Income Inequality: FOX NEWS POLL is a joke.

This seems rather inconsistent based on your numerous postings on other threads.
I find Fox to be 95% stuck in a Reagan world that never really existed.

I too, find them to be very unfortunately, 95% stuck in a Reagan world that never really existed. And I've already indicated that quite clearly. But the Reaganism they unfortunately are afflicted with, is seperate from many other issues, which I, as a true conservative (in the Eisenhower mold) do agree with, as I also stated in the OP. And none of this is inconsistent with my postings on other threads (Note: Eisenhower had a 91-92% tax on the wealthiest income brackets for all 8 years of his administration).

When you post that 91-92% income tax rate, how about posting the deductions that were allowed, and they were numerous, and how many people actually paid that rate. How many high earners were paid with stock options that were then taxed at the capital gains rate when sold. Even today the Corporate tax rate is 35% and a number of Corporations pay ZERO taxes.

Lots of ideas for legislation packed into that post. That's what we're paying our legislators for.
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

It's not that most Americans regard growing income disparities as a non-problem. It's that they are more concerned about the "why" of them than the fact of them.
The problem is seen as a broken work ethic rather than a frayed safety net or shifting economy.

I agree that where the work ethic (and the family structure) is broken, that is an issue that needs t be addressed. I would be for increasing welfare payments to any woman who has has 2 children while on welfare. In fact, if they keep on doing it, I'd be for mandatory sterilization of them (tie the tubes). I also do not approve any ANY US tax $$ going to illegal aliens, whether they are employing the anchor baby racket or not, and a much greater effort needs to be put into shutting down document fraud.
The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

Absolutely and totally correct.

It's good to see the American people are smart about this.

I applaud you, America. :clap2:

But they DON'T agree with this. The Fox poll is wrong and has been refuted already by 23 polls.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games
Because it's SO easy to get a business loan these days...:cuckoo:

You don't need a loan when you use the money you have, buy things at garage sales, then mark up the price and sell for a profit at a flea market.
How about making things like teddy bears or woodworking.
There are many ways to get your own business without a business loan.

That is the problem with many in this nation, that thinks they have to start out big right from the get go.

I know people who do these things.
It doesn't make them enough money to start a business.
Starting out small depends on one's current income and expenses.
Woodworking is actually a pretty good suggestion.

Woodworking wood require the expenditure of about $1,000, for tools, workbench, vise, electric saws, etc, and then there is the question of where this might be done. Lots of people don't have a garage they can convert into a workshop. Many live in small apartments which they rent, and the power saws would be prohibited as noise pollution to the close-living neighbors. This could be a idea if you're just going to whittle things with a knife.
This seems rather inconsistent based on your numerous postings on other threads.
I find Fox to be 95% stuck in a Reagan world that never really existed.

I too, find them to be very unfortunately, 95% stuck in a Reagan world that never really existed. And I've already indicated that quite clearly. But the Reaganism they unfortunately are afflicted with, is seperate from many other issues, which I, as a true conservative (in the Eisenhower mold) do agree with, as I also stated in the OP. And none of this is inconsistent with my postings on other threads (Note: Eisenhower had a 91-92% tax on the wealthiest income brackets for all 8 years of his administration).

Yes and it did not bring in near the amount of Federal bucks like lower taxes does.
No one paid near that amount either when they used tax deductions.

AEIdeas » Why we can?t go back to sky-high, 1950s tax rates

The 1950s was no Golden Age. The U.S. economy grew by an average of 3.4% a year between 1948 and 2007. How did the 1950s do in comparison? If you measure the 1950s from 1950 to 1959, it did a bit better than average, growing at an annual rate of 3.6%. If you measure the decade from 1951 to 1960, it grew at a below average 3.0% rate. The period also saw three recessions, July 1953-May 1954, August 1957-April 1958, and April 1960-February 1961. Now, overall, it was a strong period for the economy, especially for folks with still-fresh memories of the Great Depression. But recall that John F. Kennedy’s 1960 presidential campaign said he would “get this country moving again.” That’s a slogan a politician uses after a decade of stagnation, not hypergrowth. (Of course, JFK sharply cut taxes and the economy boomed.)

2. Real tax rates were a lot lower. Even Levine concedes that “not many people paid that much. Only three baseball players — Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio and Willie Mays — got there.” Indeed, the top effective tax rate was probably somewhere between 50-60% because of a tax code full of loopholes. Now, that’s still higher than today’s top effective tax rate of around 30%. But those 1950s tax rates actually generated less tax revenue than subsequent periods of lower rates. From 1950 to 1963, income tax revenue averaged 7.5 percent of GDP; that’s less than in the Reagan years when rates were being slashed. This could suggest that rates are right around the Laffer Curve equilibrium point in the current economy. Indeed, the following chart from the WSJ makes this calculation over a variety of time periods:

I've seen these "arguments" 1000 times. All that is needed is to have the higher rates but close the loopholes. As new ones arise, close them. That's part of what we're paying our legislators for (how many times have I said this now in this thread ? :lol: )
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Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

So 84% of Americans are not mentally retarded?


81% are not (who define tax increases on the rich as acceptable) - according to Wall St Journal poll.
why does Fox get the facts wrong all the time ?

because they have to help the republican party lie and cheat to win elections

Actually they are hurting the Republicans by advancing ideas that the overwhelming majority of Americans are repulsed by. If they were concerned about Republicans winning elections in 2014, and were smart, they would return to the TRUE Conservatism of the Eisenhower years when high taxes on the rich helped to promote income equality and promote National Security, as well.

Americans are repulsed by the ideas of cutting government spending and balancing the budget? High taxes is a conservative idea?

Absolutely, high taxes is a conservative idea, as I have stated many times, in this thread and others. Are you reading the thread ? See Post # 25.

Low taxes is not a conservative idea. It is a Reaganist idea, and it is actually in opposition to the ideals of Conservatism (to CONSERVE America's values, principles, and culture) because it deprives the people of the funds we need to defend the country and maintain National Security.
You don't need a loan when you use the money you have, buy things at garage sales, then mark up the price and sell for a profit at a flea market.
How about making things like teddy bears or woodworking.
There are many ways to get your own business without a business loan.

That is the problem with many in this nation, that thinks they have to start out big right from the get go.

I know people who do these things.
It doesn't make them enough money to start a business.
Starting out small depends on one's current income and expenses.
Woodworking is actually a pretty good suggestion.

No it is not suppose to make them enough money to start a business, It's a start and then a step up to continue to expand in order to get their own business.

That's what I did when I started, and I made it happen. But it was incredibly tough, and not everybody could do it.
Fox News is complete garbage. It always has been.

FALSE! Fox News has many worthwhile reports and commentaries, and is much more fair and balanced than its completely UNbalanced counterpart, MSNBC.

no they're both the same and are built off the same premise: brainwash people into unquestioningly following a particular political party (Fox = Republicans, MSNBC = Democrats).

it's extremely obvious if you take even a quick objective glance at each.

FALSE! NO, they are NOT THE SAME. As I stated before, I state again >> Fox News has many worthwhile reports and commentaries, and is much more fair and balanced than its completely UNbalanced counterpart, MSNBC

Here's the proof >> Fox has quite a few liberals who appear regularly in its various shows (Bill Beckel, Kristen Powers, Alan Colmes, Susan Estrich, Juan Williams, Lanny Davis, Doug Schoen, Geraldine Ferraro, Sally Kohn, Geraldo Rivera, Tamara Holder, Dennis Kucinich, Leslie Marshall, Lis Wiehl.)

There's a list of 14 liberals commonly seen on Fox News (and it's just a partial list)

Now let's see anyone name the conservatives on MSNBC. Frankly, I can't think of a single ONE.
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Perhaps your business plan is lacking or too high a risk. You are not owed a loan lol

Even many years ago, when the economy was fine (ex. the 1990s), one could not obtain a business loan (even from the US Small Business Administration), without sufficient collateral (AKA "wealth")

Nonsense. And again I state that loans are not owed to you.

I started my business with a few hundred dollars and now am worth over 6 figures.

Your entitlement mentality is your problem

YOU are nonsense. What I stated is a FACT. I owned a business for 12 years and tried to get a loan from the Small Business Administration and was repeatedly told I need collateral (and quite a bit of it) This was during the Carter, Reagan, and Clinton administrations.

And so why are you telling me about starting your business with a few hundred dollars and succeeding ? I just said the same thing about my business, in 2 previous posts (# 37 & 88) Are you reading the thread ?
If you'd like to get a read on whether or not a news source is biased, try this: Watch their news programs with a note pad. Mark it down each time they run a political story that only quotes Republicans, how many times they run a story that only quotes Democrats, and how many times they run a story that quotes both Republicans and Democrats (and by doing that presents a more balanced story).

I've done this and the numbers don't lie. If you want to get the whole story (or a least a much more complete story) you don't watch Fox news.

So what would you recommend to watch ?
But they DON'T agree with this. The Fox poll is wrong and has been refuted already by 23 polls.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

Retard, you're comparing iPhones and road apples again. (and the technological superiority of the road apple is irrelevant!)

The Fox poll asked if the accumulation of wealth by one person mean that another would lose wealth.

This is an entirely different quesion than "do you support stealing from those who have more than you."

Smoke less dope, get out of moms basement once in awhile. Enroll in night school, get your GED.

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The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

Absolutely and totally correct.

It's good to see the American people are smart about this.

I applaud you, America. :clap2:

But they DON'T agree with this. The Fox poll is wrong and has been refuted already by 23 polls.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

Those are two different concepts. They are

- Does someone making more money mean someone will make less?
- Should taxes be raised on the wealthy to reduce the deficit?

See the difference?

The first also does not mean Americans do not support policies to reduce income inequality.
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But they DON'T agree with this. The Fox poll is wrong and has been refuted already by 23 polls.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

Retard, you're comparing iPhones and road apples again. (and the technological superiority of the road apple is irrelevant!)

The Fox poll asked if the accumulation of wealth by one person mean that another would lose wealth.

This is an entirely different question than "do you support stealing from those who have more than you."

Smoke less dope, get out of moms basement once in awhile. Enroll in night school, get your GED.


The Fox poll asked a whole array of questions (44 of them), the one you mentioned being only one of them.. You don't know what you're talking about, but there's no surprise there.

As for "stealing" from those who have more than you, I don't recall saying anything about that. That's your subjective dreaming out loud. Why do you mention that to me ? Maybe you're the one smoking the dope.

And re: the difference between raising taxes on the rich and the question >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? They're the same thing. How do you think the making less is coming about ? By sellers giving away half their production ? By sleeping in every other day ? What do you think they're talking about ? It all has to do with taxes, you dolt!

Among other items in the poll >> (pertaining to income inequality)

1. a small minority of voters (13 percent) thinks the government should do something about the fact some people make a lot more money than others.

2. A 62-percent majority is okay with disparities in income “because that’s just how the economy works.”

3. Another 21 percent say income inequality “stinks,” but still think the government “shouldn’t get involved.”

Here are the actual questions of the poll just so we don't get any more IDIOTIC posts like # 92.

3. "Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing on the following issues?" Income inequality.

15. "What do you think is the most important ECONOMIC issue facing the country? [IF DON’T KNOW OR ALL OR OTHER, ASK] Well, if you had to pick… [RANDOMIZE LIST]" Income inequality was on this llist.

20. "Do you believe that if someone becomes successful and makes a lot of money, it means that someone else has to make less money, or doesn’t it work that way?"

21. "How do you feel about the fact that some people make a lot more money than others?"

22. "How much do your friends and neighbors resent people who make a lot of money?"

Move on. There's more things to talk about.
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Absolutely and totally correct.

It's good to see the American people are smart about this.

I applaud you, America. :clap2:

But they DON'T agree with this. The Fox poll is wrong and has been refuted already by 23 polls.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

Those are two different concepts. They are

- Does someone making more money mean someone will make less?
- Should taxes be raised on the wealthy to reduce the deficit?

See the difference?

The first also does not mean Americans do not support policies to reduce income inequality.

No I don't see any difference - because there isn't any. The making less is talking about taxes. That's what it's all about (for those of you who have been living in a closet for the past 3 years)
But they DON'T agree with this. The Fox poll is wrong and has been refuted already by 23 polls.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

Those are two different concepts. They are

- Does someone making more money mean someone will make less?
- Should taxes be raised on the wealthy to reduce the deficit?

See the difference?

The first also does not mean Americans do not support policies to reduce income inequality.

No I don't see any difference - because there isn't any. The making less is talking about taxes. That's what it's all about (for those of you who have been living in a closet for the past 3 years)

The two are very different concepts. You do not understand a basic premise of economics if you believe that simply because someone makes more, another makes less.

I have no problem with raising taxes on upper income earners, but the first point is just flat out wrong. It's not a zero sum game. That's why 84% of the American populations is smart about this.
Income Inequality is centered around a communist belief that rich capitalists don't earn their money, they steal it. Unfortunately, that's the way liberal politicians get their cash. But they feel the need to tell us just how unfair things are, all the while they're busy making things more and more unfair by the minute. Income inequality isn't the problem. Opportunity inequality is.

Actually, statistically, 1%ers are hard workers while 68% of the poor are unemployed. The harder you word the more you tend to make, especially if you have a skill that is in demand.

This is a state approved MSM generated op-ed on income inequality. It's like Obama provided the talking points to CNN. Opinion: Why growing income inequality matters - Jan. 21, 2014

The number one cause of poverty is unemployment. The second cause of poverty single parent homes. Being married pools incomes and provides stability. This is a dirty little secret that the left doesn't want segments of the populous to know. The primary cause of poverty in the black community is the number of children born our of wedlock.
I know people who do these things.
It doesn't make them enough money to start a business.
Starting out small depends on one's current income and expenses.
Woodworking is actually a pretty good suggestion.

No it is not suppose to make them enough money to start a business, It's a start and then a step up to continue to expand in order to get their own business.

That's what I did when I started, and I made it happen. But it was incredibly tough, and not everybody could do it.

Well...after are special.
The Fox poll asked a whole array of questions (44 of them), the one you mentioned being only one of them.. You don't know what you're talking about, but there's no surprise there.

As for "stealing" from those who have more than you, I don't recall saying anything about that. That's your subjective dreaming out loud. Why do you mention that to me ? Maybe you're the one smoking the dope.

And re: the difference between raising taxes on the rich and the question >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? They're the same thing. How do you think the making less is coming about ? By sellers giving away half their production ? By sleeping in every other day ? What do you think they're talking about ? It all has to do with taxes, you dolt!

Among other items in the poll >> (pertaining to income inequality)

1. a small minority of voters (13 percent) thinks the government should do something about the fact some people make a lot more money than others.

2. A 62-percent majority is okay with disparities in income “because that’s just how the economy works.”

3. Another 21 percent say income inequality “stinks,” but still think the government “shouldn’t get involved.”

Here are the actual questions of the poll just so we don't get any more IDIOTIC posts like # 92.

3. "Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing on the following issues?" Income inequality.

15. "What do you think is the most important ECONOMIC issue facing the country? [IF DON’T KNOW OR ALL OR OTHER, ASK] Well, if you had to pick… [RANDOMIZE LIST]" Income inequality was on this llist.

20. "Do you believe that if someone becomes successful and makes a lot of money, it means that someone else has to make less money, or doesn’t it work that way?"

21. "How do you feel about the fact that some people make a lot more money than others?"

22. "How much do your friends and neighbors resent people who make a lot of money?"

Move on. There's more things to talk about.

Fox did not ask whether the respondent supported higher taxes on those with higher incomes, it asked whether people wanted the govenment to stop others from achieving success.

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