In Re Roger Stone:

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
Roger Jason Stone Jr. (born August 27, 1952) is an American political consultant,[2] lobbyist, strategist, and conspiracy theorist noted for his use of opposition research usually for candidates of the Republican Party.[3]

In 1980, he co-founded the Washington, DC-based lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone with principals Paul Manafort and Charles R. Black Jr.[4][5][6] It recruited Peter G. Kelly and the firm was renamed Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly in 1984.[7]:124 During the 1980s, BMSK leveraged its "White House connections" to attract "high-paying clients" including "U.S. corporations", "trade associations", and foreign governments. By 1990, it was "one of the leading lobbyists for American companies and foreign organizations".[7]:125
See: Roger Stone - Wikipedia

On August 12, nearly a year after he left Trump's campaign and a few weeks after WikiLeaks, a radical-transparency group, published the first set of stolen emails from the DNC, Stone reached out through a private message to a Twitter user named "Guccifer 2.0."

Earlier that August, Stone had written on the alt-right website Breitbart, then controlled by Steve Bannon, that it was "a hacker who goes by the name of Guccifer 2.0" — and not the Russians — who hacked the DNC and fed the documents to WikiLeaks.

But experts quickly linked Guccifer 2.0 back to Russia and concluded that the so-called hacker wasthe product of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Meet Roger Stone: One of Donald Trump's most loyal supporters who is now being investigated by FBI
Guccifer 2.0 said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server and that she was engaged in Insider Trading, and Gun Running to Terrorists and Drug Dealers in Mexico and Afghanistan and also She was sharing Classified Intel with Unauthorized friends of hers. (Sid Blumenthal for one, who worked with the Russians to create the Fake Russian Dossier.)
See the Las Vegas Shooting & Benghazi, as well as Fast & Furious.
Guccifer 2.0 has disappeared never to be heard from again.

Meanwhile Julian Assange has never been wrong, in the 11 plus years he has ran WIKILEAKS and has stated Categorically that Podesta's emails came from Seth Rich.
He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test. has also testified to this, because he helped Seth Rich upload the emails to Wikileaks. He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Robert Mueller refuses to INTERVIEW ALL THREE MEN.

Meanwhile THE FBI Obstructs Justice and files False Affidavits, They slow walk legally requested documents. They refused to tell THE FISA Court that the Fake Russian Dossier they paid Putin for was paid for with money from Clinton, Obama & The DNC, and was laundered through COIE Lawfirm, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to KGB agents.

Robert Mueller REFUSES to interview anyone involved in that.

Carter Page will be a Rich Man.

Lastly, The Australian Ambassador who has ties to Hillary Clinton directly, personally arranged a donation of $25 Million Dollars to the Clinton Foundation. This same ambassador lied and perjured himself when he said he overheard a drunk Papadopoulis say he might be able to get some dirt on Hillary Clinton from a Russian Source. No dirt was ever given to him. Just another secret Espionage Warrant to spy on a guy, they were unable to pin anything on except for being tripped up one time, after 12 straight hours of interrogation.

Papadoupolis will be another Rich Man

Meanwhile at THE DNC, Schultz and Clinton hire a gang of Criminal Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and steal dirt and dig dirt on everyone they could. Even after they get busted Schultz and Clinton take their remaining Prized Hacker to the Clinton Campaign and continue to have him work his dirt and pay him an exorbitant salary.

Problem with Pakistani Hackers is the same problem with Clinton...everything is for sale...including Podesta's Emails. It was an inside Job.

Mueller refuses to Interview anyone involved.

Mueller cannot shut down his investigation even though he should, because the second he does, the walls will come crashing down on The Democrat Party....who actually have financial records to show that they solicited, paid for, and propagated Russian Propaganda, Committed Fraud, Treason, Attempted a COUP, Laundered money, and engaged in Espionage, in a desperate attempt to get a Drunken Old Hag and Putin Puppet installed in The Oval Office.

They conspired, to create an Insurance Policy based upon Skull Duggery, but what they did was dig their own graves when they insisted on continuing their malfeasance even after Trump won the election. Had they dropped it, they would never be indicted in the upcoming year.
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Roger Jason Stone Jr. (born August 27, 1952) is an American political consultant,[2] lobbyist, strategist, and conspiracy theorist noted for his use of opposition research usually for candidates of the Republican Party.[3]

In 1980, he co-founded the Washington, DC-based lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone with principals Paul Manafort and Charles R. Black Jr.[4][5][6] It recruited Peter G. Kelly and the firm was renamed Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly in 1984.[7]:124 During the 1980s, BMSK leveraged its "White House connections" to attract "high-paying clients" including "U.S. corporations", "trade associations", and foreign governments. By 1990, it was "one of the leading lobbyists for American companies and foreign organizations".[7]:125
See: Roger Stone - Wikipedia

On August 12, nearly a year after he left Trump's campaign and a few weeks after WikiLeaks, a radical-transparency group, published the first set of stolen emails from the DNC, Stone reached out through a private message to a Twitter user named "Guccifer 2.0."

Earlier that August, Stone had written on the alt-right website Breitbart, then controlled by Steve Bannon, that it was "a hacker who goes by the name of Guccifer 2.0" — and not the Russians — who hacked the DNC and fed the documents to WikiLeaks.

But experts quickly linked Guccifer 2.0 back to Russia and concluded that the so-called hacker wasthe product of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Meet Roger Stone: One of Donald Trump's most loyal supporters who is now being investigated by FBI

This witch hunt will run until Halloween

Roger Jason Stone Jr. (born August 27, 1952) is an American political consultant,[2] lobbyist, strategist, and conspiracy theorist noted for his use of opposition research usually for candidates of the Republican Party.[3]

In 1980, he co-founded the Washington, DC-based lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone with principals Paul Manafort and Charles R. Black Jr.[4][5][6] It recruited Peter G. Kelly and the firm was renamed Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly in 1984.[7]:124 During the 1980s, BMSK leveraged its "White House connections" to attract "high-paying clients" including "U.S. corporations", "trade associations", and foreign governments. By 1990, it was "one of the leading lobbyists for American companies and foreign organizations".[7]:125
See: Roger Stone - Wikipedia

On August 12, nearly a year after he left Trump's campaign and a few weeks after WikiLeaks, a radical-transparency group, published the first set of stolen emails from the DNC, Stone reached out through a private message to a Twitter user named "Guccifer 2.0."

Earlier that August, Stone had written on the alt-right website Breitbart, then controlled by Steve Bannon, that it was "a hacker who goes by the name of Guccifer 2.0" — and not the Russians — who hacked the DNC and fed the documents to WikiLeaks.

But experts quickly linked Guccifer 2.0 back to Russia and concluded that the so-called hacker wasthe product of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Meet Roger Stone: One of Donald Trump's most loyal supporters who is now being investigated by FBI

This witch hunt will run until Halloween


No, it'll stretch all the way through 2020
Roger Stone out-foxed Gore and his corrupt staff in the Florida Recount
and got the Miami-Dade recount shut down.

Bless his heart

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