Income Inequality: FOX NEWS POLL is a joke.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.
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Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

Great.. just what we needed.. another fake conservative bullshit artist like Jakey Fakey and G5000.
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

I see you are another phony "conservative".....

We have plenty of them on this board.

If you must say you are something you are not, then you do not feel strongly about who you are.
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

Great.. just what we needed.. another fake conservative bullshit artist like Jakey Fakey and G5000.

HA HA> Got a problem ? Let's hear it. Name calling won't solve it. :lol:
Fox News is complete garbage. It always has been.

FALSE! Fox News has many worthwhile reports and commentaries, and is much more fair and balanced than its completely UNbalanced counterpart, MSNBC.

This seems rather inconsistent based on your numerous postings on other threads.
I find Fox to be 95% stuck in a Reagan world that never really existed.
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

I see you are another phony "conservative".....

We have plenty of them on this board.

If you must say you are something you are not, then you do not feel strongly about who you are.

If you do not present a shred of evidence to prove your point, then YOU DON"T HAVE ONE.

And what you are seeing is that I am a TRUE Conservative. The Psuedo-Conservatives are the Reaganists who believe in small, weak govt, low taxes, low spending, all of which are harmful to NATIONAL SECURITY, the cornerstone of Conservatism. No charge for the tutoring.
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Fox News is complete garbage. It always has been.

FALSE! Fox News has many worthwhile reports and commentaries, and is much more fair and balanced than its completely UNbalanced counterpart, MSNBC.

This seems rather inconsistent based on your numerous postings on other threads.
I find Fox to be 95% stuck in a Reagan world that never really existed.

I too, find them to be very unfortunately, 95% stuck in a Reagan world that never really existed. And I've already indicated that quite clearly. But the Reaganism they unfortunately are afflicted with, is seperate from many other issues, which I, as a true conservative (in the Eisenhower mold) do agree with, as I also stated in the OP. And none of this is inconsistent with my postings on other threads (Note: Eisenhower had a 91-92% tax on the wealthiest income brackets for all 8 years of his administration).
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

It's not that most Americans regard growing income disparities as a non-problem. It's that they are more concerned about the "why" of them than the fact of them.
The problem is seen as a broken work ethic rather than a frayed safety net or shifting economy.
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

Great.. just what we needed.. another fake conservative bullshit artist like Jakey Fakey and G5000.

HA HA> Got a problem ? Let's hear it. Name calling won't solve it. :lol:

Name calling? Nah... just pegging you for what you are. I know NO conservatives who give any fucking credence whatsoever to this bullshit, trumped up crap that you libs/progressives call income inequality... people make different incomes, people have different talents, levels of motivation, etc. Not to mention we live in a society that now has a norm of living on unemployment for 5 years.. and counting... 1/6 of Americans living on the dole.... this is what you libs/progressives have endorsed.. and you're now outraged that the disparity between the achievers and the slackers has widened?

Income inequality? Here's where I've got the problem. Some of these corporations pay their CEO's millions of dollars in salary AND stock options. Then these idiots run the companies into the ground. Case in point: Hostess and JC Penny. Then the companies pay them millions more dollars when they fire them. I guess they call that a 'golden parachute.' What ever they call it, I call it ignorance of the highest order.

But here's where I've got another problem. I do not support government intervention. Tell me when the government has actually done something about a problem without creating a thousand larger, different problems. Case in point: The war on poverty gave rise to the death of the African-American family, etc.

What I do support are Board of Directors getting their act together and actually hiring a CEO based upon what he does for a sane wage and benefits. If you trash the company, we fire you, AND you don't get paid.
One of the things that people who are sanguine about income inequity like to explain is the following"

There is NO PIE, and just because somebody makes more does not mean somebody else must make less

They are correct about that, there is no set amount of wealth.

But here the point ABOUT INCOME INEQUITY they miss


So while it IS true that the pie can be expanding, remember that that fabulous economy pie can ALSO be shrinking.

And remember also that your paltry dollars ARE IN COMPETITION with all other dollars to buy the stuff you need.

That means that YES wealth inequity matters and it matter a WHOLE LOT.
one of the things that people who are sanguine about income inequity like to explain is the following"

there is no pie, and just because somebody makes more does not mean somebody else must make less

they are correct about that, there is no set amount of wealth.

But here the point about income inequity they miss

every dollar is in competition with every other dollar to own that which is ownable.

so while it is true that the pie can be expanding, remember that that fabulous economy pie can also be shrinking.

and remember also that your paltry dollars are in competition with all other dollars to buy the stuff you need.

that means that yes wealth inequity matters and it matter a whole lot.


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