India, Russia to jointly build 200 military choppers


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
Not a bad idea.


In a move aimed at boosting India's defence sector, 200 helicopters will be manufactured in the country with Russian collaboration as part of intensification and diversification of their strategic ties. The agreement, reached recently, is one of the several new defence projects on which the two countries are working on, including under the ambit of 'Make in India' programme, Indian Ambassador to Russia PS Raghavan. He underlined that the decades-old defence cooperation with Russia remains vibrant despite India purchasing military equipment from other countries, like the recent decision to buy 36 Rafale fighter aircraft from France. "This (India-Russia ties) is a huge, broad based relationship, getting broader every day," he said. "Recently, we have agreed to joint manufacture of helicopters in India. Joint manufacture of 200 helicopters in India is big bang. If two countries decide to manufacture 200 helicopters in India with transfer of technology, and licence production, this is big bang," he said. He said this could possibly be the first defence project under 'Make in India' initiative. Raghavan was responding when asked to comment on the perception that the defence relations between India and Russia are getting diluted as New Delhi has been looking at other countries for military purchases. Maintaining that India-Russia defence ties remain vibrant, he said, "people notice few things we do which are non-Russian... There are newer and newer products and newer and newer projects which don't get noticed and attention gets diverted to few things that we do outside Russia." He said a number of projects are under active discussions and "sooner or later, they will come out in the open." He, however, refused to give details about these, saying there can be no disclosure till the decisions are firmed up. While dismissing the perception that the vibrancy of India-Russia ties in defence sector are getting eroded, the Ambassador said, "some impressions get formed on the basis of inaccurate or incomplete information." Acknowledging that India is diversifying its defence purchases "as many countries do" to take advantage of opportunities, he said, "But our armed forces are 60-70 percent dependent on Russian supplies. That is a reality that cannot change overnight." Quoting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Raghavan said. Russia continues to remain India's primary defence supplier. "In fact, he (PM) has said that Russia has been and will remain primary defence supplier (of India)," he added.

Read more at: India Russia to jointly build 200 military choppers -
They are also jointly building hypersonic cruise missile.


A prototype BrahMos-II hypersonic cruise missile, currently under joint development by Russia and India, may be created in six to seven years, head of Russian-Indian BrahMos Aerospace enterprise Sudhir Mishra said Tuesday.

"Research work on this project is underway in India at the Indian Institute of Science and in Russia at the Moscow Aviation Institute. This new missile is envisaged as a revolutionary new weapon," Mishra told RIA Novosti. "The exact configuration of the system has yet to be defined, the creation of a prototype hypersonic BrahMos missile can take six-seven years."

Russian-Indian hypersonic cruise missile could revolutionize arms industry

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