In NJ schools, gossip could land you in jail...


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Under a new state law in New Jersey, lunch-line bullies in the East Hanover schools can be reported to the police by their classmates this fall through anonymous tips to the Crimestoppers hot line.

The law, known as the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, is considered the toughest legislation against bullying in the nation.

Each school must designate an antibullying specialist to investigate complaints; each district must, in turn, have an antibullying coordinator; and the State Education Department will evaluate every effort, posting grades on its Web site. Superintendents said that educators who failed to comply could lose their licenses.

“It’s not the traditional bullying: the big kid in the schoolyard saying, ‘You’re going to do what I say,’ ” Richard Bergacs, an assistant principal at North Hunterdon High, said.

“It’s gossip, innuendo, rumors — and people getting mad about it,” he said.

You have no idea how angry I am about this. I will have students this year who will be sent out of class EVERY SINGLE DAY under the letter of this law.

"Girls are dumb". "Books are gay" "She's a slut". "I was on facebook last night and so and so wrote..."

I'm not risking my license. No more judgment calls. Let the parents and cops deal with it. :evil:
there is no discipline in america....simple as kids suing parents for bad mothering.....i see kids in public acting out and think someone smack the mal outta that youngin before it gets too wild......but that hardly ever happens...i honestly watch my dogs better than most people watch their the market the other night....i watch this little girl about 4 between two parked cars nearly into the road...before her mother said a word. i was terrified the rest of the market...the kid was still running around..
there is no discipline in america....simple as kids suing parents for bad mothering.....i see kids in public acting out and think someone smack the mal outta that youngin before it gets too wild......but that hardly ever happens...i honestly watch my dogs better than most people watch their the market the other night....i watch this little girl about 4 between two parked cars nearly into the road...before her mother said a word. i was terrified the rest of the market...the kid was still running around..

Liberals have spent 50 years teaching the masses that NO ONE is responsible. Getting rid of accountability, in some cases getting rid of grades all together for fear of harming the little darlings feelings. Removing certain games , removing Gym, removing certain play ground items. And the Liberals are the ones totally opposed to TORT REFORM. Liberal lawyers LOVE big awards that have no bearing on reality. Cases that are ignorant at the go.

That disgraced Liberal Edwards won a HUGE case in NC where he told the Jury what a fetus was thinking. He got the courts and a jury to declare that certain birth defects were not defects at all but some how Malpractice.

Your buddies the Liberals are solely to blame for the " It wasn't my fault or responsibility" game.
Kids are meaner today than ever. There's no doubt about that. They are disrespectful to their teachers and peers and have no "filters" on what they say. However, we have an educational crisis is this country as well. Teachers should be TEACHING; not involving themselves in campus gossip and social media outside of school. Honestly, I could spend all day addressing that nonsense. That's not what I get paid for, and that's not what parents want. By taking away our judgment and discretion in handling minor squabbles, they are essentially taking away a student's right to an education.

BTW - this law was an over-reaction to the Rutgers "bullycide", and it turns out that kid had a host of problems. As any suicide victim usually does. NJ already had a practical anti-bullying law.
The problem stems from the current trend of laws for schools/children being designed to "zero tolerance" standards. The reason for this is that zero tolerance laws are similar to statutory crimes, as there is no mitigating factors in a statutory crime. This allows the school officals to just say "hey, its the law" and have no responsibility to use thier own judgement in a situation. The reason for that is it removes any ability of the parents of the child so judged to sue, as the law is ironclad. Once you bring in the judgement of the offical into question, it becomes something that can be litigated.

So to eliminate the chance of any litigation, they go with an "all or nothing" law instead of relying on the judgement of the teachers and the administratiors. Its the lazy way out.
there is no discipline in america....simple as kids suing parents for bad mothering.....i see kids in public acting out and think someone smack the mal outta that youngin before it gets too wild......but that hardly ever happens...i honestly watch my dogs better than most people watch their the market the other night....i watch this little girl about 4 between two parked cars nearly into the road...before her mother said a word. i was terrified the rest of the market...the kid was still running around..

Liberals have spent 50 years teaching the masses that NO ONE is responsible. Getting rid of accountability, in some cases getting rid of grades all together for fear of harming the little darlings feelings. Removing certain games , removing Gym, removing certain play ground items. And the Liberals are the ones totally opposed to TORT REFORM. Liberal lawyers LOVE big awards that have no bearing on reality. Cases that are ignorant at the go.

That disgraced Liberal Edwards won a HUGE case in NC where he told the Jury what a fetus was thinking. He got the courts and a jury to declare that certain birth defects were not defects at all but some how Malpractice.

Your buddies the Liberals are solely to blame for the " It wasn't my fault or responsibility" game.

The Anti-Bullying bill was signed into law by a Republican, doofus.
Under a new state law in New Jersey, lunch-line bullies in the East Hanover schools can be reported to the police by their classmates this fall through anonymous tips to the Crimestoppers hot line.

The law, known as the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, is considered the toughest legislation against bullying in the nation.

Each school must designate an antibullying specialist to investigate complaints; each district must, in turn, have an antibullying coordinator; and the State Education Department will evaluate every effort, posting grades on its Web site. Superintendents said that educators who failed to comply could lose their licenses.

“It’s not the traditional bullying: the big kid in the schoolyard saying, ‘You’re going to do what I say,’ ” Richard Bergacs, an assistant principal at North Hunterdon High, said.

“It’s gossip, innuendo, rumors — and people getting mad about it,” he said.

You have no idea how angry I am about this. I will have students this year who will be sent out of class EVERY SINGLE DAY under the letter of this law.

"Girls are dumb". "Books are gay" "She's a slut". "I was on facebook last night and so and so wrote..."

I'm not risking my license. No more judgment calls. Let the parents and cops deal with it. :evil:
I can't disagree with you here.

But I'm curious, why would you let that kind of talk go on in your class to begin with?
Ravi - you have no idea. I have a group of knuckleheads that have been together since Middle School. They call each other "chubby" "Mexican" "Homo" etc. It's all in jest, but it makes me nuts. I have reported some of the over the top crap to the office, but my students are classified "handicapped". There's a whole special set of laws dealing with that special group. I trust my judgment when it comes to "joking" or "hurtfulness". I will now defer that judgment to the "specialists".

And it is def. about the lawsuits. But wait til the lawsuits come in over suspending the "handicapped".
We revel in nastiness and dog eat dogism economics and politics and then wonder why our children are so nasty?
Let's not forget the "war on fat kids." No one gets bullied more.

I was just chatting on fb with our "bullying coordinator" I told her I'll be putting her on speed dial. 17 years of working with "disaffected youth" and now I have to defer to someone who doesn't even know my kids. That sounds like a effective plan. Not.
Let's not forget the "war on fat kids." No one gets bullied more.

I was just chatting on fb with our "bullying coordinator" I told her I'll be putting her on speed dial. 17 years of working with "disaffected youth" and now I have to defer to someone who doesn't even know my kids. That sounds like a effective plan. Not.

My son was bullied in school last year. The school has a zero tolerance policy, just like all of them "say" they have. It went on for a couple of weeks. It took me calling two teachers, the assistant vice principal, and talking to one of the parent of one of the four kids doing the bullying before the counselor called me and had me fill out a bullying report. Ridiculous. Zero-tolerance my ass.

Kids can/will be mean, shit happens. You cannot get rid of assholeness in people no matter how many rules you set up. At some point, reference Chanel's posts, the rules are more of a hinderance to good teachers.
In a way it's a good idea because there are alot of kids taht go into a huge rage a and plot huge massacres in their schools judt because they were bullied throughout their school years.

Now teachers loosing their license over this is ridiculous.
That's awful what happened to your kid, but not surprising. "Bullies" have "rights" too and disciplining students - for any reason - often results in threats of lawsuits.

I will be attending a workshop on this tomorrow. I have a hunch we will spend hours debating whether "Nice zit" constitutes bullying or not. Then we will learn about the "interventions" that will be implemented prior to discipline. I suspect the investigations, committee meetings, and kumbaya counseling sessions will take til June to complete, whether it is a real threat or a simply an insult from a scorned lover. Errr!

You cannot legislate "niceness".
In a way it's a good idea because there are alot of kids taht go into a huge rage a and plot huge massacres in their schools judt because they were bullied throughout their school years.

Now teachers loosing their license over this is ridiculous.

Well not all school shooters are created equal. People don't massacre innocent people just because they were teased in school. Chances are the reason they had no friends might have been because they were sociopaths. I've seen kids get "bullied" and even get the shit kicked out of them because they wanted the attention. Kids who make noises and poke other kids in the back of the neck and try to get the other kids in trouble. I'm not condoning the "bully" but often the bullying goes both ways.

But all that will go away if we just give them all a great big hug. Ooops. Can't do that anymore either.

"Gossip, innuendo, and insults" are part of life and kids need to learn to deal with it. Equating that with racism, threats, and physical violence is not only absurd; it is dangerous.
there is no discipline in america....simple as kids suing parents for bad mothering.....i see kids in public acting out and think someone smack the mal outta that youngin before it gets too wild......but that hardly ever happens...i honestly watch my dogs better than most people watch their the market the other night....i watch this little girl about 4 between two parked cars nearly into the road...before her mother said a word. i was terrified the rest of the market...the kid was still running around..

Liberals have spent 50 years teaching the masses that NO ONE is responsible. Getting rid of accountability, in some cases getting rid of grades all together for fear of harming the little darlings feelings. Removing certain games , removing Gym, removing certain play ground items. And the Liberals are the ones totally opposed to TORT REFORM. Liberal lawyers LOVE big awards that have no bearing on reality. Cases that are ignorant at the go.

That disgraced Liberal Edwards won a HUGE case in NC where he told the Jury what a fetus was thinking. He got the courts and a jury to declare that certain birth defects were not defects at all but some how Malpractice.

Your buddies the Liberals are solely to blame for the " It wasn't my fault or responsibility" game.

The Anti-Bullying bill was signed into law by a Republican, doofus.

Which pretty much sums up why I won't vote for them. Or their fucking 'opposition'. It's those who keep on voting for these fucking morons that are responsible for the clusterfuck that this country is.
Of course it does syrenn but schools are supposed to solve every societal problem - from drugs to sex to manners to obesity to violence to...

And then people wonder why "Johnny Can't Read".
Of course it does syrenn but schools are supposed to solve every societal problem - from drugs to sex to manners to obesity to violence to...

And then people wonder why "Johnny Can't Read".

That is a public school problem... you cant expel the problem brats.

The point is.... you should NOT have to deal with anything other then teaching.

The social shit is and should be up to the parents. A possible solution when the kids break the rules... you give the parent a ticket and they have to pay up.
Under a new state law in New Jersey, lunch-line bullies in the East Hanover schools can be reported to the police by their classmates this fall through anonymous tips to the Crimestoppers hot line.

The law, known as the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, is considered the toughest legislation against bullying in the nation.

Each school must designate an antibullying specialist to investigate complaints; each district must, in turn, have an antibullying coordinator; and the State Education Department will evaluate every effort, posting grades on its Web site. Superintendents said that educators who failed to comply could lose their licenses.

“It’s not the traditional bullying: the big kid in the schoolyard saying, ‘You’re going to do what I say,’ ” Richard Bergacs, an assistant principal at North Hunterdon High, said.

“It’s gossip, innuendo, rumors — and people getting mad about it,” he said.

You have no idea how angry I am about this. I will have students this year who will be sent out of class EVERY SINGLE DAY under the letter of this law.

"Girls are dumb". "Books are gay" "She's a slut". "I was on facebook last night and so and so wrote..."

I'm not risking my license. No more judgment calls. Let the parents and cops deal with it. :evil:

:lol:this is so frucked...

" anonymous tips line may I help you"?

"Johnny shoved me and got the last piece of yellow jello!!!!!"

"stand by, we have officers responding, what is your location...?"
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Ha ha. Check this out. This is why "one size does not fit all" and just another example of WASTED TAXPAYER DOLLARS!
Cape May Elementary School, where the likelihood of being bullied seems remote, has not only instituted an extensive anti-bullying campaign, it is holding a parade Sept. 16 at 1:15 p.m. down Lafayette Street.

Cape May Elementary School averages about five bullying incidents a year, some of which are perpetrated by girls, said Doto.

Doto, who has been teaching at Cape May Elementary School for more than 30 years, said he was hard pressed to remember any fistfights. He compared incidents more to two puppies “yapping at each other.”

School Fighting Bullies with Green Dots, Parade - Cape May County Herald

Hey - Let's fix something that's not broken! Let's start suspending good kids who might say something stupid! Next year, maybe we can "up" that number to 10! :evil:

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