite a while.

Trump has had plenty of power before he even considered running. Money has a way of buying power you know. Even Trump admitted it himself. He said the reason he passed money around to politicians is because that's the only way to be successful in business. He's dealt with and has been part of the corruption. It's about time somebody wanted to do something about it.
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

There is no money while being President. There's tons of money afterwards. Was DumBama a millionaire before he got to the White House or while he was living there? How much you want to bet that after he leaves, he will be hitting the circuit and charging at least 150K to give speeches?

If you believe queen Hillary, she and her husband were dead broke when his two terms were up. Today they are part of the 1% club and have been for quite a while.

Trump has had plenty of power before he even considered running. Money has a way of buying power you know. Even Trump admitted it himself. He said the reason he passed money around to politicians is because that's the only way to be successful in business. He's dealt with and has been part of the corruption. It's about time somebody wanted to do something about it.

I basically don't disagree with any of that. It confirms what I'm saying. Rump isn't after the salary and really isn't after the power, which is the usual draw. He's after the attention, which is what everyone with NPD thrives on. In fact for his purposes he's achieved what he's after right now, during the campaign, with its daily buzz following him around as his adolescent ego demands. Once a POTUS is in office that attention plateaus and becomes routine.

He's far more interested in the campaign phase than the job, since the latter involves actual work rather than bloviating pandering. For a clown who's a master at the latter and who's had no experience at the former, that's a no-brainer.

I have no doubt he's got an exit plan to evade actually getting the job, even if it involves allowing party infighting to proceed to exclude him. That's even better, since it allows him to run one of his favorite acts, playing the victim. Because that means even more attention.

He's like a crack whore. he's literally addicted. And no matter how much fix he ever gets, it will never be "enough".
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

There is no money while being President. There's tons of money afterwards. Was DumBama a millionaire before he got to the White House or while he was living there? How much you want to bet that after he leaves, he will be hitting the circuit and charging at least 150K to give speeches?

If you believe queen Hillary, she and her husband were dead broke when his two terms were up. Today they are part of the 1% club and have been for quite a while.

Trump has had plenty of power before he even considered running. Money has a way of buying power you know. Even Trump admitted it himself. He said the reason he passed money around to politicians is because that's the only way to be successful in business. He's dealt with and has been part of the corruption. It's about time somebody wanted to do something about it.

I basically don't disagree with any of that. It confirms what I'm saying. Rump isn't after the salary and really isn't after the power, which is the usual draw. He's after the attention, which is what everyone with NPD thrives on. In fact for his purposes he's achieved what he's after right now, during the campaign, with its daily buzz following him around as his adolescent ego demands. Once a POTUS is in office that attention plateaus and becomes routine.

He's far more interested in the campaign phase than the job, since the latter involves actual work rather than bloviating pandering. For a clown who's a master at the latter and who's had no experience at the former, that's a no-brainer.

I have no doubt he's got an exit plan to evade actually getting the job, even if it involves allowing party infighting to proceed to exclude him. That's even better, since it allows him to run one of his favorite acts, playing the victim. Because that means even more attention.

He's like a crack whore. he's literally addicted. And no matter how much fix he ever gets, it will never be "enough".
You think trump doesnt know about hard work. Youre ignorant.
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

There is no money while being President. There's tons of money afterwards. Was DumBama a millionaire before he got to the White House or while he was living there? How much you want to bet that after he leaves, he will be hitting the circuit and charging at least 150K to give speeches?

If you believe queen Hillary, she and her husband were dead broke when his two terms were up. Today they are part of the 1% club and have been for quite a while.

Trump has had plenty of power before he even considered running. Money has a way of buying power you know. Even Trump admitted it himself. He said the reason he passed money around to politicians is because that's the only way to be successful in business. He's dealt with and has been part of the corruption. It's about time somebody wanted to do something about it.

I basically don't disagree with any of that. It confirms what I'm saying. Rump isn't after the salary and really isn't after the power, which is the usual draw. He's after the attention, which is what everyone with NPD thrives on. In fact for his purposes he's achieved what he's after right now, during the campaign, with its daily buzz following him around as his adolescent ego demands. Once a POTUS is in office that attention plateaus and becomes routine.

He's far more interested in the campaign phase than the job, since the latter involves actual work rather than bloviating pandering. For a clown who's a master at the latter and who's had no experience at the former, that's a no-brainer.

I have no doubt he's got an exit plan to evade actually getting the job, even if it involves allowing party infighting to proceed to exclude him. That's even better, since it allows him to run one of his favorite acts, playing the victim. Because that means even more attention.

He's like a crack whore. he's literally addicted. And no matter how much fix he ever gets, it will never be "enough".

Okay, so why is Hillary running for President.........this should be good. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Trump has yet to show that Trump doesn't come 1st and all else are losers.

The man is a multi-billionarie. He's not only famous for that, but as an entertainer as well.

What does the Prez job pay today, something like 400K a year?

Trump spends that much money in less than a week at times. So to say that Trump has not demonstrated that he doesn't come first, he's doing so right now, because financially, he could be doing a lot better things than SPENDING money to get a never ending job that pays only 400K a year.

If elected, taking this job would be a huge sacrifice for him. For most people, being elected President would be a huge step up.

And to be honest, when he started all this, I don't think he took it all that seriously. He ran for the hell of it and perhaps pad his resume. But now that he sees the people calling him to duty, he's going to do his best to take that office and do what the people expect of him.

For most people that run for the office of President, it's all about selling books and making expensive speeches when it's all over. For Trump, it's a huge financial loss because of his patriotism.

Oh poster pleeeeze.

Rump's not after the job for its money. NOBODY goes after that job for its money. Virtually all of them are making more than that before they get there. And virtually all of them go after it for power.

Rump doesn't even possess the patriotism you or I have in our much-larger little fingers. He's after the same thing he's always been after, the same thing he's been after his entire life --- attention to Numero Uno. He's a pathological narcissist. And the one thing the job of POTUS offers besides power, is personal attention. You have to be willfully blind not to see it -- or worse, to delude yourself that suddenly after 70 years Rump is about to do a complete 180 and turn "patriot". That's absolutely absurd.

He's an egomaniacal self-serving asshole with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old, which is all he's ever been and all he ever will be. Pull your head out of the Kool-Aid and gasp some air already.

And fer chrissake, try to recognize naked pandering when it yells at you in a screechy-whiny voice while doing Mussolini impressions.

There is no money while being President. There's tons of money afterwards. Was DumBama a millionaire before he got to the White House or while he was living there? How much you want to bet that after he leaves, he will be hitting the circuit and charging at least 150K to give speeches?

If you believe queen Hillary, she and her husband were dead broke when his two terms were up. Today they are part of the 1% club and have been for quite a while.

Trump has had plenty of power before he even considered running. Money has a way of buying power you know. Even Trump admitted it himself. He said the reason he passed money around to politicians is because that's the only way to be successful in business. He's dealt with and has been part of the corruption. It's about time somebody wanted to do something about it.

I basically don't disagree with any of that. It confirms what I'm saying. Rump isn't after the salary and really isn't after the power, which is the usual draw. He's after the attention, which is what everyone with NPD thrives on. In fact for his purposes he's achieved what he's after right now, during the campaign, with its daily buzz following him around as his adolescent ego demands. Once a POTUS is in office that attention plateaus and becomes routine.

He's far more interested in the campaign phase than the job, since the latter involves actual work rather than bloviating pandering. For a clown who's a master at the latter and who's had no experience at the former, that's a no-brainer.

I have no doubt he's got an exit plan to evade actually getting the job, even if it involves allowing party infighting to proceed to exclude him. That's even better, since it allows him to run one of his favorite acts, playing the victim. Because that means even more attention.

He's like a crack whore. he's literally addicted. And no matter how much fix he ever gets, it will never be "enough".

Okay, so why is Hillary running for President.........this should be good. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I would guess glory and power. Same reason most candidates run.
And taking advantage of severe name recognition.

What's your point?

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