Indian Court Convicts 6 Men In Rape And Murder Of 8-Year-Old Girl


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Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Indian Court Convicts 6 Men In Rape And Murder Of 8-Year-Old Girl

The 8-year-old girl was grazing horses in the foothills of the Himalayas when she was lured by kidnappers. Over the next several days, investigators say, she was drugged, starved and gang-raped before being bludgeoned to death with a stone. Her small body was found in a forest.

On Monday, an Indian court convicted six men in her 2018 rape and murder. Three of the men, including a 61-year-old temple priest named Sanji Ram who is believed to be the main conspirator, were sentenced to life, while the other three were found guilty of destroying evidence and given five-year prison terms.

....Some politicians of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party came out in support of the defendants. When police officers went to file a charge sheet accusing the Hindus, some Hindu lawyers tried to physically block them.

First, how can you even remotely support people who would do this to a child? India is really regressing in human rights under Modhi. Violence and rape against women is up, and violence directed toward the Dalit's has also increased. One potential positive is that woman in India are beginning to wake up to their political power.

Have India’s women seized their chance to vote for a safer, more equal country? | Mari Marcel Thekaekara

For the first time, more women than men are likely to have voted in the Indian elections. That’s more than half a billion women who have had a say on issues that really matter to them. So finally, Indian political parties seem to have woken up to the fact that the female voter matters.

What then, have been her top concerns? According to a recent survey 70% put the safety of women first. Sadly, violence against women is on the rise everywhere in India. Crimes against women are at an unprecedented high while conviction rates are at an all-time low. India has been ranked the world’s most dangerous place for women. While we have traditionally responded to violence in a demure manner, younger, educated Indian women have refused to be stay quiet ever since huge protests erupted across the country following the gang rape of Jyoti Singh in Delhi in 2012.

Safety of girls is another major concern for women. In fact, girls are discriminated against even before they are born, with aborted female foetuses one of the most unacknowledged acts of violence. As a result, there has been a drop in the female sex ratio at birth in 17 out of 21 states.

India's caste system makes the situation for women even worse, and it is still very much a part of Indian life, particularly in rural areas. Upper caste Indian men feel it's acceptable to commit violence and rape Dalit girls, and are seldom prosecuted for it.

14-year-old Indian Dalit girl gang raped and burnt
14-year-old Indian Dalit girl gang raped and burnt

A 14-year-old Indian girl was gang raped and burnt to death in her makeshift room in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India, last Friday. She belonged to the Dalit community, which is considered the most disadvantaged caste in India’s caste-based social system.
Her charred body was found on May 24 at her home, near a brick kiln where she and her family worked, according to a report by news magazine India Today.

As per the India Today report, the incident occurred after her parents left for their village following the mother falling ill. The girl and her 12-year-old brother were left alone at home. After the incident occurred, her parents were informed and they came home to her charred body.

The girl’s father claimed that the police is framing the death to look like it was due to an accidental fire.

It will be interesting to see what the effect will be to see more of India's women voting and maybe getting into political office.
India has always been a dichotomous society. Advanced philosophically and religiously and unbelievably backwards and savage in other ways, rape being just one of them.

Intense poverty, bride killings and a poop problem (yes, that's right) among other things bedevil this highly populated advanced/backwards nation. . Nearly a Billion People Still Defecate Outdoors. Here’s Why.

The root of it all seems to be the caste system that treats so many with disgust and disdain.
Indian Court Convicts 6 Men In Rape And Murder Of 8-Year-Old Girl

The 8-year-old girl was grazing horses in the foothills of the Himalayas when she was lured by kidnappers. Over the next several days, investigators say, she was drugged, starved and gang-raped before being bludgeoned to death with a stone. Her small body was found in a forest.

On Monday, an Indian court convicted six men in her 2018 rape and murder. Three of the men, including a 61-year-old temple priest named Sanji Ram who is believed to be the main conspirator, were sentenced to life, while the other three were found guilty of destroying evidence and given five-year prison terms.

....Some politicians of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party came out in support of the defendants. When police officers went to file a charge sheet accusing the Hindus, some Hindu lawyers tried to physically block them.

First, how can you even remotely support people who would do this to a child? India is really regressing in human rights under Modhi. Violence and rape against women is up, and violence directed toward the Dalit's has also increased. One potential positive is that woman in India are beginning to wake up to their political power.

Have India’s women seized their chance to vote for a safer, more equal country? | Mari Marcel Thekaekara

For the first time, more women than men are likely to have voted in the Indian elections. That’s more than half a billion women who have had a say on issues that really matter to them. So finally, Indian political parties seem to have woken up to the fact that the female voter matters.

What then, have been her top concerns? According to a recent survey 70% put the safety of women first. Sadly, violence against women is on the rise everywhere in India. Crimes against women are at an unprecedented high while conviction rates are at an all-time low. India has been ranked the world’s most dangerous place for women. While we have traditionally responded to violence in a demure manner, younger, educated Indian women have refused to be stay quiet ever since huge protests erupted across the country following the gang rape of Jyoti Singh in Delhi in 2012.

Safety of girls is another major concern for women. In fact, girls are discriminated against even before they are born, with aborted female foetuses one of the most unacknowledged acts of violence. As a result, there has been a drop in the female sex ratio at birth in 17 out of 21 states.

India's caste system makes the situation for women even worse, and it is still very much a part of Indian life, particularly in rural areas. Upper caste Indian men feel it's acceptable to commit violence and rape Dalit girls, and are seldom prosecuted for it.

14-year-old Indian Dalit girl gang raped and burnt
14-year-old Indian Dalit girl gang raped and burnt

A 14-year-old Indian girl was gang raped and burnt to death in her makeshift room in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India, last Friday. She belonged to the Dalit community, which is considered the most disadvantaged caste in India’s caste-based social system.
Her charred body was found on May 24 at her home, near a brick kiln where she and her family worked, according to a report by news magazine India Today.

As per the India Today report, the incident occurred after her parents left for their village following the mother falling ill. The girl and her 12-year-old brother were left alone at home. After the incident occurred, her parents were informed and they came home to her charred body.

The girl’s father claimed that the police is framing the death to look like it was due to an accidental fire.

It will be interesting to see what the effect will be to see more of India's women voting and maybe getting into political office.
Humans can be sick creatures.

"It grieved Him in His heart that He had made Man."
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India has always been a dichotomous society. Advanced philosophically and religiously and unbelievably backwards and savage in other ways, rape being just one of them.

Intense poverty, bride killings and a poop problem (yes, that's right) among other things bedevil this highly populated advanced/backwards nation. . Nearly a Billion People Still Defecate Outdoors. Here’s Why.

The root of it all seems to be the caste system that treats so many with disgust and disdain.

I would not even say advanced religiously, their caste system and treatment of women is part of the religion. :(
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There are a lot of misogynistic backwards cultures where it sucks to be a woman particularly in the rural areas.

Will be interseting to see if India's women can empower themselves politically in tbe face of the Hindu nationalists.

A lot of people dont realize that India is one of the largest democracies in the world :)
Indian Court Convicts 6 Men In Rape And Murder Of 8-Year-Old Girl

The 8-year-old girl was grazing horses in the foothills of the Himalayas when she was lured by kidnappers. Over the next several days, investigators say, she was drugged, starved and gang-raped before being bludgeoned to death with a stone. Her small body was found in a forest.
On Monday, an Indian court convicted six men in her 2018 rape and murder. Three of the men, including a 61-year-old temple priest named Sanji Ram who is believed to be the main conspirator, were sentenced to life, while the other three were found guilty of destroying evidence and given five-year prison terms.
....Some politicians of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party came out in support of the defendants. When police officers went to file a charge sheet accusing the Hindus, some Hindu lawyers tried to physically block them.

First, how can you even remotely support people who would do this to a child? India is really regressing in human rights under Modhi. Violence and rape against women is up, and violence directed toward the Dalit's has also increased. One potential positive is that woman in India are beginning to wake up to their political power.

Have India’s women seized their chance to vote for a safer, more equal country? | Mari Marcel Thekaekara

For the first time, more women than men are likely to have voted in the Indian elections. That’s more than half a billion women who have had a say on issues that really matter to them. So finally, Indian political parties seem to have woken up to the fact that the female voter matters.
What then, have been her top concerns? According to a recent survey 70% put the safety of women first. Sadly, violence against women is on the rise everywhere in India. Crimes against women are at an unprecedented high while conviction rates are at an all-time low. India has been ranked the world’s most dangerous place for women. While we have traditionally responded to violence in a demure manner, younger, educated Indian women have refused to be stay quiet ever since huge protests erupted across the country following the gang rape of Jyoti Singh in Delhi in 2012.
Safety of girls is another major concern for women. In fact, girls are discriminated against even before they are born, with aborted female foetuses one of the most unacknowledged acts of violence. As a result, there has been a drop in the female sex ratio at birth in 17 out of 21 states.

India's caste system makes the situation for women even worse, and it is still very much a part of Indian life, particularly in rural areas. Upper caste Indian men feel it's acceptable to commit violence and rape Dalit girls, and are seldom prosecuted for it.

14-year-old Indian Dalit girl gang raped and burnt
14-year-old Indian Dalit girl gang raped and burnt

A 14-year-old Indian girl was gang raped and burnt to death in her makeshift room in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India, last Friday. She belonged to the Dalit community, which is considered the most disadvantaged caste in India’s caste-based social system.
Her charred body was found on May 24 at her home, near a brick kiln where she and her family worked, according to a report by news magazine India Today.
As per the India Today report, the incident occurred after her parents left for their village following the mother falling ill. The girl and her 12-year-old brother were left alone at home. After the incident occurred, her parents were informed and they came home to her charred body.
The girl’s father claimed that the police is framing the death to look like it was due to an accidental fire.

It will be interesting to see what the effect will be to see more of India's women voting and maybe getting into political office.
Common occurrence in that brown country
India will NEVER consider women as human beings. Killing women will always be a national sport.

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