In the Spirit Holidays: Obama's Greatest Hit.

Who asks stupid questions to himself?

People who know that someone who uses a racist avatar and screen-name isn't going to give an honest answer.

Because I've asked you the same question.

If the exchanges are run by private insurance companies, exactly how is ACA an evil plot to destroy private insurance?

Here's the thing. If we got a public option, if we got a MediCare buy-in at 55, a lot of these problems would have been eliminated.

The government would take responsibility for the high-risk pool, and the private insurance companies could continue to insure the low-risk pool.

But that was the last thing big insurance wanted. Because the dirty little secret is that MediCare, MediCaid and the VA provide better quality care for a lower cost.
I'm a racist. :suck: Sorry, I need a tissue...I think I'm crying. :lol:

Joey Hon,

No need to play so coy....the goal is to end private insurance and dump everyone in the exchanges. You know let's try some other game. Okay?
I'm a racist. :suck: Sorry, I need a tissue...I think I'm crying. :lol:

Joey Hon,

No need to play so coy....the goal is to end private insurance and dump everyone in the exchanges. You know let's try some other game. Okay?

Okay, but the exchanges ARE private insurance, so I'm not sure how dumping everyone into private insurance is going to end private insurance.

I think this is the point we are all a bit confused on, and waiting for you to clarify it for us a bit.
Obama's goal has always been to destroy the private insurance market and dump everyone in the exchanges. You know that Joe....anyone knows it at this point. Why bother lying about it.

And here's the deal. 80% of folks will overpay for insurance they don't need to subsidize the 20% who are as likely as not, screw ups. Only in America do you punish successful people to reward screw ups.

But the current system ALREADY does that, dumbass.

The screwups show up at emergency rooms to treat colds, at 10 times what it would cost to treat it at a GP's office, and then the cost of that is spread around to those who already have insurance and are paying their bills.

Then why are we going through this? Why are people who didn't have insurance forced to now buy it at ridiculous rates? Why are people who already had insurance now paying hundreds more per month to recieve the same service? Aren't health care costs supposed to now go down? When are they going to go down? When?????

But you have failed to explain exactly why employers who ALREADY are providing insurance that complies with ObamaCare would drop their insurance or why companies would risk losing their big money clients by jerking them around.

Because for a lot of them it will be cheaper to pay the fine than to provide insurance to employees. Do you know how much it costs a company to administer insurance for its employees? It's the same reason the individual will decide to take the hit and pay the 'tax' instead of buying insurance.

Oh, you do realize that the "exchanges" are also run by private insurance, right? So how does that destroy private insurance, exactly. (Not that this would be a bad thing.)

Of course they are, your boys on the left are just as much, IF NOT MORE SO, in bed with big business, and you're too damn stupid to realize it. You naively sit there thinking that these assholes in power are looking out for your best interests?? Dupe! :lol:
Private insurance = private. State Government initially vets the policies and then Government is out of the picture. Zero Federal input or control.

Dumping everyone into exchanges = 100% Federal Government controlled healthcare with all your personal information (health care records, financial records, everything) dumped into a vast database and sent off to HHS, IRS, Homeland Security, etc. The Federal Government removes all personal choice from healthcare. You no longer get to determine what meets your healthcare needs. The Government dictates to you what you must have. If you do not do what they say, you are penalized financially.

There is a major difference to say the least. The fact that all personal choice is taken away is very bad, and the fact that 80% of Americans will subsidize the other 20% by paying...on average 41% more for insurance sucks worse.

Because for a lot of them it will be cheaper to pay the fine than to provide insurance to employees. Do you know how much it costs a company to administer insurance for its employees? The same reason the individual will decide to take the hit and pay the 'tax' instead of buying insurance.

I'm not sure who " a lot of them" are. It would be cheaper for them to dump their employees now and not pay a fine at all, wouldn't it? So why don't they?

Oh, yeah, because unlike your Fry-cook job at the Steak n' Shake, most companies realize that you need to provide insurance if you want to get experienced talent.

Oh, you do realize that the "exchanges" are also run by private insurance, right? So how does that destroy private insurance, exactly. (Not that this would be a bad thing.)

Of course they are, your boys on the left are just as much, IF NOT MORE SO, in bed with big business, and you're too damn stupid to realize it. You naively sit there thinking that these assholes in power are looking out for your best interests?? Dupe! :lol:

If big business were thrilled with the left, they wouldn't spend so much money trying to defeat them.

Big Business spent a billion dollars trying to elect a Weird Mormon Robot last year.
Private insurance = private. State Government initially vets the policies and then Government is out of the picture. Zero Federal input or control.

Dumping everyone into exchanges = 100% Federal Government controlled healthcare with all your personal information (health care records, financial records, everything) dumped into a vast database and sent off to HHS, IRS, Homeland Security, etc. The Federal Government removes all personal choice from healthcare. You no longer get to determine what meets your healthcare needs. The Government dictates to you what you must have. If you do not do what they say, you are penalized financially.

There is a major difference to say the least. The fact that all personal choice is taken away is very bad, and the fact that 80% of Americans will subsidize the other 20% by paying...on average 41% more for insurance sucks worse.

The insurance companies are now just an extension of the fed, a fasciliator, nothing more. Obama made sure it was a deal where both, the feds and big insurance, came out with what they wanted and the American people got screwed.

Because for a lot of them it will be cheaper to pay the fine than to provide insurance to employees. Do you know how much it costs a company to administer insurance for its employees? The same reason the individual will decide to take the hit and pay the 'tax' instead of buying insurance.

I'm not sure who " a lot of them" are. It would be cheaper for them to dump their employees now and not pay a fine at all, wouldn't it? So why don't they?

Oh, yeah, because unlike your Fry-cook job at the Steak n' Shake, most companies realize that you need to provide insurance if you want to get experienced talent.

Oh, you do realize that the "exchanges" are also run by private insurance, right? So how does that destroy private insurance, exactly. (Not that this would be a bad thing.)

Of course they are, your boys on the left are just as much, IF NOT MORE SO, in bed with big business, and you're too damn stupid to realize it. You naively sit there thinking that these assholes in power are looking out for your best interests?? Dupe! :lol:

If big business were thrilled with the left, they wouldn't spend so much money trying to defeat them.

Big Business spent a billion dollars trying to elect a Weird Mormon Robot last year.

Another myth and lie. Big Business gave more to Obama than Romney. See attached link.

2012 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets

Because for a lot of them it will be cheaper to pay the fine than to provide insurance to employees. Do you know how much it costs a company to administer insurance for its employees? The same reason the individual will decide to take the hit and pay the 'tax' instead of buying insurance.

I'm not sure who " a lot of them" are. It would be cheaper for them to dump their employees now and not pay a fine at all, wouldn't it? So why don't they?

Oh, yeah, because unlike your Fry-cook job at the Steak n' Shake, most companies realize that you need to provide insurance if you want to get experienced talent.

Oh, you do realize that the "exchanges" are also run by private insurance, right? So how does that destroy private insurance, exactly. (Not that this would be a bad thing.)

Of course they are, your boys on the left are just as much, IF NOT MORE SO, in bed with big business, and you're too damn stupid to realize it. You naively sit there thinking that these assholes in power are looking out for your best interests?? Dupe! :lol:

If big business were thrilled with the left, they wouldn't spend so much money trying to defeat them.

Big Business spent a billion dollars trying to elect a Weird Mormon Robot last year.

Obama didn't get any money from 'big business'???? You're a bigger dupe than I thought! :cuckoo:
Obama's goal has always been to destroy the private insurance market and dump everyone in the exchanges. You know that Joe....anyone knows it at this point. Why bother lying about it.

And here's the deal. 80% of folks will overpay for insurance they don't need to subsidize the 20% who are as likely as not, screw ups. Only in America do you punish successful people to reward screw ups.

Obama's goal has always been to destroy American manufacturing, the Constitution, the Second Amendment and anything we freedom loving traditional Americans hold sacred, private insurance market, yes, but his goals are even more widely dispersed.., he is a commie in the sense of the shoe-banging, "We will bury you" Nikita Khrushchev.
Yup, keep pretending that is going to happen, that insurance companies are going to piss off their million dollar clients just like they piss off their thousand dollar clients.

Sure dude...

Obama never intended to destroy the private health care market. We all believe that. :lol:

Imo, you overstate Obama's competence in implying that this clusterfk was an intended consequence.
Private insurance = private. State Government initially vets the policies and then Government is out of the picture. Zero Federal input or control.

Dumping everyone into exchanges = 100% Federal Government controlled healthcare with all your personal information (health care records, financial records, everything) dumped into a vast database and sent off to HHS, IRS, Homeland Security, etc. The Federal Government removes all personal choice from healthcare. You no longer get to determine what meets your healthcare needs. The Government dictates to you what you must have. If you do not do what they say, you are penalized financially.

There is a major difference to say the least. The fact that all personal choice is taken away is very bad, and the fact that 80% of Americans will subsidize the other 20% by paying...on average 41% more for insurance sucks worse.

Sounds like you are moving the goalposts.

Your statement was that ObamaCare destroys private insurance. But Cigna, United HealthCare, Blue Double-Cross and BLue Panty SHeild, they are all still there.

I mean, yeah, they can't cheat their customers like they used to, and the 80% are subsidizing the 20% now... So I guess I'm just not seeing your point, other than you are upset the Black Guy Did It!
You specifically asked about the difference between private insurance and Obamacare. I explained the difference perfectly. Of course, I am correct, and you cannot address any of my points so you bring up Obama's skin color. Sad. Very sad. :(
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You specifically asked about the difference between private insurance and Obamacare. I explained the difference perfectly. Of course, I am correct, and you cannot address any of my points so you bring up Obama's skin color. Sad. Very sad. :(

Guy, when you use that avatar and that screen name, and then deny being a racist, it's laughable.

No one takes it seriously.

No, you didn't describe it 'perfectly". You stated ObamaCare was an EEEEEEEvil plot to rid us of private insurance companies, when in fact, they are the ones who are being enriched by it.

So then you moved the goal posts by saying, "yeah, but they don't have the freedom to set terms of policies anymore", like that was a bad thing.

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