Income Inequality: FOX NEWS POLL is a joke.

This isn't from "one individual"[/B] >>>

WSJ/NBC News Poll Finds Support Lacking for Entitlement Reductions

Nor is this >>>

History of Federal Individual Income Bottom and Top Bracket Rates - Historical Income Tax Rates & Brackets

National Taxpayers Union - History of Federal Individual Income Bottom and Top Bracket Rates

PS - when Spanish Geographers (who believed the earth was flat) spoke of Columbus' voyage, they said "There is nothing to study" LOL.

Success or failure is an individual reality. If you fail it is your responsibility to pick yourself up and try harder. Your life and the success you have or have not attained is your responsibility and no one elses.

Period/end of story

Because it's SO easy to get a business loan these days...:cuckoo:

You don't need a loan when you use the money you have, buy things at garage sales, then mark up the price and sell for a profit at a flea market.
How about making things like teddy bears or woodworking.
There are many ways to get your own business without a business loan.

That is the problem with many in this nation, that thinks they have to start out big right from the get go.
Success or failure is an individual reality. If you fail it is your responsibility to pick yourself up and try harder. Your life and the success you have or have not attained is your responsibility and no one elses.

Period/end of story

Because it's SO easy to get a business loan these days...:cuckoo:

You don't need a loan when you use the money you have, buy things at garage sales, then mark up the price and sell for a profit at a flea market.
How about making things like teddy bears or woodworking.
There are many ways to get your own business without a business loan.

That is the problem with many in this nation, that thinks they have to start out big right from the get go.

I know people who do these things.
It doesn't make them enough money to start a business.
Starting out small depends on one's current income and expenses.
Woodworking is actually a pretty good suggestion.
FALSE! Fox News has many worthwhile reports and commentaries, and is much more fair and balanced than its completely UNbalanced counterpart, MSNBC.

This seems rather inconsistent based on your numerous postings on other threads.
I find Fox to be 95% stuck in a Reagan world that never really existed.

I too, find them to be very unfortunately, 95% stuck in a Reagan world that never really existed. And I've already indicated that quite clearly. But the Reaganism they unfortunately are afflicted with, is seperate from many other issues, which I, as a true conservative (in the Eisenhower mold) do agree with, as I also stated in the OP. And none of this is inconsistent with my postings on other threads (Note: Eisenhower had a 91-92% tax on the wealthiest income brackets for all 8 years of his administration).

Yes and it did not bring in near the amount of Federal bucks like lower taxes does.
No one paid near that amount either when they used tax deductions.

AEIdeas » Why we can?t go back to sky-high, 1950s tax rates

The 1950s was no Golden Age. The U.S. economy grew by an average of 3.4% a year between 1948 and 2007. How did the 1950s do in comparison? If you measure the 1950s from 1950 to 1959, it did a bit better than average, growing at an annual rate of 3.6%. If you measure the decade from 1951 to 1960, it grew at a below average 3.0% rate. The period also saw three recessions, July 1953-May 1954, August 1957-April 1958, and April 1960-February 1961. Now, overall, it was a strong period for the economy, especially for folks with still-fresh memories of the Great Depression. But recall that John F. Kennedy’s 1960 presidential campaign said he would “get this country moving again.” That’s a slogan a politician uses after a decade of stagnation, not hypergrowth. (Of course, JFK sharply cut taxes and the economy boomed.)

2. Real tax rates were a lot lower. Even Levine concedes that “not many people paid that much. Only three baseball players — Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio and Willie Mays — got there.” Indeed, the top effective tax rate was probably somewhere between 50-60% because of a tax code full of loopholes. Now, that’s still higher than today’s top effective tax rate of around 30%. But those 1950s tax rates actually generated less tax revenue than subsequent periods of lower rates. From 1950 to 1963, income tax revenue averaged 7.5 percent of GDP; that’s less than in the Reagan years when rates were being slashed. This could suggest that rates are right around the Laffer Curve equilibrium point in the current economy. Indeed, the following chart from the WSJ makes this calculation over a variety of time periods:
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

So 84% of Americans are not mentally retarded?

why does Fox get the facts wrong all the time ?

because they have to help the republican party lie and cheat to win elections

Actually they are hurting the Republicans by advancing ideas that the overwhelming majority of Americans are repulsed by. If they were concerned about Republicans winning elections in 2014, and were smart, they would return to the TRUE Conservatism of the Eisenhower years when high taxes on the rich helped to promote income equality and promote National Security, as well.

Americans are repulsed by the ideas of cutting government spending and balancing the budget? High taxes is a conservative idea?
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Because it's SO easy to get a business loan these days...:cuckoo:

You don't need a loan when you use the money you have, buy things at garage sales, then mark up the price and sell for a profit at a flea market.
How about making things like teddy bears or woodworking.
There are many ways to get your own business without a business loan.

That is the problem with many in this nation, that thinks they have to start out big right from the get go.

I know people who do these things.
It doesn't make them enough money to start a business.
Starting out small depends on one's current income and expenses.
Woodworking is actually a pretty good suggestion.

No it is not suppose to make them enough money to start a business, It's a start and then a step up to continue to expand in order to get their own business.
One of the things that people who are sanguine about income inequity like to explain is the following"

There is NO PIE, and just because somebody makes more does not mean somebody else must make less

They are correct about that, there is no set amount of wealth.

But here the point ABOUT INCOME INEQUITY they miss


So while it IS true that the pie can be expanding, remember that that fabulous economy pie can ALSO be shrinking.

And remember also that your paltry dollars ARE IN COMPETITION with all other dollars to buy the stuff you need.

That means that YES wealth inequity matters and it matter a WHOLE LOT.

Of course it is possible for an economy to shrink.

But the American economy is NOT shrinking, thought the growth is lower than any time since the Great Depression.

The point you are trying to make is simply inflation, though you attempted to guild the Lilly. If more dollars chase a static pool of goods, then the value of each dollar declines. And this is a serious issue with the Bernanke/Obama malfeasance of the last 5 years, massive amounts of cash pumped into an economy that is nearly flat in growth. Since the majority of this cash is put into the DOW, the effect on consumer goods has been delayed, with an effect of artificially inflating the stock market as opposed to inflating currency in general.

And this artificial inflation of the stock market by Obama is the primary reason for the increase in disparity in wealth. Obama is LITERALLY printing trillions of dollars and giving it to the most wealthy Americans.
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

Great.. just what we needed.. another fake conservative bullshit artist like Jakey Fakey and G5000.

Goose-steppers hate people who think on their own.
I wonder what percentage of the population thinks exactly like someone else in real life?
Conservative love to think they are all alphas. Alphas are NOT goose-stepping followers. They are leaders and they are folks who think for themselves, independently. Look it up!
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Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

Great.. just what we needed.. another fake conservative bullshit artist like Jakey Fakey and G5000.

Goose-steppers hate people who think on their own.
I wonder what percentage of the population thinks exactly like someone else in real life?
Conservative love to think they are all alphas. Alphas are NOT goose-stepping followers. They are leaders and they are folks who think for themselves, independently. Look it up!

Funny how you ignore the fact that goose steppers are on both sides of the aisle.
Great.. just what we needed.. another fake conservative bullshit artist like Jakey Fakey and G5000.

Goose-steppers hate people who think on their own.
I wonder what percentage of the population thinks exactly like someone else in real life?
Conservative love to think they are all alphas. Alphas are NOT goose-stepping followers. They are leaders and they are folks who think for themselves, independently. Look it up!

Funny how you ignore the fact that goose steppers are on both sides of the aisle.

It's funny that I have mentioned it often and you have missed it. I usually don't use the term goose-steppers but I do compare the two sides, so different yet similar.
There doesn't seem to be anybody here referred as a fake liberal, but fake conservatives? See where I'm coming from westwall?
Here's an example: Post 25
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Goose-steppers hate people who think on their own.
I wonder what percentage of the population thinks exactly like someone else in real life?
Conservative love to think they are all alphas. Alphas are NOT goose-stepping followers. They are leaders and they are folks who think for themselves, independently. Look it up!

Funny how you ignore the fact that goose steppers are on both sides of the aisle.

It's funny that I have mentioned it often and you have missed it. I usually don't use the term goose-steppers but I do compare the two sides, so different yet similar.
There doesn't seem to be anybody here referred as a fake liberal, but fake conservatives? See where I'm coming from westwall?
Here's an example: Post 25

I don't think I've ever seen you make a similar post about a leftist. I have made plenty, and I am a registered Democrat and have been for my entire life. I point out the criminal behavior of BOTH sides. Lefties never seem to do that. If you have, by all means please provide some links, and you will receive a heartfelt apology from me.
Fox News is complete garbage. It always has been.

FALSE! Fox News has many worthwhile reports and commentaries, and is much more fair and balanced than its completely UNbalanced counterpart, MSNBC.

no they're both the same and are built off the same premise: brainwash people into unquestioningly following a particular political party (Fox = Republicans, MSNBC = Democrats).

it's extremely obvious if you take even a quick objective glance at each.
Because it's SO easy to get a business loan these days...:cuckoo:

Perhaps your business plan is lacking or too high a risk. You are not owed a loan lol

Even many years ago, when the economy was fine (ex. the 1990s), one could not obtain a business loan (even from the US Small Business Administration), without sufficient collateral (AKA "wealth")

Nonsense. And again I state that loans are not owed to you.

I started my business with a few hundred dollars and now am worth over 6 figures.

Your entitlement mentality is your problem
Funny how you ignore the fact that goose steppers are on both sides of the aisle.

It's funny that I have mentioned it often and you have missed it. I usually don't use the term goose-steppers but I do compare the two sides, so different yet similar.
There doesn't seem to be anybody here referred as a fake liberal, but fake conservatives? See where I'm coming from westwall?
Here's an example: Post 25

I don't think I've ever seen you make a similar post about a leftist. I have made plenty, and I am a registered Democrat and have been for my entire life. I point out the criminal behavior of BOTH sides. Lefties never seem to do that. If you have, by all means please provide some links, and you will receive a heartfelt apology from me.

Well consider the fact that I post less than four times daily. You'd have to be reading posts like crazy just to find one post by yours truly.
"And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no."

Is there a problem with that?
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

Fox "News" constantly breaks many of the cardinal rules of journalism.

Believing their poll results are representative of America is small beans compared to the constant vague sourcing of positions "people say" "some say"

Like all news networks they frame many a one-sided issue (global warming) as having two sides -- they create conflict and controversy where none exists.

The Fox News poll serves to reenforce the tribal mentality (us v them) of their viewers. It gives their viewers the false sense of being in a majority.
If you'd like to get a read on whether or not a news source is biased, try this: Watch their news programs with a note pad. Mark it down each time they run a political story that only quotes Republicans, how many times they run a story that only quotes Democrats, and how many times they run a story that quotes both Republicans and Democrats (and by doing that presents a more balanced story).

I've done this and the numbers don't lie. If you want to get the whole story (or a least a much more complete story) you don't watch Fox news.
Oh come on, Fox News. I'm talking to you directly now. I've supported your positions on a multiple of things >> death penalty, Afghanistan, immigration, Islamization, Muslim terrorism, law enforcement, stop & frisk, affirmative action, etc. I'm as conservative as anybody in America.

But to equate a Fox News poll with the preferences of the American people, is a stretch, to say the least. The Fox poll shows a distinct disapproval for Obama's handling of the issue of income inequality (52% disapprove). And when asked >> if someone makes a lot of money, does that mean someone else has to make less ? A whopping 84% said no.

But that's Fox News folks, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Fox News watchers are conservative, and in today's world (very unfortunately ) that means most of them are also Reaganists, who have no objection to income inequality, who have no objection to the preposterously low federal minimum wage we currently have, and who oppose tax increases on the super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support).

Monica Crowley, interviewed by Martha McCallum, this morning on the show America's newsroom, did herself a disservice by equating the Fox News poll with the overall attitude of the American people (which clearly supports tax increases on the rich). I've supported and liked Monica's positions for quite some time. I really liked it when she once mentioned the need for US troops to be in Afghanistan, to be in position to move into Pakistan to secure the Pakistani nuclear warheads, if the govt there were to fall. So I have nothing against Monica, in fact I'm a fan of hers. I just think this report was a bit over the top, and not healthy for the prestige of everyone at Fox News.

Fox "News" constantly breaks many of the cardinal rules of journalism.

Believing their poll results are representative of America is small beans compared to the constant vague sourcing of positions "people say" "some say"

Like all news networks they frame many a one-sided issue (global warming) as having two sides -- they create conflict and controversy where none exists.

The Fox News poll serves to reenforce the tribal mentality (us v them) of their viewers. It gives their viewers the false sense of being in a majority.

In other words they do that WHICH EVERY OTHER MSM source does as well. Sheesh!

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