Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

They already regulate the compensation for involuntary denial of boarding, however those fines need to be upped a bit.

The ironic thing is the opening of air travel to the masses created the need for airlines to scrimp on customer service in the first place. With so many competitors prices drop, and airlines need to squeeze profit out of somewhere.

In this case United needed to show some compassion

Last flight of the day on Sunday with passengers needing to be home for work on Monday is not the place to offer your usual bare minimum compensation. Especially with the alternative flight being 3PM on Monday
United should have quickly realized the compensation being offered was insufficient for such a disruption in travel plans
They also should realize that THEY are responsible for booking passage for their crew and that a crew showing up after a full flight was boarded was going to cause outrage among those on board

The fact that it resulted in violence was caused by United and preventable

1) You are wrong, it wasn't the last flight. There was another flight at 9PM.

2) The cost of a one-way ticket ORD-SDF is $220. The airline offered an $800 travel voucher and, IIRC, a hotel room. ORD to SDF Flights | Expedia

3) Given how this played out, I'm sure Force Majeure applies.

Since nobody was offered a chance to board the 9PM flight it was the last flight

I have received travel vouchers in the past. I only ended up using a couple of them. You have to be willing to use it in one year or it is worthless. A hotel room is hardly compensation since United is the one forcing you to stay over. The fact that an airline full of passengers declined the $800 voucher shows what poor compensation it was

United Airlines using a term such as Force Majeure in their fine print shows the disdain they have for their passengers
Intelligent, informed people know they can ask for a check.

Sue them and the lawyers will figure out if Force Majeure was, in fact, appropriate. Do you really think United would do this without good reason? Why would they want the headache?
Force Majeure?
They blame an act of God?

Moving your employees around is under your control. United just chose to find the cheapest way without concern for their passengers
You might want to look up how that is used in this situation. Why else the last minute addition of four crew members? Do you honestly believe United wants bad press?
United knew they were operating within their rights......They must now pay the public relations price for beating up an elderly man
$1000 says it wasn't United airlines that took Dao off the airplane. Are you game or will you admit error?
Intelligent, informed people know they can ask for a check.

Sue them and the lawyers will figure out if Force Majeure was, in fact, appropriate. Do you really think United would do this without good reason? Why would they want the headache?
I doubt that United would have expected those cops to exercise such poor judgment. But poor judgment aside, if these goons are sworn peace officers, not just ordinary square-badge private security agents, they are protected from any liability by something called qualified immunity, which means they can say they believed their action was justified.

Qualified Immunity is how cops often get away with flagrant brutality -- even plainly unnecessary homicide ("I thought my life was in danger.") Typically, when cops exercise bad judgment and a civil suit is brought, it's not the cop who is sued but rather his employer.

What we've all seen in this video is extremely bad judgment on the part of those goon cops who obviously are fully aware of the protection afforded them by Qualified Immunity. But United Airlines is definitely liable for their unnecessarily brutal conduct and the harm it brought upon that doctor, either by their employees or by public officials whom they summoned. There were other ways that situation could have been resolved.
They are Chicago police. Post-9/11, most airports are policed by actual police, not mall cops.
Gosh to think he was probably having an orgasm in his pants getting drug away by big strong burly men.....
So much so he went back for seconds.

If he makes a Federal case out of this, he'll be manhandled by big strong burly men for 5-10 years.

LMAO @ all the conservative Trumpanzees taking up for the poor, put-upon multi-billion-dollar international conglomerate that is United Airlines.

"Oh, please, corporate masters, can you PLEASE insert your engorged company dick into my anus?! PLEASE! FUCK ME Harder, Mr. Corporation! LOVE IT!"
These are the type of cases where Congress gets involved in the airlines business

Congress has bent over backwards to allow airlines to set their own rules and police themselves
Public outrage over airlines abuse of passenger rights will cause Congress to step in

All because United does not understand customer service

They already regulate the compensation for involuntary denial of boarding, however those fines need to be upped a bit.

The ironic thing is the opening of air travel to the masses created the need for airlines to scrimp on customer service in the first place. With so many competitors prices drop, and airlines need to squeeze profit out of somewhere.

In this case United needed to show some compassion

Last flight of the day on Sunday with passengers needing to be home for work on Monday is not the place to offer your usual bare minimum compensation. Especially with the alternative flight being 3PM on Monday
United should have quickly realized the compensation being offered was insufficient for such a disruption in travel plans
They also should realize that THEY are responsible for booking passage for their crew and that a crew showing up after a full flight was boarded was going to cause outrage among those on board

The fact that it resulted in violence was caused by United and preventable

1) You are wrong, it wasn't the last flight. There was another flight at 9PM.

2) The cost of a one-way ticket ORD-SDF is $220. The airline offered an $800 travel voucher and, IIRC, a hotel room. ORD to SDF Flights | Expedia

3) Given how this played out, I'm sure Force Majeure applies.

Since nobody was offered a chance to board the 9PM flight it was the last flight

I have received travel vouchers in the past. I only ended up using a couple of them. You have to be willing to use it in one year or it is worthless. A hotel room is hardly compensation since United is the one forcing you to stay over. The fact that an airline full of passengers declined the $800 voucher shows what poor compensation it was

United Airlines using a term such as Force Majeure in their fine print shows the disdain they have for their passengers
Intelligent, informed people know they can ask for a check.

Sue them and the lawyers will figure out if Force Majeure was, in fact, appropriate. Do you really think United would do this without good reason? Why would they want the headache?

"Corporations don't make mistakes!! Come on! They're our masters, our parents, our line-leaders and hall monitors and our bigly important people that I love, super super love! They would NEVER miscalculate or do something terrible!!!"
Gosh to think he was probably having an orgasm in his pants getting drug away by big strong burly men.....
So much so he went back for seconds.

If he makes a Federal case out of this, he'll be manhandled by big strong burly men for 5-10 years.

LMAO @ all the conservative Trumpanzees taking up for the poor, put-upon multi-billion-dollar international conglomerate that is United Airlines.

"Oh, please, corporate masters, can you PLEASE insert your engorged company dick into my anus?! PLEASE! FUCK ME Harder, Mr. Corporation! LOVE IT!"

From the sounds of it, he would have liked that very much.
Gosh to think he was probably having an orgasm in his pants getting drug away by big strong burly men.....
So much so he went back for seconds.

If he makes a Federal case out of this, he'll be manhandled by big strong burly men for 5-10 years.

LMAO @ all the conservative Trumpanzees taking up for the poor, put-upon multi-billion-dollar international conglomerate that is United Airlines.

"Oh, please, corporate masters, can you PLEASE insert your engorged company dick into my anus?! PLEASE! FUCK ME Harder, Mr. Corporation! LOVE IT!"
I'm guessing 18-22, college dropout working a minimum wage job and living in your parent's basement. Am I close?
"Corporations don't make mistakes!! Come on! They're our masters, our parents, our line-leaders and hall monitors and our bigly important people that I love, super super love! They would NEVER miscalculate or do something terrible!!!"
Incorrect, but I guess you're used to being wrong. Nice straw man argument even though it's very sophomoric.

Yes, corporations make mistakes, but this one is sure to come out like I said; a last minute movement of a flight crew due to a mechanical or weather problem AKA Force Majeure.
"Corporations don't make mistakes!! Come on! They're our masters, our parents, our line-leaders and hall monitors and our bigly important people that I love, super super love! They would NEVER miscalculate or do something terrible!!!"
Incorrect, but I guess you're used to being wrong. Nice straw man argument even though it's very sophomoric.

Yes, corporations make mistakes, but this one is sure to come out like I said; a last minute movement of a flight crew due to a mechanical or weather problem AKA Force Majeure.

It's a 5-hour drive. Put your employees in a car, pay them extra, give them overtime, and stop resorting to the beating of senior citizens as a first resort.

Get ready for a settlement just to keep the trial out of the news.
Gosh to think he was probably having an orgasm in his pants getting drug away by big strong burly men.....
So much so he went back for seconds.

If he makes a Federal case out of this, he'll be manhandled by big strong burly men for 5-10 years.

LMAO @ all the conservative Trumpanzees taking up for the poor, put-upon multi-billion-dollar international conglomerate that is United Airlines.

"Oh, please, corporate masters, can you PLEASE insert your engorged company dick into my anus?! PLEASE! FUCK ME Harder, Mr. Corporation! LOVE IT!"
I'm guessing 18-22, college dropout working a minimum wage job and living in your parent's basement. Am I close?

LOL no

I'm guessing you're 74, living in Arizona or somewhere else that's warm where you hope to die in an air conditioned room with wood paneling and dead shit nailed to the walls.

Am I close?
Who is the clown they had to physically remove? This from Rush:

The unruly United Airlines passenger that was physically removed from the plane twice is a doctor. According to the U.K. Daily Mail, he is a “felon who traded prescription drugs for secret gay sex with patient half his age and took them himself — and he needed anger management, was ‘not forthright’ and had control issues, psychiatrist found,” said a psychiatrist. His name is Dr. David Dao. His “troubled medical past is revealed in court documents.

“His wife … — also a doctor — reported him to medical authorities and his secret inappropriate gay relationship with a patient was revealed.” Well, the guy was really desperate to get back to Louisville. “Father of five … was convicted of a felony — but avoided prison time — because he was giving the man prescription drugs in return for gay sex. He denied the gay sex even though he was caught on camera shirtless and in his pants.” It was the Putin look.


RUSH: So what do you make, folks. We’ve got the U.K. Daily Mail and the New York Post and I’m sure other publications, too, have now written stories on who this unruly passenger is, and it’s not a pretty picture. And they portray a guy here who’s had to see psychiatrists for drug addiction and anger management issues and that he nearly lost his medical license.

One doctor wrote that the guy here, Dr. David Dao, “would ‘unilaterally chose to do his own thing.’ He only got his license back after agreeing to be drug tested and polygraphed.” What’s gonna happen here now is that numerous people are gonna get angry that the victimized is being blamed and smeared in the process in order to defend United.

My New Ad Campaign for United Airlines
Rightwing once again rallies to attack the victim

United Airlines, a major corporation, fucked up in how they treat their customer base
First, by forcing local decision makers to adhere to archaic rules on bumping and passenger compensation
Second , by a tone deaf CEO who has his lawyers write his tweets for him and then failing to apologize to every passenger on that plane
Who is the clown they had to physically remove? This from Rush:

The unruly United Airlines passenger that was physically removed from the plane twice is a doctor. According to the U.K. Daily Mail, he is a “felon who traded prescription drugs for secret gay sex with patient half his age and took them himself — and he needed anger management, was ‘not forthright’ and had control issues, psychiatrist found,” said a psychiatrist. His name is Dr. David Dao. His “troubled medical past is revealed in court documents.

“His wife … — also a doctor — reported him to medical authorities and his secret inappropriate gay relationship with a patient was revealed.” Well, the guy was really desperate to get back to Louisville. “Father of five … was convicted of a felony — but avoided prison time — because he was giving the man prescription drugs in return for gay sex. He denied the gay sex even though he was caught on camera shirtless and in his pants.” It was the Putin look.


RUSH: So what do you make, folks. We’ve got the U.K. Daily Mail and the New York Post and I’m sure other publications, too, have now written stories on who this unruly passenger is, and it’s not a pretty picture. And they portray a guy here who’s had to see psychiatrists for drug addiction and anger management issues and that he nearly lost his medical license.

One doctor wrote that the guy here, Dr. David Dao, “would ‘unilaterally chose to do his own thing.’ He only got his license back after agreeing to be drug tested and polygraphed.” What’s gonna happen here now is that numerous people are gonna get angry that the victimized is being blamed and smeared in the process in order to defend United.

My New Ad Campaign for United Airlines
Rightwing once again rallies to attack the victim

United Airlines, a major corporation, fucked up in how they treat their customer base
First, by forcing local decision makers to adhere to archaic rules on bumping and passenger compensation
Second , by a tone deaf CEO who has his lawyers write his tweets for him and then failing to apologize to every passenger on that plane
He's not a "victim." Airlines have rules. The police were within their rights.
Who is the clown they had to physically remove? This from Rush:

The unruly United Airlines passenger that was physically removed from the plane twice is a doctor. According to the U.K. Daily Mail, he is a “felon who traded prescription drugs for secret gay sex with patient half his age and took them himself — and he needed anger management, was ‘not forthright’ and had control issues, psychiatrist found,” said a psychiatrist. His name is Dr. David Dao. His “troubled medical past is revealed in court documents.

“His wife … — also a doctor — reported him to medical authorities and his secret inappropriate gay relationship with a patient was revealed.” Well, the guy was really desperate to get back to Louisville. “Father of five … was convicted of a felony — but avoided prison time — because he was giving the man prescription drugs in return for gay sex. He denied the gay sex even though he was caught on camera shirtless and in his pants.” It was the Putin look.


RUSH: So what do you make, folks. We’ve got the U.K. Daily Mail and the New York Post and I’m sure other publications, too, have now written stories on who this unruly passenger is, and it’s not a pretty picture. And they portray a guy here who’s had to see psychiatrists for drug addiction and anger management issues and that he nearly lost his medical license.

One doctor wrote that the guy here, Dr. David Dao, “would ‘unilaterally chose to do his own thing.’ He only got his license back after agreeing to be drug tested and polygraphed.” What’s gonna happen here now is that numerous people are gonna get angry that the victimized is being blamed and smeared in the process in order to defend United.

My New Ad Campaign for United Airlines
Rightwing once again rallies to attack the victim

United Airlines, a major corporation, fucked up in how they treat their customer base
First, by forcing local decision makers to adhere to archaic rules on bumping and passenger compensation
Second , by a tone deaf CEO who has his lawyers write his tweets for him and then failing to apologize to every passenger on that plane
He's not a "victim." Airlines have rules. The police were within their rights.

Let's see where that gets them.
In this case United needed to show some compassion

Last flight of the day on Sunday with passengers needing to be home for work on Monday is not the place to offer your usual bare minimum compensation. Especially with the alternative flight being 3PM on Monday
United should have quickly realized the compensation being offered was insufficient for such a disruption in travel plans
They also should realize that THEY are responsible for booking passage for their crew and that a crew showing up after a full flight was boarded was going to cause outrage among those on board

The fact that it resulted in violence was caused by United and preventable

1) You are wrong, it wasn't the last flight. There was another flight at 9PM.

2) The cost of a one-way ticket ORD-SDF is $220. The airline offered an $800 travel voucher and, IIRC, a hotel room. ORD to SDF Flights | Expedia

3) Given how this played out, I'm sure Force Majeure applies.

Since nobody was offered a chance to board the 9PM flight it was the last flight

I have received travel vouchers in the past. I only ended up using a couple of them. You have to be willing to use it in one year or it is worthless. A hotel room is hardly compensation since United is the one forcing you to stay over. The fact that an airline full of passengers declined the $800 voucher shows what poor compensation it was

United Airlines using a term such as Force Majeure in their fine print shows the disdain they have for their passengers
Intelligent, informed people know they can ask for a check.

Sue them and the lawyers will figure out if Force Majeure was, in fact, appropriate. Do you really think United would do this without good reason? Why would they want the headache?
Force Majeure?
They blame an act of God?

Moving your employees around is under your control. United just chose to find the cheapest way without concern for their passengers
You might want to look up how that is used in this situation. Why else the last minute addition of four crew members? Do you honestly believe United wants bad press?
There were no blizzards or hurricanes in Chicago last Sunday
United is responsible for moving around their own employees
Passengers should not be expected to sacrifice for Uniteds incompetence
Who is the clown they had to physically remove? This from Rush:

The unruly United Airlines passenger that was physically removed from the plane twice is a doctor. According to the U.K. Daily Mail, he is a “felon who traded prescription drugs for secret gay sex with patient half his age and took them himself — and he needed anger management, was ‘not forthright’ and had control issues, psychiatrist found,” said a psychiatrist. His name is Dr. David Dao. His “troubled medical past is revealed in court documents.

“His wife … — also a doctor — reported him to medical authorities and his secret inappropriate gay relationship with a patient was revealed.” Well, the guy was really desperate to get back to Louisville. “Father of five … was convicted of a felony — but avoided prison time — because he was giving the man prescription drugs in return for gay sex. He denied the gay sex even though he was caught on camera shirtless and in his pants.” It was the Putin look.


RUSH: So what do you make, folks. We’ve got the U.K. Daily Mail and the New York Post and I’m sure other publications, too, have now written stories on who this unruly passenger is, and it’s not a pretty picture. And they portray a guy here who’s had to see psychiatrists for drug addiction and anger management issues and that he nearly lost his medical license.

One doctor wrote that the guy here, Dr. David Dao, “would ‘unilaterally chose to do his own thing.’ He only got his license back after agreeing to be drug tested and polygraphed.” What’s gonna happen here now is that numerous people are gonna get angry that the victimized is being blamed and smeared in the process in order to defend United.

My New Ad Campaign for United Airlines
Rightwing once again rallies to attack the victim

United Airlines, a major corporation, fucked up in how they treat their customer base
First, by forcing local decision makers to adhere to archaic rules on bumping and passenger compensation
Second , by a tone deaf CEO who has his lawyers write his tweets for him and then failing to apologize to every passenger on that plane
He's not a "victim." Airlines have rules. The police were within their rights.
He was forced to surrender a seat he had paid for. He met all his terms of the contract including payment, arriving on time and behavior. An elderly man was knocked unconscious for objecting to the way the airline was treating him

That makes him a victim
Don't they have to pay cash if they deny a person boarding unilaterally? I though vouchers are only for the volunteers.
'Deny Boarding'.....but these passengers - this doctor - had already been allowed to board. This was an extra 'FUBAR' mistake.

Can these United employees not COUNT?! I have been on flights where United allowed a certain number to board, counted the remaining seats, assessed the passenger list, made the call that the flight was over-booked, handled the issue at the gate, but they NEVER allowed anyone on who did not have a seat, specifically so as not to 'tease' the passenger by letting them on the flight only to be asked to leave.

United's Owner is defending his people, but let's face it - they screwed up...a LOT...on this one.


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