In the EU they mix bugs into foods

Below is a short ZH article on a closely related matter .

Ultimately the Sheeple will decide for themselves , unless the WEF continues with its agenda of burning down food processing plants as a means to manipulate shortages and "force" you to their chosen alternatives .
Mr Evil Gates is very involved with this agenda along with the Usual Suspects .

There will be a few loonies who will prefer insects for their own nutty reasons but if a genuine demand market emerges , that's fine .

It is forced choice and Entrainment that are the aspects to refuse . imho

Fake Meat Fail: Sales Collapse At Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods As 20% Of Staff Laid Off​

The fake meat industry appears to be in a death-spiral as sales at plant-based 'meat' companies Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat have imploded.

As Axios reports, "after years of hype, the tide is turning against the first generation of plant-based protein makers."

Last year, both companies were riding high - with prime placement on supermarket shelves, and Burger King even adding an Impossible Whopper to its menu.
Impossible Meat even began to branch out - looking to expand offerings to highly processed meats such as chicken nuggets and sausages.
Sales have collapsed, however, which according to a recent Bloomberg report, has resulted in Impossible Foods planning to lay off around 20% of its workers.
Impossible Foods Inc., the maker of meatless burgers and sausages, is preparing to cut about 20% of its staff, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The Redwood City, California-based company currently employs about 700 workers. The new round of dismissals could reduce that amount by more than 100.
Impossible Foods also offered voluntary separation payments and benefits to employees at the end of 2022
, said the person, who asked not to be named discussing private information. An internal document viewed by Bloomberg confirmed the separation packages being offered. The company previously reduced headcount in October, cutting about 6% of its workforce at the time. -Bloomberg
Beyond Meat's sales fell over 22% in the third quarter of 2022, as the company is preparing to similarly cut 20% of its workers. The company has also lost several executives.
According to the report, supermarket sales fell by 15% y/y as of Jan. 1, according to market-research firm IRI, while orders in restaurants dropped 9% in the12 months ended in November, according to NPD Group.
Meanwhile, data from consumer-experience strategy firm HundredX suggests waning interest in general - as the percentage of shoppers polled who have eaten Impossible products and say they won't do it again has risen.
Beyond Meat stock is also down around 67% vs. one year ago.
Here's an idea: instead of making people eat bugs to survive, we could just institute a program to have everyone just stop having babies, maybe no more than just one kid per family for a generation or two, and let the world population drop back down to a sustainable level?

Silly me, that would solve climate change, pollution, destruction of land and forests, disease, and depletion of resources too!
Here's an idea: instead of making people eat bugs to survive, we could just institute a program to have everyone just stop having babies, maybe no more than just one kid per family for a generation or two, and let the world population drop back down to a sustainable level?

Silly me, that would solve climate change, pollution, destruction of land and forests, disease, and depletion of resources too!
It's the old chestnut.
How do you get the Sheeple to agree it .
How do you run it ?
How do you enforce it?

Re-educating people takes a long time , possibly a generation or more .

But the narrative premisses are deliberately Fake .
Climate Change , food availability etc etc are all demonstrably nonsense. So , "They" ( WEF ) create a non existent problem and if necessary force and falsify matters to "prove" their "Fake narrative -- burn down food processing plants as one example. One easy way to create a shortage .

And the master Fake crap ,literally .
Get rid of cows ( meat) because they blow out so much Methane that it is wrecking the world in every way imaginable .
Believe that and you are 100% Gullible .
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Speaking from a retail point of view..............

People eat bugs in their food ALL THE TIME, and have been for centuries.

Before technology and industrialization........people hoarded food, as much as they could. Not that it wasn't available, but because it was hard to come by, purchase, or pick for themselves. So it was kept in larders, cool closets, basements, food pantries, etc....

But insects and rodents still got into this food. But people either ate around the infested parts, or just didn't care and ate everything there.
Food was food, regardless. Especially during times of government created depressions and recessions and such. Nobody could waste anything.

After industrialization, it became worse, because food production warehouses were being overrun with rodents and insects. Companies could not waste food, as they were cutting out profit margins. So many food products, like grains and vegetables, were repackaged and sold, after attempts of "sifting out" the vermin and insects. But many remained.

Also, before automation, many food production facilities had problems with storing ingrediants without infestations. And open vat production systems were notorious for having insects and vermin fall into them. And again, companies couldn't waste all that food, so it was blended into the food product being made. This is why there are "legal" amounts of "foreign substances" allowed in food production.

Even now, with supposed sterile automated food production and storage systems, the threat isn't just insects and vermin anylonger, it's bacteria as well. Automated machines need constant cleaning and sanitization, which they never get. I've seen huge chunks of mold or rotten food stuck to a part of a machine, falling into the batch after so long of buildup.

In food storage and food production nowadays, you are going to get more than you think you are getting. But thats one of the prices we pay for a society that depends on corporations to feed us.

Some say it is full of protein and a good protein alternative etc. What are your opinions on it and did you heard of it?
You are already eating insects because all food regulations allow a certain percentage of "filth" that includes insects, rodent hairs and all kinds of other nasty stuff
Ever have fried cricket? It's not that bad. Not that I agree with it being the main course every night.

The Survivalman Les Stroud makes meals of them, but then, he is in a survival demonstration--- not everyday epicurean pursuits to which the cultured and sophisticated palette is entitled to.

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