In the defense of white folks

Charles Murray is a moron and a racist no one takes seriously. And you idiots can think that as long as you don't come out and expressly say that you're racists that no one can sus it out. That's not how that works.
Au contraire, Charles Murray is a well-respected intellectual whose books have been amazingly influential. Take the Bell Curve: its publication resulted in the work requirement for welfare during the Clinton administration, as opposed to blacks making a living by pumping out black babies one after another, which is what they were doing.

I don't care if you call me a racist, or a white supremacist: fire at will. I think we should all get used to the name calling and glory in it. Whatever doubts and limits we have, that's what the Left will exploit against us, so take care to affirm and delight in whatever dire name they call you.
Preppies' Pet Pit Bulls

Only the Ding-Dongs of the Bell Curve object to his scientific proof of their genetic inferiority. Your ruling-class Masters turned you loose on us to harass, humiliate, disempower, and distract us. Afram savages don't matter at all, except as a tool and a decoy. This is pure class war within the White race, a race that does matter but won't for much longer unless Whites recognize who is obstructing their natural destiny.
Environment is the strongest candidate, scientifically, for IQ disparities and has been since at least the turn of the century. Being stuck in the past is no way to conquer the future cuck boy.
Au contraire, Charles Murray is a well-respected intellectual whose books have been amazingly influential. Take the Bell Curve: it's publication resulted in the work requirement for welfare during the Clinton administration, as opposed to making a living by pumping out black babies one after another, which is what they were doing.

I don't care if you call me a racist, or a white supremacist: fire at will. I think we should all get used to the name calling and glory in it. Whatever doubts and limits we have, that's what the Left will exploit against us, so take care to affirm and delight in whatever dire name they call you.
I agree, call whatever names you like little bitch, calling you racist works because it looks true. Lol.
I agree, call whatever names you like little bitch, calling you racist works because it looks true. Lol.
I knew this would be a one shot and out, because you would succumb to your filthy-mouth problem.

It's interesting to see how furious and frantic the Left is ---- they know they are probably losing BIG in 2022 and 2024. The more people name-call and express their fury, the more they are losing.
I knew this would be a one shot and out, because you would succumb to your filthy-mouth problem.

It's interesting to see how furious and frantic the Left is ---- they know they are probably losing BIG in 2022 and 2024. The more people name-call and express their fury, the more they are losing.
Yeah, I put him on ignore once he called me a bitch, or perhaps worse. Obnoxious leftists who can’t argue without resorting to low-class name-calling don‘t deserve my effort.
Yeah, I put him on ignore once he called me a bitch, or perhaps worse. Obnoxious leftists who can’t argue without resorting to low-class name-calling don‘t deserve my effort.
That is also my practice. Some years I let them out at New Years, but some have left and most have the same bad characters that got them on Ignore to start with. Revolving-door Ignore lists, like prisons for recedivists.
I knew this would be a one shot and out, because you would succumb to your filthy-mouth problem.
Lol. Suck it up snowflake.
It's interesting to see how furious and frantic the Left is ---- they know they are probably losing BIG in 2022 and 2024. The more people name-call and express their fury, the more they are losing.
What fury? You clowns mostly amuse. Lol.
That is also my practice. Some years I let them out at New Years, but some have left and most have the same bad characters got them on Ignore to start with. Revolving-door Ignore lists, like prisons for recedivists.
Sometimes when the response to an “ignored” poster is interesting, I “UN ignore” because the curiosity gets the better of me. I realize the comment will be nauseating, but it’s hard to resist. Just like looking at a car crash.
Sometimes when the response to an “ignored” poster is interesting, I “UN ignore” because the curiosity gets the better of me. I realize the comment will be nauseating, but it’s hard to resist. Just like looking at a car crash.
I rarely do that --- in truth, I just forget about them!

Just as well.
As is so always the case, you failed to notice what I did say. I don’t know if this is because you are brain dead or if it’s more simply explained by the fact that you are, at your core, nothing but dishonest.

The spin you choose to put on Trump’s effort to reframe Wallace’s plodding attempt to pose a “got ya” question is just that. Spin.

Look, troll-boi. We get it. You’re a total hack. It’s already established. There isn’t any need for you to put so much effort into it.

Aww, you poor, brain-dead con, still crying a softball question was too hard for Trump to answer? :lmao:

"yes, I condemn white supremacy."


During the Empire: 1,000,000
During the First Dark Ages: 20,000

What earthquakes hit Detroit and the other junglified cities?
Great, so according to the nutty right, America is a shithole country.
  • Thanks
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You're deranged, so there's that. His "condemnation" of the Proud Boys was to "stand by" and you're so insane, you deny that's a call to do something about Antifa and the left.

No Phony. You are the deranged one. So that’s that.
Liar. I've never said a word about a company "implementing a diversity program."
Affirmative action is something the government "FORCES." I'm against almost all forms of government force. <<<Key word "almost."

Pot calling the kettle. You lefties love government force, unless it's forcing you lefties to do something. Like finding a job and getting off welfare, finding a way to pay for your sex changes and taking care of your own drug addicts.

7 billionaires proves that blacks can achieve extremely high levels of success. Those 7 wasn't handed all that money. They worked for it. They ignored the thug life. They didn't get involved in criminal activity. The rejected the welfare life.
Question is, why aren't more blacks applying themselves in the same way?

Black population in the US. 12.1%. Automatically, with at least 1 brain cell, one can see that having more black billionaires than white (or even an equal number) would mean that blacks have high ambitions, they choose to not live the thug life. That they're highly intelligent.
Apparently that's not the case.
Especially when you consider countries where blacks are extremely populated, and there's also not a lot of success there either.
Why isn't Africa highly populated with black billionaires or millionaires? Why isn't Africa THE richest countries in the world? They have a huge deposits of valuable minerals. Considering that sand is one of the largest components in making solar panels, why isn't Africa the largest manufacturer of solar panels? Or anything else, beside poverty?

12% of the USA is black. Not 15%. Apparently a LOT of blacks lack the intelligence and ambition to even finish high school.
  • 64% have parents whose education level is less than high school.
  • 45% live in mother-only households.
  • 35% live in father-only households.
I love how you're blaming whites on the person decisions of blacks to drop out of school before they even get a high school diploma.
That's racist. And priceless, at the same time.

Well, wish in one hand and shit in another. Because those black billionaires are going to go where people don't feel like they're "entitled." Where they're not lazy. Where they're not always in threat of being sued for some stupid BS.
My bro makes $1 million a year. He puts things into perspective for me. Why so few women and Asian managers in the departments that lead to being ceo? They aren’t good at it. Companies are dying to put minorities and women on the board of directors but that’s not the same thing as having more CEOs.

Lots of really smart Asian mid level guys but they will never be CEOs. They don’t have the personality to lead.
When Cuba sent us all those criminals and thugs, the left raised all kind of hell over it. But if it's Mexico, they don't care, because it was a republican president who tried to put a stop to it.

Funny how the left will go back in history when trying to make a point. But only so far back and only on certain subjects.
You really don't want to go back to the time England sent debtors and criminals to America.
He didn’t mind because he didn’t do any such things. Your spin on everything remains just that: spin.

You idiots call it blowing a dog whistle because you’re referencing something that can’t be heard. Sometimes, the reason you can’t hear something is because — there wasn’t any such sound in the first place.
Stop lying. Trump has whistled loud and long. Your opinion is irrelevant because you're part of the problem.
You're trying to paint me with the same brush you painted white slave owners with. I'm about as far from racist as you can get. The difference is, I don't take up for black violent thugs. Nor do I take up for white ones, brown ones, blue, green or any kind of thug.
That's what you call equality. I treat all thugs the same. Like fucking dogs. No wait, I treat all animals a lot better than I treat thugs.

You're problem is, you're brainwashed into thinking you have to respect black thugs because they're black. Dude, even decent black folks don't do that.
You remind me of one of that moronic white people chanting "Kill whitey."

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You paint yourself. I don't have to do it.

You are the brainwashed one. You elect white thugs into office then bitch because they steal once yoi put them in there. You basically suck on trumps dick like its a lollypop and trump is a pure d thug of the first order.
Why does the good ole boy white network need to be broken up? If it's the white people that started the company, white people running the company, and they are more comfortable with white people working there, then what does it matter?
For fucks sakes, if they're stupid enough to build a plant in an area that 80% black, they can't complain that blacks are all they can get. But there's not a whole lot of those area's.

Dude, white folks don't complain about not being able to get a job with a black owned and operated company. We don't care. We'll look for a job elsewhere, because we understand it's not our name on the door or the tax papers. It's theirs. They can hire who ever the hell they want to.

There's plenty of black millionaires in this country. And a few billionaires. You might ask them why they're not starting some companies in predominantly black communities and hiring them. My guess it, they know how lazy a LOT of those blacks are in the projects. It's one of the main reasons they're in the projects. Because they're too lazy to do the work it takes to get out.

I hired a bunch of blacks from a temp agency outside of Birmingham one day. By lunch, 85% of them were fired because they were just too damn lazy. Was it because they were black? I doubt it. I know some lazy ass white folks too. But that's what you get when you try to help people who don't want help.
Lol, here we have the classic, "I hired blacks but they were too lazy," white racist story.

Blacks are 13 percent of the population but have 2 percent of the wealtg. And that's because of continuing white racism and nothing else.

There are 47 million blacks in America. 36,000 are worth 1 million or more. There are that many whites worth at least 1 million in NYC alone. Son, you run that white pie hole of yours without knowing wtf you're talking about. Whites have been crying since the 1960's about losing jobs because of AA, even as the policy itself guarantees whites the majority of the jobs.

And of course you never hired anyone white who was lazy.

You racism precedes you.
Stop lying. Trump has whistled loud and long. Your opinion is irrelevant because you're part of the problem.
You, as all can see, are the liar. You’re a racist pig with hostility toward truth.

It was already noted here. Assholes like you call it a “dog whistle” because dog whistles can’t be heard. But the sound you’re not hearing in this case is unheard for another reason: it simply doesn’t exist.

It’s just another one of your lies. You truly can’t suck enough as a miserable lying piece of shit, you vile racist scumbag.

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