In Politics and Society: Is it Intolerant to be Intolerant of Intolerance?

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If this is accurate, and I don't know that it is without doing some further research, I wonder if our leftist friends condone this?

December 26, 2013
On Tuesday, the Daily Caller reported that the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Discrimination -- the group responsible for A&E's suspension of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson -- has repeatedly called for the censorship of speech and content with which they disagree.

GLAAD, the Daily Caller said, "aims specifically to silence political opponents and highlights its censorship efforts in public statements and fundraising pitches.
Goodbye free speech: GLAAD seeks to censor those critical of homosexuality - Spokane Conservative |

I read it. It seems that the Daily Caller made several assumptions. GLAAD is going to do what they do. I take it you have issue with them wanting media personalities to push back against bigotry. Meh.....they can if the want.....or not. GLAAD saying they want them to is not a problem.

I am indifferent.
What's funny is that in reality not a single conservative on this board agrees with FF,

despite some pretending to.

The next time a liberal says something that is offensive to conservatives in the media, count how many of those people defend him or her.
I am still trying to find out exactly what GLAAD did to Robertson.

I know they contacted A&E. I believe that this contact was considered by A&E in their decision to suspend Robertson.

Is there any further detail available for review?
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If this is accurate, and I don't know that it is without doing some further research, I wonder if our leftist friends condone this?

December 26, 2013
On Tuesday, the Daily Caller reported that the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Discrimination -- the group responsible for A&E's suspension of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson -- has repeatedly called for the censorship of speech and content with which they disagree.

GLAAD, the Daily Caller said, "aims specifically to silence political opponents and highlights its censorship efforts in public statements and fundraising pitches.
Goodbye free speech: GLAAD seeks to censor those critical of homosexuality - Spokane Conservative |

I read it. It seems that the Daily Caller made several assumptions. GLAAD is going to do what they do. I take it you have issue with them wanting media personalities to push back against bigotry. Meh.....they can if the want.....or not. GLAAD saying they want them to is not a problem.

I am indifferent.

lol, if that's true then GLAAD was only calling for exactly what Foxfyre was calling for with all that business about what she wanted to make illegal.
I am still trying to find out exactly what GLAAD did to Robertson.

I know they contacted A&E I believe that this contact was considered by A&E in their decision to suspend Robertson.

Is there any further detail available for review?

They did what any person might do when they don't like what some public figure said,

they called up, or emailed, or whatever, and bitched about it.

That is all.
Interesting essay by John O'Sullivan in National Review on this topic. The article started off comparing those who were looking for Communists under every rock back in the 1940's and 50's with GLAAD's tactics to stamp out all negative opinion about gays now.

Some highlights for those who do not have First Grade reading skills and/or cognitive reading dysfunction (bolded emphasis mine):

What threat of equal weight does Phil Robertson pose? GLAAD argues that he is guilty of hateful remarks about gays in that he equated homosexuality with bestiality. Of course, he did nothing of the sort.

He gave a partial list of those sexual activities — i.e., all sexual activities outside Christian marriage as traditionally understood — that according to the New Testament incur God’s condemnation. One of the items he listed was bestiality; another was homosexuality; a third was heterosexual promiscuity. He could have added masturbation if he had been answering a question in a Biblical quiz rather than one from a GQ interviewer. He did add a long list of non-sexual sins and sinners — drunkards, swindlers, the greedy, slanderers, etc., etc. — who are similarly risking damnation. But he also cited the usual qualifications about the mercy of God: We all deserve condemnation according to the Gospels but hopefully we won’t all get it. He even threw in the admission that he himself had been guilty of some of the sexual sins under condemnation. And Robertson, though repentant, might well admit that his career of sinning may not be definitively over. As the Devil (brilliantly played by Ray Milland in Alias Nick Beal) responds to a street preacher’s boast that he had wrestled Satan to the mat and pinned his shoulders to the floor: “He doesn’t know that it’s two falls out of three.”

In other words Robertson condemned everyone, including himself, as a sinner — which in a social context is the same as condemning no one. He certainly did not single out gays for criticism. It’s instructive that GQ’s good-humored interviewer, Drew Magary, was neither shocked nor horrified by what Robertson said. Though he self-identifies as a “milquetoast suburban WASP,” he clearly rather liked the Robertsons — which he would not have done if Phil Robertson had been a hater. (Don’t be deterred by the controversy from reading the GQ piece, incidentally; it’s highly entertaining.) Absolutely the most offensive thing about it is that Robertson does not disavow the traditional Christian teaching that homosexual acts are sinful. I can see that some gays might be upset by this, but they can hardly be surprised. Many have grown up in families holding exactly that conviction. We live in a society with different moral and religious traditions, and we must learn to live and let live.

But here is how the GLAAD spokesman characterized Robertson’s remarks “Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil’s lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe. . . . Phil’s decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to reexamine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT . . . ”

You want offensive? This is truly offensive. It combines lies about what Robertson said, a ludicrous attempt to define “true” Christianity along lines prescribed by GLAAD, and appeals for Robertson’s livelihood to be cut off. It is a blacklist in operation, and it is an odious thing. It has worked before, though, and for a while it seemed to be working here. A&E “suspended” Robertson. But the public outcry is breaking heavily in Robertson’s favor: The Cracker Barrel chain of downhome southern restaurants has now apologized for its brief capitulation to GLAAD’s bullying; the Robertsons are rich and confident enough to tell A&E that they won’t appear without their patriarch; and it is now GLAAD that is on the ropes.
The New Blacklist | National Review Online
so you post an opinion piece that you feel backs up your own OP thus never really challenging your own opinion to see if its the correct one, even though the Opinion piece posted is 1) from the national Review, 2) wrong, 3) being intolerant.
What's funny is that in reality not a single conservative on this board agrees with FF,

despite some pretending to.

The next time a liberal says something that is offensive to conservatives in the media, count how many of those people defend him or her.

This very well may be true. Which is okay. I AM willing to allow people to be who and what they are and I have never required anybody in my work, in my family, among my friends and associates, or on message boards to agree with me. Nor is agreement necessary in order for me to hold the beliefs I believe or the convictions I embrace. So if nobody else on the planet or on this board agrees with me about anything, so be it.

It is too bad, however, that you have such severe cognitive reading deficiencies or you would know that I also defend a liberals right to be offensive to conservatives. I just don't defend any, liberal or conservative, demanding that others not offend them and assuming the right to physically and/or materially harm those who do.

The intelligent understand that. Alas, some of you never will.
so you post an opinion piece that you feel backs up your own OP thus never really challenging your own opinion to see if its the correct one, even though the Opinion piece posted is 1) from the national Review, 2) wrong, 3) being intolerant.

#3 and #5
If this is accurate, and I don't know that it is without doing some further research, I wonder if our leftist friends condone this?

I read it. It seems that the Daily Caller made several assumptions. GLAAD is going to do what they do. I take it you have issue with them wanting media personalities to push back against bigotry. Meh.....they can if the want.....or not. GLAAD saying they want them to is not a problem.

I am indifferent.

lol, if that's true then GLAAD was only calling for exactly what Foxfyre was calling for with all that business about what she wanted to make illegal.

its been pointed out and ignored as trolling under her opinion. Legally she has no standing thus remains in the court of opinion, but when you break her argument down. it becomes clear how hypocritical she really is being.

OMG she is MAL
i read it. It seems that the daily caller made several assumptions. Glaad is going to do what they do. I take it you have issue with them wanting media personalities to push back against bigotry. Meh.....they can if the want.....or not. Glaad saying they want them to is not a problem.

I am indifferent.

lol, if that's true then glaad was only calling for exactly what foxfyre was calling for with all that business about what she wanted to make illegal.

its been pointed out and ignored as trolling under her opinion. Legally she has no standing thus remains in the court of opinion, but when you break her argument down. It becomes clear how hypocritical she really is being.

Omg she is mal

#1, #3, #5
Does that article/essay support your overall point here, Fox?

And...why the insults in your intro? That is so unlike you.

Yep. I can't find much to quarrel with in that article. But I would be open to hear a rebuttal to it if you have one.

What insults in the intro????? You mean the cognitive reading dysfunction comment? That was just to give an out to any who are incapable of reading and understanding the concept offered in the article and/or providing a rebuttal for it if you disagree with it. There seems to be an awful lot of that going around lately.
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lol, if that's true then glaad was only calling for exactly what foxfyre was calling for with all that business about what she wanted to make illegal.

its been pointed out and ignored as trolling under her opinion. Legally she has no standing thus remains in the court of opinion, but when you break her argument down. It becomes clear how hypocritical she really is being.

Omg she is mal

#1, #3, #5

thank you for conceding
so you post an opinion piece that you feel backs up your own OP thus never really challenging your own opinion to see if its the correct one, even though the Opinion piece posted is 1) from the national Review, 2) wrong, 3) being intolerant.

#3 and #5

see zero honest discussion of the topic.

Does that article/essay support your overall point here, Fox?

And...why the insults in your intro? That is so unlike you.

Yep. I can't find much to quarrel with in that article. But I would be open to hear a rebuttal to it if you have one.

What insults in the intro?????

confirmation bias and thickening of the bubble.
I am still trying to find out exactly what GLAAD did to Robertson.

I know they contacted A&E. I believe that this contact was considered by A&E in their decision to suspend Robertson.

Is there any further detail available for review?

It has all been posted and linked and sourced by myself and others LL. I can't help that you didn't read it then but it isn't fair to ask me to hunt all that up again. If you think it didn't happen, use your own considerable googling skills and show me that GLAAD did not make demands on A&E to fire Phil Robertson. Show me that A&E did not put Phil Robertson on 'permanent' hiatus/suspension. I will be open to that correction if you can provide it. I, and pretty much everybody else in the free world who has read up on it at all, believe that they did.

And more importantly, if they did it. . . IF they did it. . .do you think that was okay? And if you think that was okay, was AFA going after Ellen Degeneres okay? You have no problem with people being physically and/or materially punished for being who and what they are?
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