In Jerusalem, Israel now.

You don't say? I am willing to bet that none of us heard of this book until the anti-Semites started dragging it up from the hate sites. Never would they think of mentioning a book that Edwin Black wrote after that because it wouldn't fit their agenda of trying to make the readers think that the Jews were constantly cooperating with Hitler. Since you say your mind is inquisitive, why not be inquisitive enough to buy this book so you can see how your Nazi friends tied up with the Arabs?

The Farhud Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust Edwin Black 9780914153146 Books

I heard enough of him on his book review to know not to waste my money on trash.
Yep, we know, Penelope. A simple-minded person as you are prefers to read the comics. You probably have never sat down with a book in your life except those you were forced to read in school. Penelope probably gives fervent thanks to the Internet for allowing her to drag up articles against the Jews. I wonder if she was one of those who marched in Skokie.

Here one The Jewish Threat by Joseph Bendersky, the Jewish threat was our US Generals. What is sad is that so many were pro Hitler and anti communism, which meant in WWII, anti Jew. Pretty bad to deface the US military, but it never ends. The question to ask, is not if all these intelligent men were racist, but perhaps Hitler was right about the Jewish destroying Germany. This book says more about the Jews than it does our Military Generals.

A pity then that Hitler was a communist isn't it, look at the name of the Nazi party for the clue. They were the National Socialist workers party of Germany, and they made pacts with the Russian communists.

You really are brainwashed with the islamomoron propaganda aren't you
Your History is rather SKEWIFFED Phoney,the Nazis were NOT Communists at all they were NATIONALISTS........they murdered 10's of thousands of Communists.................This must be the MOST EMBARRASSING POST YOU HAVE EVER MADE............The Nazis for you information.......were as FAR RIGHT AS YOU COULD POSSIBLY GO,so much for your exposea.......steve

Try reading the history of the Nazi party and see just how far away from the truth you are. The communists in Russia murdered millions of other communists because they were a different sect. A bit like muslims in that respect who mass murder other muslim sects for the hell of it.
Stolen from the Christians so not Arabic in nature. In fact the arabs have no architecture at all it is all stolen from other cultures.

Stolen architecture?

Architecture has been developed over the millennia in every country and influenced by many different cultures....

Islamic architecture - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Stolen from other nations and claimed as their own. As your link says inspired by the former Sassanid and Byzantine models ............. and The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat al-Sakhrah) in Jerusalem (691) is one of the most important buildings in all of Islamic architecture. It is patterned after the nearby Church of the Holy Sepulchre[5] and Byzantine Christian artists were employed to create its elaborate mosaics against a gold background.[1][6] The great epigraphic vine frieze was adapted from the pre-Islamic Syrian style.[7] The Dome of the Rock featured interior vaulted spaces, a circular dome, and the use of stylized repeating decorative arabesque patterns.
The semicircular arch became a popular feature in Islamic structures. Some suggest the Muslims acquired this from the Visigoths in Spain[8] but they may have obtained it from Syria and Persia where the horseshoe arch had been in use by the Persian and Byzantines as early as the 5th century.[9] After the Moorish invasion of Spain in 711 AD the form was taken by the Umayyads who accentuated the curvature of the horseshoe.[
The Great Mosque of Damascus (completed in 715 by caliph Al-Walid I),[11] built on the site of the basilica of John the Baptist after the Islamic invasion of Damascus, still bore great resemblance to 6th and 7th century Christian basilicas.

So as I said all stolen from other nations.

And you think that architecture in the UK came from where exactly?

Let me ask you a question... Marble Arch, London... Where was the architectural influence for that design from?

Let me save you the embarrassment of looking it up and making yourself look like a twat...

It came from Rome and Paris...

So, is that ok? Or is that "stolen architecture"?

You are simply a belligerent, racist prick Phoney!

I suppose you will be voting UKIP next month too! :cuckoo: :asshole:

Did I say that Britain did not copy other cultures architecture, no I didn't. But we did have a style all to our own with such structures as Stonehenge and Longbarrows.

The arabs had nothing at all they stole everything from the cultures they destroyed, and they are now destroying those cultures religious symbols.

Now let me ask you a question why are you so arrogant and stupid when it is shown the arab muslims have done nothing to enhance humanity in the 1400 years of their existence.

Depends on if they an offer me something the other parties don't, like a complete ban on all immigration and repatriation and/or deportation for migrants that break the law.

Phoney, Phoney, Phoney, the sheer depth and breadth of your ignorance beggars belief. Stone circles existed everywhere from Egypt and Turkey, to even America, at least 3000 years before Stonehenge was built, barrows were even more common.

As for Arab Muslims, next time you have a glass of beer or wine, thank an Arab Muslim. If you, or someone you know wears glasses, thank an Arab Muslim, next time you switch on a light, thank an Arab Muslim, next time you survive a medical operation, thank an Arab Muslim. Muslims contributed vast amount of ideas and knowledge that helped create the world as it is today.
You are so right Challenger,moreover they invented Universities,Mathmatics,Achemedies Screw before the Greek was born 200 years before.....water viaducts and transportation of such over vast distances,building codes,agriculture and so on....steve
Stolen from the Christians so not Arabic in nature. In fact the arabs have no architecture at all it is all stolen from other cultures.

Stolen architecture?

Architecture has been developed over the millennia in every country and influenced by many different cultures....

Islamic architecture - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Stolen from other nations and claimed as their own. As your link says inspired by the former Sassanid and Byzantine models ............. and The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat al-Sakhrah) in Jerusalem (691) is one of the most important buildings in all of Islamic architecture. It is patterned after the nearby Church of the Holy Sepulchre[5] and Byzantine Christian artists were employed to create its elaborate mosaics against a gold background.[1][6] The great epigraphic vine frieze was adapted from the pre-Islamic Syrian style.[7] The Dome of the Rock featured interior vaulted spaces, a circular dome, and the use of stylized repeating decorative arabesque patterns.
The semicircular arch became a popular feature in Islamic structures. Some suggest the Muslims acquired this from the Visigoths in Spain[8] but they may have obtained it from Syria and Persia where the horseshoe arch had been in use by the Persian and Byzantines as early as the 5th century.[9] After the Moorish invasion of Spain in 711 AD the form was taken by the Umayyads who accentuated the curvature of the horseshoe.[
The Great Mosque of Damascus (completed in 715 by caliph Al-Walid I),[11] built on the site of the basilica of John the Baptist after the Islamic invasion of Damascus, still bore great resemblance to 6th and 7th century Christian basilicas.

So as I said all stolen from other nations.

And you think that architecture in the UK came from where exactly?

Let me ask you a question... Marble Arch, London... Where was the architectural influence for that design from?

Let me save you the embarrassment of looking it up and making yourself look like a twat...

It came from Rome and Paris...

So, is that ok? Or is that "stolen architecture"?

You are simply a belligerent, racist prick Phoney!

I suppose you will be voting UKIP next month too! :cuckoo: :asshole:

Did I say that Britain did not copy other cultures architecture, no I didn't. But we did have a style all to our own with such structures as Stonehenge and Longbarrows.

The arabs had nothing at all they stole everything from the cultures they destroyed, and they are now destroying those cultures religious symbols.

Now let me ask you a question why are you so arrogant and stupid when it is shown the arab muslims have done nothing to enhance humanity in the 1400 years of their existence.

Depends on if they an offer me something the other parties don't, like a complete ban on all immigration and repatriation and/or deportation for migrants that break the law.

Phoney, Phoney, Phoney, the sheer depth and breadth of your ignorance beggars belief. Stone circles existed everywhere from Egypt and Turkey, to even America, at least 3000 years before Stonehenge was built, barrows were even more common.

As for Arab Muslims, next time you have a glass of beer or wine, thank an Arab Muslim. If you, or someone you know wears glasses, thank an Arab Muslim, next time you switch on a light, thank an Arab Muslim, next time you survive a medical operation, thank an Arab Muslim. Muslims contributed vast amount of ideas and knowledge that helped create the world as it is today.


As for beer we had that in Britain since the stone age, so how did arab muslims manage to have a hand in that
Lenses were known about before roman times, so how did arab muslims manage to have a hand in that
So which arab muslim invented the light bulb or electricity
people were surviving operations back in the Iron age so where were the muslims then

The muslim contributed nothing at all, they stole everything and passed it off as Islamic inventions. There is no invention from islam at all, unless you can link to the inventors and their inventions.
Stolen architecture?

Architecture has been developed over the millennia in every country and influenced by many different cultures....

Islamic architecture - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Stolen from other nations and claimed as their own. As your link says inspired by the former Sassanid and Byzantine models ............. and The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat al-Sakhrah) in Jerusalem (691) is one of the most important buildings in all of Islamic architecture. It is patterned after the nearby Church of the Holy Sepulchre[5] and Byzantine Christian artists were employed to create its elaborate mosaics against a gold background.[1][6] The great epigraphic vine frieze was adapted from the pre-Islamic Syrian style.[7] The Dome of the Rock featured interior vaulted spaces, a circular dome, and the use of stylized repeating decorative arabesque patterns.
The semicircular arch became a popular feature in Islamic structures. Some suggest the Muslims acquired this from the Visigoths in Spain[8] but they may have obtained it from Syria and Persia where the horseshoe arch had been in use by the Persian and Byzantines as early as the 5th century.[9] After the Moorish invasion of Spain in 711 AD the form was taken by the Umayyads who accentuated the curvature of the horseshoe.[
The Great Mosque of Damascus (completed in 715 by caliph Al-Walid I),[11] built on the site of the basilica of John the Baptist after the Islamic invasion of Damascus, still bore great resemblance to 6th and 7th century Christian basilicas.

So as I said all stolen from other nations.

And you think that architecture in the UK came from where exactly?

Let me ask you a question... Marble Arch, London... Where was the architectural influence for that design from?

Let me save you the embarrassment of looking it up and making yourself look like a twat...

It came from Rome and Paris...

So, is that ok? Or is that "stolen architecture"?

You are simply a belligerent, racist prick Phoney!

I suppose you will be voting UKIP next month too! :cuckoo: :asshole:

Did I say that Britain did not copy other cultures architecture, no I didn't. But we did have a style all to our own with such structures as Stonehenge and Longbarrows.

The arabs had nothing at all they stole everything from the cultures they destroyed, and they are now destroying those cultures religious symbols.

Now let me ask you a question why are you so arrogant and stupid when it is shown the arab muslims have done nothing to enhance humanity in the 1400 years of their existence.

Depends on if they an offer me something the other parties don't, like a complete ban on all immigration and repatriation and/or deportation for migrants that break the law.

Phoney, Phoney, Phoney, the sheer depth and breadth of your ignorance beggars belief. Stone circles existed everywhere from Egypt and Turkey, to even America, at least 3000 years before Stonehenge was built, barrows were even more common.

As for Arab Muslims, next time you have a glass of beer or wine, thank an Arab Muslim. If you, or someone you know wears glasses, thank an Arab Muslim, next time you switch on a light, thank an Arab Muslim, next time you survive a medical operation, thank an Arab Muslim. Muslims contributed vast amount of ideas and knowledge that helped create the world as it is today.
You are so right Challenger,moreover they invented Universities,Mathmatics,Achemedies Screw before the Greek was born 200 years before.....water viaducts and transportation of such over vast distances,building codes,agriculture and so on....steve

That is strange as the Greeks were inventing these things 1000 years before islam was invented by the mental retard mo'mad.
I heard enough of him on his book review to know not to waste my money on trash.
Yep, we know, Penelope. A simple-minded person as you are prefers to read the comics. You probably have never sat down with a book in your life except those you were forced to read in school. Penelope probably gives fervent thanks to the Internet for allowing her to drag up articles against the Jews. I wonder if she was one of those who marched in Skokie.

Here one The Jewish Threat by Joseph Bendersky, the Jewish threat was our US Generals. What is sad is that so many were pro Hitler and anti communism, which meant in WWII, anti Jew. Pretty bad to deface the US military, but it never ends. The question to ask, is not if all these intelligent men were racist, but perhaps Hitler was right about the Jewish destroying Germany. This book says more about the Jews than it does our Military Generals.

A pity then that Hitler was a communist isn't it, look at the name of the Nazi party for the clue. They were the National Socialist workers party of Germany, and they made pacts with the Russian communists.

You really are brainwashed with the islamomoron propaganda aren't you
Your History is rather SKEWIFFED Phoney,the Nazis were NOT Communists at all they were NATIONALISTS........they murdered 10's of thousands of Communists.................This must be the MOST EMBARRASSING POST YOU HAVE EVER MADE............The Nazis for you information.......were as FAR RIGHT AS YOU COULD POSSIBLY GO,so much for your exposea.......steve

Try reading the history of the Nazi party and see just how far away from the truth you are. The communists in Russia murdered millions of other communists because they were a different sect. A bit like muslims in that respect who mass murder other muslim sects for the hell of it.
No Phoney Nazis were not communists.............Yes commies in Russia after 1900's and yes Stalin "The Georgian" was a mass murderer but what that has to do with Muslims I know not.........It's like me saying that Jews were mass murderers when they eliminated the Canaanites,Moabites and Philistines but what that has to do with you saying Germans sorry Nazis were commies,is banal to say the least......How about getting your Brain into Gear before Opening Your Mouth in future..............because your argument is Insane
OK Squirrel head that still looks like a rat, you got me there. I must have paraphrased my interpretation.
Yeah, you do a lot of that.

Where have I "done a lot" of that? Once or thrice yes, but you saying "a lot" implies most of my posts. And that is not true. Or if it is in your opinion, then the same holds true for you in mine.
Stolen architecture?

Architecture has been developed over the millennia in every country and influenced by many different cultures....

Islamic architecture - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Stolen from other nations and claimed as their own. As your link says inspired by the former Sassanid and Byzantine models ............. and The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat al-Sakhrah) in Jerusalem (691) is one of the most important buildings in all of Islamic architecture. It is patterned after the nearby Church of the Holy Sepulchre[5] and Byzantine Christian artists were employed to create its elaborate mosaics against a gold background.[1][6] The great epigraphic vine frieze was adapted from the pre-Islamic Syrian style.[7] The Dome of the Rock featured interior vaulted spaces, a circular dome, and the use of stylized repeating decorative arabesque patterns.
The semicircular arch became a popular feature in Islamic structures. Some suggest the Muslims acquired this from the Visigoths in Spain[8] but they may have obtained it from Syria and Persia where the horseshoe arch had been in use by the Persian and Byzantines as early as the 5th century.[9] After the Moorish invasion of Spain in 711 AD the form was taken by the Umayyads who accentuated the curvature of the horseshoe.[
The Great Mosque of Damascus (completed in 715 by caliph Al-Walid I),[11] built on the site of the basilica of John the Baptist after the Islamic invasion of Damascus, still bore great resemblance to 6th and 7th century Christian basilicas.

So as I said all stolen from other nations.

And you think that architecture in the UK came from where exactly?

Let me ask you a question... Marble Arch, London... Where was the architectural influence for that design from?

Let me save you the embarrassment of looking it up and making yourself look like a twat...

It came from Rome and Paris...

So, is that ok? Or is that "stolen architecture"?

You are simply a belligerent, racist prick Phoney!

I suppose you will be voting UKIP next month too! :cuckoo: :asshole:

Did I say that Britain did not copy other cultures architecture, no I didn't. But we did have a style all to our own with such structures as Stonehenge and Longbarrows.

The arabs had nothing at all they stole everything from the cultures they destroyed, and they are now destroying those cultures religious symbols.

Now let me ask you a question why are you so arrogant and stupid when it is shown the arab muslims have done nothing to enhance humanity in the 1400 years of their existence.

Depends on if they an offer me something the other parties don't, like a complete ban on all immigration and repatriation and/or deportation for migrants that break the law.

Phoney, Phoney, Phoney, the sheer depth and breadth of your ignorance beggars belief. Stone circles existed everywhere from Egypt and Turkey, to even America, at least 3000 years before Stonehenge was built, barrows were even more common.

As for Arab Muslims, next time you have a glass of beer or wine, thank an Arab Muslim. If you, or someone you know wears glasses, thank an Arab Muslim, next time you switch on a light, thank an Arab Muslim, next time you survive a medical operation, thank an Arab Muslim. Muslims contributed vast amount of ideas and knowledge that helped create the world as it is today.


As for beer we had that in Britain since the stone age, so how did arab muslims manage to have a hand in that
Lenses were known about before roman times, so how did arab muslims manage to have a hand in that
So which arab muslim invented the light bulb or electricity
people were surviving operations back in the Iron age so where were the muslims then

The muslim contributed nothing at all, they stole everything and passed it off as Islamic inventions. There is no invention from islam at all, unless you can link to the inventors and their inventions.
Well you know nothing about the Moors.........or other Arabs generally,it's quite clear......HoHo when the Islamists emerged Britons were living in mud huts,as for much of your stone sites most of these were built by peoples from what is now Scandinavia......infact up until the 5th Century the Western Isles of Scotland and Shetlands and Orkneys were part of Norway......this can still clearly see in the Nordic place names today.
I am sure I read somewhere that the gold was taken off and it was painted with gold paint..............

That may have been true some time ago, but it is 80 kgs of gold now. The info was given in my audio tour of the Temple mount provided by Jerusalem.mp3. But here's another linkable reference:

In 1993, the golden dome covering was refurbished following a donation of $8.2 million by King Hussein of Jordan who sold one of his houses in London to fund the 80 kilograms of gold required.

Link: Dome of the Rock - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
And Fuck Toasty to!

Oh, I shouldn't, but I couldn't help myself.

Where Bill, did you want to Fuck Toasty to? The other side of the world? To the sand box?

Or did you mean 'too' as in 'also'?

hehehehehheheeehaw! ;)
LOL Teddy,we know what "too" means but thanks for the English lesson...nice to see your sense of humour is that actually you in the new avie?
I am sure I read somewhere that the gold was taken off and it was painted with gold paint..............

That may have been true some time ago, but it is 80 kgs of gold now. The info was given in my audio tour of the Temple mount provided by Jerusalem.mp3. But here's another linkable reference:

In 1993, the golden dome covering was refurbished following a donation of $8.2 million by King Hussein of Jordan who sold one of his houses in London to fund the 80 kilograms of gold required.

Link: Dome of the Rock - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia of the worlds most beautiful buildings,I know also many in Uzbekistan,etc,now for some the Gold in Tile form,I couldn't imagine it could be anything you know exactly.....and how thick they would be ?????? thanking you in advance,...steve
Steve said I should go over and meet some Palestinians. Well today I thought about taking the light rail over to East J-sem (and did, but didn't stay). But I had a nice treat after buying my ticket for the rail. I walked over to the bench and was just about to turn around and sit on it (the whole thing was empty) when a moslem girl came from the far side and sat down, and then scooched right over to where I would have sat. Good thing I realized that because she just about got a fat American in her lap had I not.

And I know I have been getting visits from agents of Hamas while I'm on my balcony in the mornings, too. They are disguised as crows or ravens. The first two mornings, I got brushed in the head once each time. Then nothing for a few days. But lately the attacks have increased in severity. Yesterday I got bipped twice, once I got a beak in the forehead! The third attempt I was able to repel with my Iron Arm defense system; not a hit, but at least a deflection. This morning was about as bad, probably at least three attempts, but neither of us got any good strikes and no real damage was reported.
...I've just been reading a Germans account of Jewish collaboration with the NAZIS....steve

Why am I not surprised? Does it mention any of this:
Upon seizing power Der Führer declared a national boycott of Jewish businesses (Apr 1, 1933) and the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (Apr 7, 1933) excluding most Jews from the legal profession and civil service. In May the "National book-burning" destroyed most non-Nazi influence in German life. Jewish citizens were harassed and subjected to violent attacks. They were actively suppressed, stripped of their citizenship and civil rights, and eventually completely removed from German society.
And with Zionist help with the Nazis...Fool

You think Zionists hand a hand in Hitler's policies? You are truly the village idiot, Princess.
No but they were happy to collaborate with them when it suited............

To save the lives of Jews, just as the Zionists in Palestine created defence groups to safeguard the lives of Jews under threat from the arab muslims.
They did a very good job of it too as the islamonazis have created propaganda out of the defence groups and have made false claims regarding them.
ELITE JEWS Phoney.....only the chosen few.......the rest to the Slaughter Houses........sorry I can never agree with the Zionist Double Standards..No wonder they are like they are.........Terrorists to their own Creed.......
...I've just been reading a Germans account of Jewish collaboration with the NAZIS....steve

Why am I not surprised? Does it mention any of this:
Upon seizing power Der Führer declared a national boycott of Jewish businesses (Apr 1, 1933) and the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (Apr 7, 1933) excluding most Jews from the legal profession and civil service. In May the "National book-burning" destroyed most non-Nazi influence in German life. Jewish citizens were harassed and subjected to violent attacks. They were actively suppressed, stripped of their citizenship and civil rights, and eventually completely removed from German society.
And with Zionist help with the Nazis...Fool
That's it. Call an ambulance. You are delusional and dunderheaded.
Zionists,Nazis and Non Zionist Jews

For your reading Hoss

You will have to type in the first and third site.....but there are loads like them,Hoss stop talking shit.steve

And all sourced from islamonazi's, white supremacists and right wing hatred sources
Silly comment
Suits you Teddy but who's is the flag ??????? joking of course,next week lets see you in a Palestinian Flag...........Please..steve

Sorry Steve, the closest anyone is ever going to get see me in a "Palestinian" flag is my old avatar. Because that was me too. In the flesh with Palestinian head garb taken on the Mount of Olives facing the Temple Mount in 2011.
...I've just been reading a Germans account of Jewish collaboration with the NAZIS....steve

Why am I not surprised? Does it mention any of this:
Upon seizing power Der Führer declared a national boycott of Jewish businesses (Apr 1, 1933) and the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (Apr 7, 1933) excluding most Jews from the legal profession and civil service. In May the "National book-burning" destroyed most non-Nazi influence in German life. Jewish citizens were harassed and subjected to violent attacks. They were actively suppressed, stripped of their citizenship and civil rights, and eventually completely removed from German society.
And with Zionist help with the Nazis...Fool
That's it. Call an ambulance. You are delusional and dunderheaded.

That's TheLiq's brain on an overdose of National Socialism. He doesn't hate Jews ... just the 90% of them who are Zionist "filth."

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