In shock after seeing new rates.

It's still happening! All of the ACA horror stories happen to conservatives. It's just so odd!
Could be Conservatives are lying could be dems are lying. obumer was given liar of the year 2013 for his obamacare lie. So who should we believe? Those who support liar of the year or those who are not supporting the liar of the year?

The fact is that it depends upon where you live. It also depend on your age, whether you are purchasing your insurance from the Exchange or get it through your employer. Many people who are complaining that their rates are doubling are actually only seeing their contribution double. Most people get their insurance through their employer and have absolutely no idea what the actual cost is. In many cases, employers are asking employees to pay a bigger share, so an employee might see his/her share jump from $100 per month to $200 per month for their entire family, but the actual premium only increased from $750 to $800 per month.
It's still happening! All of the ACA horror stories happen to conservatives. It's just so odd!
Could be Conservatives are lying could be dems are lying. obumer was given liar of the year 2013 for his obamacare lie. So who should we believe? Those who support liar of the year or those who are not supporting the liar of the year?

The fact is that it depends upon where you live. It also depend on your age, whether you are purchasing your insurance from the Exchange or get it through your employer. Many people who are complaining that their rates are doubling are actually only seeing their contribution double. Most people get their insurance through their employer and have absolutely no idea what the actual cost is. In many cases, employers are asking employees to pay a bigger share, so an employee might see his/her share jump from $100 per month to $200 per month for their entire family, but the actual premium only increased from $750 to $800 per month.
Now why in the hell does where you live have to do with cost, obamacare was supposed to make healthcare coverage affordable for all and save people 2500.00
Term limits are no obstacle at all to a Messiah armed with a phone and a pen~

There are other things that can limit terms, however, as The Shah of Iran and a few Presidents of Egypt have discovered over the years.

Oh cool! Another veiled suggestion that someone ought to kill the president! What a great USMB member you are!

And....why do so many USMB nutters look to Iran and other Muslim nations for ideas?

Fucking loser!
Term limits are no obstacle at all to a Messiah armed with a phone and a pen~

There are other things that can limit terms, however, as The Shah of Iran and a few Presidents of Egypt have discovered over the years.

Oh cool! Another veiled suggestion that someone ought to kill the president! What a great USMB member you are!

And....why do so many USMB nutters look to Iran and other Muslim nations for ideas?

Fucking loser!
So now suggesting terms limits is the same thing as saying someone should kill the president? You are a fucking dumb ass.
Term limits are no obstacle at all to a Messiah armed with a phone and a pen~

There are other things that can limit terms, however, as The Shah of Iran and a few Presidents of Egypt have discovered over the years.

Oh cool! Another veiled suggestion that someone ought to kill the president! What a great USMB member you are!

And....why do so many USMB nutters look to Iran and other Muslim nations for ideas?

Fucking loser!
So now suggesting terms limits is the same thing as saying someone should kill the president? You are a fucking dumb ass.

You failed to comprehend. Again.
Term limits are no obstacle at all to a Messiah armed with a phone and a pen~

There are other things that can limit terms, however, as The Shah of Iran and a few Presidents of Egypt have discovered over the years.

Oh cool! Another veiled suggestion that someone ought to kill the president! What a great USMB member you are!

And....why do so many USMB nutters look to Iran and other Muslim nations for ideas?

Fucking loser!
So now suggesting terms limits is the same thing as saying someone should kill the president? You are a fucking dumb ass.

You failed to comprehend. Again.
I didn't fail at anything Show me the exact words where Henry called for the shooting of obama, or any president?
You are not interesting. If you didn't catch his meaning.....then you are even dumber than I thought. Let me tell you.....that's pretty fucking dumb.
Term limits are no obstacle at all to a Messiah armed with a phone and a pen~

There are other things that can limit terms, however, as The Shah of Iran and a few Presidents of Egypt have discovered over the years.

Oh cool! Another veiled suggestion that someone ought to kill the president! What a great USMB member you are!

And....why do so many USMB nutters look to Iran and other Muslim nations for ideas?

Fucking loser!
So now suggesting terms limits is the same thing as saying someone should kill the president? You are a fucking dumb ass.

You failed to comprehend. Again. usual...everyone else is wrong and you hold the key to true knowledge.....
One trick pony. No one is fooled by your evasions...
Term limits are no obstacle at all to a Messiah armed with a phone and a pen~

There are other things that can limit terms, however, as The Shah of Iran and a few Presidents of Egypt have discovered over the years.

Oh cool! Another veiled suggestion that someone ought to kill the president! What a great USMB member you are!

And....why do so many USMB nutters look to Iran and other Muslim nations for ideas?

Fucking loser!
So now suggesting terms limits is the same thing as saying someone should kill the president? You are a fucking dumb ass.

You failed to comprehend. Again. usual...everyone else is wrong and you hold the key to true knowledge.....
One trick pony. No one is fooled by your evasions...
Liberals are getting dumber everyday.
Term limits are no obstacle at all to a Messiah armed with a phone and a pen~

There are other things that can limit terms, however, as The Shah of Iran and a few Presidents of Egypt have discovered over the years.

Oh cool! Another veiled suggestion that someone ought to kill the president! What a great USMB member you are!

And....why do so many USMB nutters look to Iran and other Muslim nations for ideas?

Fucking loser!
So now suggesting terms limits is the same thing as saying someone should kill the president? You are a fucking dumb ass.

You failed to comprehend. Again. usual...everyone else is wrong and you hold the key to true knowledge.....
One trick pony. No one is fooled by your evasions...
Liberals are getting dumber everyday.

He's a particularly disingenuous leftist agitator and provocateur.
He imagines himself as quite clever. You can just tell....LMAO.. :trolls:
Oh cool! Another veiled suggestion that someone ought to kill the president! What a great USMB member you are!

And....why do so many USMB nutters look to Iran and other Muslim nations for ideas?

Fucking loser!
So now suggesting terms limits is the same thing as saying someone should kill the president? You are a fucking dumb ass.

You failed to comprehend. Again. usual...everyone else is wrong and you hold the key to true knowledge.....
One trick pony. No one is fooled by your evasions...
Liberals are getting dumber everyday.

He's a particularly disingenuous leftist agitator and provocateur.
He imagines himself as quite clever. You can just tell....LMAO.. :trolls:
You're new so I'll repeat what I've written before -

My own rates went down, I have received two refunds, scrips when down and I still have the same excellent coverage and doctors I had before.

At a recent party, the conversation turned to ACA and not one person was unhappy.

I don't believe most of the stuff I read here from the RW Obama haters but yes, of course, you should shop for the best coverage for your money.
Whose your carrier give me their contact information so I can get the same policy you have.
If you don't it means you are a lying sack of shit

To reiterate:

This ass-clown refuses to tell us the name of the insurance company (other than a vague reference to Blue Cross/Blue Shield) and the state in which it is offering those bargain rates.

Along with that claims I have asked for personal information when the name of an insurance company and/or a state is hardly personal.

So, not just a bullshitter, a liar of epic proportion.

In short, a worthy liberal Democrat.


Quote the exact link where I wrote " offering those bargain rates".

In fact, it is YOU who is lying.
Come on man, your one accomplishment in life is being elected "Board Liar".

Revel in your glory.
You need to read the articles you post.

The rate increases are for off exchange plans, nor on exchange plans, and they went up because insurers are forced to cover essential benefits of the ACA.
rate increases due to Obamacare. You idiot
This appears to be correct. The letter from the insurer actually states that the plan is no longer being offered due to requirements set by the affordable care act. So the insurer is lying, or my cost of insurance is actually going up due to requirements set by the affordable care act. Thing is, I was happy with my insurance. Optima and I had a nice thing going, why cant I keep it that way?

I have polling data from ABC conducted before Obamacare which showed that 89% of respondents were happy with their plans. For what it's worth, a Canadian poll done the next year showed 57% of Canadians were happy with the quality of their care.

You can't keep your plan because liberals know better than you what is in your best interests.
I don't get say polls indicate Obamacare policy holders like thier plans, in general, but there's what kind of problem because of liberals?

Creationist liberals?.....dude, you are an enigma, or crazy.

If 89% of the public liked their plans, why was there a need to socialize medical care?
Got to take care of the deadbeats.

What I want to know, is how many previously uninsured BOUGHT insurance, and how many have been GIVEN insurance at the expense of the responsible workers of America.
Whose your carrier give me their contact information so I can get the same policy you have.
If you don't it means you are a lying sack of shit.

Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Whose your agent and the office number
Blue Cross: Rates will rise under new federal health care law
Local North Carolina state news from Raleigh NC
You need to read the articles you post.

The rate increases are for off exchange plans, nor on exchange plans, and they went up because insurers are forced to cover essential benefits of the ACA.
rate increases due to Obamacare. You idiot
I'm pretty sure you don't even know what essential benefits, and off exchange VS on exchange means.

Scat!...go google youself out of idiocy
irrelevant obamacare was going to save us all and keep rates down, any other deflection is still irrelevant. now scat back to obama for more talking points.

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