In honor of Black History month

African American Medical Pioneers: Daniel Hale Williams (1856-1931)


The son of a barber, Daniel Hale Williams founded the first black-owned hospital in America, and performed the world's first successful heart surgery, in 1893. Williams was born in 1858 in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, the fifth of seven children. After his father died, his mother, Sara Price Williams, moved the family several times. Young Daniel started as a shoemaker, but quickly knew he wanted more education. He completed secondary school in Wisconsin. At age 20, Williams became an apprentice to a former surgeon general for Wisconsin. Williams studied medicine at Chicago Medical College.

After his internship, he went into private practice in an integrated neighborhood on Chicago's south side. He soon began teaching anatomy at Chicago Medical College and served as surgeon to the City Railway Company. In 1889, the governor of Illinois appointed him to the state's board of health.

Determined that Chicago should have a hospital where both black and white doctors could study and where black nurses could receive training, Williams rallied for a hospital open to all races. After months of hard work, he opened Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses on May 4, 1891, the country's first interracial hospital and nursing school.

One hot summer night in 1893, a young Chicagoan named James Cornish was stabbed in the chest and rushed to Provident. When Cornish started to go into shock, Williams suspected a deeper wound near the heart. He asked six doctors (four white, two black) to observe while he operated. In a cramped operating room with crude anesthesia, Williams inspected the wound between two ribs, exposing the breastbone. He cut the rib cartilage and created a small trapdoor to the heart.

Underneath, he found a damaged left internal mammary artery and sutured it. Then, inspecting the pericardium (the sac around the heart) he saw that the knife had left a gash near the right coronary artery. With the heart beating and transfusion impossible, Williams rinsed the wound with salt solution, held the edges of the palpitating wound with forceps, and sewed them together. Just 51 days after his apparently lethal wound, James Cornish walked out of the hospital. He lived for over 20 years after the surgery. The landmark operation was hailed in the press.

In 1894, Dr. Williams became chief surgeon of Freedmen's Hospital in Washington, D.C., the most prestigious medical post available to African Americans then. There, he made improvements that reduced the hospital's mortality rate

American Experience | Partners of the Heart | Early Years
So...who wants to show support for our brothers and sisters of the human race and sport a great Avie in their honor? Pretty sure there are blacks here. And they ARE a member of this board and are part of this disfunctional family, lol.

AND PLEASE don't make it a flame thread if you have a problem with Blacks.
Thanks in advance.
I actually think it is hilarious how many fools have already changed their avatars.
Do they not know that Black History Month is February?
We can kind of identify the idiots by the ones that have already changed their avatar when you were proposing something for next month, not this month.

Who cares what month it is? I celebrate it everyday. What kind of clown restricts giving honor to people because of some arbitrary time slot?
Okay, among famous people who happen to have black skin and who I admire, there are many I would be thrilled to go hear and most especially to meet over a long, leisurely dinner. Some have already been featured here, but I would especially enjoy some time with this lady and get inside her head to see how it came to be that we are such soul sisters. Sorry that the promo is overly political, but her book really is special:

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So...who wants to show support for our brothers and sisters of the human race and sport a great Avie in their honor? Pretty sure there are blacks here. And they ARE a member of this board and are part of this disfunctional family, lol.

AND PLEASE don't make it a flame thread if you have a problem with Blacks.
Thanks in advance.
I actually think it is hilarious how many fools have already changed their avatars.
Do they not know that Black History Month is February?
We can kind of identify the idiots by the ones that have already changed their avatar when you were proposing something for next month, not this month.

What could possibly have motivated you to post that? :confused:
So...who wants to show support for our brothers and sisters of the human race and sport a great Avie in their honor? Pretty sure there are blacks here. And they ARE a member of this board and are part of this disfunctional family, lol.

AND PLEASE don't make it a flame thread if you have a problem with Blacks.
Thanks in advance.
I actually think it is hilarious how many fools have already changed their avatars.
Do they not know that Black History Month is February?
We can kind of identify the idiots by the ones that have already changed their avatar when you were proposing something for next month, not this month.

What could possibly have motivated you to post that? :confused:

I have to admit I did wonder the same thing. Not that I thought anyone is an idiot but its still January
This is a guy who used AA to get into college then decided to close the door after getting his. A sellout, uncle tom of the highest order. Let me know when he gives his education back to stand behind his words.

He was a victim of it. Use your brain
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This is a guy who used AA to get into college then decided to close the door after getting his. A sellout, uncle tom of the highest order. Let me know when he gives his education back to stand behind his words.

He did not USE AA to get into college. In his day in that culture he may indeed have benefitted from policy that encouraged diversity, but it did not put the lesser qualified at the head of the line ahead of the more qualified. There is zero evidence that he would not have been admitted to Yale if he had been white. Such is leftist propaganda leveled at a man for no other reason than he is black and opposes a leftist sacred cow.

The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which throws qualifications out the window and assigns access on skin color alone, i.e. racial quotas. The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which lowers standards so that black people can qualify. He sees that as a huge insult to black people and a policy that relegates blacks to inferior status because they aren't capable of taking their rightful place alongside 'whitey' unless whitey makes it easy for the black people. And it perpetuates the myth, such as Bumberclyde exhibits here, that black people just aren't as smart or capable as white people and can't qualify for good jobs without affirmative action.

Clarence Thomas is a great man with a great mind and is firmly grounded in reasoned common sense. He deserves to be applauded regardless of the color of his skin.

This is a guy who used AA to get into college then decided to close the door after getting his. A sellout, uncle tom of the highest order. Let me know when he gives his education back to stand behind his words.

He did not USE AA to get into college. In his day in that culture he may indeed have benefitted from policy that encouraged diversity, but it did not put the lesser qualified at the head of the line ahead of the more qualified. There is zero evidence that he would not have been admitted to Yale if he had been white. Such is leftist propaganda leveled at a man for no other reason than he is black and opposes a leftist sacred cow.

The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which throws qualifications out the window and assigns access on skin color alone, i.e. racial quotas. The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which lowers standards so that black people can qualify. He sees that as a huge insult to black people and a policy that relegates blacks to inferior status because they aren't capable of taking their rightful place alongside 'whitey' unless whitey makes it easy for the black people. And it perpetuates the myth, such as Bumberclyde exhibits here, that black people just aren't as smart or capable as white people and can't qualify for good jobs without affirmative action.

Clarence Thomas is a great man with a great mind and is firmly grounded in reasoned common sense. He deserves to be applauded regardless of the color of his skin.

I've never used AA so you need to show me where the qualifications are lowered. Where do you see this? Clarence Thomas is a fool. A uncle tom that dances for the white power structure. To be educated he has a severe lack of knowledge regarding the ability to build an economic legacy that whites enjoyed during the time Blacks were enslaved and discriminated against. AA initially was supposed to close that 400 year gap but instead whites found a way to bring that opportunity into their homes via the white woman being the demographic that benefitted most from AA.
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This is a guy who used AA to get into college then decided to close the door after getting his. A sellout, uncle tom of the highest order. Let me know when he gives his education back to stand behind his words.

He did not USE AA to get into college. In his day in that culture he may indeed have benefitted from policy that encouraged diversity, but it did not put the lesser qualified at the head of the line ahead of the more qualified. There is zero evidence that he would not have been admitted to Yale if he had been white. Such is leftist propaganda leveled at a man for no other reason than he is black and opposes a leftist sacred cow.

The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which throws qualifications out the window and assigns access on skin color alone, i.e. racial quotas. The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which lowers standards so that black people can qualify. He sees that as a huge insult to black people and a policy that relegates blacks to inferior status because they aren't capable of taking their rightful place alongside 'whitey' unless whitey makes it easy for the black people. And it perpetuates the myth, such as Bumberclyde exhibits here, that black people just aren't as smart or capable as white people and can't qualify for good jobs without affirmative action.

Clarence Thomas is a great man with a great mind and is firmly grounded in reasoned common sense. He deserves to be applauded regardless of the color of his skin.

I've never used AA so you need to show me where the qualifications are lowered. Where do you see this? Clarence Thomas is a fool. A uncle tom that dances for the white power structure. To be educated he has a severe lack of knowledge regarding the ability to build an economic legacy that whites enjoyed during the time Blacks were enslaved and discriminated against. AA initially was supposed to close that 400 year gap but instead whites found a way to bring that opportunity into their homes via the white woman being the demographic that benefitted most from AA.

We'll just have to agree to disagree. And I can imagine that you feel that way about all conservative black people? For Star Parker, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, and many others who have become household names all agree with Thomas on affirmative action. And that leftist policies, including affirmative action, have done far more to prevent and discourage black advancement than they have helped. What any policy is supposed to do and what that policy actually does are often very different things.

So do you think I, a white woman, benefitted from affirmative action? I wouldn't have been able to qualify for any of the great jobs I've had if it wasn't for affirmative action? I would still be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen if it hadn't been for affirmative action? That I wouldn't have been advanced in my various careers without affirmative action? Do you see how insulting that is? Why a thinking black person wouldn't be equally insulted? How any person of character wants to be appreciated for his/her ability and accomplishments and not diminished because people think he/she only qualified because of some quota?

Affirmative Action was initially needed to break down cultural barriers and it indeed did accomplish that at the expense of the people who first got through the door. Those people rarely were allowed their rightful place in whatever organization but were always whispered about behind their back as being the 'affirmative action' people. But AA did break down those barriers. And then it should have been disbanded and allow people to compete on merit.
This is a guy who used AA to get into college then decided to close the door after getting his. A sellout, uncle tom of the highest order. Let me know when he gives his education back to stand behind his words.

He did not USE AA to get into college. In his day in that culture he may indeed have benefitted from policy that encouraged diversity, but it did not put the lesser qualified at the head of the line ahead of the more qualified. There is zero evidence that he would not have been admitted to Yale if he had been white. Such is leftist propaganda leveled at a man for no other reason than he is black and opposes a leftist sacred cow.

The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which throws qualifications out the window and assigns access on skin color alone, i.e. racial quotas. The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which lowers standards so that black people can qualify. He sees that as a huge insult to black people and a policy that relegates blacks to inferior status because they aren't capable of taking their rightful place alongside 'whitey' unless whitey makes it easy for the black people. And it perpetuates the myth, such as Bumberclyde exhibits here, that black people just aren't as smart or capable as white people and can't qualify for good jobs without affirmative action.

Clarence Thomas is a great man with a great mind and is firmly grounded in reasoned common sense. He deserves to be applauded regardless of the color of his skin.

I've never used AA so you need to show me where the qualifications are lowered. Where do you see this? Clarence Thomas is a fool. A uncle tom that dances for the white power structure. To be educated he has a severe lack of knowledge regarding the ability to build an economic legacy that whites enjoyed during the time Blacks were enslaved and discriminated against. AA initially was supposed to close that 400 year gap but instead whites found a way to bring that opportunity into their homes via the white woman being the demographic that benefitted most from AA.

I don't believe you.

Oh and you have obviously never read "Uncle Tom's Cabin".
The Op title says, "In honor of Black History month", Black History Month is February. And now you admit that you didn't even know what month this important event occurs in. Yes, that makes you a fool. The fact that you don't care just makes you seem more idiotic and foolish. How about if you randomly promote avatar changing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in April to continue your display of ignorance.

Do super moderators make habit of calling members of this board idiotic and foolish when they are trying to honor an event and are not being obnoxious or mean?
I don't know what crawled up your ass, but you are the one looking foolish about now, and you are representing this board as a super moderator.

Looks like they do.
He did not USE AA to get into college. In his day in that culture he may indeed have benefitted from policy that encouraged diversity, but it did not put the lesser qualified at the head of the line ahead of the more qualified. There is zero evidence that he would not have been admitted to Yale if he had been white. Such is leftist propaganda leveled at a man for no other reason than he is black and opposes a leftist sacred cow.

The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which throws qualifications out the window and assigns access on skin color alone, i.e. racial quotas. The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which lowers standards so that black people can qualify. He sees that as a huge insult to black people and a policy that relegates blacks to inferior status because they aren't capable of taking their rightful place alongside 'whitey' unless whitey makes it easy for the black people. And it perpetuates the myth, such as Bumberclyde exhibits here, that black people just aren't as smart or capable as white people and can't qualify for good jobs without affirmative action.

Clarence Thomas is a great man with a great mind and is firmly grounded in reasoned common sense. He deserves to be applauded regardless of the color of his skin.

I've never used AA so you need to show me where the qualifications are lowered. Where do you see this? Clarence Thomas is a fool. A uncle tom that dances for the white power structure. To be educated he has a severe lack of knowledge regarding the ability to build an economic legacy that whites enjoyed during the time Blacks were enslaved and discriminated against. AA initially was supposed to close that 400 year gap but instead whites found a way to bring that opportunity into their homes via the white woman being the demographic that benefitted most from AA.

We'll just have to agree to disagree. And I can imagine that you feel that way about all conservative black people? For Star Parker, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, and many others who have become household names all agree with Thomas on affirmative action. And that leftist policies, including affirmative action, have done far more to prevent and discourage black advancement than they have helped. What any policy is supposed to do and what that policy actually does are often very different things.

So do you think I, a white woman, benefitted from affirmative action? I wouldn't have been able to qualify for any of the great jobs I've had if it wasn't for affirmative action? I would still be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen if it hadn't been for affirmative action? That I wouldn't have been advanced in my various careers without affirmative action? Do you see how insulting that is? Why a thinking black person wouldn't be equally insulted? How any person of character wants to be appreciated for his/her ability and accomplishments and not diminished because people think he/she only qualified because of some quota?

Affirmative Action was initially needed to break down cultural barriers and it indeed did accomplish that at the expense of the people who first got through the door. Those people rarely were allowed their rightful place in whatever organization but were always whispered about behind their back as being the 'affirmative action' people. But AA did break down those barriers. And then it should have been disbanded and allow people to compete on merit.

Any Black person that disagrees with me on AA just has a different opinion. I have no issue with that. Clarence Thomas just happens to be a step and fetch it type of Black person. I despise that sort person because he is the same type of Black person that sold his own people to Europeans slave traders for money.

Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |

AA was created to bridge the gap created by preventing women access to jobs, slavery and Jim Crow. Civil Rights was created to break down barriers.
He did not USE AA to get into college. In his day in that culture he may indeed have benefitted from policy that encouraged diversity, but it did not put the lesser qualified at the head of the line ahead of the more qualified. There is zero evidence that he would not have been admitted to Yale if he had been white. Such is leftist propaganda leveled at a man for no other reason than he is black and opposes a leftist sacred cow.

The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which throws qualifications out the window and assigns access on skin color alone, i.e. racial quotas. The affirmative action Thomas opposes is that which lowers standards so that black people can qualify. He sees that as a huge insult to black people and a policy that relegates blacks to inferior status because they aren't capable of taking their rightful place alongside 'whitey' unless whitey makes it easy for the black people. And it perpetuates the myth, such as Bumberclyde exhibits here, that black people just aren't as smart or capable as white people and can't qualify for good jobs without affirmative action.

Clarence Thomas is a great man with a great mind and is firmly grounded in reasoned common sense. He deserves to be applauded regardless of the color of his skin.

I've never used AA so you need to show me where the qualifications are lowered. Where do you see this? Clarence Thomas is a fool. A uncle tom that dances for the white power structure. To be educated he has a severe lack of knowledge regarding the ability to build an economic legacy that whites enjoyed during the time Blacks were enslaved and discriminated against. AA initially was supposed to close that 400 year gap but instead whites found a way to bring that opportunity into their homes via the white woman being the demographic that benefitted most from AA.

I don't believe you.

Oh and you have obviously never read "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

Why would I care if you believe me convict? What does that book have to do with what I said?

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