Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

This man acted so crazy that I would have gotten off the plane if they allowed him to stay on it. My dad was a doctor before he passed. There is no situation my father would have acted this way, unless someone was trying to hurt his family.
This man was
With Computers these days, how hard is it to REALLY keep track of the fact that you have 150 seats on an airplane to fill and count down the number remaining as you sell the seats? It's MATH...and computer applications can even do THAT for you there days...

United Airlines, however, over-sold, over-booked their flight. When they figured that out at the gate (because evidently they could not figure out they had done so before that), they offered passengers $400 if they would take the next flight in an attempt to 'un-F*' the situation.

After quite a few people took them up on their offer, United allowed people to board the plane. Once on the plane United discovered there were still 4 passengers too many onboard the plane. At that point United asked 4 people to give up their seats, picking 4 people at random - one of them was 'THIS' guy:

United ASKED a man who had bought a ticket in advance and was told he was on this flight to give up his seat. He said, 'NO'. At that point United offered him $800 to give up his seat. He said, 'No'.

Even though the man told United that he was a doctor and had to be at his destination the next morning, United told the gentleman that he had NO CHOICE but to give up his seat:

"The manager told him that security would be called if he did not leave willingly, Bridges said, and the man said he was calling his lawyer. One security official came and spoke with him, and then another security officer came when he still refused. Then, she said, a third security official came on the plane and threw the passenger against the armrest before dragging him out of the plane."

Because United was too incompetent to count the number of seats on a plane versus how many they sold (or just being greedy and making it a policy to do so to ensure all seats are sold), United Airlines physically dragged a doctor off a plane.

I smell a major lawsuit! GOOD!

I have faced a similar situation with them, was forced to take the next flight....which was in the morning (though I did not make them drag my arse off the plane).

Over-booking is either incompetence or bad policy...or both. Physically dragging someone off the plane is also NOT an option. I don't care if United had to offer someone $2,000 or more before someone finally took their offer and gave up their seat voluntarily - it was their screw up. They should have had to keep raising the amount of the money until someone volunteered.

I have a feeling the doctor's lawyers are going to make United pay way more than $800.

Video: Security drags screaming United Airlines passenger off overbooked flight — literally - Hot Air's apparent the obvious eludes you.
This man acted so crazy that I would have gotten off the plane if they allowed him to stay on it. My dad was a doctor before he passed. There is no situation my father would have acted this way, unless someone was trying to hurt his family.
This man was
With Computers these days, how hard is it to REALLY keep track of the fact that you have 150 seats on an airplane to fill and count down the number remaining as you sell the seats? It's MATH...and computer applications can even do THAT for you there days...

United Airlines, however, over-sold, over-booked their flight. When they figured that out at the gate (because evidently they could not figure out they had done so before that), they offered passengers $400 if they would take the next flight in an attempt to 'un-F*' the situation.

After quite a few people

took them up on their offer, United allowed people to board the plane. Once on the plane United discovered there were still 4 passengers too many onboard the plane. At that point United asked 4 people to give up their seats, picking 4 people at random - one of them was 'THIS' guy:

United ASKED a man who had bought a ticket in advance and was told he was on this flight to give up his seat. He said, 'NO'. At that point United offered him $800 to give up his seat. He said, 'No'.

Even though the man told United that he was a doctor and had to be at his destination the next morning, United told the gentleman that he had NO CHOICE but to give up his seat:

"The manager told him that security would be called if he did not leave willingly, Bridges said, and the man said he was calling his lawyer. One security official came and spoke with him, and then another security officer came when he still refused. Then, she said, a third security official came on the plane and threw the passenger against the armrest before dragging him out of the plane."

Because United was too incompetent to count the number of seats on a plane versus how many they sold (or just being greedy and making it a policy to do so to ensure all seats are sold), United Airlines physically dragged a doctor off a plane.

I smell a major lawsuit! GOOD!

I have faced a similar situation with them, was forced to take the next flight....which was in the morning (though I did not make them drag my arse off the plane).

Over-booking is either incompetence or bad policy...or both. Physically dragging someone off the plane is also NOT an option. I don't care if United had to offer someone $2,000 or more before someone finally took their offer and gave up their seat voluntarily - it was their screw up. They should have had to keep raising the amount of the money until someone volunteered.

I have a feeling the doctor's lawyers are going to make United pay way more than $800.

Video: Security drags screaming United Airlines passenger off overbooked flight — literally - Hot Air's apparent the obvious eludes you.
This man acted so crazy that I would have gotten off the plane if they allowed him to stay on it. My dad was a doctor before he passed. There is no situation my father would have acted this way, unless someone was trying to hurt his family.
This man was
With Computers these days, how hard is it to REALLY keep track of the fact that you have 150 seats on an airplane to fill and count down the number remaining as you sell the seats? It's MATH...and computer applications can even do THAT for you there days...

United Airlines, however, over-sold, over-booked their flight. When they figured that out at the gate (because evidently they could not figure out they had done so before that), they offered passengers $400 if they would take the next flight in an attempt to 'un-F*' the situation.

After quite a few people

took them up on their offer, United allowed people to board the plane. Once on the plane United discovered there were still 4 passengers too many onboard the plane. At that point United asked 4 people to give up their seats, picking 4 people at random - one of them was 'THIS' guy:

United ASKED a man who had bought a ticket in advance and was told he was on this flight to give up his seat. He said, 'NO'. At that point United offered him $800 to give up his seat. He said, 'No'.

Even though the man told United that he was a doctor and had to be at his destination the next morning, United told the gentleman that he had NO CHOICE but to give up his seat:

"The manager told him that security would be called if he did not leave willingly, Bridges said, and the man said he was calling his lawyer. One security official came and spoke with him, and then another security officer came when he still refused. Then, she said, a third security official came on the plane and threw the passenger against the armrest before dragging him out of the plane."

Because United was too incompetent to count the number of seats on a plane versus how many they sold (or just being greedy and making it a policy to do so to ensure all seats are sold), United Airlines physically dragged a doctor off a plane.

I smell a major lawsuit! GOOD!

I have faced a similar situation with them, was forced to take the next flight....which was in the morning (though I did not make them drag my arse off the plane).

Over-booking is either incompetence or bad policy...or both. Physically dragging someone off the plane is also NOT an option. I don't care if United had to offer someone $2,000 or more before someone finally took their offer and gave up their seat voluntarily - it was their screw up. They should have had to keep raising the amount of the money until someone volunteered.

I have a feeling the doctor's lawyers are going to make United pay way more than $800.

Video: Security drags screaming United Airlines passenger off overbooked flight — literally - Hot Air
This man acted so crazy that I would have gotten off the plane if they allowed him to stay on it. My dad was a doctor before he passed. There is no situation my father would have acted this way, unless someone was trying to hurt his family.
This man was
With Computers these days, how hard is it to REALLY keep track of the fact that you have 150 seats on an airplane to fill and count down the number remaining as you sell the seats? It's MATH...and computer applications can even do THAT for you there days...

United Airlines, however, over-sold, over-booked their flight. When they figured that out at the gate (because evidently they could not figure out they had done so before that), they offered passengers $400 if they would take the next flight in an attempt to 'un-F*' the situation.

After quite a few people took them up on their offer, United allowed people to board the plane. Once on the plane United discovered there were still 4 passengers too many onboard the plane. At that point United asked 4 people to give up their seats, picking 4 people at random - one of them was 'THIS' guy:

United ASKED a man who had bought a ticket in advance and was told he was on this flight to give up his seat. He said, 'NO'. At that point United offered him $800 to give up his seat. He said, 'No'.

Even though the man told United that he was a doctor and had to be at his destination the next morning, United told the gentleman that he had NO CHOICE but to give up his seat:

"The manager told him that security would be called if he did not leave willingly, Bridges said, and the man said he was calling his lawyer. One security official came and spoke with him, and then another security officer came when he still refused. Then, she said, a third security official came on the plane and threw the passenger against the armrest before dragging him out of the plane."

Because United was too incompetent to count the number of seats on a plane versus how many they sold (or just being greedy and making it a policy to do so to ensure all seats are sold), United Airlines physically dragged a doctor off a plane.

I smell a major lawsuit! GOOD!

I have faced a similar situation with them, was forced to take the next flight....which was in the morning (though I did not make them drag my arse off the plane).

Over-booking is either incompetence or bad policy...or both. Physically dragging someone off the plane is also NOT an option. I don't care if United had to offer someone $2,000 or more before someone finally took their offer and gave up their seat voluntarily - it was their screw up. They should have had to keep raising the amount of the money until someone volunteered.

I have a feeling the doctor's lawyers are going to make United pay way more than $800.

Video: Security drags screaming United Airlines passenger off overbooked flight — literally - Hot Air

Would your dad have said....screw my patients, there is $800 to be had
This man acted so crazy that I would have gotten off the plane if they allowed him to stay on it. My dad was a doctor before he passed. There is no situation my father would have acted this way, unless someone was trying to hurt his family.
This man was
He did strike me as unstable. A psych and history review should reveal more.

OTOH, there's no question the plainclothes officer overreacted. The best solution would have been to deplane the entire aircraft first.
Ok...allow me to finish a comment before you bump me to posted because I got an alert.

This man acted like a complete fool. My dad was a doctor and there is no way he would have acted in this manner. He was a professional. This man was screaming "I have patients to see". When in fact, his license to practice was revoked after he and another man were arrested in 2003 and charged for selling illegal narcotics to people, and he traded pills for homosexual favors. His wife is a pediatrician.

In 2016 a court allowed a small portion of his drs. rights back. He can work ONE DAY A WEEK in an outpatient clinic, no access to any drugs. He misrepresented his "practice", I watched the video...I could not believe he screamed like a woman, then went limp so the officers had to drag him. I watched him...played the victim.

Then he runs back onto the plane, clutching something to is chest saying "I want to go home" I bet he did. His ridiculous display has now renewed the gossip in Louisville, KY of his 2003 bust and all the dirty secrets. He just regained the work one day a week in 2016.

What this man did is against the law. Post 9/ act like that, cause a scene, you are arrested. I would have left the plane and told the airline to put me in a room, buy my meal and put me in first class for the next day, rather than fly with that nut job.

Everything points to the obvious. This man is disturbed and needs professional help. he has a ton of ambulance chasers and the one who defended him in 2003 for his drug trafficking.

Something is wrong with him. He needs inpatient help for something that would make a 69 yo man act that way. Where was the air marshal????? Post 9/11 totally changed the laws, rules and regulations on flying. The man should have been arrested. His bloody mouth is his own fault. He was putting on an act by going limp and letting his head roll back and forth.
This man acted so crazy that I would have gotten off the plane if they allowed him to stay on it. My dad was a doctor before he passed. There is no situation my father would have acted this way, unless someone was trying to hurt his family.
This man was
He did strike me as unstable. A psych and history review should reveal more.

OTOH, there's no question the plainclothes officer overreacted. The best solution would have been to deplane the entire aircraft first.
This man acted so crazy that I would have gotten off the plane if they allowed him to stay on it. My dad was a doctor before he passed. There is no situation my father would have acted this way, unless someone was trying to hurt his family.
This man was
He did strike me as unstable. A psych and history review should reveal more.

OTOH, there's no question the plainclothes officer overreacted. The best solution would have been to deplane the entire aircraft first.
Deplane everyone else???? That is just crazy and they had no idea he was going to act like a little 4 year old who wet her pants on the playground. His tantrum fit, running back onto the plane, etc delayed the plane 3 hours.'s apparent the obvious eludes you.
This man acted so crazy that I would have gotten off the plane if they allowed him to stay on it. My dad was a doctor before he passed. There is no situation my father would have acted this way, unless someone was trying to hurt his family.
This man was
With Computers these days, how hard is it to REALLY keep track of the fact that you have 150 seats on an airplane to fill and count down the number remaining as you sell the seats? It's MATH...and computer applications can even do THAT for you there days...

United Airlines, however, over-sold, over-booked their flight. When they figured that out at the gate (because evidently they could not figure out they had done so before that), they offered passengers $400 if they would take the next flight in an attempt to 'un-F*' the situation.

After quite a few people

took them up on their offer, United allowed people to board the plane. Once on the plane United discovered there were still 4 passengers too many onboard the plane. At that point United asked 4 people to give up their seats, picking 4 people at random - one of them was 'THIS' guy:

United ASKED a man who had bought a ticket in advance and was told he was on this flight to give up his seat. He said, 'NO'. At that point United offered him $800 to give up his seat. He said, 'No'.

Even though the man told United that he was a doctor and had to be at his destination the next morning, United told the gentleman that he had NO CHOICE but to give up his seat:

"The manager told him that security would be called if he did not leave willingly, Bridges said, and the man said he was calling his lawyer. One security official came and spoke with him, and then another security officer came when he still refused. Then, she said, a third security official came on the plane and threw the passenger against the armrest before dragging him out of the plane."

Because United was too incompetent to count the number of seats on a plane versus how many they sold (or just being greedy and making it a policy to do so to ensure all seats are sold), United Airlines physically dragged a doctor off a plane.

I smell a major lawsuit! GOOD!

I have faced a similar situation with them, was forced to take the next flight....which was in the morning (though I did not make them drag my arse off the plane).

Over-booking is either incompetence or bad policy...or both. Physically dragging someone off the plane is also NOT an option. I don't care if United had to offer someone $2,000 or more before someone finally took their offer and gave up their seat voluntarily - it was their screw up. They should have had to keep raising the amount of the money until someone volunteered.

I have a feeling the doctor's lawyers are going to make United pay way more than $800.

Video: Security drags screaming United Airlines passenger off overbooked flight — literally - Hot Air
The guy that dragged this doctor off the plane, was a effin coon this coon, doing the white man's dirty work, will not only be sued, but will forever be known as the guy that made a small town doctor, not only a hero, but a multi millionaire....with his sorry black ass, soon to be unemployed and hated!
Ok...allow me to finish a comment before you bump me to posted because I got an alert.

This man acted like a complete fool. My dad was a doctor and there is no way he would have acted in this manner. He was a professional. This man was screaming "I have patients to see". When in fact, his license to practice was revoked after he and another man were arrested in 2003 and charged for selling illegal narcotics to people, and he traded pills for homosexual favors. His wife is a pediatrician.

In 2016 a court allowed a small portion of his drs. rights back. He can work ONE DAY A WEEK in an outpatient clinic, no access to any drugs. He misrepresented his "practice", I watched the video...I could not believe he screamed like a woman, then went limp so the officers had to drag him. I watched him...played the victim.

Then he runs back onto the plane, clutching something to is chest saying "I want to go home" I bet he did. His ridiculous display has now renewed the gossip in Louisville, KY of his 2003 bust and all the dirty secrets. He just regained the work one day a week in 2016.

What this man did is against the law. Post 9/ act like that, cause a scene, you are arrested. I would have left the plane and told the airline to put me in a room, buy my meal and put me in first class for the next day, rather than fly with that nut job.

Everything points to the obvious. This man is disturbed and needs professional help. he has a ton of ambulance chasers and the one who defended him in 2003 for his drug trafficking.

Something is wrong with him. He needs inpatient help for something that would make a 69 yo man act that way. Where was the air marshal????? Post 9/11 totally changed the laws, rules and regulations on flying. The man should have been arrested. His bloody mouth is his own fault. He was putting on an act by going limp and letting his head roll back and forth.
Agreed. All of this should come out in the lawsuit. Including whether or not his actual 1-day of doctoring was the next day.

No air marshal on most domestic flights. Sequestration forces cut backs.

Still, I believe the police officer mishandled the situation. I also believe Dao will be facing both Federal and State charges for his breaking of multiple laws.

There is no "right to fly". All passengers agree to a "contract of carriage" agreement when they buy a ticket. Dao violated that agreement. Now, while UAL wants this incident to go away and may even offer free flights to Dao, I suspect all other airlines will add him to their no-fly list. Like you previously mentioned, I certainly don't want to be trapped in an aluminum tube at 37,000' with an unstable nutjob.
The guy that dragged this doctor off the plane, was a effin coon this coon, doing the white man's dirty work, will not only be sued, but will forever be known as the guy that made a small town doctor, not only a hero, but a multi millionaire....with his sorry black ass, soon to be unemployed and hated!
It's Chicago. He'll be fine. Probably in an office, but fine.
The guy that dragged this doctor off the plane, was a effin coon this coon, doing the white man's dirty work, will not only be sued, but will forever be known as the guy that made a small town doctor, not only a hero, but a multi millionaire....with his sorry black ass, soon to be unemployed and hated!
It's Chicago. He'll be fine. Probably in an office, but fine.
Now that his face is out there, he may be fine for awhile, but sooner or later once ol doc start hitting the talk shows and media outlets, coon is in for a rude awakening.....white men, do just fine, nigga's don't even them whores in Blue!!
People who claim to "smell a lawsuit" usually are wrong. United will settle with him because proving he was doing something against the law on a plane, post 9/11 changes made in laws of flying. They would have to have a psych evaluation done on him...the list is endless.
The people on the plane were fools. That man hit his face because he went limp, had his eyes closed as they were dragging him down the aisle...and miraculously he was well enough to run back on the plane and down the plane aisle.
He obviously had no dignity and no forethought of his past being brought up after so many years...and was granted a one day a week at an outpatient facility. He is not a real doctor anymore according to the court who had sentenced him in 2003.

You people need to do your research and rethink situations, you might be acting like a fool when someone's character is pulled out of the moth balls and aired. This man was not playing with a full deck.
Deplane everyone else???? That is just crazy and they had no idea he was going to act like a little 4 year old who wet her pants on the playground. His tantrum fit, running back onto the plane, etc delayed the plane 3 hours.
Yes, for multiple reasons.

#5 It only takes 10 minutes to deplane everyone and another 10 to put them back on minus the 4 selected to have their tickets pulled.

#4 Airplanes are tight quarters. All that screaming and thrashing could result in innocent people getting hurt. Removing them first eliminates that risk.

#3 As soon as Dao refused to deplane, he became a belligerent passenger and lawbreaker. Clearing the plane gave authorities more room to maneuver.

#2 These situations are best handled in the terminal, not the airplane.

#1 No witnesses!!!
Ok...allow me to finish a comment before you bump me to posted because I got an alert.

This man acted like a complete fool. My dad was a doctor and there is no way he would have acted in this manner. He was a professional. This man was screaming "I have patients to see". When in fact, his license to practice was revoked after he and another man were arrested in 2003 and charged for selling illegal narcotics to people, and he traded pills for homosexual favors. His wife is a pediatrician.

In 2016 a court allowed a small portion of his drs. rights back. He can work ONE DAY A WEEK in an outpatient clinic, no access to any drugs. He misrepresented his "practice", I watched the video...I could not believe he screamed like a woman, then went limp so the officers had to drag him. I watched him...played the victim.

Then he runs back onto the plane, clutching something to is chest saying "I want to go home" I bet he did. His ridiculous display has now renewed the gossip in Louisville, KY of his 2003 bust and all the dirty secrets. He just regained the work one day a week in 2016.

What this man did is against the law. Post 9/ act like that, cause a scene, you are arrested. I would have left the plane and told the airline to put me in a room, buy my meal and put me in first class for the next day, rather than fly with that nut job.

Everything points to the obvious. This man is disturbed and needs professional help. he has a ton of ambulance chasers and the one who defended him in 2003 for his drug trafficking.

Something is wrong with him. He needs inpatient help for something that would make a 69 yo man act that way. Where was the air marshal????? Post 9/11 totally changed the laws, rules and regulations on flying. The man should have been arrested. His bloody mouth is his own fault. He was putting on an act by going limp and letting his head roll back and forth.

Totally irrelevant rightwing propaganda. Immediately blame the victim when you do wrong

If your dad was a doctor, how would he have reacted if an airline was telling him he had to give up his seat knowing it would impact the care of his patients? Would he have just meekly walked off the plane for $800 or would he fight for his patients?

How would you feel if your dad had been beaten up for resisting an order that would impact the care of his patients?
The guy that dragged this doctor off the plane, was a effin coon this coon, doing the white man's dirty work, will not only be sued, but will forever be known as the guy that made a small town doctor, not only a hero, but a multi millionaire....with his sorry black ass, soon to be unemployed and hated!
It's Chicago. He'll be fine. Probably in an office, but fine.
Now that his face is out there, he may be fine for awhile, but sooner or later once ol doc start hitting the talk shows and media outlets, coon is in for a rude awakening.....white men, do just fine, nigga's don't even them whores in Blue!!
People like you and Dao need to ride trains, not airplanes. ;)

The guy that dragged this doctor off the plane, was a effin coon this coon, doing the white man's dirty work, will not only be sued, but will forever be known as the guy that made a small town doctor, not only a hero, but a multi millionaire....with his sorry black ass, soon to be unemployed and hated!
It's Chicago. He'll be fine. Probably in an office, but fine.
Now that his face is out there, he may be fine for awhile, but sooner or later once ol doc start hitting the talk shows and media outlets, coon is in for a rude awakening.....white men, do just fine, nigga's don't even them whores in Blue!!
Hmmmm....I did not realize this site allowed total racist, KKK card carrying pieces of trash to make comments with words that you don't say in public. Dually noted.

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