In Theory Liberals Should Not Be Allowed To Hold Office In America.

It's amazing how many Constitutional scholars there are out there these days. I'm sure you're as qualified as any other internet educated academic.

dear, if you find the scholarship mistaken say exactly where or admit you lack the IQ to support what you say.
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Trolin, trollin, trollin'....
typical liberal without IQ for Substance

It's ok, we understand.
It's amazing how many Constitutional scholars there are out there these days. I'm sure you're as qualified as any other internet educated academic.

dear, if you find the scholarship mistaken say exactly where or admit you lack the IQ to support what you say.
I'm being overly charitable in characterizing any of your remarks as being in any way scholarly. Starting with the OP it's obvious that you can't work without superficial rhetoric, mindless equivalencies, or childishly simple minded theories.
It's amazing how many Constitutional scholars there are out there these days. I'm sure you're as qualified as any other internet educated academic.

dear, if you find the scholarship mistaken say exactly where or admit you lack the IQ to support what you say.
To summarize: Your somewhat modest intellectual endowment is a source of cheap entertainment.
. It's only since Reagan they got all monolithic and unreasonably ideological.

how is the ideology of freedom from big liberal govt unreasonable when it is the purpose of the Constitution??

This so called ideology seems to lack any kind of consistency, not based on any actual principles since not one of it's proclaimed adherents is ever likely to forego their social security or any other government benefits they can get their hands on. Your ideology is full of shit.
It's amazing how many Constitutional scholars there are out there these days. I'm sure you're as qualified as any other internet educated academic.

dear, if you find the scholarship mistaken say exactly where or admit you lack the IQ to support what you say.
To summarize: Your somewhat modest intellectual endowment is a source of cheap entertainment.
dear, if you find the scholarship mistaken say exactly where or admit you lack the IQ to support what you say.
It's amazing how many Constitutional scholars there are out there these days. I'm sure you're as qualified as any other internet educated academic.

dear, if you find the scholarship mistaken say exactly where or admit you lack the IQ to support what you say.
I'm being overly charitable in characterizing any of your remarks as being in any way scholarly. Starting with the OP it's obvious that you can't work without superficial rhetoric, mindless equivalencies, or childishly simple minded theories.

dear why not give a specific example or admit you lack the IQ for it as a typical liberal.
Your ideology is full of shit.

dear, can you say why our Founders ideology of freedomo is full of Sh.... Did you know its necessary to say why?.

Do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Fortunately we don't have to rely on your superficial interpretations of constitutional responsibility or what the founding fathers intended.......we have a supreme court to do that.
Your ideology is full of shit.

dear, can you say why our Founders ideology of freedomo is full of Sh.... Did you know its necessary to say why?.

Do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Fortunately we don't have to rely on your superficial interpretations of constitutional responsibility or what the founding fathers intended.......we have a supreme court to do that.

too stupid!! so everyone relies on court and doesn't say a thing or think a thing or care to change direction of court?

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
It's amazing how many Constitutional scholars there are out there these days. I'm sure you're as qualified as any other internet educated academic.

dear, if you find the scholarship mistaken say exactly where or admit you lack the IQ to support what you say.
I'm being overly charitable in characterizing any of your remarks as being in any way scholarly. Starting with the OP it's obvious that you can't work without superficial rhetoric, mindless equivalencies, or childishly simple minded theories.

dear why not give a specific example or admit you lack the IQ for it as a typical liberal.
I notice you repeat this same phrase over and over again throughout this though it provides you with some false sense of security.
Your ideology is full of shit.

dear, can you say why our Founders ideology of freedomo is full of Sh.... Did you know its necessary to say why?.

Do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Fortunately we don't have to rely on your superficial interpretations of constitutional responsibility or what the founding fathers intended.......we have a supreme court to do that.

too stupid!! so everyone relies on court and doesn't say a thing or think a thing or care to change direction of court?

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Excellent! Then we agree your opinions about constitutional law are just that.
Getting rid of, or outlawing the Liberal Party wouldn't lead to One Party rule because others would rise up and fill the vacuum.

It's my opinion that we should outlaw both the Republican AND Democrat parties and see what happens.
It's my opinion we should just do away with the government and it's sanctioned monopolies / cabals that support the status quo whom they benefit from. Otherwise, the elites will lord of the sovereign people forever. The only solution is to take away the state's monopoly on violence.

Let the anarchy-syndicalists and the co-operatives that want to provide community services compete to see who can build the roads, provide the water, the electricity, national defense, intelligence, etc. at the most efficient, open and fair means possible to the various communities and districts that are then reorganized.

Different communities will organize themselves however is most advantageous to them.
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Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

In Ed's little world, only conservatives should hold office, if practiced, it would violate the equal protection clause 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
Ed dear, you simply don't have the IQ to participate on these boards.
In Ed's little world, only conservatives should hold office, if practiced, it would violate the equal protection clause 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
Ed dear, you simply don't have the IQ to participate on these boards.
If practiced we would be living in a much better country. The problem with slobs like you is that you have no clue what conservativism is, you think it's an analogy of evil. I didn't see where it should be mandated though, people need to wake up and throw the liberals out of office before they destroy the country with their division, hate, smears, lies and mismanagement.
In Ed's little world, only conservatives should hold office, if practiced, it would violate the equal protection clause 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
Ed dear, you simply don't have the IQ to participate on these boards.
If practiced we would be living in a much better country. The problem with slobs like you is that you have no clue what conservativism is, you think it's an analogy of evil. I didn't see where it should be mandated though, people need to wake up and throw the liberals out of office before they destroy the country with their division, hate, smears, lies and mismanagement.

Being as I agree with conservatives on specific issues and at the same time disagree with liberals, putting me in such a small box is totally inaccurate.
One small box that I am very comfortable belonging in is that I have no time for the extreme elements of the right and left. In the history of the world, extremism has produced little good.
Being as I agree with conservatives on specific issues and at the same time disagree with liberals, putting me in such a small box is totally inaccurate.
One small box that I am very comfortable belonging in is that I have no time for the extreme elements of the right and left. In the history of the world, extremism has produced little good.
...and the great accomplishments by moderates are....?
Being as I agree with conservatives on specific issues and at the same time disagree with liberals, putting me in such a small box is totally inaccurate.
One small box that I am very comfortable belonging in is that I have no time for the extreme elements of the right and left. In the history of the world, extremism has produced little good.
...and the great accomplishments by moderates are....?

Abraham Lincoln, a member of the moderate faction of the Republican Party and the Republican's very first president ended slavery.
Dwight Eisenhower is responsible for the US's interstate highway system and his public works project developed a strong middle class which led to years of a strong economy.
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