Income Inequality: FOX NEWS POLL is a joke.

Those are two different concepts. They are

- Does someone making more money mean someone will make less?
- Should taxes be raised on the wealthy to reduce the deficit?

See the difference?

The first also does not mean Americans do not support policies to reduce income inequality.

No I don't see any difference - because there isn't any. The making less is talking about taxes. That's what it's all about (for those of you who have been living in a closet for the past 3 years)

The two are very different concepts. You do not understand a basic premise of economics if you believe that simply because someone makes more, another makes less.

I have no problem with raising taxes on upper income earners, but the first point is just flat out wrong. It's not a zero sum game. That's why 84% of the American populations is smart about this.

I don't see the notion of "because someone makes more, another makes less" as mattering. What matters is the need the nation has for funds (REAL needs), alongside what could be viewed as surplus income of taxpayers. Yes, I believe there is a valid notion of surplus income. Greed freaks can argue with me until they're blue in the face, I see it as frankly ridiculous for people to be pocketing billions, or tens of millions, no matter what the needs of the country are.

What makes it all the disturbing is that the ones who pocket the most are not the ones doing the dangerous, dirty, tough jobs that we all need to have done. They're not the firefighters battling flames, smoke, and falling ceilings. They're not the coal miners battling cave gases, and cave-ins. And how many of them are coming home in a coffin, having taken a bullet in war, defending the American people and way of life ?
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No it is not suppose to make them enough money to start a business, It's a start and then a step up to continue to expand in order to get their own business.

That's what I did when I started, and I made it happen. But it was incredibly tough, and not everybody could do it.

Well...after are special.

In some ways yes, in some ways no. Ho hum. :eusa_whistle:

Another sentence to your signature could be >> How many sane, able bodied adult Americans can't work what should be an available job, but that job is occupied by an immigrant, so they wind up living off federal or state funds?
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The Fox poll asked a whole array of questions (44 of them), the one you mentioned being only one of them.. You don't know what you're talking about, but there's no surprise there.

As for "stealing" from those who have more than you, I don't recall saying anything about that. That's your subjective dreaming out loud. Why do you mention that to me ? Maybe you're the one smoking the dope.

And re: the difference between raising taxes on the rich and the question >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? They're the same thing. How do you think the making less is coming about ? By sellers giving away half their production ? By sleeping in every other day ? What do you think they're talking about ? It all has to do with taxes, you dolt!

Among other items in the poll >> (pertaining to income inequality)

1. a small minority of voters (13 percent) thinks the government should do something about the fact some people make a lot more money than others.

2. A 62-percent majority is okay with disparities in income “because that’s just how the economy works.”

3. Another 21 percent say income inequality “stinks,” but still think the government “shouldn’t get involved.”

Here are the actual questions of the poll just so we don't get any more IDIOTIC posts like # 92.

3. "Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing on the following issues?" Income inequality.

15. "What do you think is the most important ECONOMIC issue facing the country? [IF DON’T KNOW OR ALL OR OTHER, ASK] Well, if you had to pick… [RANDOMIZE LIST]" Income inequality was on this llist.

20. "Do you believe that if someone becomes successful and makes a lot of money, it means that someone else has to make less money, or doesn’t it work that way?"

21. "How do you feel about the fact that some people make a lot more money than others?"

22. "How much do your friends and neighbors resent people who make a lot of money?"

Move on. There's more things to talk about.

Fox did not ask whether the respondent supported higher taxes on those with higher incomes, it asked whether people wanted the govenment to stop others from achieving success.

Yeah ? How might the govt do that ? By taking their shoes away, so they can't go outside ?
Income Inequality is centered around a communist belief that rich capitalists don't earn their money, they steal it. Unfortunately, that's the way liberal politicians get their cash. But they feel the need to tell us just how unfair things are, all the while they're busy making things more and more unfair by the minute. Income inequality isn't the problem. Opportunity inequality is.

Actually, statistically, 1%ers are hard workers while 68% of the poor are unemployed. The harder you word the more you tend to make, especially if you have a skill that is in demand.

This is a state approved MSM generated op-ed on income inequality. It's like Obama provided the talking points to CNN. Opinion: Why growing income inequality matters - Jan. 21, 2014

The number one cause of poverty is unemployment. The second cause of poverty single parent homes. Being married pools incomes and provides stability. This is a dirty little secret that the left doesn't want segments of the populous to know. The primary cause of poverty in the black community is the number of children born our of wedlock.

Income inequality often occurs in a natural way. Someone comes up with a way to meet some kind of a demand, and sells a commodity to meet that demand. If it is immensely popular, that person can make a lot of money. Nothing wrong with this. Nothing really wrong with paying employees extremely high amounts of money either, if the business owner can afford it. I don't see any of this as stealing. It's just that when the amount of money becomes so great that it's beyond even the level of need for luxuries, that the surplus is better used as a govt fund (if/whenever it's used properly for real societal needs), and often is much more beneficial, that way, to that business owner too.

One example could be the Wolf Creek Dam in southern Kentucky. This massive structure has been a state of dangerous deterioration for quite some time, needing lots of repair. If breached, the entire state capital of Tennessee (Nashville) could find itself under 20 feet of water, with thousands of people killed and Billions$$$ in flooding damages. All the luxuries he could buy won't help the Nashville billionaire, when that broken dam surge comes gushing through.
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Yeah ? How might the govt do that ? By taking their shoes away, so they can't go outside ?

I have no idea.

The question was;

Should the government do something about the fact some people make a lot more money than others?

Thankfully, no one but you answered "yes."

There was no "THE" question. (as I explained in Post # 94. Try to keep up.
I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

LOL, no you not. Being conservative in America means denying reality because it contradicts your beliefs (and it does).

Welcome to the club, anyway. I was supporting the invasion of Iraq and though that deregulation is a good thing because markets work the best. Until 2008 thing happened and I started reading this guy:
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I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

LOL, no you not. Being conservative in America means denying reality because it contradicts your beliefs (and it does).

Welcome to the club, anyway. I was supporting the invasion of Iraq and though that deregulation is a good thing because markets work the best. Until 2008 thing happened and I started reading this guy:
Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -

Yes I am, and much more so than most. Sounds like you don't know the definition of "Conservative". When you learn it, then you can go around judging others.

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