India:man drugs family, cuts their throats, still good though, no gun used.

Guns can't kill people...
We wouldn't have invented them otherwise. That was the whole point...
Nope the whole point was to find a way to keep people alive....guns do that.
Nope. Guns were invented as a weapon of war. Even the NRA doesn't try and deny that so give it up.

Nope....guns were invented to keep the user allow them to survive a violent encounter....and since most police and most soldiers never fire their weapons....and most civilian uses of guns for self defense do not require firing the weapon.......firing the weapon is not even necessary in a majority of violent encounters.....
Guns can't kill people...
We wouldn't have invented them otherwise. That was the whole point...
Nope the whole point was to find a way to keep people alive....guns do that.
Nope. Guns were invented as a weapon of war. Even the NRA doesn't try and deny that so give it up.

Nope....guns were invented to keep the user allow them to survive a violent encounter....and since most police and most soldiers never fire their weapons....and most civilian uses of guns for self defense do not require firing the weapon.......firing the weapon is not even necessary in a majority of violent encounters.....
Utter nonsense. Just flat out lying.
One horrible incident in India does not equate with the multiple mass murders committed daily and weekly in this country involving guns. Those statistics do not lie. The President does not lie. He has not done enough to stop it.

There were 4 mass public shooting last year...totol number of dead...37.

hE wants to use a tiny problem ( 35,000 people were killed in car accidents) to take guns away from over normal people who own 356,991,876 million guns which they do not use in gum mirder....

and how do you explain that as more people carry guns in the U.S....our gun murder rate has gone down, not up....
Please explain the problem in light of the actual facts, the truth and the reality.....

We have a criminal problem....they commit almost all of the gun murder mainly against each other....

Normal gun owners are not the problem....but people like you focus entirely on them....people not committing crimes with guns....

Why is that?

Normal gun ownership IS the problem. The problem isn't the number of deaths in mass shootings, it's the overall death rate by gun in the US.

It's the suicides, the accidental shootings, the enormous numbers of children involved in accidental shootings, it's the safety of women and children in homes with guns.

Compare all of these statistics to those nations with strict restrictions on gun ownership.

Do you understand that the majority of gun murder in this country is committed by career, violent criminals against other career criminals...? That 90% of the gun murderers in this country are not normal people that they have long histories of violence and crime?

Do you even understand that?

Do you understand that it is not just the rate of gun murder in the US, it's the rate of suicide by gun, combined with accidental shootings, especially those involving children, in addition to murder by gun, and mass shootings?

31,500 people die by gunshot wounds in the US each year. Only about 7,000 are murder victims. 18,000 are suicides. The rest are accidental shootings, almost as many as are murdered.

Americans want terrorism stopped, but more people die because they had easy access to a firearm than die at the hands of terrorists in the US.

Here you go....more truth and facts and reality for you....

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)

Gun Suicide: 21,175
Non gun suicide: 19,974

Here are the stats on some common types of would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling would save more lives.....

guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about would push to ban the following...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)
Gun Suicide: 21,175
Non gun suicide: 19,974
One horrible incident in India does not equate with the multiple mass murders committed daily and weekly in this country involving guns. Those statistics do not lie. The President does not lie. He has not done enough to stop it.

There were 4 mass public shooting last year...totol number of dead...37.

hE wants to use a tiny problem ( 35,000 people were killed in car accidents) to take guns away from over normal people who own 356,991,876 million guns which they do not use in gum mirder....

and how do you explain that as more people carry guns in the U.S....our gun murder rate has gone down, not up....
Please explain the problem in light of the actual facts, the truth and the reality.....

We have a criminal problem....they commit almost all of the gun murder mainly against each other....

Normal gun owners are not the problem....but people like you focus entirely on them....people not committing crimes with guns....

Why is that?

Normal gun ownership IS the problem. The problem isn't the number of deaths in mass shootings, it's the overall death rate by gun in the US.

It's the suicides, the accidental shootings, the enormous numbers of children involved in accidental shootings, it's the safety of women and children in homes with guns.

Compare all of these statistics to those nations with strict restrictions on gun ownership.

As to do realize that guns are not the issue...right? That Japan, China and South Korea have 0 access to guns for normal people...their criminals still get them.....and their suicide rate is higher than ours...right? Do you realize that many countries in Europe with the strictest gun control also have higher suicide rates than we France......?

For 2013...from the CDC table 10

Gun Suicide: 21,175
Non gun suicide: 19,974
It's a control thing, they know they can't control the individual without controlling firearms.
No, it's a dead humans thing, when that doesn't need to be so...
Why don't you come on over and take my firearms, consultant??
No need...
Firearms are here to stay, which is a good thing.

Buy more guns and ammo
One horrible incident in India does not equate with the multiple mass murders committed daily and weekly in this country involving guns. Those statistics do not lie. The President does not lie. He has not done enough to stop it.

There were 4 mass public shooting last year...totol number of dead...37.

hE wants to use a tiny problem ( 35,000 people were killed in car accidents) to take guns away from over normal people who own 356,991,876 million guns which they do not use in gum mirder....

and how do you explain that as more people carry guns in the U.S....our gun murder rate has gone down, not up....
Please explain the problem in light of the actual facts, the truth and the reality.....

We have a criminal problem....they commit almost all of the gun murder mainly against each other....

Normal gun owners are not the problem....but people like you focus entirely on them....people not committing crimes with guns....

Why is that?

Normal gun ownership IS the problem. The problem isn't the number of deaths in mass shootings, it's the overall death rate by gun in the US.

It's the suicides, the accidental shootings, the enormous numbers of children involved in accidental shootings, it's the safety of women and children in homes with guns.

Compare all of these statistics to those nations with strict restrictions on gun ownership.

Do you understand that the majority of gun murder in this country is committed by career, violent criminals against other career criminals...? That 90% of the gun murderers in this country are not normal people that they have long histories of violence and crime?

Do you even understand that?

Do you understand that it is not just the rate of gun murder in the US, it's the rate of suicide by gun, combined with accidental shootings, especially those involving children, in addition to murder by gun, and mass shootings?

31,500 people die by gunshot wounds in the US each year. Only about 7,000 are murder victims. 18,000 are suicides. The rest are accidental shootings, almost as many as are murdered.

Americans want terrorism stopped, but more people die because they had easy access to a firearm than die at the hands of terrorists in the US.

The rest are accidental shootings, almost as many as are murdered.

And how many died in 2013 from gun accidents.... 505

More facts, truth and reality....

Accidental, non fatal injuries with guns....

How Many Accidental Gun Injuries per Year? - The Volokh Conspiracy

A guest on the HuffPost Live discussion noted in the post below mentioned that guns injure 5,000 people per year (presumably in the U.S.).

Actually, according to CDC’s WISQARS, there are about 14,000-19,000 nonfatal injuries stemming from accidental shootings per year in the U.S., though only about 600 people killed in such shootings.

As always, keep in mind the limitations of this data, including that some suicides and suicide attempts could be misclassified as accidents.
It's a control thing, they know they can't control the individual without controlling firearms.
No, it's a dead humans thing, when that doesn't need to be so...
Why don't you come on over and take my firearms, consultant??
No need...
The vast majority of our military soldiers believe 100% in the Second Amendment dumbass
How do I know this? Ellsworth Air Force Base along with camp rapid are about 30 miles from where I live the majority of firearms and ammo I sell are to military personnel...
The vast majority of our military soldiers believe 100% in the Second Amendment dumbass
They won't when it's no longer the law of the land.

Did you think we wouldn't do this lawfully? That's not very bright...
You know what they'll say to that, being believers in the Second Amendment - fuck this paper tiger, and the emperor has no clothes.
How do I know this? Ellsworth Air Force Base along with camp rapid are about 30 miles from where I live the majority of firearms and ammo I sell are to military personnel...
Guns are important to soldiers. They take them to war, to kill the enemy, or die trying...
The vast majority of our military soldiers believe 100% in the Second Amendment dumbass
They won't when it's no longer the law of the land.

Did you think we wouldn't do this lawfully? That's not very bright...
You know what they'll say to that, being believers in the Second Amendment - fuck this paper tiger, and the emperor has no clothes.
The emperor pays their bills, and sends them a check each month.

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