In Leftist Land, a Lie is as good as gold

One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
He said he didn't know she was nasty.
You take that as saying she was nasty.
You can't be honest because you need to lie to us and yourself to keep from feeling like your liberal world is crashing down around your ears. Everything you believe in is a lie or an omission of the truth. You can't afford to be honest because the truth destroys your world.

Yes we hear a lot of cons here projecting today with that talking point. It's sad. We smell the desperation.

census population projections confirm the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

The shift is the result of two trends. First, between 2018 and 2060, gains will continue in the combined racial minority populations, growing by 74 percent. Second, during this time frame, the aging white population will see a modest immediate gain through 2024, and then experience a long-term decline through 2060, a consequence of more deaths than births

If we are to remain great we need to invest in the growing population not the declining/aging/dying whites who aren't breeding.
Yes....racial minorities you folks feel you need to flood this country with and immediately register to vote.
White Americans aren't dying.....just a large part of them are aborting them and refusing to have children at the same time they're using taxpayers money to bring huge masses of brown welfare cases that will eventually end up turning parts of America into a 3rd world shithole like their home countries.
Winning elections is so important to fuckers like you that you're willing to destroy the country you're living in to bring Socialism, and in the process kill off a bunch of old white people with more God-Damned sense than you'll ever have.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
He said he didn't know she was nasty.
You take that as saying she was nasty.
You can't be honest because you need to lie to us and yourself to keep from feeling like your liberal world is crashing down around your ears. Everything you believe in is a lie or an omission of the truth. You can't afford to be honest because the truth destroys your world.

Yes we hear a lot of cons here projecting today with that talking point. It's sad. We smell the desperation.

census population projections confirm the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

The shift is the result of two trends. First, between 2018 and 2060, gains will continue in the combined racial minority populations, growing by 74 percent. Second, during this time frame, the aging white population will see a modest immediate gain through 2024, and then experience a long-term decline through 2060, a consequence of more deaths than births

If we are to remain great we need to invest in the growing population not the declining/aging/dying whites who aren't breeding.
Yes....racial minorities you folks feel you need to flood this country with and immediately register to vote.
White Americans aren't dying.....just a large part of them are aborting them and refusing to have children at the same time they're using taxpayers money to bring huge masses of brown welfare cases that will eventually end up turning parts of America into a 3rd world shithole like their home countries.
Winning elections is so important to fuckers like you that you're willing to destroy the country you're living in to bring Socialism, and in the process kill off a bunch of old white people with more God-Damned sense than you'll ever have.

What do I care what color Americans are in 100 years?

This is Little Havana in Florida

One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

Great post, but you're missing the most crucial point. What we're dealing with on the American Left these days, what has taken over the modern Democratic Party, is postmodernism, a direct derivative of Marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. Right, so get this. See, postmodernists believe that every aspect imaginable of the human condition is a social construct, meaning it (anything) can be simply re-defined to suit their philosophy, ethos or way of life. What that means, my friend is that even TRUTH is relative, even TRUTH is a social construct and that no TRUTH whatsoever is absolutely true all of the time. Personally, I don't think most of the junior, wannabe postmodernists haunting this discussion board realize or understand their subscription to the "mother" philosophies of postmodernism, rather they just parrot MSM and social sciences talking points. But gee whiz, folks. If there can be no absolute truth . . . how the fuck can you expect to run a civilization on series of fluctuating realities?

It's gonna suck for you when we win this next election. At least you'll have the turtle to protect you


Ecpnomy is cruising and you have 23 freaks running in the clown car.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

Great post, but you're missing the most crucial point. What we're dealing with on the American Left these days, what has taken over the modern Democratic Party, is postmodernism, a direct derivative of Marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. Right, so get this. See, postmodernists believe that every aspect imaginable of the human condition is a social construct, meaning it (anything) can be simply re-defined to suit their philosophy, ethos or way of life. What that means, my friend is that even TRUTH is relative, even TRUTH is a social construct and that no TRUTH whatsoever is absolutely true all of the time. Personally, I don't think most of the junior, wannabe postmodernists haunting this discussion board realize or understand their subscription to the "mother" philosophies of postmodernism, rather they just parrot MSM and social sciences talking points. But gee whiz, folks. If there can be no absolute truth . . . how the fuck can you expect to run a civilization on series of fluctuating realities?

It's gonna suck for you when we win this next election. At least you'll have the turtle to protect you


Ecpnomy is cruising and you have 23 freaks running in the clown car.

The Ecpnomy was doing fine before Trump and Trump's tax breaks to the rich will eventually come home to roost and guess who's going to have to pay? You stupid. Maybe they'll cut your social security in half. Maybe they'll raise your taxes. Maybe both.

But yes, the ecpnomy is doing great for me. It has since been since 2015 which was before Trump won.

Are you really doing that much better today than you were in 2015? I am actually I'm just wondering about you.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.

And the best part is as long as they get their soundbite and 15 minutes of attention, they don't care.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.

And the best part is as long as they get their soundbite and 15 minutes of attention, they don't care.
see, just like I said in the thread,
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.
He has said crude things in the past. Did you mind then? Then you wouldn't care even if he did call her nasty. And just add this to the list of stupid unpresidential things the orange clown has said.

When he gets caught he says,

One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.

And the best part is as long as they get their soundbite and 15 minutes of attention, they don't care.
Yep. Additionally, for things that they would say their side had simply 'misspoke' becomes lies by Trump.

They get 10k lies from Trump on the merits of 'Trump said it was 11:59 am when in fact, it was 12:05 -- HE LIED!
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.

And the best part is as long as they get their soundbite and 15 minutes of attention, they don't care.
see, just like I said in the thread Leftist Lie.
The President is the king of all liars. Funny you guys have the balls to call us liars.

Remember Hillary was having seisures?

No she wasn't.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.
He has said crude things in the past. Did you mind then? Then you wouldn't care even if he did call her nasty. And just add this to the list of stupid unpresidential things the orange clown has said.

When he gets caught he says,

I didn't care to begin. This is NOT the first time that the media has attempted to twist something a Republican has said to generate more disgust or hatred for the party or the particular individual. The left has said vile and crude things about Republican women. Did you care then?

The list of lies and misinformation from the left, from the mouthpiece of the Democrats, is as endless as the alleged list against Trump.

The only difference is the media is doing it to manipulate the upcoming election.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Show us the express immigration clause, right wingers.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.
He has said crude things in the past. Did you mind then? Then you wouldn't care even if he did call her nasty. And just add this to the list of stupid unpresidential things the orange clown has said.

When he gets caught he says,

I didn't care to begin. This is NOT the first time that the media has attempted to twist something a Republican has said to generate more disgust or hatred for the party or the particular individual. The left has said vile and crude things about Republican women. Did you care then?

The list of lies and misinformation from the left, from the mouthpiece of the Democrats, is as endless as the alleged list against Trump.

The only difference is the media is doing it to manipulate the upcoming election.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.
He has said crude things in the past. Did you mind then? Then you wouldn't care even if he did call her nasty. And just add this to the list of stupid unpresidential things the orange clown has said.

When he gets caught he says,

I didn't care to begin. This is NOT the first time that the media has attempted to twist something a Republican has said to generate more disgust or hatred for the party or the particular individual. The left has said vile and crude things about Republican women. Did you care then?

The list of lies and misinformation from the left, from the mouthpiece of the Democrats, is as endless as the alleged list against Trump.

The only difference is the media is doing it to manipulate the upcoming election.

Oh the media!!! The cursed media!!! Out to get you cons!!!! Even though after the media deregulations in the 90's you guys bought up all the media.

You are being played, by the corporate media. But I won't even try to explain how you are brainwashed.

The liberal media was so effective it got Trump elected, stupid.

It didn't explain to the people how great Hillary would have been as president.

Remember the 90's? They were as good if not better than the economy is today. Because the middle class felt it in the 90's. The middle class is still disappearing despite Trump's great economy. They aren't saving.

And I love it because you all deserve to be second class citizens. And none of this affects me and mine. My brother's rich and I'm upper middle. My dad is financially secure. So fuck it. Let me know when A is GA for you. MAGA.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

Great post, but you're missing the most crucial point. What we're dealing with on the American Left these days, what has taken over the modern Democratic Party, is postmodernism, a direct derivative of Marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. Right, so get this. See, postmodernists believe that every aspect imaginable of the human condition is a social construct, meaning it (anything) can be simply re-defined to suit their philosophy, ethos or way of life. What that means, my friend is that even TRUTH is relative, even TRUTH is a social construct and that no TRUTH whatsoever is absolutely true all of the time. Personally, I don't think most of the junior, wannabe postmodernists haunting this discussion board realize or understand their subscription to the "mother" philosophies of postmodernism, rather they just parrot MSM and social sciences talking points. But gee whiz, folks. If there can be no absolute truth . . . how the fuck can you expect to run a civilization on series of fluctuating realities?

It's gonna suck for you when we win this next election. At least you'll have the turtle to protect you


Ecpnomy is cruising and you have 23 freaks running in the clown car.

The Ecpnomy was doing fine before Trump and Trump's tax breaks to the rich will eventually come home to roost and guess who's going to have to pay? You stupid. Maybe they'll cut your social security in half. Maybe they'll raise your taxes. Maybe both.

But yes, the ecpnomy is doing great for me. It has since been since 2015 which was before Trump won.

Are you really doing that much better today than you were in 2015? I am actually I'm just wondering about you.

UE at 50 year lows. Yes, the economy and unemployment is doing great. I wouldn't wonder about me. I don't worry about you. Im doing fine. Im not depending on SS and dems will raise taxes when they're back in power but I'll let my acct find the legal gray areas to keep the govt from taking any extra.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.
He has said crude things in the past. Did you mind then? Then you wouldn't care even if he did call her nasty. And just add this to the list of stupid unpresidential things the orange clown has said.

When he gets caught he says,

I didn't care to begin. This is NOT the first time that the media has attempted to twist something a Republican has said to generate more disgust or hatred for the party or the particular individual. The left has said vile and crude things about Republican women. Did you care then?

The list of lies and misinformation from the left, from the mouthpiece of the Democrats, is as endless as the alleged list against Trump.

The only difference is the media is doing it to manipulate the upcoming election.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.
He has said crude things in the past. Did you mind then? Then you wouldn't care even if he did call her nasty. And just add this to the list of stupid unpresidential things the orange clown has said.

When he gets caught he says,

I didn't care to begin. This is NOT the first time that the media has attempted to twist something a Republican has said to generate more disgust or hatred for the party or the particular individual. The left has said vile and crude things about Republican women. Did you care then?

The list of lies and misinformation from the left, from the mouthpiece of the Democrats, is as endless as the alleged list against Trump.

The only difference is the media is doing it to manipulate the upcoming election.

Oh the media!!! The cursed media!!! Out to get you cons!!!! Even though after the media deregulations in the 90's you guys bought up all the media.

You are being played, by the corporate media. But I won't even try to explain how you are brainwashed.

The liberal media was so effective it got Trump elected, stupid.

It didn't explain to the people how great Hillary would have been as president.

Remember the 90's? They were as good if not better than the economy is today. Because the middle class felt it in the 90's. The middle class is still disappearing despite Trump's great economy. They aren't saving.

And I love it because you all deserve to be second class citizens. And none of this affects me and mine. My brother's rich and I'm upper middle. My dad is financially secure. So fuck it. Let me know when A is GA for you. MAGA.
Wow, LOL

Methinks the lassie protests too much.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Show us the express wall building Government should solve that problem in that manner clause.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Here is the problem Congress should be inquiring about:

Why did the executive department's own career officers feel the need for a special counsel?
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
This is why you and the left are liars.

He says, "I never called Markle 'nasty'. then you spout the Sun saying, he referred to her as 'nasty'. This is a twisting of context, but more importantly, he was responding to the assertion that the interviewer made that she acted nasty. His response was, "I didn't know she acted nasty". It goes on from there, with careful parsing of words to get the desired amount of outrage.

Try again.
He has said crude things in the past. Did you mind then? Then you wouldn't care even if he did call her nasty. And just add this to the list of stupid unpresidential things the orange clown has said.

When he gets caught he says,

I didn't care to begin. This is NOT the first time that the media has attempted to twist something a Republican has said to generate more disgust or hatred for the party or the particular individual. The left has said vile and crude things about Republican women. Did you care then?

The list of lies and misinformation from the left, from the mouthpiece of the Democrats, is as endless as the alleged list against Trump.

The only difference is the media is doing it to manipulate the upcoming election.
isn't it ironic how they all got bent out of shape with the video of Pelosi, but don't have an issue with this. Dude, it's who they are, not a fking honest bone in their frames.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

Great post, but you're missing the most crucial point. What we're dealing with on the American Left these days, what has taken over the modern Democratic Party, is postmodernism, a direct derivative of Marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. Right, so get this. See, postmodernists believe that every aspect imaginable of the human condition is a social construct, meaning it (anything) can be simply re-defined to suit their philosophy, ethos or way of life. What that means, my friend is that even TRUTH is relative, even TRUTH is a social construct and that no TRUTH whatsoever is absolutely true all of the time. Personally, I don't think most of the junior, wannabe postmodernists haunting this discussion board realize or understand their subscription to the "mother" philosophies of postmodernism, rather they just parrot MSM and social sciences talking points. But gee whiz, folks. If there can be no absolute truth . . . how the fuck can you expect to run a civilization on series of fluctuating realities?

It's gonna suck for you when we win this next election. At least you'll have the turtle to protect you


Ecpnomy is cruising and you have 23 freaks running in the clown car.

The Ecpnomy was doing fine before Trump and Trump's tax breaks to the rich will eventually come home to roost and guess who's going to have to pay? You stupid. Maybe they'll cut your social security in half. Maybe they'll raise your taxes. Maybe both.

But yes, the ecpnomy is doing great for me. It has since been since 2015 which was before Trump won.

Are you really doing that much better today than you were in 2015? I am actually I'm just wondering about you.

UE at 50 year lows. Yes, the economy and unemployment is doing great. I wouldn't wonder about me. I don't worry about you. Im doing fine. Im not depending on SS and dems will raise taxes when they're back in power but I'll let my acct find the legal gray areas to keep the govt from taking any extra.
want to see how dems do taxes, look at what the dems in Illinois just passed. they want your money!!!!!!!

What's funny, is the governor evaded paying his property taxes. again, they are only after our money, not their own. Look up J.B. Pritzker.

Illinois Gov. Pritzker’s property taxes under federal investigation, report says

It's who they fking are, evil people, cut off your head and shit down your neck right after taking your wallet.

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