In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control

After Americans were under virtual house arrest during Covid and schools were closed during the Biden administration the crazy left wants to threaten Americans with peace and prosperity under Trump. It doesn't get any weirder than this.
Trump was President when the nation was closed down.
As were all 1st world nations.
Move to a third world country. You would fit better there. The USA will be happy, you will be happy.
Technically we are not a democracy. And since money is free speech, you're probably not going to get what you want.

Yes, and that's the problem. People go and vote thinking they're a democracy, when in reality, it's not.
The question here is, should we push for the US to be a democracy?

Rich people say "no" because they get their interests served.
Poor people say "no" because the rich didn't tell them to think this....
After Americans were under virtual house arrest during Covid and schools were closed during the Biden administration the crazy left wants to threaten Americans with peace and prosperity under Trump. It doesn't get any weirder than this.

You think Americans were under house arrest. Try what the Chinese were under.....

Do you think the US should be able to impose martial law?
Yes, and that's the problem. People go and vote thinking they're a democracy, when in reality, it's not.
The question here is, should we push for the US to be a democracy?

Rich people say "no" because they get their interests served.
Poor people say "no" because the rich didn't tell them to think this....
If we were a pure democracy, Biden would have beaten Trump by 7 million votes in 2020. Tough to argue there were 7 million fraudulent votes. In 2016 Clinton would have beaten Trump. In 2000 Gore would have beaten Bush.
If we were a pure democracy, Biden would have beaten Trump by 7 million votes in 2020. Tough to argue there were 7 million fraudulent votes. In 2016 Clinton would have beaten Trump. In 2000 Gore would have beaten Bush.

I doubt it, if the US were a proper democracy, it wouldn't have been Trump v. Biden in the first place.
In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control. Np President should try to control the legislative or judicial and vice versa.
In Trump's world it is not safe to disagree with him. He will make you pay whether an individual, an organization or a branch of the governmrnt.
That is why he is not fit to be President

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What the hell, democratic republic? What fricken country do you live in?
He is a Presidential candidate. Maybe you didn't know this. He is not fit to be President as most of those who worked with him at the White House will attest to. They are not Democrats. They are Republicans.
And all the attention is on him instead of the current occupant, who has the power and can basically do what he wants with no attention being paid.
I cannot believe how uneducated the MAGA minions are.
They do not want a democracy. They want a dictatorship led by Donald Trump.

The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
And how do the usual suspects react when confronted by the possibility of TRUMP! being elected democratically? They do not want a democracy.
Trump is paying for hic actions the past 6 years. MAGA wants the USA to pay but the USA will make Trump and MAGA pay for anti-American actions.
Trump and MAGA is going down. I love it!

Total and complete bullshit. You also just discredited your own op, congrats asshole.
And all the attention is on him instead of the current occupant, who has the power and can basically do what he wants with no attention being paid.
I am no fan of Biden but Trump is worse. I hope both the Democrats and Republicans can do better than Biden and Trump. One's too old and one is a narcicisstic crook.
What the hell, democratic republic? What fricken country do you live in?
You cannot see the forest for the trees. You don't think we are a democratic country? You are an idiot. We are not a pure democracy but we are a democratic country.
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
Let me educate you.
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
Most democracies in the world today style themselves as republics or democratic republics . . . However, not all democracies are republics, and not all republics are democracies.
Total and complete bullshit. You also just discredited your own op, congrats asshole.
I would be angry if I were you, also. You are realizing you are part of a movement that is villified by good patriotic Americans and you are going down.
You cannot see the forest for the trees. You don't think we are a democratic country? You are an idiot. We are not a pure democracy but we are a democratic country.
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
Let me educate you.
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
Most democracies in the world today style themselves as republics or democratic republics . . . However, not all democracies are republics, and not all republics are democracies.
Fer Christs sake, no wonder you loons are so screwed up. You don't know what a woman is and you certainly don't know what our country is. We are a democracy, we are a republic, but that doesn't make a democratic republic...dumbass.
Fer Christs sake, no wonder you loons are so screwed up. You don't know what a woman is and you certainly don't know what our country is. We are a democracy, we are a republic, but that doesn't make a democratic republic...dumbass.
You can't say you are wrong. But you are wrong. You are wrong in oh so many ways.

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