Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

Supposedly this was about saving a plane load of people a long wait for another crew.

The last time we went to the Caribbean, we ended up waiting for exactly that. Something like 8-10 hours, sitting in a waiting area. No fun at all.

But, this is the responsibility of the airlines and as we all know, customer service is way down on their list of priorities.

About this man, he came back on the plane and said he could not miss seeing his patients the next day. That should have been the end of it. Although it's evidently legal, there's no excuse for the physical assault.

Amazingly, one of the things I saw earlier is that United probably will not sue him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Yes, good that you understand about the priorities here.

2) Disagreed that "customer service is way down on their list of priorities" as your first statement attests. In this case, they were thinking of up to 75 customers.

Which is not just cause for an assault that knocked him unconscious. It simply is not. He paid for his ticket and chose to stay on the plane. While its likely they can remove him for no reason at all (refer to what you sign every time to fly), the assault was not necessary.
In this case United needed to show some compassion

Last flight of the day on Sunday with passengers needing to be home for work on Monday is not the place to offer your usual bare minimum compensation. Especially with the alternative flight being 3PM on Monday
United should have quickly realized the compensation being offered was insufficient for such a disruption in travel plans
They also should realize that THEY are responsible for booking passage for their crew and that a crew showing up after a full flight was boarded was going to cause outrage among those on board

The fact that it resulted in violence was caused by United and preventable

1) You are wrong, it wasn't the last flight. There was another flight at 9PM.

2) The cost of a one-way ticket ORD-SDF is $220. The airline offered an $800 travel voucher and, IIRC, a hotel room. ORD to SDF Flights | Expedia

3) Given how this played out, I'm sure Force Majeure applies.

The flight crew was going to Chattanooga.
Why were they going to SDF?

Ever hear of a connecting flight?

I flew in December from Austin TX to Baltimore and then stayed on the same plane and flew into Louisville.
Southwest Airlines? Yes, I'm familiar with connecting flights. Louisville is't a normal connecting hub for United airlines.

Do you have a link to your information?

After further research, I stand corrected. The flight crew was for Louisville.
He WAS dragged off....against his will. I hope he wins millions in lawsuit.

He was also injured but he won't win. Earlier, I read that UAL probably won't sue him.

That's plane travel now.
Ex-Dr. Dao still needs to worry about Federal and State charges against him, something United has no control over. $20 says he's charged and will be convicted. Any takers?
1. Yes they did.

2. Slogan - Get on a doctor, get off a patient.
Same bet to you: $1000 says United airlines didn't beat or drag off Dao.

Who do you believe pays for that company?

Let me explain: Back when I had bookstores in Denver,

The mall paid a security company.
The stores paid the mall.
The customers of the stores paid the stores.

Get it?

What bet?
He WAS dragged off....against his will. I hope he wins millions in lawsuit.

He was also injured but he won't win. Earlier, I read that UAL probably won't sue him.

That's plane travel now.
Ex-Dr. Dao still needs to worry about Federal and State charges against him, something United has no control over. $20 says he's charged and will be convicted. Any takers?

I'm not the authority on this that you say you are so, no, of course I won't bet.

Grow up.

Frankly, this isn't about the doctors past. It's about a company that treated a paying customer in a terrible way.

At best you can claim the guy might have fought with the security guys, but that doesn't change the bullshit that United did.
Which is not just cause for an assault that knocked him unconscious. It simply is not. He paid for his ticket and chose to stay on the plane. While its likely they can remove him for no reason at all (refer to what you sign every time to fly), the assault was not necessary.
1) Something the Chicago police investigation will reveal since it was their officers.

2) IMHO, once the passenger became belligerent and violent, it would have been smarter to deplane the entire aircraft. First, so show him the plane wasn't going anywhere and, second, no witnesses. ;)
Frankly, this isn't about the doctors past. It's about a company that treated a paying customer in a terrible way.

At best you can claim the guy might have fought with the security guys, but that doesn't change the bullshit that United did.
1) Agreed and disagreed. This guy reacted illogically, over emotionally and should have been removed for the simple reason he was belligerent and obviously mentally unstable.

2) United airlines simply asked for a passenger to be removed. When he refused, United airlines called the police. If you have a problem with Chicago police, blame them.

3) They weren't "security guys" but Chicago police officers.
He WAS dragged off....against his will. I hope he wins millions in lawsuit.

He was also injured but he won't win. Earlier, I read that UAL probably won't sue him.

That's plane travel now.
Ex-Dr. Dao still needs to worry about Federal and State charges against him, something United has no control over. $20 says he's charged and will be convicted. Any takers?

I'm not the authority on this that you say you are so, no, of course I won't bet.

Grow up.

I am an expert on this particular subject. Why the insult? You make claims and accusations about things you admit you don't understand then, when called in it, tell others to "grow up". Why?
About force majeur or cas fortuit - They're going to have to prove some sort of force of god, unavoidable ...

As I said, I'm not the authority Divine.Wind says he is.
1) You are wrong, it wasn't the last flight. There was another flight at 9PM.

2) The cost of a one-way ticket ORD-SDF is $220. The airline offered an $800 travel voucher and, IIRC, a hotel room. ORD to SDF Flights | Expedia

3) Given how this played out, I'm sure Force Majeure applies.

The flight crew was going to Chattanooga.
Why were they going to SDF?

Ever hear of a connecting flight?

I flew in December from Austin TX to Baltimore and then stayed on the same plane and flew into Louisville.
Southwest Airlines? Yes, I'm familiar with connecting flights. Louisville is't a normal connecting hub for United airlines.

Do you have a link to your information?

After further research, I stand corrected. The flight crew was for Louisville.
Thanks. I highly respect people with the maturity and spine to admit error. We all make mistakes even though most of us try very hard not to do so.
Correct. I don't respect people who are all factless opinion but won't back up their opinions with facts or money. Sure, you're free to spew your shit all over the Web, but don't expect to be respected for it.
I'll bet you a $1000 they dragged someone down the aisle. Now, what you got to say?
He WAS dragged off....against his will. I hope he wins millions in lawsuit.

He was also injured but he won't win. Earlier, I read that UAL probably won't sue him.

That's plane travel now.
Ex-Dr. Dao still needs to worry about Federal and State charges against him, something United has no control over. $20 says he's charged and will be convicted. Any takers?

I'm not the authority on this that you say you are so, no, of course I won't bet.

Grow up.

I am an expert on this particular subject. Why the insult? You make claims and accusations about things you admit you don't understand then, when called in it, tell others to "grow up". Why?

Oh please.

You could have started out by stating you have some experience but instead, you've been up and down the thread, daring people to take your bait.

Act like a know-it-all trumpkin fool and that's what I will take you for.

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