In new Budget, Biden to Lower US Debt by $3T, After Trump had Record 4 yr Debt

By cutting spending and increasing taxes on the wealthy

Whereas Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew up the economy bigly.
Trump had world record mega debt, the "king of debt" the worst debt president in US history. 25% of out total debt in just 4 short yrs under failed Trump
Hey The Banker link us up to these "spending cuts
Republicans have caused the vast majority of our debt

Reagan Bush, and Trump destroyed America's balance sheet with mega spending

The GOP owns this debt and Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in 4 short years. Notta good look

Obama gave us half our debt, with no recession or pandemic.

Why was he so bad?

And why does that make Smokin' Poles so sad?
much better than the massive $3T he inherited from Biden

Being a brainwashed Trumper you don't seem to understand that $3T deficit is much much bigger and worse than $1T...

You don't seem to even remotely comprehend that the deficit is not going to go from $3T to balanced in 2 years, what a joke thought that is. Laughable...

Time to enter the big boy world known as reality.
You are really a dumshit.

This Potatohead idiot is proposing an almost $7 trillion budget for the filthy ass Federal government with a $1.4 trillion deficit.

That is bat shit crazy insane. Only one other country in the world (China) has a GDP greater than the amount of money Potatohead wants to spend on government at the Federal loevel. This is in addition to a a similar amount being spent by the State and Local governments.

You Moon Bats are absolute idiots trying to jutify that kind of insanity. You little inbred don't know a damn thing about Economic and to brag about only having a $1.4 trillion deficit is absolutely hilarious.
You are really a dumshit.

This Potatohead idiot is proposing an almost $7 trillion budget for the filthy ass Federal government with a $1.4 trillion deficit.

That is bat shit crazy insane. Only one other country in the world (China) has a GDP greater than the amount of money Potatohead wants to spend on government at the Federal loevel. This is in addition to a a similar amount being spent by the State and Local governments.

You Moon Bats are absolute idiots trying to jutify that kind of insanity. You little inbred don't know a damn thing about Economic and to brag about only having a $1.4 trillion deficit is absolutely hilarious.
What are you babbling about here.
Trump and the GOP gave us much bigger deficits, I guess you are too stupid to understand that the annual deficit dropping from Trump's mega $3.1T down to $1.3T is a win

What are you missing here, Biden is lowering deficits, Trump raised them every year of his presidency. The GOP owns this debt as their policies have caused it.
Yea the republican are in the pocket of big pharma and hate America and Americans, so they will block that and cost the US tax payer billions, but benefit big pharma

Campaign donations work if you can buy off republicans
So says the little commie.
For a "banker" you sure are stupid regarding your knowledge of economics.
Inflation through the roof, son.
So says the little commie.
For a "banker" you sure are stupid regarding your knowledge of economics.
Inflation through the roof, son.
Get back to me when the GOP stops being bought and sold by big pharma.
US drug prices are so high all because of the GOP and their dirty campaign contributions.

The republicans block any bill that lowers drug costs (like they have in every other country in the world), obviously Big pharma is getting a great return on their campaign contributions.

All the problems in America are the result of GOP fuck ups or GOP corruption
Get back to me when the GOP stops being bought and sold by big pharma.
US drug prices are so high all because of the GOP and their dirty campaign contributions.

The republicans block any bill that lowers drug costs (like they have in every other country in the world), obviously Big pharma is getting a great return on their campaign contributions.

All the problems in America are the result of GOP fuck ups or GOP corruption
yea banker your fucking useless party has no hand in it...take that flag with a big D out of your ass....
When Trump took over as president the US had a low $587B annual deficit, in 4 short years Trump 5x that to $3.1T and Trump had 25% of total US debt in his 4 short years.

Meanwhile Biden has lowered the $3.1T annual Trump deficit to just $1.3 T, and he looks to lower it more !!!

In Biden's new Budget he outlines drug price negotiation with medicare that are expected to save $150+ B (republicans are against this because they are "paid off" by drug companies for real though). He also has a minimum tax on billionaires which says all billionaires will pay at least 25% on their income, because many billionaires pay and extremely low tax rate.

These 2 simple measure, bit of which the GOP are strongly against, will reduce the Trump debt substantially and do nothing to hurt or slow the economy at all. Of course something this good and smart and beneficial has GOP opposition.

You're assuming Biden's massive tax increases are actually going to increase revenue and that the Dims aren't going to increase spending even more.
Get back to me when the GOP stops being bought and sold by big pharma.
US drug prices are so high all because of the GOP and their dirty campaign contributions.

The republicans block any bill that lowers drug costs (like they have in every other country in the world), obviously Big pharma is getting a great return on their campaign contributions.

All the problems in America are the result of GOP fuck ups or GOP corruption
They have Republicans in Uganda?
Get back to me when the GOP stops being bought and sold by big pharma.
US drug prices are so high all because of the GOP and their dirty campaign contributions.

The republicans block any bill that lowers drug costs (like they have in every other country in the world), obviously Big pharma is getting a great return on their campaign contributions.

All the problems in America are the result of GOP fuck ups or GOP corruption
What are you babbling about here.
Trump and the GOP gave us much bigger deficits, I guess you are too stupid to understand that the annual deficit dropping from Trump's mega $3.1T down to $1.3T is a win

What are you missing here, Biden is lowering deficits, Trump raised them every year of his presidency. The GOP owns this debt as their policies have caused it.

Don't worry your vile little inbred Moon Bat heart.

The Republicans always seems to find a way to help the Democrats destroy this country.

I had the good sense to dump the Republican Party many years ago when I realized they were nothing more than Democrat Light.

When the hell are you going to pull your head out of your filthy Moon Bat ass and dump the Democrat scum?

Never because you a Libtard shithead that is basically dumber than a door knob.
Don't worry your vile little inbred Moon Bat heart.

The Republicans always seems to find a way to help the Democrats destroy this country.

I had the good sense to dump the Republican Party many years ago when I realized they were nothing more than Democrat Light.

When the hell are you going to pull your head out of your filthy Moon Bat ass and dump the Democrat scum?

Never because you a Libtard shithead that is basically dumber than a door knob.
Yet you are a loyal Trumper and loyal republican defender to the core, and totally detached from facts

Trump was the king of debt, he gave us 25% of out total debt in just 4 years, and you can cry like a little pussy punk bitch all you want, but nothing you say changes that cold hard fact of life. Deal with it, obviously you can't deal with it.

Trump lost the election and then couldn;t handle his loss so he cried like a weakling and a child over election fraud that never happened, and we know it didn;t happen because all the courts in our entire country have said it there is no evidence at all to support Trump's lies. Then he incited an Insurrection at the Caspitol based on those lies.
Deal with it. You can't deal with it at all, because you represent the weak of America, when the going gets tough, the republicans get crying and lying, like trash and weaklings.
Yet you are a loyal Trumper and loyal republican defender to the core, and totally detached from facts

Trump was the king of debt, he gave us 25% of out total debt in just 4 years, and you can cry like a little pussy punk bitch all you want, but nothing you say changes that cold hard fact of life. Deal with it, obviously you can't deal with it.

Trump lost the election and then couldn;t handle his loss so he cried like a weakling and a child over election fraud that never happened, and we know it didn;t happen because all the courts in our entire country have said it there is no evidence at all to support Trump's lies. Then he incited an Insurrection at the Caspitol based on those lies.
Deal with it. You can't deal with it at all, because you represent the weak of America, when the going gets tough, the republicans get crying and lying, like trash and weaklings.

You are such a dumbshit that you see nothing wrong with Potatohead proposing a Federal budget of almost $7 trillion (that is more than the GDP of every other country on earth other than China) with a $1.4 trillion deficit.

Instead of taking responsibility for an insane fiscally irresponsible Democrat budget you do the partisan hate shit that we always see from you inbred Moon Bats and blame it on somebody else.

You are certifiably crazy. You need to see a mental health specialist about your hate problems. While you are at it you need to take a course in Economics because you don't know jackshit.
Yet you are a loyal Trumper and loyal republican defender to the core, and totally detached from facts

Trump was the king of debt, he gave us 25% of out total debt in just 4 years, and you can cry like a little pussy punk bitch all you want, but nothing you say changes that cold hard fact of life. Deal with it, obviously you can't deal with it.

Trump lost the election and then couldn;t handle his loss so he cried like a weakling and a child over election fraud that never happened, and we know it didn;t happen because all the courts in our entire country have said it there is no evidence at all to support Trump's lies. Then he incited an Insurrection at the Caspitol based on those lies.
Deal with it. You can't deal with it at all, because you represent the weak of America, when the going gets tough, the republicans get crying and lying, like trash and weaklings.
no he isnt he just told you that....and you have told me that you think the democrats suck but yet you defend them to the core....were you lying to me banker?...

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