Independent thoughts on the Democrats

A good first step for the Democrats to take to appeal to the type of voters the OP referenced would be to stop electing coastal elites like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who seem to look at middle America with contempt and disdain as their party leaders.

Donald Trump is an Ivy League,New York City, Rich kid .

Do you righties have any self awareness?
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!

Somewhere in the dark recesses of the internet, one more independent just became a Republican.

Thank you, Timmy. :biggrin:

Because that’s what they are ! If you
Are GOP in 90% if issues, just own it .

“Independents” all need a punch in the face . They are the transgender of politics .

wow, keep on hating on these people and they'll be voting republican forever! Good luck convincing them to vote democratic with that nasty attitude.

You win elections by convincing people that you have the best ideas and not by shitting on them.
Gonna take more than Timmy to blind me to the fact republicans have been claiming to be fiscally responsible for years. Now with full control of the government our decreasing deficits are now increasing in a strong economy. Completely irresponsible.
A good first step for the Democrats to take to appeal to the type of voters the OP referenced would be to stop electing coastal elites like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who seem to look at middle America with contempt and disdain as their party leaders.

Donald Trump is an Ivy League,New York City, Rich kid .

Do you righties have any self awareness?

Ivy League NYC upper-income earner, but by no means and elitist like Hillary was. He is very in touch with average Americans, as the attendance at his rallies showed.

You people couldn't seem to figure that out in 2016, and payed dearly for it. Not only that, but you'll probably do the same thing in 2020.
A good first step for the Democrats to take to appeal to the type of voters the OP referenced would be to stop electing coastal elites like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who seem to look at middle America with contempt and disdain as their party leaders.

Donald Trump is an Ivy League,New York City, Rich kid .

Do you righties have any self awareness?
He didn't look down at the middle class and call them deplorable, Un-American and Irredeemable. Do you ever think before you post? (rhetorical question the answer is obvious)
A good first step for the Democrats to take to appeal to the type of voters the OP referenced would be to stop electing coastal elites like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who seem to look at middle America with contempt and disdain as their party leaders.

Donald Trump is an Ivy League,New York City, Rich kid .

Do you righties have any self awareness?
He didn't look down at the middle class and call them deplorable, Un-American and Irredeemable. Do you ever think before you post? (rhetorical question the answer is obvious)
Playing to the middle class is always a good idea. Too bad they are shrinking so fast. Democrats could win on many of the reason the middle class is shrinking...
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!
No thanks, I don't see how anyone can agree with either side completely. If a side wants my vote they need to work for it.

You don’t have to agree completely.

Indy’s are just self important attention whores .

Gee, they sound almost "deplorable", Timmy! Good thing you don't want "Indy's" in your Party, little buddy! Donald Trump says thanks!
Thought from an Independent/Swing voter:

The election is now a fading memory, Trump won, and I'm not impressed with what the Democrats have done since inauguration day.

What The Democratic party should be doing is:

* Reaching out to moderate Conservatives, White working class folks and evangelicals, finding why they voted for Trump, what issues they have with the Democratic platform, and what things the Democrats have to change in order to change their vote.

* Reaching out to military Veterans, and the disabled showing them the increased funding the Democratic party backed for their medical care, and employment opportunities.

* Reaching out to the millions of small business owners (such as myself) that have been ignored by this administration as they focus solely on the Fortune 500.

Have the Democrats done this?? NO!! Democrats have done little for 15 months but bitch, whine and complain about Donald Trump. Democrats have golden opportunity to make some major gains in the next 2 elections, but their opportunity is slipping away.

Maybe Bill Clinton was right when he said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats!"

Bill is dead-on. I worked within a liberal setting (govt.) and you just as well herd cats. Kicker is many are often clueless about the problem, but that doesn't stop them from coming up with cool ideas for a solution:aargh:........Asking they have the vision to consider the outcome of a solution is far too much.

"beauty" of govt. work is more times than not, the more capable try to avoid the BS, while many in higher positions (e.g., especially mid-management) couldn't work their way out of a wet-paper bag. They just nod their heads well.
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Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!
No thanks, I don't see how anyone can agree with either side completely. If a side wants my vote they need to work for it.

You don’t have to agree completely.

Indy’s are just self important attention whores .

Gee, they sound almost "deplorable", Timmy! Good thing you don't want "Indy's" in your Party, little buddy! Donald Trump says thanks!
We need to stop being divided by parties. Neither has been doing anything that great. We are all Americans. Well those of us who are not Russian scum trying to split us.
D's are at once so disorganized that getting them to work.together is like herding cats AND nothing but blind partisan sheep who can't think for themselves.

Neat trick if you can pull it off.
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!
No thanks, I don't see how anyone can agree with either side completely. If a side wants my vote they need to work for it.

You don’t have to agree completely.

Indy’s are just self important attention whores .

Gee, they sound almost "deplorable", Timmy! Good thing you don't want "Indy's" in your Party, little buddy! Donald Trump says thanks!

Which proves my point ! If someone decides to go gop because I mocked their “independent” status then it proves they were frauds all along .
Thought from an Independent/Swing voter:

The election is now a fading memory, Trump won, and I'm not impressed with what the Democrats have done since inauguration day.

What The Democratic party should be doing is:

* Reaching out to moderate Conservatives, White working class folks and evangelicals, finding why they voted for Trump, what issues they have with the Democratic platform, and what things the Democrats have to change in order to change their vote.

* Reaching out to military Veterans, and the disabled showing them the increased funding the Democratic party backed for their medical care, and employment opportunities.

* Reaching out to the millions of small business owners (such as myself) that have been ignored by this administration as they focus solely on the Fortune 500.

Have the Democrats done this?? NO!! Democrats have done little for 15 months but bitch, whine and complain about Donald Trump. Democrats have golden opportunity to make some major gains in the next 2 elections, but their opportunity is slipping away.

Maybe Bill Clinton was right when he said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats!"
You are so wrong.

Trump and his many scandals have completely taken over the news cycle. Who wants to cover Democrats helping people when, instead, you have Trump having unprotected sex with a porn star who was paid from an account that we now know has ties to Russian Oligarchs. You can't make this stuff up.
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!
You have no idea how hilarious your response is. :auiqs.jpg:

Think about it. The election wasn’t gore v Bush. This was Hillary vs Trump! Two polar opposites .

When they had those dopey town halls wh “independents” I wanted to punch them all
In the troat . How could you waffle tween those two!?!
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!
No thanks, I don't see how anyone can agree with either side completely. If a side wants my vote they need to work for it.

You don’t have to agree completely.

Indy’s are just self important attention whores .

Gee, they sound almost "deplorable", Timmy! Good thing you don't want "Indy's" in your Party, little buddy! Donald Trump says thanks!

Which proves my point ! If someone decides to go gop because I mocked their “independent” status then it proves they were frauds all along .

What it "proves" Timmy is that people don't like being "mocked"...they don't like being called "deplorables"...they don't like being taken for granted. Do so at your own peril...
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!
You have no idea how hilarious your response is. :auiqs.jpg:

Think about it. The election wasn’t gore v Bush. This was Hillary vs Trump! Two polar opposites .

When they had those dopey town halls wh “independents” I wanted to punch them all
In the troat . How could you waffle tween those two!?!

Both were terrible candidates, if for different reasons? Both were running as part of the entrenched major parties, and some people are not happy being limited to 2 choices when it comes to representation in government? I don't know specifically what the independents you are talking about said or thought, so I don't actually know the answer, but do you honestly think that a person can only support either the Democrat or the Republican party, or are you just trolling? :eusa_think:
Thought from an Independent/Swing voter:

The election is now a fading memory, Trump won, and I'm not impressed with what the Democrats have done since inauguration day.

What The Democratic party should be doing is:

* Reaching out to moderate Conservatives, White working class folks and evangelicals, finding why they voted for Trump, what issues they have with the Democratic platform, and what things the Democrats have to change in order to change their vote.

* Reaching out to military Veterans, and the disabled showing them the increased funding the Democratic party backed for their medical care, and employment opportunities.

* Reaching out to the millions of small business owners (such as myself) that have been ignored by this administration as they focus solely on the Fortune 500.

Have the Democrats done this?? NO!! Democrats have done little for 15 months but bitch, whine and complain about Donald Trump. Democrats have golden opportunity to make some major gains in the next 2 elections, but their opportunity is slipping away.

Maybe Bill Clinton was right when he said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats!"
You are so wrong.

Trump and his many scandals have completely taken over the news cycle. Who wants to cover Democrats helping people when, instead, you have Trump having unprotected sex with a porn star who was paid from an account that we now know has ties to Russian Oligarchs. You can't make this stuff up. you're concerned about Trump having unprotected sex with a porn star over a decade ago? If that's what's taken over your news cycle, might want to try getting your news from a new source! I've got news for you...the average American could care less who Donald Trump was boinking ten years before he ran for President! They care about jobs. They care about the economy. They care about security. Trump is addressing all of those things. Democrats are running on impeaching Trump. Now why would any logical person want to kick the guy out of office who's actually making things work for a change?
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!

Somewhere in the dark recesses of the internet, one more independent just became a Republican.

Thank you, Timmy. :biggrin:

Independents are independent exactly because we see the dependence of groupthink.

If that goes over your head, ask your Group Leader (Domini Domini) to tell you how to respond.
A good first step for the Democrats to take to appeal to the type of voters the OP referenced would be to stop electing coastal elites like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who seem to look at middle America with contempt and disdain as their party leaders.

Donald Trump is an Ivy League,New York City, Rich kid .

Do you righties have any self awareness?
He didn't look down at the middle class and call them deplorable, Un-American and Irredeemable. Do you ever think before you post? (rhetorical question the answer is obvious)

Nope, he called them variously "the poorly educated", "my African American over here", "sunzabitches", "very fine people" and in the case of Iowans, "stupid", and noted he'd "like to punch them in the face". "Deplorables" would be way too long a word for a demagogue fixated on a fourth-grade reading level. That's FOUR syllables, man.

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