In new Budget, Biden to Lower US Debt by $3T, After Trump had Record 4 yr Debt

$6.8 TRILLION budget (largest ever)

$1.8 TRILLION deficit.

Ten year debt at $50.1 TRILLION

You are lying.

Trump gave us a $3.1T deficit in 2020, Biden has lowered that to only $1.3T, a big savings. Biden is going to lower that even more, by $3T, but most likely the republicans will block everything because they are bought and sold.

Your just mad because Bush inherited a balanced budget and squandered it, then blew up the economy, and Trump added 25% of our total debt in just 4 years.

Bush and Trump (and Reagan) own this debt. You just don't like that fact.

You are lying.

Trump gave us a $3.1T deficit in 2020, Biden has lowered that to only $1.3T, a big savings. Biden is going to lower that even more, by $3T, but most likely the republicans will block everything because they are bought and sold.

Your just mad because Bush inherited a balanced budget and squandered it, then blew up the economy, and Trump added 25% of our total debt in just 4 years.

Bush and Trump (and Reagan) own this debt. You just don't like that fact.

Blearing ORANGE MAN BAD doesn’t change the facts, Simp.
What will Biden's Budget proposal do to investment, retirement savings, and virtually the economy as a whole?

My guess is decimate it....

Oh, and what the hell is "unrealized gain"? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard....
When Trump took over as president the US had a low $587B annual deficit, in 4 short years Trump 5x that to $3.1T and Trump had 25% of total US debt in his 4 short years.

Meanwhile Biden has lowered the $3.1T annual Trump deficit to just $1.3 T, and he looks to lower it more !!!

In Biden's new Budget he outlines drug price negotiation with medicare that are expected to save $150+ B (republicans are against this because they are "paid off" by drug companies for real though). He also has a minimum tax on billionaires which says all billionaires will pay at least 25% on their income, because many billionaires pay and extremely low tax rate.

These 2 simple measure, bit of which the GOP are strongly against, will reduce the Trump debt substantially and do nothing to hurt or slow the economy at all. Of course something this good and smart and beneficial has GOP opposition.

A banker not knowing the difference between debt and deficit makes you sound like a guy I would never trust with my money. This is just basic economics you have failed.
Blearing ORANGE MAN BAD doesn’t change the facts, Simp.
I did not blear orange man bad, I posted Trump world record deficit. I'll post it again for ya !

Trump gave us $3.1T deficit in 2020, and he had world record FED fake money stimulus taboot, THEN he begged the FED and Congress for more money.

Biden has that down to $1.3T and dropping with his latest deficit reducing budget.

I post facts
You post lies and nonsense.

None of you can touch my facts, and I challenge you to refute these facts I posted.

I openly challenge you to refute these facts I posted.
Obama gave us half our debt, with no recession or pandemic.

Why was he so bad?

And why does that make Smokin' Poles so sad?
That is incorrect, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, in response to the Great Recession, December 2007 to June 2009, was signed by Obama. He entered into office during the Great Recession. His largest deficit was 2010 reflecting some of the continued government spending as we came out of that recession.
I did not blear orange man bad, I posted Trump world record deficit. I'll post it again for ya !

Trump gave us $3.1T deficit in 2020, and he had world record FED fake money stimulus taboot, THEN he begged the FED and Congress for more money.

Biden has that down to $1.3T and dropping with his latest deficit reducing budget.

I post facts
You post lies and nonsense.

None of you can touch my facts, and I challenge you to refute these facts I posted.

I openly challenge you to refute these facts I posted.
Of the $3.1 trillion how much of that was passed by the Democratic House, for Covid-19 aid and was veto proof?

When was the last time Congess got a budget from the President and passed it intact?

Remember just facts, in your answers.
You are really a dumshit.

This Potatohead idiot is proposing an almost $7 trillion budget for the filthy ass Federal government with a $1.4 trillion deficit.

That is bat shit crazy insane. Only one other country in the world (China) has a GDP greater than the amount of money Potatohead wants to spend on government at the Federal loevel. This is in addition to a a similar amount being spent by the State and Local governments.

You Moon Bats are absolute idiots trying to jutify that kind of insanity. You little inbred don't know a damn thing about Economic and to brag about only having a $1.4 trillion deficit is absolutely hilarious.
I got some "Economics" for your sorry ass. In 2020 the federal government spent 6.6 Trillion dollars, GDP was just shy of 21 Trillion dollars. In 2023 we are looking at a GDP hovering around 26 Trillion dollars. In 2020 we had a 3.2 Trillion dollar deficit, in 2023 we are looking at a 1.4 Trillion dollar deficit. Run the numbers smart boy, run the deficit to GDP numbers, federal spending to GDP numbers and tell me, which year is worse, 2020 or 2023?
Potatohead's proposed budget increased taxes, increases debt, increases welfare and increases spending.

Spending for Environmental Wacko projects, more filthy ass welfare and stupid shit like free college.

For that worthless crap he wants to put us $1.4 trillion more in debt, just in one year.
I got some "Economics" for your sorry ass. In 2020 the federal government spent 6.6 Trillion dollars, GDP was just shy of 21 Trillion dollars. In 2023 we are looking at a GDP hovering around 26 Trillion dollars. In 2020 we had a 3.2 Trillion dollar deficit, in 2023 we are looking at a 1.4 Trillion dollar deficit. Run the numbers smart boy, run the deficit to GDP numbers, federal spending to GDP numbers and tell me, which year is worse, 2020 or 2023?
So you think we should not have shut down the economy putting GDP over lives, and Trump should have vetoed the Covid-19 relief bills?
Only you stupid inbred Moon Bats would brag about almost a trillion and half deficit.

You are despicable.
And what is he?

Start spinning.


Of the $3.1 trillion how much of that was passed by the Democratic House, for Covid-19 aid and was veto proof?

When was the last time Congess got a budget from the President and passed it intact?

Remember just facts, in your answers.
The debt was predicted to be $1.3T precovid (up from $587B in 2016), the debt is Trumps and he double the annual deficit precovid, then doubled it again after covid.

On top of that he had world record FED fake money printing stimulus, and he begged both COngress and the FED for more stimulus, go look it up, so the debt is his. He owns it.

I know you hate to admit that your boy Trump blew up the countries finances, but accept it and deal with it
Wasn't that when the politicians decided to shut down the economy. How was the first three years of Trump
Mr. commi boi?
Mega deficits.

US annual deficit in 2016: $587b
in 2019: $770B
predicted in 2020 precovid: $1.3T

Even with out covid Trump was a debt monster. You republicans own this debt, your terrible vote gave us this debt. You have debt on your hands by voting for George inherit a balanced budget and blow up the economy Bush, and Donald I'm the King of Debt trump
And what is he?

Start spinning.


Newsflash you stupid Moon Bats.

Trump had the election stolen so he is not President.

It was Potatohead that has this despicable $7 trillion a year budget with $1.4 trillion deficit.

Moon Bats like to deflect from their stupidity by blaming somebody else but it is Potatohead that is fucked up with a stupid budget that increases taxes, increases the size of the Federal government, increases welfare, increases Environmental Wacko silliness and puts us $1.4 trillion farther in debt..

Only idiots voted for Potatohead.
Wasn't that when the politicians decided to shut down the economy. How was the first three years of Trump
Mr. commi boi?
Not so good as they say.

Economists agree that we needed massive deficit spending during the COVID-19 crisis to ward off an economic cataclysm, but federal finances under Trump had become dire even before the pandemic. That happened even though the economy was booming and unemployment was at historically low levels. By the Trump administration’s own description, the pre-pandemic national debt level was already a “crisis” and a “grave threat.”

The combination of Trump’s 2017 tax cut and the lack of any serious spending restraint helped both the deficit and the debt soar. So when the once-in-a-lifetime viral disaster slammed our country and we threw more than $3 trillion into COVID-19-related stimulus, there was no longer any margin for error.

Trump's taxcuts, especially the corporate tax cut were helluva stupid. I mean Trump ranks number three all time, in deficits to GDP. Number two is Bush Jr, and yep, his damn tax cut is to blame. Number one is Lincoln, OK, another Republican, but hell, at least he had a Civil War to fight. And even Bush Jr. had a war, on two fronts, to fight. What the hell did Trump have?

Look, it is starting to be like a broken damn record. Or Groundhog day all over again. Republicans swoop into office with an economy humming along, revenues suddenly actually matching expenditures, or close to it. And what do they do? Cry me a damn river about the debt, they don't give two shits about the debt, and yes, there is a reason for that. But nope, they want to cut taxes, give the people back the money. And then, right after they do, SHIT HAPPENS. The twin towers and 9/11, the Covid pandemic, they piss away the emergency fund right before there is a damn emergency. You call that leadership?

Nope, this time, Republicans have gone too far. The Freedom caucus, holding increasing the debt limit hostage to stop "Woke" policies. Are you flippin kidding me? I am predicting, right now, that Republicans will lose the house, not gain majority in the Senate, and the Democrat nominee, rather it is Biden or Joe Blow, will win in a landslide because you guys are helluva STUPID.
Hopefully the Republicans will tell Potatohead to shove his massive irresponsible budget where the sun don't shine but don't count on it. The sonofabitches have a record of compromising with Democrat destruction.
Newsflash you stupid Moon Bats.

Trump had the election stolen so he is not President.

It was Potatohead that has this despicable $7 trillion a year budget with $1.4 trillion deficit.

Moon Bats like to deflect from their stupidity by blaming somebody else but it is Potatohead that is fucked up with a stupid budget that increases taxes, increases the size of the Federal government, increases welfare, increases Environmental Wacko silliness and puts us $1.4 trillion farther in debt..

Only idiots voted for Potatohead.
STFU, you are one stupid asshole. In every variable, Biden's proposed budget is better than Trump's in 2020. And it don't take that much intelligence to figure it out. Pull your damn tiny little head out of your big ass and smell the damn coffee. Otherwise, STFU like I said, you are the problem. Not Biden, not Trump, but YOU, you stupid shit.

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