In Exchange With Heckler, Obama Admits Executive Amnesty Is Illegal; Says "I Just Changed The Law"

Post it alll you want, Steve.

You are wrong.

Pres just stated what he did was legal.

You can keep your healthcare...Period....
Post it 10 more times, it doesn't answer the questions I asked.

yes I DOES ... you're just to thick skulled to understand Executive Orders ... aka Legislating a law.


can issue executive orders, which have the force of law but do not have to be approved by congress.

if that isn't legislation you tell me what is.

And what happens if the legislative branch refuses to agree with it...what is the consequences, if any. I see Congress can refuse to fund any of the POTUS E.O.'s and he can't do shit about that your understanding, or can you find a LAW and penalty for that?

This EO is untouchable.

The funding is self financing and can't be touched by Congress.

The element of protecting the border is executive.

So now you Leftards think that Congress doesn't control the budget? Have any of you twerps ever actually read the constitution?
Congress may directly affect the Order by amending, nullifying, repealing, revoking, or terminating the authority on which it is founded.

an EO carries the same weight as a law.

so where are the Congressmen if, in fact, the POTUS did break the law.

oh that's right, eating Crow ... errrrr Turkey for Thanksgiving. Apparently they aren't too damn worried about it are they ... partisan RW hacks on the other hand are having a stroke over it.
Congress can't touche the EO financially because it is self funding under executive control.
mike, the EO is self funding from fees.

Congress can't touch that, because it does not fund it.

Read the document, please.
why would Congress even entertain the notion of defunding the budget when they are the ones who agreed on the $$ set in said budget?

the POTUS can disagree with Congress and not sign the budget ...

The End
why would Congress even entertain the notion of defunding the budget when they are the ones who agreed on the $$ set in said budget?

Actually, a budget hasn't been passed in 5 years because of Harry Reid who lost his job because he is an evil slob. Harry Reid has lost his stupid job as the world's most evil slob.
The budget won a solid majority in the Senate, with 64 Senators approving, including nine republicans. The bill was met with even great enthusiasm in the House, with solid majorities of both parties supporting it, 332-94. The deal sets spending levels through 2015, and restores many of the non-mandatory spending cuts that came as a result of the Budget Control Act of 2011.

don't tell anyone, especially Cruz.
Congress can't touche the EO financially because it is self funding under executive control.

I keep seeing this but would like one of you geniuses to tell, or show us how an E.O. is financially self funding, since all funds originate with THE PEOPLE, and are controlled by Congress!
Post it alll you want, Steve.

You are wrong.

Pres just stated what he did was legal.

You can keep your healthcare...Period....
Post it 10 more times, it doesn't answer the questions I asked.

yes I DOES ... you're just to thick skulled to understand Executive Orders ... aka Legislating a law.


can issue executive orders, which have the force of law but do not have to be approved by congress.

if that isn't legislation you tell me what is.

And what happens if the legislative branch refuses to agree with it...what is the consequences, if any. I see Congress can refuse to fund any of the POTUS E.O.'s and he can't do shit about that your understanding, or can you find a LAW and penalty for that?

This EO is untouchable.

The funding is self financing and can't be touched by Congress.

The element of protecting the border is executive.

two idiots ^
You are certainly enough idiot to be two, I agree.

Now, on the OP: did Obama say he changed the law?
Is the president allowed to change laws?

The Constitution, Executive Powers.

how many times do I have to tell EVERY IDIOT on this board THAT ????

DAMN RW's are DUMB DUMB and getting DUMBER.
Thats not an answer.
Is the president allowed to change laws? Yes or no.
Congress can't touche the EO financially because it is self funding under executive control.

I keep seeing this but would like one of you geniuses to tell, or show us how an E.O. is financially self funding, since all funds originate with THE PEOPLE, and are controlled by Congress!

Because they are collected from the immigrants and expended on the EO's system.

Congress has nothing to do with this, because it is not Taxes.
The president has authorized ot issue EOs.

The fees are not taxes originating with Congress.

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