In Wisconsin, many nursing homes had voter turnout between 95% and 100%. Relatives of these patients say they were too sick to vote.


Sure they did, people vote with their pocketbook dumb dumb, so in your little, itsy, bitsy mind, all these never before seen voters said to hell with their personal best financial status and voted for Basement Crack Pipe Joe?!?!

Keep living in that fantasy world…
Their pocket books were pretty locked up after a year of COVID disaster and fumbled leadership under Trump. People were sick of the lies and incompetency
The party in power is the one that instigated the ballot harvesting and cheating generally, so of course there are no investigations or charges. They like it, they promoted it.
Several of the states in question were run by republicans. And many investigations and audits have happened. No evidence of a stolen election. Y’all sound like fools
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This probably happened in several other states too, because if they're willing to do it one, why wouldn't they do it in others.

Anyway, this is absolutely despicable.

The lying scumbag mainstream media still insists there was no widespread voter fraud.

Here's a video about it:

Here are some articles about it:

What's wrong with people in nursing homes voting by mail?
Several of the states in question were run by republicans. And many investigations and audits have happened. No evidence of a stolen election. Y’all sound like fools
That's because they are.
What is wrong with investigating an election? Should not bother you a bit.
60 failed law suits, illegal audits, recalculating votes in Georgia to add 11,780 more for Trump, swing states using fake electors to try and overturn the election, and do you need more reasons?
What is wrong with investigating an election? Should not bother you a bit.
Nothings wrong with investigating an election. There’s heaps wrong with spreading lies and trying to undermine an election which is exactly what you are doing.
Nothings wrong with investigating an election. There’s heaps wrong with spreading lies and trying to undermine an election which is exactly what you are doing.
How do you know they are lies before investigating them?
Sorry if the dripping sarcasm did not come through.

I mean, I tried to make it pretty obvious...
I’m a lefty so my intellect is probably subpar. You’re going to have to explain it to me using simple language
Because you are claiming the election was stolen with out the evidence to back it up. That makes your claims a lie
The WI. Special Counsel has some real evidence. They have real evidence in AZ. and GA. No one is moving on it because we are in a cover up. National attention is needed. It will convince many more people.

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