Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump

What a
‘"We are just temporary occupants of this office," Obama wrote. "That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions -- like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties -- that our forebears fought and bled for."

"Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it's up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them," he said.

That passage, read seven months after Trump took office, appears prescient. Trump has been accused of flouting rule of law in his broadsides against federal judges and his own attorney general. His verbal assaults on Congress have led to charges that he's disregarding the constitutionally enshrined separate but equal branches of government.’

Read the Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump - CNNPolitics

Prescient, indeed.

What a laugh.

Obama certainly was no guardian of anything except what he wanted.

The OP is an asshole.
Obama set race relations 50 years back, the worst president ever.
Yeah he set then back because that group of whites like you, believe that Black people should forever be subservient to you...
That boat has sailed far away.
It should have been expected that electing a black President would lead to a surge in white supremacy/Nazi ideology in the U.S. We thought we were passed that. We were wrong.


Somehow you think electing an Affirmative Action Failure just made bigotry go away.....

It's amazing you morons don't figure out that you are wrong just about every time.
If you look back, my initial comment was in direct response to your racist comment about whites. You then wandered off and started name calling because you had nothing intelligent to say. Debating with you is like playing chess with a pigeon. They knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and then strut around like they won. I have no more time for such foolishness. Come back and strut all you want. I see no reason to continue to try and school someone with such a limited intellect.
So in other words you admit that you are incredibly stupid and can't create a cognizant thought on the topic OR you are one of those bottom dweller white racists that doesn't agree with my post; which was that a certain group of white people will always believe that Black people should be subservient to them...
Either way, your posts have been continually checked and made to be the ignorant statements that they are...

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