In new Budget, Biden to Lower US Debt by $3T, After Trump had Record 4 yr Debt

STFU, you are one stupid asshole. In every variable, Biden's proposed budget is better than Trump's in 2020. And it don't take that much intelligence to figure it out. Pull your damn tiny little head out of your big ass and smell the damn coffee. Otherwise, STFU like I said, you are the problem. Not Biden, not Trump, but YOU, you stupid shit.

Do you support Potatohead's budget?

If you do you are an imbecile.
Newsflash you stupid Moon Bats.

Trump had the election stolen so he is not President.

It was Potatohead that has this despicable $7 trillion a year budget with $1.4 trillion deficit.

Moon Bats like to deflect from their stupidity by blaming somebody else but it is Potatohead that is fucked up with a stupid budget that increases taxes, increases the size of the Federal government, increases welfare, increases Environmental Wacko silliness and puts us $1.4 trillion farther in debt..

Only idiots voted for Potatohead.
WHat was trump deficit in 2020??
He did do it sooner.

Trump ran a massive $3.1T deficit in 2020, Biden lowered that to just $1.3T in 2022. Biden is lowering deficits while Trump blew them up.

And lets not forget Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus then his GOP congress passed trillions in spending and crashed the economy bigly
Does 9/11 ring a bell?
When Trump took over as president the US had a low $587B annual deficit, in 4 short years Trump 5x that to $3.1T and Trump had 25% of total US debt in his 4 short years.

Meanwhile Biden has lowered the $3.1T annual Trump deficit to just $1.3 T, and he looks to lower it more !!!

In Biden's new Budget he outlines drug price negotiation with medicare that are expected to save $150+ B (republicans are against this because they are "paid off" by drug companies for real though). He also has a minimum tax on billionaires which says all billionaires will pay at least 25% on their income, because many billionaires pay and extremely low tax rate.

These 2 simple measure, bit of which the GOP are strongly against, will reduce the Trump debt substantially and do nothing to hurt or slow the economy at all. Of course something this good and smart and beneficial has GOP opposition.

Memorize these words: Joetard's budget ain't going nowhere as written!!
The debt was predicted to be $1.3T precovid (up from $587B in 2016), the debt is Trumps and he double the annual deficit precovid, then doubled it again after covid.

On top of that he had world record FED fake money printing stimulus, and he begged both COngress and the FED for more stimulus, go look it up, so the debt is his. He owns it.

I know you hate to admit that your boy Trump blew up the countries finances, but accept it and deal with it
After COVID happened during the Joe Biden administration.!
That is incorrect, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, in response to the Great Recession, December 2007 to June 2009, was signed by Obama. He entered into office during the Great Recession. His largest deficit was 2010 reflecting some of the continued government spending as we came out of that recession.

The recession ended in June 2009.
Why did Obama have to double our debt when his economy was so awesome?
the so called banker does not think 9/11 had much of an effect on the economy.....
ahh excuses, republicans love them and need the to survive.

Why take personal responsibility for anything in life when you can just make up little bitch excuses and blame everyone else for your failures???

"There election was stolen" !!!
Do you support Potatohead's $7 trillion budget with $1.4 trillion in deficit spending?
yes because it is much much less deficit than what Trump had and Bush and Trump pllicy are responsible for our insane massive debt, lets not forget Bush inherited a balanced budget (which makes you squirm when you hear that)

So I will repeat it: Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus, the GOP own this debt and their policy caused it
ahh excuses, republicans love them and need the to survive.

Why take personal responsibility for anything in life when you can just make up little bitch excuses and blame everyone else for your failures???

"There election was stolen" !!!
how much did 9/11 affect the economy dumbass? said you run a fortune 500 company how much did 9/11 affect it?....
how much did 9/11 affect the economy dumbass? said you run a fortune 500 company how much did 9/11 affect it?....
When did I say I run a fortune 500 company?
I never said that.

It affected it very little, much less than all the massive do nothing Trillion dollar spending bills and handouts to the ultra wealthy, and failed and mismanaged wars in the mid east.

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