In Theory Liberals Should Not Be Allowed To Hold Office In America.

This so called ideology seems to lack any kind of consistency,

The perfectly illiterate liberal is saying that Aristotle Cicero Jefferson Kirk and Friedman were inconsistent? How 100% meaningless given that as an illiterate he has not read them even in Cliff Notes form!

Why do you mention authors you've obviously never read?

dear you claim they are inconsistent please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to defend what you said?
This so called ideology seems to lack any kind of consistency,

The perfectly illiterate liberal is saying that Aristotle Cicero Jefferson Kirk and Friedman were inconsistent? How 100% meaningless given that as an illiterate he has not read them even in Cliff Notes form!

Why do you mention authors you've obviously never read?

dear you claim they are inconsistent please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to defend what you said?
Sweat heart......I've read Aristotle and Cicero, so perhaps you can elucidate for me their relevance to your superficial generic characterizations.
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

I would like to know by what objective standard do you come by your conclusions? We are apparently expected to take huge leaps of logic to accept your basic premise. Evidently all your so called arguments are completely dependent on childish rhetoric as they obviously don't stand on their own they cutie pie.
This so called ideology seems to lack any kind of consistency,

The perfectly illiterate liberal is saying that Aristotle Cicero Jefferson Kirk and Friedman were inconsistent? How 100% meaningless given that as an illiterate he has not read them even in Cliff Notes form!

Why do you mention authors you've obviously never read?

dear you claim they are inconsistent please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to defend what you said?
Honey bunch.....I have yet to see your IQ in action. Are you saving the good stuff for later.....sugar?
...I have yet to see your IQ in action.

dear, OP was about whether liberals can honestly take oath and serve. Do you disagree and why or do you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to respond to OP.

You fool no one but yourself by always trying to change the subject,liberal.
...I have yet to see your IQ in action.

dear, OP was about whether liberals can honestly take oath and serve. Do you disagree and why or do you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to respond to OP.

You fool no one but yourself by always trying to change the subject,liberal.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to realize that you haven't established your premise.......start there babykins.
...I have yet to see your IQ in action.

dear, OP was about whether liberals can honestly take oath and serve. Do you disagree and why or do you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to respond to OP.

You fool no one but yourself by always trying to change the subject,liberal.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to realize that you haven't established your premise.......start there babykins.

dear, OP was about whether liberals can honestly take oath and serve. Do you disagree and why or do you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to respond to OP.

You fool no one but yourself by always trying to change the subject,liberal.
...I have yet to see your IQ in action.

dear, OP was about whether liberals can honestly take oath and serve. Do you disagree and why or do you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to respond to OP.

You fool no one but yourself by always trying to change the subject,liberal.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to realize that you haven't established your premise.......start there babykins.

dear, OP was about whether liberals can honestly take oath and serve. Do you disagree and why or do you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to respond to OP.

You fool no one but yourself by always trying to change the subject,liberal.

You seem unfamiliar with the quaint old custom of substantiating your premise as an essential part of establishing your alleged argument. Not really getting the hang of this.....are you sweet lips.
...I have yet to see your IQ in action.

dear, OP was about whether liberals can honestly take oath and serve. Do you disagree and why or do you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to respond to OP.

You fool no one but yourself by always trying to change the subject,liberal.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to realize that you haven't established your premise.......start there babykins.

dear, OP was about whether liberals can honestly take oath and serve. Do you disagree and why or do you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to respond to OP.

You fool no one but yourself by always trying to change the subject,liberal.

You seem unfamiliar with the quaint old custom of substantiating your premise as an essential part of establishing your alleged argument. Not really getting the hang of this.....are you sweet lips.

ROFL! You are whining that another post won't provide evidence to support his claims?

The party system worked well for the age in which it was developed. Our society has outgrown the party system. It works well if you want to funnel tons of money into a party and purchase your laws that way. Like Target and Walmart,Or Coke and Pepsi? Sure there are other choices "liberal" but we know who runs the show. Its all a game.
You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.

This follows from the observation that most Democrats don't give a hoot about the Constitution? They don't and if they had their way there would be no reason to move to Russia (former Soviet Union?) because their hell bent on bringing Russia to us.
You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.

This follows from the observation that most Democrats don't give a hoot about the Constitution? They don't and if they had their way there would be no reason to move to Russia (former Soviet Union?) because their hell bent on bringing Russia to us.

Yes, can you imagine it, the liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb while he was killing 10's of millions, and still modern liberals what to be taken seriously as more than thug killers.
. Our society has outgrown the party system..

1000% idiotic and liberal. How is it possible to outgrow the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, about freedom from big liberal govt, that are manifested by the Republican Party.
easy you just don't have to be brain dead like yourself..

dear if freedom was brain dead you would be able to say why. What does your fear teach us?
that's the second or third time you've said that.
it made no sense then so why repeat it?
oh that's right! you're brain dead!
. Our society has outgrown the party system..

1000% idiotic and liberal. How is it possible to outgrow the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, about freedom from big liberal govt, that are manifested by the Republican Party.
easy you just don't have to be brain dead like yourself..

dear if freedom was brain dead you would be able to say why. What does your fear teach us?
that's the second or third time you've said that.
it made no sense then so why repeat it?
oh that's right! you're brain dead!

dear, please tell us why liberals should be allowed to hold office when they must lie to take the oath of office.
. Our society has outgrown the party system..

1000% idiotic and liberal. How is it possible to outgrow the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, about freedom from big liberal govt, that are manifested by the Republican Party.
easy you just don't have to be brain dead like yourself..

dear if freedom was brain dead you would be able to say why. What does your fear teach us?
that's the second or third time you've said that.
it made no sense then so why repeat it?
oh that's right! you're brain dead!

dear, please tell us why liberals should be allowed to hold office when they must lie to take the oath of office.
1000% idiotic and liberal. How is it possible to outgrow the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, about freedom from big liberal govt, that are manifested by the Republican Party.
easy you just don't have to be brain dead like yourself..

dear if freedom was brain dead you would be able to say why. What does your fear teach us?
that's the second or third time you've said that.
it made no sense then so why repeat it?
oh that's right! you're brain dead!

dear, please tell us why liberals should be allowed to hold office when they must lie to take the oath of office.

great, the liberal sicko who thinks he's Groucho Marx is back.. to add his intellectual heft to the discussion no less with pictures!!
easy you just don't have to be brain dead like yourself..

dear if freedom was brain dead you would be able to say why. What does your fear teach us?
that's the second or third time you've said that.
it made no sense then so why repeat it?
oh that's right! you're brain dead!

dear, please tell us why liberals should be allowed to hold office when they must lie to take the oath of office.

great, the liberal sicko who thinks he's Groucho Marx is back.. to add his intellectual heft to the discussion no less with pictures!!

As if further demonstrations of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

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