In Theory Liberals Should Not Be Allowed To Hold Office In America.

You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.
You can't read. He didn't say Democrats shouldn't hold office. Not long ago there were conservative Democrats.
Two parties of conservatives would be like, well, like it is now only much worse, besides, who the hell would conservatives have to blame everything on then? Certainly not themselves.
You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.
You can't read. He didn't say Democrats shouldn't hold office. Not long ago there were conservative Democrats.
Two parties of conservatives would be like, well, like it is now only much worse, besides, who the hell would conservatives have to blame everything on then? Certainly not themselves.

conservatives have lots and lots to diagree about. Now, for example, we have the libertarians and traditional conservatives in the Republican Party. The dabate between them is democratic and intelligent, with liberals in the mix from the Democratic Party the deabte becomes worthless and anti democratic.
You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.
You can't read. He didn't say Democrats shouldn't hold office. Not long ago there were conservative Democrats.
Two parties of conservatives would be like, well, like it is now only much worse, besides, who the hell would conservatives have to blame everything on then? Certainly not themselves.
No, the Republican conservatives weren't exactly the same as Democrat conservatives. Conservative isn't a party. But you would need to be older than 14 to know.
Did Madison have any idea what was in the Constitution or was it all new to him..

it was all new to him and Jefferson in the way Federalists were mistakenly interpreting it so they formed the Republican Party to wage what they called the Second American Revolution.

Do you understand now, liberal.
The republican party is not that old kook.

When Jefferson declared in the passage he did include in his first inaguural that: we are all republicans; we are all federalists." he meant really that the party wars were over; that the Republicans had won;and that the Federalists should fit themselves in...

A.James Reichley "The Life of the Parties"( most thorough look at Party history ever written) Page 52

"In referring to political parties I have adopted the names which the respective parties used in self-designation. Thus the Jeffersonian party has been referred to throughout as the Republican Party. This name came into use early in the 1790's among persons who considered themselves of a common political "interest", and the term "Republican interest" was generally used until it was replaced by the more definite "Republican Party".

The Jeffersonian Republicans( the formation of Party organization (1789-1801) by Noble E. Cunningham,Jr.
The republican party was founded in the 1850s as an abolitionist movement and has morphed into the pro-plutocracy front it is today.
You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.
You can't read. He didn't say Democrats shouldn't hold office. Not long ago there were conservative Democrats.
Two parties of conservatives would be like, well, like it is now only much worse, besides, who the hell would conservatives have to blame everything on then? Certainly not themselves.
No, the Republican conservatives weren't exactly the same as Democrat conservatives. Conservative isn't a party. But you would need to be older than 14 to know.

Two flavors of fecal matter are still fecal matter.
Did Madison have any idea what was in the Constitution or was it all new to him..

it was all new to him and Jefferson in the way Federalists were mistakenly interpreting it so they formed the Republican Party to wage what they called the Second American Revolution.

Do you understand now, liberal.
The republican party is not that old kook.

When Jefferson declared in the passage he did include in his first inaguural that: we are all republicans; we are all federalists." he meant really that the party wars were over; that the Republicans had won;and that the Federalists should fit themselves in...

A.James Reichley "The Life of the Parties"( most thorough look at Party history ever written) Page 52

"In referring to political parties I have adopted the names which the respective parties used in self-designation. Thus the Jeffersonian party has been referred to throughout as the Republican Party. This name came into use early in the 1790's among persons who considered themselves of a common political "interest", and the term "Republican interest" was generally used until it was replaced by the more definite "Republican Party".

The Jeffersonian Republicans( the formation of Party organization (1789-1801) by Noble E. Cunningham,Jr.
The republican party was founded in the 1850s as an abolitionist movement and has morphed into the pro-plutocracy front it is today.

and in what year was Jefferson's Republican party founded?
Did Madison have any idea what was in the Constitution or was it all new to him..

it was all new to him and Jefferson in the way Federalists were mistakenly interpreting it so they formed the Republican Party to wage what they called the Second American Revolution.

Do you understand now, liberal.
The republican party is not that old kook.

When Jefferson declared in the passage he did include in his first inaguural that: we are all republicans; we are all federalists." he meant really that the party wars were over; that the Republicans had won;and that the Federalists should fit themselves in...

A.James Reichley "The Life of the Parties"( most thorough look at Party history ever written) Page 52

"In referring to political parties I have adopted the names which the respective parties used in self-designation. Thus the Jeffersonian party has been referred to throughout as the Republican Party. This name came into use early in the 1790's among persons who considered themselves of a common political "interest", and the term "Republican interest" was generally used until it was replaced by the more definite "Republican Party".

The Jeffersonian Republicans( the formation of Party organization (1789-1801) by Noble E. Cunningham,Jr.
The republican party was founded in the 1850s as an abolitionist movement and has morphed into the pro-plutocracy front it is today.

and in what year was Jefferson's Republican party founded?
What does it matter? Today's republican ideals, what they actually do - not necessarily what they say, bear little resemblance to what they once were. We already have two parties primarily tasked with covering for the MIC and the financial industry. What's the matter? you do not feel the war machine and Wall Street are getting enough gravy already?
If I could pass one amendment, it would be to do away with political parties entirely.

why do away with Republicans when they have stood for freedom from big liberal govt since Jefferson?? You make no sense.

The first Republican President was Lincoln, and to this day some Republicans accuse him of being a tyrant. You can find many of them on this board alone.
If I could pass one amendment, it would be to do away with political parties entirely.

why do away with Republicans when they have stood for freedom from big liberal govt since Jefferson?? You make no sense.

The first Republican President was Lincoln, and to this day some Republicans accuse him of being a tyrant. You can find many of them on this board alone.
They let the Dixiecrats in and they took over.
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Trolin, trollin, trollin'....
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Another Constitutional scholar armed with the kind of knowledge that comes from the back of a Tea Party pamphlet.
. Trying to make sure only the right people vote is dishonest.

dear its what the Constitution is for. Our founders had a grave fear of too much democracy, obviously. No surprise the typical liberal is clueless..

The far left does not have a clue what the Constitution is, they think it is just a GD piece of paper.
That's what Bush, Jr. called the Constitution. Was he Far Left?

dear , since when is Bush authority on Constitution?? Slow??
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Another Constitutional scholar armed with the kind of knowledge that comes from the back of a Tea Party pamphlet.

dear, please say where the knowledge of Constitution is mistaken or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your assertions. Slow??
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Trolin, trollin, trollin'....
typical liberal without IQ for Substance
If I could pass one amendment, it would be to do away with political parties entirely.

why do away with Republicans when they have stood for freedom from big liberal govt since Jefferson?? You make no sense.

The first Republican President was Lincoln, and to this day some Republicans accuse him of being a tyrant. You can find many of them on this board alone.
They let the Dixiecrats in and they took over.

Yes Lincoln was definitely a big govt guy so most conservatives have a problem with him intellectually, although most Republican politicians are content to ride on his liberal coat tails since he was the most popular president ever.
? Today's republican ideals, what they actually do - not necessarily what they say, bear little resemblance to what they once were.

Too stupid!! Republicans sign the pledge, shut down the govt, vote down Obamacare, and propose Balanced BUdget Amendments all of which liberals kill off. Its night and day you just lack the intelligence to see it.!
? Today's republican ideals, what they actually do - not necessarily what they say, bear little resemblance to what they once were.

Too stupid!! Republicans sign the pledge, shut down the govt, vote down Obamacare, and propose Balanced BUdget Amendments all of which liberals kill off. Its night and day you just lack the intelligence to see it.!
What they do is protect the plutocracy from the rabble. They don't even pretend to give a fuck about people who work for a living or the environment or anything that might negatively effect some billionaire's bottom line. That's not what America is supposed to be. The main avenue to a free society is social mobility, the founders knew this, the republicans turned it into an issue to despise people over and a quality in our country to stamp out.
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Another Constitutional scholar armed with the kind of knowledge that comes from the back of a Tea Party pamphlet.

dear, please say where the knowledge of Constitution is mistaken or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your assertions. Slow??

It's amazing how many Constitutional scholars there are out there these days. I'm sure you're as qualified as any other internet educated academic.

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