In the name of Islam

That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

These people committed crimes in the name of god...I guess they were, right?

God Told Me To Do It

Teacher Says 'Higher Power' Told Him To Attack Kid With Skateboard

Mom Allegedly Tries To Drown Son In Puddle Because Jesus Told Her To

Man Allegedly Stabs Grandma, Blames Archangel Michael

Nurse Thinks Grandmother Was Possessed, Beats Her To Death: Cops

Suspect: "Jesus And Mary Told Me To Kill Him Because He Is Satan's Spawn!"

Do the names Deana Laney and Andrea Yates ring a bell? God told them to kill their children, and they did.
Conservatives can't have it both ways: if a Muslim who commits a crime in the name of his faith is considered an Islamic terrorist, then a Christian who commits a crime in the name of his faith is a Christian terrorist.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right.

BS, I was raised as a Christian, I've been to some sort of church nearly every week of my life and not once was I ever taught or encouraged to kill in the name of cannot say the same for Islam

Of course I can say the same for Islam. The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are not encouraged to kill in the name of their religion either.

No you can't say the same. Now sit down and stfu
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

These people committed crimes in the name of god...I guess they were, right?

God Told Me To Do It

Teacher Says 'Higher Power' Told Him To Attack Kid With Skateboard

Mom Allegedly Tries To Drown Son In Puddle Because Jesus Told Her To

Man Allegedly Stabs Grandma, Blames Archangel Michael

Nurse Thinks Grandmother Was Possessed, Beats Her To Death: Cops

Suspect: "Jesus And Mary Told Me To Kill Him Because He Is Satan's Spawn!"

Do the names Deana Laney and Andrea Yates ring a bell? God told them to kill their children, and they did.
Conservatives can't have it both ways: if a Muslim who commits a crime in the name of his faith is considered an Islamic terrorist, then a Christian who commits a crime in the name of his faith is a Christian terrorist.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right.

BS, I was raised as a Christian, I've been to some sort of church nearly every week of my life and not once was I ever taught or encouraged to kill in the name of cannot say the same for Islam

Of course I can say the same for Islam. The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are not encouraged to kill in the name of their religion either.

Yes they are. Every week they go to their mosques and some fanatical Imam tells them they must kill the infidel. Over 80% of the Imams are radical fundamentalists.

Do us a favor...stop listening to your Rice Crispies.

Have you been to all these mosques?
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

These people committed crimes in the name of god...I guess they were, right?

God Told Me To Do It

Teacher Says 'Higher Power' Told Him To Attack Kid With Skateboard

Mom Allegedly Tries To Drown Son In Puddle Because Jesus Told Her To

Man Allegedly Stabs Grandma, Blames Archangel Michael

Nurse Thinks Grandmother Was Possessed, Beats Her To Death: Cops

Suspect: "Jesus And Mary Told Me To Kill Him Because He Is Satan's Spawn!"

Do the names Deana Laney and Andrea Yates ring a bell? God told them to kill their children, and they did.
Conservatives can't have it both ways: if a Muslim who commits a crime in the name of his faith is considered an Islamic terrorist, then a Christian who commits a crime in the name of his faith is a Christian terrorist.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right.

BS, I was raised as a Christian, I've been to some sort of church nearly every week of my life and not once was I ever taught or encouraged to kill in the name of cannot say the same for Islam

Of course I can say the same for Islam. The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are not encouraged to kill in the name of their religion either.

No you can't say the same. Now sit down and stfu

Yeah, that was convincing. :rolleyes:

Most people are sitting when they are at their computers.

No, I won't "STFU". I'll keep pointing out how wrong you are (with links) and you'll pretend to put me on ignore again. BTDT
These people committed crimes in the name of god...I guess they were, right?

God Told Me To Do It

Teacher Says 'Higher Power' Told Him To Attack Kid With Skateboard

Mom Allegedly Tries To Drown Son In Puddle Because Jesus Told Her To

Man Allegedly Stabs Grandma, Blames Archangel Michael

Nurse Thinks Grandmother Was Possessed, Beats Her To Death: Cops

Suspect: "Jesus And Mary Told Me To Kill Him Because He Is Satan's Spawn!"

Do the names Deana Laney and Andrea Yates ring a bell? God told them to kill their children, and they did.
Conservatives can't have it both ways: if a Muslim who commits a crime in the name of his faith is considered an Islamic terrorist, then a Christian who commits a crime in the name of his faith is a Christian terrorist.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right.

BS, I was raised as a Christian, I've been to some sort of church nearly every week of my life and not once was I ever taught or encouraged to kill in the name of cannot say the same for Islam

Of course I can say the same for Islam. The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are not encouraged to kill in the name of their religion either.

Yes they are. Every week they go to their mosques and some fanatical Imam tells them they must kill the infidel. Over 80% of the Imams are radical fundamentalists.

Do us a favor...stop listening to your Rice Crispies.

Have you been to all these mosques?

Surveys have been done, dipstick. I don't personally have to visit every Mosque to read information that is publically available.

Study: 3 in 4 U.S. mosques preach anti-West extremism
These people committed crimes in the name of god...I guess they were, right?

God Told Me To Do It

Teacher Says 'Higher Power' Told Him To Attack Kid With Skateboard

Mom Allegedly Tries To Drown Son In Puddle Because Jesus Told Her To

Man Allegedly Stabs Grandma, Blames Archangel Michael

Nurse Thinks Grandmother Was Possessed, Beats Her To Death: Cops

Suspect: "Jesus And Mary Told Me To Kill Him Because He Is Satan's Spawn!"

Do the names Deana Laney and Andrea Yates ring a bell? God told them to kill their children, and they did.
Conservatives can't have it both ways: if a Muslim who commits a crime in the name of his faith is considered an Islamic terrorist, then a Christian who commits a crime in the name of his faith is a Christian terrorist.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right.

BS, I was raised as a Christian, I've been to some sort of church nearly every week of my life and not once was I ever taught or encouraged to kill in the name of cannot say the same for Islam

Of course I can say the same for Islam. The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are not encouraged to kill in the name of their religion either.

No you can't say the same. Now sit down and stfu

Yeah, that was convincing. :rolleyes:

Most people are sitting when they are at their computers.

No, I won't "STFU". I'll keep pointing out how wrong you are (with links) and you'll pretend to put me on ignore again. BTDT

The keep blabbering about shit you obviously know nothing of. Most idiot left loons do
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

These people committed crimes in the name of god...I guess they were, right?

God Told Me To Do It

Teacher Says 'Higher Power' Told Him To Attack Kid With Skateboard

Mom Allegedly Tries To Drown Son In Puddle Because Jesus Told Her To

Man Allegedly Stabs Grandma, Blames Archangel Michael

Nurse Thinks Grandmother Was Possessed, Beats Her To Death: Cops

Suspect: "Jesus And Mary Told Me To Kill Him Because He Is Satan's Spawn!"

Do the names Deana Laney and Andrea Yates ring a bell? God told them to kill their children, and they did.
Conservatives can't have it both ways: if a Muslim who commits a crime in the name of his faith is considered an Islamic terrorist, then a Christian who commits a crime in the name of his faith is a Christian terrorist.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right.

BS, I was raised as a Christian, I've been to some sort of church nearly every week of my life and not once was I ever taught or encouraged to kill in the name of cannot say the same for Islam

Of course I can say the same for Islam. The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are not encouraged to kill in the name of their religion either.
The trouble with that Faux Comparison and salacious bit of Moral Relativism is that Islamic Dogma and Core Teachings differ vastly from those of Christianity.

Jesus of Nazareth taught "Love Thy Neighbor" and "Turn the Other Cheek".

Muhammed taught: "Kill the Unbelievers" and "If you die fighting for Allah then you go straight to Paradise".

The dogma and teachings of Islam are vastly more susceptible to being spin-doctored and interpreted to trigger violence and warfare.

Even in times of peace and in dormant times of political and military weakness, that Threat to Peace is always lurking in the shadows, ready to be resurrected at the drop of a hat.

It's a different and far more dangerous and intolerant Beast, and it is hostile to anything or anyone who doesn't subscribe to it, or whom opposes or criticizes it.

You can save your breath, trying to defend Islam: people in The West just aren't listening anymore.
Conservatives can't have it both ways: if a Muslim who commits a crime in the name of his faith is considered an Islamic terrorist, then a Christian who commits a crime in the name of his faith is a Christian terrorist.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right.

BS, I was raised as a Christian, I've been to some sort of church nearly every week of my life and not once was I ever taught or encouraged to kill in the name of cannot say the same for Islam

Of course I can say the same for Islam. The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are not encouraged to kill in the name of their religion either.

No you can't say the same. Now sit down and stfu

Yeah, that was convincing. :rolleyes:

Most people are sitting when they are at their computers.

No, I won't "STFU". I'll keep pointing out how wrong you are (with links) and you'll pretend to put me on ignore again. BTDT

The keep blabbering about shit you obviously know nothing of. Most idiot left loons do

Oh look, another post containing...nothing. 1.6 Billion Muslims...if they really were all encouraged to kill in the name of their religion, you'd be dead.

Fortunately the facts are that the overwhelming majority of moderate Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Secular Humanists, Mormons, what the fuck evers, all live together quite peacefully and without incident. Extremists in any religion are a problem, but not a reason to paint all those in the religion with the same brush.
BS, I was raised as a Christian, I've been to some sort of church nearly every week of my life and not once was I ever taught or encouraged to kill in the name of cannot say the same for Islam

Of course I can say the same for Islam. The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are not encouraged to kill in the name of their religion either.

No you can't say the same. Now sit down and stfu

Yeah, that was convincing. :rolleyes:

Most people are sitting when they are at their computers.

No, I won't "STFU". I'll keep pointing out how wrong you are (with links) and you'll pretend to put me on ignore again. BTDT

The keep blabbering about shit you obviously know nothing of. Most idiot left loons do

Oh look, another post containing...nothing. 1.6 Billion Muslims...if they really were all encouraged to kill in the name of their religion, you'd be dead.

Fortunately the facts are that the overwhelming majority of moderate Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Secular Humanists, Mormons, what the fuck evers, all live together quite peacefully and without incident. Extremists in any religion are a problem, but not a reason to paint all those in the religion with the same brush.

That's a great big fucking lie. If you just look where all the strife and violence in the world is today, you'll find Muslims are mixed up in it. Wherever Muslims go, they instigate violence. Islam is a bloodthirsty cult. It needs to be stamped out.
...1.6 Billion Muslims...if they really were all encouraged to kill in the name of their religion, you'd be dead...
They are restrained by...

1. the existence of an overwhelming 2.2 billion Christians

2. their grotesque backwardness, as this relates to industrialization, technology and military power
Of course I can say the same for Islam. The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are not encouraged to kill in the name of their religion either.

No you can't say the same. Now sit down and stfu

Yeah, that was convincing. :rolleyes:

Most people are sitting when they are at their computers.

No, I won't "STFU". I'll keep pointing out how wrong you are (with links) and you'll pretend to put me on ignore again. BTDT

The keep blabbering about shit you obviously know nothing of. Most idiot left loons do

Oh look, another post containing...nothing. 1.6 Billion Muslims...if they really were all encouraged to kill in the name of their religion, you'd be dead.

Fortunately the facts are that the overwhelming majority of moderate Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Secular Humanists, Mormons, what the fuck evers, all live together quite peacefully and without incident. Extremists in any religion are a problem, but not a reason to paint all those in the religion with the same brush.

That's a great big fucking lie. If you just look where all the strife and violence in the world is today, you'll find Muslims are mixed up in it. Wherever Muslims go, they instigate violence. Islam is a bloodthirsty cult. It needs to be stamped out.

:lol: Yeah, Christians have been trying that for centuries. How's it going. :lol:

Bigots are funny...scary, but funny.
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam," the city's police commissioner said on Friday.

Edward Archer of Philadelphia approached Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, shortly before midnight and fired 11 rounds, three of which hit the officer in his arm, authorities said. Police released still images from surveillance video that showed the gunman dressed in a long white robe walking toward the car and firing, eventually getting close enough to shoot at point-blank range through the window.

Hartnett chased Archer, who was arrested by responding officers and later confessed to the attack, police officials told reporters.

"He has confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam," Ross told a press conference, adding that the 30-year-old assailant also referenced Islamic State militants.

Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark added, "He said he pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah and that was the reason he was called on to do this."

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.

And I doubt you far left drones have ever been to the DNC head quarters, but you carry out your religious narratives day in and day out without question or hesitation..

Just like the narrative you just posted!
Just as you are carrying out yours.... No difference. Coyote is just stating facts. There are plenty of valid jihadists out there--if you need to stir more hatred of every Muslim in this country, try using one of them as your example. That's all I'm asking.

No coyote is stating a far left drone religious narrative..

Even you are running a narrative..

And the far left drones make comments that they will not back up!

The burden of proof is on the one making the comment, it is known far left drone tactic to make statements that have been debunked and expect others to prove them wrong!

Learn what a discussion is and what a debate is, because this far left drone mod surely does not know what one is..
Have pity, will ya? I'm a concrete thinker that gets facts from news where facts are documented. I asked you to keep those facts in mind. I make up all my stupid opinions myself, thank you very much. As a matter of fact, I heard on the news the other night that left and right alike ought to be REALLY NICE TO ME since I am an Independent and I'm up for grabs come November. Like that'll ever happen.
...1.6 Billion Muslims...if they really were all encouraged to kill in the name of their religion, you'd be dead...
They are restrained by...

1. the existence of an overwhelming 2.2 billion Christians

2. their grotesque backwardness, as this relates to industrialization, technology and military power

So you think all 1.6 billion of those Muslims live in 3rd world Middle Eastern countries? :lol:

See, bigots are funny...stupid as fuck, but funny.

Why should 1.6 billion Muslims be afraid of 2.2 billion Christians? Muslims are so much more bloodthirsty and willing to kill according to you bigots.

See the individual on the far left?


None of those people have slits down the sides of their robes.

I see two guy holding them all bunched up to keep them out of the sand, though.

Okay, if not that, then here is a split leg version of a thawb. And before you go after the color, I'm sure they come in white, too. :


NOTE: This is in fact called a "Kurta." However, it is Muslim attire nonetheless.

It's actually not "muslim attire" - it's regional - Kurta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A suit and a tie is Muslim attire.

Muslim-American women look like this:


All-American conservative women look like this:

There is nothing funny about this post.
...So you think all 1.6 billion of those Muslims live in 3rd world Middle Eastern countries? :lol: ...
What is the head-count of Muslims living in countries dominated by Islam, vs. the head count of Muslims living in countries NOT dominated by Islam?

I think that you'll find that my observation holds up under a closer scrutiny.

(*) Within the realm of countries dominated by Islam, their industrial base, native technologies and military power, are vastly inferior to those of the average Western Power.

...See, bigots are funny...stupid as fuck, but funny...
I'll concede your point, the very minute you can disprove the above (*) observation.

Until then, don't over-think the name-calling, my little LibTard pants-cuff humper... you'll do yourself an injury.

...Why should 1.6 billion Muslims be afraid of 2.2 billion Christians? Muslims are so much more bloodthirsty and willing to kill according to you bigots.
Because (a) Muslims are far more likely to initiate such hostilities in our present age and (b) Christians are far more likely to bring such hostilities to a victorious conclusion.

If the Muzzies want to live in peace, that's great... fine... sounds good.

If the Muzzies don't want to live in peace, the outcome will be far worse for them, than for us.
A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam,"
If that is the case, He should be considered an enemy combatant and shot on sight.

Being insane is not justification for denying criminal suspects the right to due process.
They released the would-be dognapper, too, after he showed everyone that he was a danger to himself and others with his shotgun, rifle, machete and billy club. God knows what the poor man's addled mind will light on next. They LET HIM GO with an ankle bracelet. He should be in jail or in a psych ward until a family member can come to DC to collect him, get him back on his meds and make sure he doesn't collect an arsenal again to what this time?
The right to due process has also become extreme, especially when it comes to mental health.
...1.6 Billion Muslims...if they really were all encouraged to kill in the name of their religion, you'd be dead...
They are restrained by...

1. the existence of an overwhelming 2.2 billion Christians

2. their grotesque backwardness, as this relates to industrialization, technology and military power

So you think all 1.6 billion of those Muslims live in 3rd world Middle Eastern countries? :lol:

See, bigots are funny...stupid as fuck, but funny.

Why should 1.6 billion Muslims be afraid of 2.2 billion Christians? Muslims are so much more bloodthirsty and willing to kill according to you bigots.

No country with a Muslim majority ever became economically or technically advanced. When Muslims live in such countries, it's because they emigrated there. Islam is a prescription for economic retardation and stagnation.
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam," the city's police commissioner said on Friday.

Edward Archer of Philadelphia approached Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, shortly before midnight and fired 11 rounds, three of which hit the officer in his arm, authorities said. Police released still images from surveillance video that showed the gunman dressed in a long white robe walking toward the car and firing, eventually getting close enough to shoot at point-blank range through the window.

Hartnett chased Archer, who was arrested by responding officers and later confessed to the attack, police officials told reporters.

"He has confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam," Ross told a press conference, adding that the 30-year-old assailant also referenced Islamic State militants.

Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark added, "He said he pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah and that was the reason he was called on to do this."

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.
He told police he was doing it in the name of Islam. If a Christian shot up an abortion clinic and said he was doing it in the name of Christ, would you turds claim it wasn't done in the name of Christ? Why of course you would. You just recently did.

Leftwing double standards are so pathetically obvious.

Not if it were mental illness.

How do you distinguish mental illness from radical Islam?

Radical religous views exist in all religions...look the's easy to pick and choose the elements of religion that feed what is little more than a thuggish desire for power over other humans and there are many people who desire little more than that. But not all people with a radical religious view choose to impose it on others. If mental illness or not is involved, that depends on the individual involved but I think these movements can attract a certain personality type.
...1.6 Billion Muslims...if they really were all encouraged to kill in the name of their religion, you'd be dead...
They are restrained by...

1. the existence of an overwhelming 2.2 billion Christians

2. their grotesque backwardness, as this relates to industrialization, technology and military power

So you think all 1.6 billion of those Muslims live in 3rd world Middle Eastern countries? :lol:

See, bigots are funny...stupid as fuck, but funny.

Why should 1.6 billion Muslims be afraid of 2.2 billion Christians? Muslims are so much more bloodthirsty and willing to kill according to you bigots.

No country with a Muslim majority ever became economically or technically advanced. When Muslims live in such countries, it's because they emigrated there. Islam is a prescription for economic retardation and stagnation.

It's a bit more complex than that since the same thing can be said of non-Muslim African countries, and many South American countries.

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