Income Gap Is Literally Killing...

What is your solution?

Replace foreign imports with domestic production, creating thousands of jobs in every state at every level of production from the field to the showroom floor, reduce American dependency on corporate-controlled resources, provide inexpensive, life-saving natural medicine to anyone who requires it, reduce industrial pollution worldwide which causes so many health problems which in turn raise health care costs, provide highly nutritious and abundant food for billions of starving poor on every continent........


That's a start.
What is your solution?

Replace foreign imports with domestic production, creating thousands of jobs in every state at every level of production from the field to the showroom floor, reduce American dependency on corporate-controlled resources, provide inexpensive, life-saving natural medicine to anyone who requires it, reduce industrial pollution worldwide which causes so many health problems which in turn raise health care costs, provide highly nutritious and abundant food for billions of starving poor on every continent........


That's a start.

well dems have had control for 6 years. exactly when do they plan to start?
Rich people aren't as likely to live in the crime-infested, dimoocrap scum-controlled slums of the Big City either. Wonder what the stats would look like if gunshot and murder victims were removed.

Poor people are far more likely to do dangerous drugs, to smoke, to ignore health warning signs, to allow infections to fester, to not shower very often, to drink to excess...

People don't act poorly because they're poor, they're poor because they act poorly.

IOW, if you're a dimocrap loser, if you can't do much right, if you make wrong decision after wrong decision, it carries over into your personal life.

Guys and gals, I've said it in here time and time again........ Being a dimorap isn't a vote, it's a way of life..... Stupidity. The height of stupidity.
And HSBC got richer by funding terrorism (acting poorly). Do you want to reassess your world view? Of course you don't.

Take your meds, dewd.

Don't come back until you do

A simple "uncle" wouldve sufficed
What is your solution?

Replace foreign imports with domestic production, creating thousands of jobs in every state at every level of production from the field to the showroom floor, reduce American dependency on corporate-controlled resources, provide inexpensive, life-saving natural medicine to anyone who requires it, reduce industrial pollution worldwide which causes so many health problems which in turn raise health care costs, provide highly nutritious and abundant food for billions of starving poor on every continent........


That's a start.

just two questions:

1. the only way to stop foreign imports is to put high tariffs on them, if we do that, other countries will put tariffs on US goods. How does that reduce the income gap?

2, how do you plan to reduce industrial pollution "worldwide" ? Can we mandate what China does on pollution?

I do agree that the US should use its own abundant natural resources, oil, coal, and gas. But the current administration would rather waste biliions on wind and solar power that will never produce enough to run this nation. Just last week, the gave more money to Solyndra which lost billions a few years ago. :cuckoo:
No shit, rich people can afford better treatment. They can also fly to mexico and try alternative medicine

is this really news to you?

There goes the republican bullshit argument that says people from other countries come here for treatment. Pay to live healthcare

anyone who goes to mexico for alternative treatment already has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

But yes, people do come to the USA for treatment from other countries. You will see a lot of non-ameicans at Mayo clinic, M.D. Anderson, Ochsner clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and all other top notch medical facilities in this country (the ones that obamacare is trying to destroy)

Is there an echo in here?
What is your solution?

Replace foreign imports with domestic production, creating thousands of jobs in every state at every level of production from the field to the showroom floor, reduce American dependency on corporate-controlled resources, provide inexpensive, life-saving natural medicine to anyone who requires it, reduce industrial pollution worldwide which causes so many health problems which in turn raise health care costs, provide highly nutritious and abundant food for billions of starving poor on every continent........


That's a start.

well dems have had control for 6 years. exactly when do they plan to start?

KNB just wants free pot, and for everyone to dance around the may pole singing I'd like to buy the world a coke and we are the world. he lives in a fantasy land
There goes the republican bullshit argument that says people from other countries come here for treatment. Pay to live healthcare

anyone who goes to mexico for alternative treatment already has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

But yes, people do come to the USA for treatment from other countries. You will see a lot of non-ameicans at Mayo clinic, M.D. Anderson, Ochsner clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and all other top notch medical facilities in this country (the ones that obamacare is trying to destroy)

Is there an echo in here?

no, the noise you hear is your two working brain cells rattling around in your skull
What is your solution?

Replace foreign imports with domestic production, creating thousands of jobs in every state at every level of production from the field to the showroom floor, reduce American dependency on corporate-controlled resources, provide inexpensive, life-saving natural medicine to anyone who requires it, reduce industrial pollution worldwide which causes so many health problems which in turn raise health care costs, provide highly nutritious and abundant food for billions of starving poor on every continent........


That's a start.

well dems have had control for 6 years. exactly when do they plan to start?
Dems have been in power before and escalated the drug war, which should tell you that this isn't a Dem or Repub issue. It's about corporate control of natural resources.

"The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights." - J. Paul Getty
Replace foreign imports with domestic production, creating thousands of jobs in every state at every level of production from the field to the showroom floor, reduce American dependency on corporate-controlled resources, provide inexpensive, life-saving natural medicine to anyone who requires it, reduce industrial pollution worldwide which causes so many health problems which in turn raise health care costs, provide highly nutritious and abundant food for billions of starving poor on every continent........


That's a start.

well dems have had control for 6 years. exactly when do they plan to start?
Dems have been in power before and escalated the drug war, which should tell you that this isn't a Dem or Repub issue. It's about corporate control of natural resources.

"The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights." - J. Paul Getty

So, you want to nationalize the energy companies? make them like the post office and FEMA? Are you crazy? How much more power do you want to put in the hands of fools like Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Dodd, Biden, and Obama?
The income gap isn't killing's a symptom of what is: Big Government.

The best way to improve incomes across the board is ECONOMIC GROWTH. Big Government stifles growth and rewards crony rent seekers, which exacerbates income inequality.
The income gap isn't killing's a symptom of what is: Big Government.

The best way to improve incomes across the board is ECONOMIC GROWTH. Big Government stifles growth and rewards crony rent seekers, which exacerbates income inequality.
It seems hopeless. The bigger government grows the smaller the private sector shrinks and the higher the income disparity is but the left blame the rich. It's hardwired in their skulls and they can't see it.
No shit, rich people can afford better treatment. They can also fly to mexico and try alternative medicine

is this really news to you?

There goes the republican bullshit argument that says people from other countries come here for treatment. Pay to live healthcare

Are you old enough to post on this board. You argue like a little kid. Some people leave the cou try for alternative medicines, by shaman, tribal priests and othe stuff.

Why would they do that? Oh liberal and their big govt policies, dont want people tring new stuff...all in the name of safety. If you have aids, do you really care if a drug or treatment has side effects?

but yes most come to the us for treatment, it is the best in the world
Dem Logic: we've been redistributing income since the 60's and things have gotten worse. The only solution is more redistribution!
How do you figure anything has been "redistributed"? Where do you even come up with that?

You really are a special kind of stupid there is just no word for. Really, you are.
Dem Logic: we've been redistributing income since the 60's and things have gotten worse. The only solution is more redistribution!
How do you figure anything has been "redistributed"? Where do you even come up with that?

You really are a special kind of stupid there is just no word for. Really, you are.
WOW! Great answer, professor!

But what percentage of the 95% of financial gains that the richest 1% have enjoyed since Obama took office has Obama redistributed to the poor moocher class?

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