In honor of Black History month

Walter E. Williams


Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dr. Walter E. Williams holds a B.A. in economics from California State University, Los Angeles, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics from UCLA. He also holds a Doctor of Humane Letters from Virginia Union University and Grove City College, Doctor of Laws from Washington and Jefferson College and Doctor Honoris Causa en Ciencias Sociales from Universidad Francisco Marroquin, in Guatemala, where he is also Professor Honorario.

Dr. Williams has served on the faculty of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics, since 1980; from 1995 to 2001, he served as department chairman. He has also served on the faculties of Los Angeles City College, California State University Los Angeles, and Temple University in Philadelphia, and Grove City College, Grove City, Pa.

Dr. Williams is the author of over 150 publications which have appeared in scholarly journals such as Economic Inquiry, American Economic Review, Georgia Law Review, Journal of Labor Economics, Social Science Quarterly, and Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy and popular publications such as Newsweek, Ideas on Liberty, National Review, Reader's Digest, Cato Journal, and Policy Review. He has authored ten books: America: A Minority Viewpoint, The State Against Blacks, which was later made into the PBS documentary "Good Intentions," All It Takes Is Guts, South Africa's War Against Capitalism, which was later revised for South African publication, Do the Right Thing: The People's Economist Speaks, More Liberty Means Less Government, Liberty vs. the Tyranny of Socialism, Up From The Projects: An Autobiography, and Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed On Discrimination?
Writing career

Williams has written ten books and hundreds of articles. His syndicated column is published weekly in approximately 140 newspapers across the United States, as well as on several web sites by Creators Syndicate. He also wrote and hosted documentaries for PBS in 1985. The "Good Intentions" documentary was based on his book The State Against Blacks.
Economic and political views

As an economist, Williams is a proponent of free market economics and opposes socialist systems of government intervention. "I praise lassez-faire capitalism as being the most moral and most productive system man has ever devised. Capitalism is relatively new in human history. Prior to capitalism, the way people amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man."[not in citation given] In advancing these theories, Williams has said "That's a challenge I love: making economics fun and understandable."

In the mid-to-late 1970s Williams conducted research into the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 and on the impact of minimum wage laws on minority employment. His research led him to conclude the government's interventional programs were harmful. Among those state programs Williams was critical of were minimum wage and affirmative action laws, stating both practices inhibit liberty and are detrimental to the blacks they are intended to help. He published his results in his 1982 book The State Against Blacks, where he argued that laws regulating economic activity are far greater obstacles to economic progress for blacks than racial bigotry and discrimination.[8] Subsequently Williams has spoken on the topic and penned a number of articles detailing his view that increases in the minimum wage price low skill workers out of the market, eliminating their opportunities for employment.Williams believes that racism and the legacy of slavery in the United States are overemphasized as problems faced by the black community today. He points to the crippling effects of a welfare state and the disintegration of the black family as more pressing concerns. "The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do, and that is to destroy the black family"[8] Though in favor of equal access to government institutions such as court houses, city halls and libraries, Williams opposes anti-discrimination laws directed at the private sector on the grounds that such laws infringe upon the people's right of freedom of association.

Williams views gun control laws as a governmental infringement upon the rights of individuals, and argues that they end up endangering the innocent while failing to reduce crime.[19] Williams also makes the argument that the true proof of whether or not an individual owns something is whether or not they have the right to sell it. Taking this argument to its conclusion, he supports legalization of selling one's own bodily organs. He argues that government prohibiting the selling of one's bodily organs is an infringement upon one's property rights, asking "If I don't own my organs, please tell me who does?"

Regarding Federalism, Williams is in favor of power being in the hands of the states, with limited powers being held by the Federal government. He notes this was the design of the nation's founding documents, which were largely undermined by the events of the civil war.

"The War between the States settled by force whether states could secede. Once it was established that states cannot secede, the federal government, abetted by a Supreme Court unwilling to hold it to its constitutional restraints, was able to run amok over states’ rights, so much so that the protections of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments mean little or nothing today. Not only did the war lay the foundation for eventual nullification or weakening of basic constitutional protections against central government abuses, but it also laid to rest the great principle enunciated in the Declaration of Independence that 'Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.'"

In light of the founding documents, Williams concludes it is the right of U.S. states to secede from the union if they so wish, as several states attempted to do during the Civil War.[24] He has gone on record as advocating the Free State Project in at least two columns and once on television. The Williams endorsement correlated with the largest single membership jump in the first 5000 phase of the project, a jump even higher than the results of the project being Slashdotted.

Williams believes programs such as affirmative action and minimum wage laws set up to aide minorities have, in fact, been harmful to them and stifled their ability to advance in society. "Affirmative action has led to, I believe, many Black people expecting favors from the system and not working as hard as they otherwise would. That is, if you know that you can get into college because of affirmative action—or some people call it diversity nowadays—well then why work as hard in high school? So it might undermine some of the spirit of people. And I think that the basic premise of those who advocate affirmative action is that the problems that Black Americans face today are the result of racial discrimination." In reaction to what he viewed as inappropriate racial sensitivity that he saw hurting blacks in higher education, Williams began in the 1970s to offer colleagues a "certificate of amnesty and pardon" to all white people for Western Civilization's sins against blacks – and "thus obliged them not to act like damn fools in their relationships with Americans of African ancestry." He still offers it to anyone. The certificate can be obtained at his website.

Williams is opposed to the Federal Reserve System. He has also compared U.S. monetary policy to "counterfeiting":"Knowing the dangers posed by central banks, we might ask whether our country needs the Federal Reserve Bank. Whenever I'm told that we need this or that government program, I always ask what we did before. It turns out that we did without a central bank from 1836, when President Andrew Jackson closed the Second Bank of the United States, to 1913 when Federal Reserve Act was written. During that interval, we prospered and became one of the world's major economic powers

Walter E. Williams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I agree BHM should not be needed but until the correct version of history is taught in schools it is the only way to somewhat educate all children about the Black people of note in history. I personally do not see anything wrong with people seeing color or different ethnicities. How boring would it be if everyone was the same?
Many years ago, I took a course in civil war history. The professor began the class with a statement that to understand civil war history, you must first understand American history otherwise you're pulling the subject matter out of context. I believe it is much the same with black history. Studying black history without America history as a foundation is like studying Calculus without first mastering Algebra.

I'll even take it a step further. You cant understand American history if you don't understand World history and the staggering part Black African history and the Roman Catholic Church played in establishing the current status we are working with.
I think black history can be a good course of study for all students, however most students do not have room in their schedules for a separate course. I believe American history texts that integrate black history should be the mainstay. I looked at my granddaughter's American history text and it seem to do a good job.
Scott Joplin in a Piano Duel ---Scott Joplin 1977 Universal Studios ---

[ame=]Scott Joplin Movie Dueling Pianos Competition Scene - 1977 - YouTube[/ame]
Wow! Who is that?

I don't know but she definitely brings a warm feeling to Black history. Absolutely breathtaking.

I found her!!! Good lord if that didn't take some SERIOUS digging. She is a 22 y/o New York model named Brianna Michelle.

I found her on the site, figured somebody was just using her pic, but no - it actually is her. - Brianna Michelle - Model - Brooklyn, New York, US

The picture you found is on the main page, and you click through to her page. She's on the right-hand side, I hit page down eight times, and she was at the top (the very picture we were searching for here.)

I love detective work!!

/injured, patting self on back with both hands


Here is an "attagirl" from me. Now I'm off to see if she has a fan!
So...who wants to show support for our brothers and sisters of the human race and sport a great Avie in their honor? Pretty sure there are blacks here. And they ARE a member of this board and are part of this disfunctional family, lol.

AND PLEASE don't make it a flame thread if you have a problem with Blacks.
Thanks in advance.
I actually think it is hilarious how many fools have already changed their avatars.
Do they not know that Black History Month is February?
We can kind of identify the idiots by the ones that have already changed their avatar when you were proposing something for next month, not this month.
So...who wants to show support for our brothers and sisters of the human race and sport a great Avie in their honor? Pretty sure there are blacks here. And they ARE a member of this board and are part of this disfunctional family, lol.

AND PLEASE don't make it a flame thread if you have a problem with Blacks.
Thanks in advance.
I actually think it is hilarious how many fools have already changed their avatars.
Do they not know that Black History Month is February?
We can kind of identify the idiots by the ones that have already changed their avatar when you were proposing something for next month, not this month.

Well, I guess I am an idiotic fool then. How will I ever live??? Oh my. (eye roll). I didn't know it was for Feb, nor cared. Most already knew and said so in the beginnings of this thread. And again, I didn't care.
Ok, I'm game... maybe not until the end of February tho.

This is my dear friend Harvey whom I've known for 30 years. He's a public defender and a damn good one. Married an awesome gal and has two gorgeous daughters.

Harvey has taken quite ill lately. So... in his honor. :thup:
So...who wants to show support for our brothers and sisters of the human race and sport a great Avie in their honor? Pretty sure there are blacks here. And they ARE a member of this board and are part of this disfunctional family, lol.

AND PLEASE don't make it a flame thread if you have a problem with Blacks.
Thanks in advance.
I actually think it is hilarious how many fools have already changed their avatars.
Do they not know that Black History Month is February?
We can kind of identify the idiots by the ones that have already changed their avatar when you were proposing something for next month, not this month.

Well, I guess I am an idiotic fool then. How will I ever live??? Oh my. (eye roll). I didn't know it was for Feb, nor cared. Most already knew and said so in the beginnings of this thread. And again, I didn't care.

The Op title says, "In honor of Black History month", Black History Month is February. And now you admit that you didn't even know what month this important event occurs in. Yes, that makes you a fool. The fact that you don't care just makes you seem more idiotic and foolish. How about if you randomly promote avatar changing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in April to continue your display of ignorance.
I actually think it is hilarious how many fools have already changed their avatars.
Do they not know that Black History Month is February?
We can kind of identify the idiots by the ones that have already changed their avatar when you were proposing something for next month, not this month.

Well, I guess I am an idiotic fool then. How will I ever live??? Oh my. (eye roll). I didn't know it was for Feb, nor cared. Most already knew and said so in the beginnings of this thread. And again, I didn't care.

The Op title says, "In honor of Black History month", Black History Month is February. And now you admit that you didn't even know what month this important event occurs in. Yes, that makes you a fool. The fact that you don't care just makes you seem more idiotic and foolish. How about if you randomly promote avatar changing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in April to continue your display of ignorance.

Do super moderators make habit of calling members of this board idiotic and foolish when they are trying to honor an event and are not being obnoxious or mean?
I don't know what crawled up your ass, but you are the one looking foolish about now, and you are representing this board as a super moderator.
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Yes, black history month is February but many have changed their avatars early. Who cares? That does not make them foolish or idiotic.

I guess you are calling a large number of folks here foolish and idiotic.

I could see it if it were a trolling thread or an insulting thread. I started it with good intentions.

And for that matter, yes. I would like to start a Breast Cancer Awareness thread in April. I also know it is supposed to be October, but if folks wait too long, October may be too late to catch it early. Guess that makes me an idiot and a fool as well.

Yes. I am totally pissed off right now.
I could see it if it were a trolling thread or an insulting thread. I started it with good intentions.

And for that matter, yes. I would like to start a Breast Cancer Awareness thread in April. I also know it is supposed to be October, but if folks wait too long, October may be too late to catch it early. Guess that makes me an idiot and a fool as well.

Yes. I am totally pissed off right now.

Perhaps you should start one in the History forum. Less people come to the History to flame. But then again, less people come to the history forum than just about any other in the US Discussion section.
Well, I guess I am an idiotic fool then. How will I ever live??? Oh my. (eye roll). I didn't know it was for Feb, nor cared. Most already knew and said so in the beginnings of this thread. And again, I didn't care.

The Op title says, "In honor of Black History month", Black History Month is February. And now you admit that you didn't even know what month this important event occurs in. Yes, that makes you a fool. The fact that you don't care just makes you seem more idiotic and foolish. How about if you randomly promote avatar changing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in April to continue your display of ignorance.

Do super moderators make habit of calling members of this board idiotic and foolish when they are trying to honor an event and are not being obnoxious or mean?
I don't know what crawled up your ass, but you are the one looking foolish about now, and you are representing this board as a super moderator.

I could see it if it were a trolling thread or an insulting thread. I started it with good intentions.

And for that matter, yes. I would like to start a Breast Cancer Awareness thread in April. I also know it is supposed to be October, but if folks wait too long, October may be too late to catch it early. Guess that makes me an idiot and a fool as well.

Yes. I am totally pissed off right now.

Perhaps you should start one in the History forum. Less people come to the History to flame. But then again, less people come to the history forum than just about any other in the US Discussion section.

Maybe I will wait until June to do a BHM since I am too stupid to realize it is for Feb...nor care.

Yes, I am still pissed off. Makes me glad I have not donated since there is nothing more speshul than to pay and then get dissed. And since I have not paid, I guess I am open game for a SUPER MOD to insult me and my intentions.
If only she would run :( If I were forced to describe the perfect woman, It would be Condi Rice. We will never again see such an intellectual powerhouse in the Secretary of State post.

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