In The Mistaken Belief

Billy, can you explain to my challenged little brain what this means: "Trump has vowed to renegotiate the terms of the deal and increase its enforcement. None of the other parties to the agreement has expressed interest in picking apart the deal, which took more than a decade of diplomatic efforts and almost two full years of negotiations to come about."

Does he plan to pull out of the negotiated partnership and re-negotiate a separate deal? If he does that, and if he increases enforcement does that mean we, America, act alone if the need arises from Trump's separate and harsher terms? Or, if the present deal is off, does Iran go nuclear without restraint?
Billy, can you explain to my challenged little brain what this means: "Trump has vowed to renegotiate the terms of the deal and increase its enforcement. None of the other parties to the agreement has expressed interest in picking apart the deal, which took more than a decade of diplomatic efforts and almost two full years of negotiations to come about."

Does he plan to pull out of the negotiated partnership and re-negotiate a separate deal? If he does that, and if he increases enforcement does that mean we, America, act alone if the need arises from Trump's separate and harsher terms? Or, if the present deal is off, does Iran go nuclear without restraint?

He did use the word "unilaterally" often during the campaign.

I suspect if Iran decides it really wants a nuke, we may give them one. To permit them to acquire nuclear weapons in their present state would be sheer folly.
Billy, can you explain to my challenged little brain what this means: "Trump has vowed to renegotiate the terms of the deal and increase its enforcement. None of the other parties to the agreement has expressed interest in picking apart the deal, which took more than a decade of diplomatic efforts and almost two full years of negotiations to come about."

Does he plan to pull out of the negotiated partnership and re-negotiate a separate deal? If he does that, and if he increases enforcement does that mean we, America, act alone if the need arises from Trump's separate and harsher terms? Or, if the present deal is off, does Iran go nuclear without restraint?

He did use the word "unilaterally" often during the campaign.

I suspect if Iran decides it really wants a nuke, we may give them one. To permit them to acquire nuclear weapons in their present state would be sheer folly.
'Bibi' and President Trump won't allow Iran to complete construction of a nuclear weapon.
There are Israeli spies all over Iran. They know when the nuclear scientists at the 'supposed secret' bomb making facilities take a leak.
BONOBO signed the 'deal' illegally by not going through Congress. The 'deal' was an EO. President Trump can tear up the 'deal' with an EO which is exactly what he's going to do.
The 'deal' that 'Mr. Stolen Valor' signed was used as asswipe by the Mullahs BEFORE 'Stolen Valor' even boarded his private jet at Tehran airport.
Only a lefty nitwit - oops, sorry for being redundant - would think a nuclear armed Iran an acceptable state of affairs.
'lefty nitwit'? So who was it that negotiated and made a deal to STOP Iran from going nuclear by giving them their own money? Is it possible our current President had an mysterious Republican mind-meld when he negotiated the deal to avoid a nuclear Iran? Must be either that or you are sniffing pixie dust, because I'm pretty sure the deal to deter Iran from unacceptable nukes was negotiated by 'lefty nitwits'

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