In honor of obama's speech, the crimes of Imperial Japan.........

To paraphrase Jesus, it is not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles him, but what comes out.
Thank you (again).

And Jesus also said...
1 Samuel 15:3 'Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’
Japan is not a Western nation, so it was not judged as harshly as Germany was, which was a Christian nation, and should have known better than to start a world war and murder millions of people.
To paraphrase Jesus, it is not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles him, but what comes out.
Thank you (again).

And Jesus also said...
1 Samuel 15:3 'Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’
Oy, vey!
To paraphrase Jesus, it is not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles him, but what comes out.
Thank you (again).

And Jesus also said...
1 Samuel 15:3 'Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’
Oy, vey!
Yeah, it is no surprise you are allergic to Scripture.
There is no doubt the Japanese military committed horrible war crimes, but the A-bombings were also a war crime. There was little military activity in either city, which is why they had yet to be bombed. Truman choose to incinerate women, children, and old people. We Americans should not find this acceptable or admirable.

Politicians are the scum of the human race.
WWII Japan was the template for ISIS. No wonder Obama is apologizing.

Japan was horrible, so the U.S. is justified in being horrible, even though America claims to be a country of law and moral superiority. That is the definition of shifting morality to accommodate the situation; i.e., moral relativism. That is the theme of the o.p. The post quoted would seem to be off topic. are stupid......

Japan attacked the United States without provocation...murdering civilians and military personel.......and then during their continued attacks on the United States and our allies they violated every law created to protect civilians and soldiers during war, under the Geneva Conventioms........committing mass murder on captured prisoners, on civilian populations, and conducting illegal medical experiments on prisoners and civilians as bad as the ones conducted by the national socialists in Germany.....

Why is it you fucktards can let loose on only the national socialists.....but when it comes to the socialists in Japan.....and they were.........or the international can't bring any of your normal hate to bear on them....

And the Japanese were just as bad as the nazis....they were essentially the same actors during the war........
There is no doubt the Japanese military committed horrible war crimes, but the A-bombings were also a war crime. There was little military activity in either city, which is why they had yet to be bombed. Truman choose to incinerate women, children, and old people. We Americans should not find this acceptable or admirable.

Politicians are the scum of the human race.

Wrong.....both cities had military facilities and they were lucky he didn't target Tokyo.....

It is amazing how far our education system has gone to create people who cannot see the truth and reality in life....
There is no doubt the Japanese military committed horrible war crimes, but the A-bombings were also a war crime. There was little military activity in either city, which is why they had yet to be bombed. Truman choose to incinerate women, children, and old people. We Americans should not find this acceptable or admirable.

Politicians are the scum of the human race.

It took less than 5 seconds to determine the military aspects of guys have got to stop listening to left wing, anti American all left wingers...they lie.....they have to....the facts, the truth and reality never support their side of the the only thing they have is lying...

Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hiroshima was chosen as the first target due to its military and industrial values.

As a military target, Hiroshima was a major army base that housed the headquarters of the Japanese 5th Division and the 2nd Army Headquarters. It was also an important port in southern Japan and a communications center. The mountains surrounding Hiroshima also contributed to Hiroshima being among one of the top choices among the short list of potential targets, for that the mountains might contain the destructive forces of an atomic blast in the target area, increasing the level of destruction.

US Secretary of War Henry Stimson voiced successfully against the selection of Kyoto as a target, arguing that the city held cultural importance to the world; he also had a personal attachment to the city as he and his wife traveled to Kyoto on their honeymoon many years prior.

Prior to the bombing, the United States Army conducted many missions over Japanese cities that were composed of very few B-29 bombers. The purpose of such flights were to wear down the alertness of Japanese anti-aircraft defense crew, whether gunners or fighter pilots, so that when the atomic bomb attacks arrived, perhaps some of the Japanese would let their guards down.


The city of Nagasaki was one of the most important sea ports in southern Japan. Although it was not among the list of potential targets selected by Oppenheimer's committee, it was added later due to its significance as a major war production center for warships, munitions, and other equipment. This was the very reason why Sweeney hoped that Kokura would have clear weather for the attack, thus avoiding an attack on Nagasaki which housed a greater civilian population.

So...your whole post was completely, historically inaccurate.........both cities had military value and they tried to avoid hitting Nagasaki but had to because their original target was cloud covered and they needed the visual targeting for the bomb..........n ver, ever trust left anti Americans...
Last edited:
There is no doubt the Japanese military committed horrible war crimes, but the A-bombings were also a war crime. There was little military activity in either city, which is why they had yet to be bombed. Truman choose to incinerate women, children, and old people. We Americans should not find this acceptable or admirable.

Politicians are the scum of the human race.

It took less than 5 seconds to determine the military aspects of guys have got to stop listening to left wing, anti American all left wingers...they lie.....they have to....the facts, the truth and reality never support their side of the the only thing they have is lying...

Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hiroshima was chosen as the first target due to its military and industrial values.

As a military target, Hiroshima was a major army base that housed the headquarters of the Japanese 5th Division and the 2nd Army Headquarters. It was also an important port in southern Japan and a communications center. The mountains surrounding Hiroshima also contributed to Hiroshima being among one of the top choices among the short list of potential targets, for that the mountains might contain the destructive forces of an atomic blast in the target area, increasing the level of destruction.

US Secretary of War Henry Stimson voiced successfully against the selection of Kyoto as a target, arguing that the city held cultural importance to the world; he also had a personal attachment to the city as he and his wife traveled to Kyoto on their honeymoon many years prior.

Prior to the bombing, the United States Army conducted many missions over Japanese cities that were composed of very few B-29 bombers. The purpose of such flights were to wear down the alertness of Japanese anti-aircraft defense crew, whether gunners or fighter pilots, so that when the atomic bomb attacks arrived, perhaps some of the Japanese would let their guards down.


The city of Nagasaki was one of the most important sea ports in southern Japan. Although it was not among the list of potential targets selected by Oppenheimer's committee, it was added later due to its significance as a major war production center for warships, munitions, and other equipment. This was the very reason why Sweeney hoped that Kokura would have clear weather for the attack, thus avoiding an attack on Nagasaki which housed a greater civilian population.

So...your whole post was completely, historically inaccurate.........both cities had military value and they tried to avoid hitting Nagasaki but had to because their original target was cloud covered and they needed the visual targeting for the bomb..........n ver, ever trust left anti Americans...
Civilian targets also have tactical purposes in war. The enemy's ability to wage war can be reduced if you destroy their food processing centers and their factories. Liberals think that war should be waged cleanly and surgically, surest way to lose a war I know.
There is no doubt the Japanese military committed horrible war crimes, but the A-bombings were also a war crime. There was little military activity in either city, which is why they had yet to be bombed. Truman choose to incinerate women, children, and old people. We Americans should not find this acceptable or admirable.

Politicians are the scum of the human race.

It took less than 5 seconds to determine the military aspects of guys have got to stop listening to left wing, anti American all left wingers...they lie.....they have to....the facts, the truth and reality never support their side of the the only thing they have is lying...

Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hiroshima was chosen as the first target due to its military and industrial values.

As a military target, Hiroshima was a major army base that housed the headquarters of the Japanese 5th Division and the 2nd Army Headquarters. It was also an important port in southern Japan and a communications center. The mountains surrounding Hiroshima also contributed to Hiroshima being among one of the top choices among the short list of potential targets, for that the mountains might contain the destructive forces of an atomic blast in the target area, increasing the level of destruction.

US Secretary of War Henry Stimson voiced successfully against the selection of Kyoto as a target, arguing that the city held cultural importance to the world; he also had a personal attachment to the city as he and his wife traveled to Kyoto on their honeymoon many years prior.

Prior to the bombing, the United States Army conducted many missions over Japanese cities that were composed of very few B-29 bombers. The purpose of such flights were to wear down the alertness of Japanese anti-aircraft defense crew, whether gunners or fighter pilots, so that when the atomic bomb attacks arrived, perhaps some of the Japanese would let their guards down.


The city of Nagasaki was one of the most important sea ports in southern Japan. Although it was not among the list of potential targets selected by Oppenheimer's committee, it was added later due to its significance as a major war production center for warships, munitions, and other equipment. This was the very reason why Sweeney hoped that Kokura would have clear weather for the attack, thus avoiding an attack on Nagasaki which housed a greater civilian population.

So...your whole post was completely, historically inaccurate.........both cities had military value and they tried to avoid hitting Nagasaki but had to because their original target was cloud covered and they needed the visual targeting for the bomb..........n ver, ever trust left anti Americans...
Civilian targets also have tactical purposes in war. The enemy's ability to wage war can be reduced if you destroy their food processing centers and their factories. Liberals think that war should be waged cleanly and surgically, surest way to lose a war I know.
Are you proud of what American leaders did to Japan?

Read this:
Apart from the moral questions involved, were the atomic bombings militarily necessary? By any rational yardstick, they were not. Japan already had been defeated militarily by June 1945. Almost nothing was left of the once mighty Imperial Navy, and Japan's air force had been all but totally destroyed. Against only token opposition, American war planes ranged at will over the country, and US bombers rained down devastation on her cities, steadily reducing them to rubble.

What was left of Japan's factories and workshops struggled fitfully to turn out weapons and other goods from inadequate raw materials. (Oil supplies had not been available since April.) By July about a quarter of all the houses in Japan had been destroyed, and her transportation system was near collapse. Food had become so scarce that most Japanese were subsisting on a sub-starvation diet.

On the night of March 9-10, 1945, a wave of 300 American bombers struck Tokyo, killing 100,000 people. Dropping nearly 1,700 tons of bombs, the war planes ravaged much of the capital city, completely burning out 16 square miles and destroying a quarter of a million structures. A million residents were left homeless.

On May 23, eleven weeks later, came the greatest air raid of the Pacific War, when 520 giant B-29 "Superfortress" bombers unleashed 4,500 tons of incendiary bombs on the heart of the already battered Japanese capital. Generating gale-force winds, the exploding incendiaries obliterated Tokyo's commercial center and railway yards, and consumed the Ginza entertainment district. Two days later, on May 25, a second strike of 502 "Superfortress" planes roared low over Tokyo, raining down some 4,000 tons of explosives. Together these two B-29 raids destroyed 56 square miles of the Japanese capital.

Even before the Hiroshima attack, American air force General Curtis LeMay boasted that American bombers were "driving them [Japanese] back to the stone age." Henry H. ("Hap") Arnold, commanding General of the Army air forces, declared in his 1949 memoirs: "It always appeared to us, atomic bomb or no atomic bomb, the Japanese were already on the verge of collapse." This was confirmed by former Japanese prime minister Fumimaro Konoye, who said: "Fundamentally, the thing that brought about the determination to make peace was the prolonged bombing by the B-29s."

If you are man is more of the truth:
Was Hiroshima Necessary?
There is no doubt the Japanese military committed horrible war crimes, but the A-bombings were also a war crime. There was little military activity in either city, which is why they had yet to be bombed. Truman choose to incinerate women, children, and old people. We Americans should not find this acceptable or admirable.

Politicians are the scum of the human race.

It took less than 5 seconds to determine the military aspects of guys have got to stop listening to left wing, anti American all left wingers...they lie.....they have to....the facts, the truth and reality never support their side of the the only thing they have is lying...

Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hiroshima was chosen as the first target due to its military and industrial values.

As a military target, Hiroshima was a major army base that housed the headquarters of the Japanese 5th Division and the 2nd Army Headquarters. It was also an important port in southern Japan and a communications center. The mountains surrounding Hiroshima also contributed to Hiroshima being among one of the top choices among the short list of potential targets, for that the mountains might contain the destructive forces of an atomic blast in the target area, increasing the level of destruction.

US Secretary of War Henry Stimson voiced successfully against the selection of Kyoto as a target, arguing that the city held cultural importance to the world; he also had a personal attachment to the city as he and his wife traveled to Kyoto on their honeymoon many years prior.

Prior to the bombing, the United States Army conducted many missions over Japanese cities that were composed of very few B-29 bombers. The purpose of such flights were to wear down the alertness of Japanese anti-aircraft defense crew, whether gunners or fighter pilots, so that when the atomic bomb attacks arrived, perhaps some of the Japanese would let their guards down.


The city of Nagasaki was one of the most important sea ports in southern Japan. Although it was not among the list of potential targets selected by Oppenheimer's committee, it was added later due to its significance as a major war production center for warships, munitions, and other equipment. This was the very reason why Sweeney hoped that Kokura would have clear weather for the attack, thus avoiding an attack on Nagasaki which housed a greater civilian population.

So...your whole post was completely, historically inaccurate.........both cities had military value and they tried to avoid hitting Nagasaki but had to because their original target was cloud covered and they needed the visual targeting for the bomb..........n ver, ever trust left anti Americans...
Civilian targets also have tactical purposes in war. The enemy's ability to wage war can be reduced if you destroy their food processing centers and their factories. Liberals think that war should be waged cleanly and surgically, surest way to lose a war I know.
Are you proud of what American leaders did to Japan?

Read this:
Apart from the moral questions involved, were the atomic bombings militarily necessary? By any rational yardstick, they were not. Japan already had been defeated militarily by June 1945. Almost nothing was left of the once mighty Imperial Navy, and Japan's air force had been all but totally destroyed. Against only token opposition, American war planes ranged at will over the country, and US bombers rained down devastation on her cities, steadily reducing them to rubble.

What was left of Japan's factories and workshops struggled fitfully to turn out weapons and other goods from inadequate raw materials. (Oil supplies had not been available since April.) By July about a quarter of all the houses in Japan had been destroyed, and her transportation system was near collapse. Food had become so scarce that most Japanese were subsisting on a sub-starvation diet.

On the night of March 9-10, 1945, a wave of 300 American bombers struck Tokyo, killing 100,000 people. Dropping nearly 1,700 tons of bombs, the war planes ravaged much of the capital city, completely burning out 16 square miles and destroying a quarter of a million structures. A million residents were left homeless.

On May 23, eleven weeks later, came the greatest air raid of the Pacific War, when 520 giant B-29 "Superfortress" bombers unleashed 4,500 tons of incendiary bombs on the heart of the already battered Japanese capital. Generating gale-force winds, the exploding incendiaries obliterated Tokyo's commercial center and railway yards, and consumed the Ginza entertainment district. Two days later, on May 25, a second strike of 502 "Superfortress" planes roared low over Tokyo, raining down some 4,000 tons of explosives. Together these two B-29 raids destroyed 56 square miles of the Japanese capital.

Even before the Hiroshima attack, American air force General Curtis LeMay boasted that American bombers were "driving them [Japanese] back to the stone age." Henry H. ("Hap") Arnold, commanding General of the Army air forces, declared in his 1949 memoirs: "It always appeared to us, atomic bomb or no atomic bomb, the Japanese were already on the verge of collapse." This was confirmed by former Japanese prime minister Fumimaro Konoye, who said: "Fundamentally, the thing that brought about the determination to make peace was the prolonged bombing by the B-29s."

If you are man is more of the truth:
Was Hiroshima Necessary?

More anti American left wing lies....the Japanese were refusing to surrender and had planned to resist any invasion of Jaapn to the last man, woman and child......causing us to take massive casualties.....left wing assholes sitting here in the time after the war have no fucking clue about that war or the monsters the Japanese were......
There is no doubt the Japanese military committed horrible war crimes, but the A-bombings were also a war crime. There was little military activity in either city, which is why they had yet to be bombed. Truman choose to incinerate women, children, and old people. We Americans should not find this acceptable or admirable.

Politicians are the scum of the human race.

It took less than 5 seconds to determine the military aspects of guys have got to stop listening to left wing, anti American all left wingers...they lie.....they have to....the facts, the truth and reality never support their side of the the only thing they have is lying...

Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hiroshima was chosen as the first target due to its military and industrial values.

As a military target, Hiroshima was a major army base that housed the headquarters of the Japanese 5th Division and the 2nd Army Headquarters. It was also an important port in southern Japan and a communications center. The mountains surrounding Hiroshima also contributed to Hiroshima being among one of the top choices among the short list of potential targets, for that the mountains might contain the destructive forces of an atomic blast in the target area, increasing the level of destruction.

US Secretary of War Henry Stimson voiced successfully against the selection of Kyoto as a target, arguing that the city held cultural importance to the world; he also had a personal attachment to the city as he and his wife traveled to Kyoto on their honeymoon many years prior.

Prior to the bombing, the United States Army conducted many missions over Japanese cities that were composed of very few B-29 bombers. The purpose of such flights were to wear down the alertness of Japanese anti-aircraft defense crew, whether gunners or fighter pilots, so that when the atomic bomb attacks arrived, perhaps some of the Japanese would let their guards down.


The city of Nagasaki was one of the most important sea ports in southern Japan. Although it was not among the list of potential targets selected by Oppenheimer's committee, it was added later due to its significance as a major war production center for warships, munitions, and other equipment. This was the very reason why Sweeney hoped that Kokura would have clear weather for the attack, thus avoiding an attack on Nagasaki which housed a greater civilian population.

So...your whole post was completely, historically inaccurate.........both cities had military value and they tried to avoid hitting Nagasaki but had to because their original target was cloud covered and they needed the visual targeting for the bomb..........n ver, ever trust left anti Americans...
Civilian targets also have tactical purposes in war. The enemy's ability to wage war can be reduced if you destroy their food processing centers and their factories. Liberals think that war should be waged cleanly and surgically, surest way to lose a war I know.
Are you proud of what American leaders did to Japan?

Read this:
Apart from the moral questions involved, were the atomic bombings militarily necessary? By any rational yardstick, they were not. Japan already had been defeated militarily by June 1945. Almost nothing was left of the once mighty Imperial Navy, and Japan's air force had been all but totally destroyed. Against only token opposition, American war planes ranged at will over the country, and US bombers rained down devastation on her cities, steadily reducing them to rubble.

What was left of Japan's factories and workshops struggled fitfully to turn out weapons and other goods from inadequate raw materials. (Oil supplies had not been available since April.) By July about a quarter of all the houses in Japan had been destroyed, and her transportation system was near collapse. Food had become so scarce that most Japanese were subsisting on a sub-starvation diet.

On the night of March 9-10, 1945, a wave of 300 American bombers struck Tokyo, killing 100,000 people. Dropping nearly 1,700 tons of bombs, the war planes ravaged much of the capital city, completely burning out 16 square miles and destroying a quarter of a million structures. A million residents were left homeless.

On May 23, eleven weeks later, came the greatest air raid of the Pacific War, when 520 giant B-29 "Superfortress" bombers unleashed 4,500 tons of incendiary bombs on the heart of the already battered Japanese capital. Generating gale-force winds, the exploding incendiaries obliterated Tokyo's commercial center and railway yards, and consumed the Ginza entertainment district. Two days later, on May 25, a second strike of 502 "Superfortress" planes roared low over Tokyo, raining down some 4,000 tons of explosives. Together these two B-29 raids destroyed 56 square miles of the Japanese capital.

Even before the Hiroshima attack, American air force General Curtis LeMay boasted that American bombers were "driving them [Japanese] back to the stone age." Henry H. ("Hap") Arnold, commanding General of the Army air forces, declared in his 1949 memoirs: "It always appeared to us, atomic bomb or no atomic bomb, the Japanese were already on the verge of collapse." This was confirmed by former Japanese prime minister Fumimaro Konoye, who said: "Fundamentally, the thing that brought about the determination to make peace was the prolonged bombing by the B-29s."

If you are man is more of the truth:
Was Hiroshima Necessary?

Hey genius.......did you read your own quote.....even with that massive damage by normal munitions........they still refused to surrender.........until we dropped those bombs...

You left wing fucktards have no concept of reality.

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