income inequality, poverty, crime...shame on you America!

you love the attention.

You didn't get it, did you Poindexter? I was telling him I got his reference to Alice In Wonderland. He was going off a quote from the Cheshire Cat.

Alice: I seemed to have lost my way
Cheshire Cat: That's because you have no way, always here is the Queen's way.

This is classic coming from you though with all the meaningless drivel you write
i missed it. nice diversion, though.

Of course you missed it. You miss everything. Nice admitting your mistake and then being a dick anyway though
i missed it, because they ban porn on this site; that is all.

You missed an Alice in Wonderland reference because they ban porn on this site? Gotcha. And I thought you were a waste of time which is why I have mostly stopped responding to you. Nailed it!
too late; i already saw, "Snow White" and the seven dwarfs.
the privileged in America are doing better than at any time since economic records began. the poor are doing worse than at any time records began. TRUMP WILL REVERSE!

Huh? How do your twisted minds come up with this crap? What weird form of logic do you loons apply?
How can you never think to hold 'the people' accountable for their own miserable lives?
How is it always the fault of 'the system', government or someone else?
Do you think that maybe this country is overflowing with very low quality humans who can't be helped?
Do you ever stop to apply any real world you ever stop to think that loserhood may be a choice that criminals and lazy, uneducated piece of shits make?
We live in a time where government and taxpayers hold your hand through life providing one FREE resource after the next to assure ones success...low-life piece of shits simply choose another's just that simple. It's no ones fault but their own. How is this so difficult for you whacko's to understand?
Final lesson:
piece of shits
are piece of shits
because they choose to be piece of shits
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
You can't turn a sow's ear to a silk purse.
This is elementary shit here people...listen to reason just once in a while.

i will not waste time responding to your insane ramblings.

There's not really a sane way to reply to all that logic is there?
I hate it when I render an unreasonable mind speechless...there's no fun in that.
You didn't get it, did you Poindexter? I was telling him I got his reference to Alice In Wonderland. He was going off a quote from the Cheshire Cat.

Alice: I seemed to have lost my way
Cheshire Cat: That's because you have no way, always here is the Queen's way.

This is classic coming from you though with all the meaningless drivel you write
i missed it. nice diversion, though.

Of course you missed it. You miss everything. Nice admitting your mistake and then being a dick anyway though
i missed it, because they ban porn on this site; that is all.

You missed an Alice in Wonderland reference because they ban porn on this site? Gotcha. And I thought you were a waste of time which is why I have mostly stopped responding to you. Nailed it!
too late; i already saw, "Snow White" and the seven dwarfs.

You're one of the dwarves
i missed it. nice diversion, though.

Of course you missed it. You miss everything. Nice admitting your mistake and then being a dick anyway though
i missed it, because they ban porn on this site; that is all.

You missed an Alice in Wonderland reference because they ban porn on this site? Gotcha. And I thought you were a waste of time which is why I have mostly stopped responding to you. Nailed it!
too late; i already saw, "Snow White" and the seven dwarfs.

You're one of the dwarves
especially with horrible bosses.
62 people own as much wealth as the bottom half of the world's population — around 3.6 billion people. 62 people!
"the ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children" - Christian martyr and Nazi dissident Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"the ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children" - Christian martyr and Nazi dissident Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Then, is it your supposition that the kind of world that leaves everyone equally poor is more moral than than one that would allow each individual to express himself, and to advance himself, and his children, to the best of his ability?
"Democrats have focused too much on raising incredible sums of money from wealthy people, and have largely ignored working families." - Crazy Bernie
8 men as rich as 1/2 the world (Gates, Amanico, Ortega, Buffet, Slim, Bezos Zuckerberg, Bloomberg. How many greedy conservatives in there?) Carlos Slim to slip when Trump cuts off illegal alien remittances--gift from US taxpayers.
Grotesque levels of income and wealth inequality is not just an American issue. It is a global issue. We can do better. We must do better.
In just 6 years, Medicaid alone (forget about O-care and Medicare) will dwarf military spending. TRUMP WILL FIX!
no heathcare is VIOLENCE. poverty is VIOLENCE. contaminating water sources for profit is can be replaced, human lives CANNOT!

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