In Wisconsin, many nursing homes had voter turnout between 95% and 100%. Relatives of these patients say they were too sick to vote.

I have spread no lies in this thread. Try again. The WI. election had no integrity. Period.
“In this thread” at least you’re kind of admitting that you’ve been lying for the past year and a half. That’s fair I’ll go clean slate with you and stick this discussion alone. So you’ve seen claims of abnormal voter turnout and you think that is proof of a stolen election. Is that correct? How do you know this suspect activity was fraud or illegal? How do you know who did it and was responsible? And do you know the actual impact it had on the election?

im not asking for hot air, I’m asking for verifiable facts since you now claim the evidence exists.
“In this thread” at least you’re kind of admitting that you’ve been lying for the past year and a half. That’s fair I’ll go clean slate with you and stick this discussion alone. So you’ve seen claims of abnormal voter turnout and you think that is proof of a stolen election. Is that correct? How do you know this suspect activity was fraud or illegal? How do you know who did it and was responsible? And do you know the actual impact it had on the election?

im not asking for hot air, I’m asking for verifiable facts since you now claim the evidence exists.
What? I have admitted no such thing. What I have posted is the truth. The verifiable proof is in the OP, grapehead.
This probably happened in several other states too, because if they're willing to do it one, why wouldn't they do it in others.

Anyway, this is absolutely despicable.

The lying scumbag mainstream media still insists there was no widespread voter fraud.

Here's a video about it:

Here are some articles about it:

The GateWay Pundit and "just the".

Go fuck yourself with these fake news sites.
Old people vote, young people don't. Those in the end of their golden years will get a vote cast every time.
What? I have admitted no such thing. What I have posted is the truth. The verifiable proof is in the OP, grapehead.

YouTube videos and links to the GateWay Pundit are not "verifiable proof". They're garbage websites know for promoting lies and Russian propaganda.

And Republican election officials, Republican judges and the Republican Attorney General.
Anyone who can't see the 2020 election was stolen is being willfully stupid. It would have been bad enough for this fraud pattern to occur in one key swing state but two? At about the same time in the wee hours of the morning? #NoEvidenceYeaRight

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The reason is simple. Absentee ballots were counted last and those votes were expected to be heavily Democrat. Republican legislators in Michigan found no evidence of fraud.
That's a lie.

Because he is a disciple of Goebbels: busybee favors The Big Lie. Repeat it enough and it becomes accepted as fact.


No, he is a dishonest follower of Goebbels.

He also left out the evidence that the election was influenced by Martians, that Kamala Harris is a replicant attempting to summon Cthulu, that the Earth is flat, and that the Easter Bunny was picked up by Elvis, flying a spaceship hidden inside Haley's Comet and commanded by the alien Zorglehorble of the planet Frimmerbee.

You are the biggest liar. You make Goebbels look like a penny ante operator, your lie is so big. My position is backed up by Republican election officials, Republican judges and a Republican Attorney General who daw no evidence of fraud.
Ballot-harvesting is immoral and wrong and criminal for anyone to do it. It's just voting other people's votes! Just taking their ballots and filling them out as the harvester likes. Long prison sentences needed for this crime.

There is nothing immoral about it. It is no different than providing a ride for someone to vote. Of course you have no evidence to back this up.
The WI. Special Counsel has some real evidence. They have real evidence in AZ. and GA. No one is moving on it because we are in a cover up. National attention is needed. It will convince many more people.

No one has evidence. That is a lie.
I have told you many times they found 30 laws broken in AZ and ballots without serial numbers nd other things that make a large number of ballots illegal. It has to get to court where it will be easily proven.

No they did not. CyberNinja has no clue how elections are conducted. They are incompetent.

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