in wisconsin neo nazis vrs. gay pride event

When did Nazis start wearing masks? Antifa vermin wear masks, especially when they're flying false flags.

This is more fakery like the Jessie Smollet hoax, faggots trying to drum up pity parties and keep people's attention away from their pedo friendly grooming agenda.
Once again liberals whine about Americans exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Sad. Why do liberal trash hate freedom so much?
Those aren't real nazis. They are just more plants intended to stir shit up and try to give someone else the opportunity to relate republicans to Nazis and make fags look sweet and innocent and oppressed.

good lord glad i dont live in that state . boy was the ugly going on their. yikes.

Yes.....all 6 of the "neo-nazis," came out of their parent's basement for some was later discovered that 5 of the 6 are undercover FBI agents.....
Those aren't real nazis. They are just more plants intended to stir shit up and try to give someone else the opportunity to relate republicans to Nazis and make fags look sweet and innocent and oppressed.

This is the same group of FBI agents who are now showing up in different places around the country......weeks ago a group of "neo-nazis" showed up at a men dressed as women reading books to kids event.....or was it a men dressed as women drag show..........they all wore masks to hide their faces....the don't want people looking up their FBI photos from the FBI website.....

good lord glad i dont live in that state . boy was the ugly going on their. yikes.

I was listening to Vicki McKenna on the AM yesterday. She had on the "Gays Against Groomers" guy who was actually leading a protest against the pride event. He was saying how the Blood Tribe just appeared out of nowhere, joined the "Gays Against Groomers" in protesting the event, and then just disappeared in about 20 minutes. He wasn't happy about them showing up and also thought they were planted there to make the protesters look bad.

Armed neo-Nazi group joins Gays Against Groomers at Wisconsin Pride protest
I was listening to Vicki McKenna on the AM yesterday. She had on the "Gays Against Groomers" guy who was actually leading a protest against the pride event. He was saying how the Blood Tribe just appeared out of nowhere, joined the "Gays Against Groomers" in protesting the event, and then just disappeared in about 20 minutes. He wasn't happy about them showing up and also thought they were planted there to make the protesters look bad.

Armed neo-Nazi group joins Gays Against Groomers at Wisconsin Pride protest
They get LEO protection and many of them have LEOSA Carry Permits
there seems to offal lot peolple showig up at things protesting with nazi flags lately
But at Conservative events the get ( Demasked ) ( Pointed out ) ( Ran off ) every time

I've been going to conservative events around here since 2010 and have never seen anyone bring a Nazi flag or a Confederate flag. I have seen a few Confederate flags flying from people's houses and sometimes from a pickup truck, which is strange considering I live in Wisconsin.
I've been going to conservative events around here since 2010 and have never seen anyone bring a Nazi flag or a Confederate flag. I have seen a few Confederate flags flying from people's houses and sometimes from a pickup truck, which is strange considering I live in Wisconsin.
conservatives are not nazis. better look on the left side. they are blaming there own crap on the right.

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