Indiana school district loses $300K because students refuse to buy first lady’s healt

The poor have food choices. They too can reject the obamacrap served up, wait until they get home and have a whole bag of potato chips.

Wow - so they can reject "crap" like green vegetables, and wait to get home to eat some real nourishing food like potato chips. Got it.

The government made a very poor decision when it decided that the school food program could be used to educate palates and children would prefer the tofu lunches with intentionally small portions to something else.

Sounds like Indiana schools made a poor decision when they decided to suck off the teet of the federal government, right? Maybe they should just quit whining like a bunch of weak kneed liberals, take some personal responsibility, and withdraw from the school lunch program?

Absolutely. Many districts are pulling out, Indiana should too.
oh dear should be working at a school then..since you know all about that is what the problem is

Maybe I'll apply at the school you work at. Where is that?

How long have you been a lunch lady?

I was at a high school my first year and at the grade school for three years..I just resigned because I didn't sign up to FORCE food on children that they weren't going to by all means you should go work for them..

Well then, I'm guessing you're familiar with the NSLP then:
School districts and independent schools that choose to take part in the lunch program get cash subsidies and USDA foods from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for each meal they serve. In return, they must serve lunches that meet Federal requirements, and they must offer free or reduced price lunches to eligible children.

As lunch lady - why didn't you complain when the federal government was handing your school cash money for every meal served?

Must be really nice to have the luxury of ending your career on principle, BTW.
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I, could care less.

No one is forced to eat anything. If your kid doesn't like it, pack them a lunch.
Maybe I'll apply at the school you work at. Where is that?

How long have you been a lunch lady?

I was at a high school my first year and at the grade school for three years..I just resigned because I didn't sign up to FORCE food on children that they weren't going to by all means you should go work for them..

Well then, I'm guessing you're familiar with the NSLP then:
School districts and independent schools that choose to take part in the lunch program get cash subsidies and USDA foods from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for each meal they serve. In return, they must serve lunches that meet Federal requirements, and they must offer free or reduced price lunches to eligible children.

Why do you think you should get the cash subsidies for NOTHING in return?

Must be really nice to have the luxury of ending your career on principle, BTW.

principle is how I live my life...not like some..
and I already have another job lined up as I was looking for a job when I got the school job..
now you carry know all..see ya
well I'll be damned..Food cop wasn't what I called it, food NAZI was more like it


Comments (1000)
By Jessica Chasmar


The Washington Times

Thursday, July 11, 2013

School officials in Carmel Clay, Ind., said they lost $300,000 last school year because students are rejecting the healthy menu changes brought on by First Lady Michelle Obama’s federal lunch regulations.

“I’ve had a lot of complaints, especially with the little guys,” Linda Wireman, a food service director for North White School Corp., told JCOnline. “They get a three-quarters cup of vegetables, but if it’s something they don’t like, it goes down the garbage disposal. So there are a lot of complaints they’re going home hungry.”

Amy Anderson, the food service director for the school district, said the rules made her feel less like an educator and more like a “food cop.” The changes have even made her consider retiring early.

Lori Shofroth, Tippecanoe School Corp.’s food service director, said many students are throwing food away, putting a dent in the district’s budget.

all of it here
Read more: Indiana school district loses $300K because students refuse to buy first lady's healthy meals - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

They don't have to participate in the federal school lunch program.

It is interesting how so called conservatives champion the causes of people who feel they should be able to suck off the teet of the federal government on the terms they themselves decide and free of any conditions.

Yep. You'd think the OP would be happy that a school is going their own way and isn't in thrall to the federal government. But's a whine-fest about not getting that federal money.
Yet another Fail of Centralized Planning Nanny Statism.
well I'll be damned..Food cop wasn't what I called it, food NAZI was more like it


Comments (1000)
By Jessica Chasmar


The Washington Times

Thursday, July 11, 2013

School officials in Carmel Clay, Ind., said they lost $300,000 last school year because students are rejecting the healthy menu changes brought on by First Lady Michelle Obama’s federal lunch regulations.

“I’ve had a lot of complaints, especially with the little guys,” Linda Wireman, a food service director for North White School Corp., told JCOnline. “They get a three-quarters cup of vegetables, but if it’s something they don’t like, it goes down the garbage disposal. So there are a lot of complaints they’re going home hungry.”

Amy Anderson, the food service director for the school district, said the rules made her feel less like an educator and more like a “food cop.” The changes have even made her consider retiring early.

Lori Shofroth, Tippecanoe School Corp.’s food service director, said many students are throwing food away, putting a dent in the district’s budget.

all of it here
Read more: Indiana school district loses $300K because students refuse to buy first lady's healthy meals - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

They don't have to participate in the federal school lunch program.

It is interesting how so called conservatives champion the causes of people who feel they should be able to suck off the teet of the federal government on the terms they themselves decide and free of any conditions.

Yep. You'd think the OP would be happy that a school is going their own way and isn't in thrall to the federal government. But's a whine-fest about not getting that federal money.

huh? okey dokey
you and poo poo carry on

They don't have to participate in the federal school lunch program.

It is interesting how so called conservatives champion the causes of people who feel they should be able to suck off the teet of the federal government on the terms they themselves decide and free of any conditions.

Yep. You'd think the OP would be happy that a school is going their own way and isn't in thrall to the federal government. But's a whine-fest about not getting that federal money.

huh? okey dokey
you and poo poo carry on

Just wanna make sure I get this straigh - NSLP should be free money for schools with no conditions attached, right?
I, could care less.

No one is forced to eat anything. If your kid doesn't like it, pack them a lunch.

Schools remove home packed lunches. They aren't allowed.

Preschooler’s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria “Nuggets”

Chicago school bans homemade lunches, the latest in national food fight

Out of 50,000 public schools in America, one does something stupid like this. Parents don't like it, change it.

I wasn't going to post hundreds of links to hundreds of school districts. You can look that up yourself.

Parents should demand that schools pull out of the federal program. That's true.
You're own link says

"We have not been able to find any other schools that have an outright ban on homemade lunches."

I'm sure I could google and find a few more, but it would still be a ridiculously small amount compared to the number of public schools we have. And besides, your local school is your local problem. If idiots in some town I don't live in want to ban packed lunches, that's their business.
well I'll be damned..Food cop wasn't what I called it, food NAZI was more like it


Comments (1000)
By Jessica Chasmar


The Washington Times

Thursday, July 11, 2013

School officials in Carmel Clay, Ind., said they lost $300,000 last school year because students are rejecting the healthy menu changes brought on by First Lady Michelle Obama’s federal lunch regulations.

“I’ve had a lot of complaints, especially with the little guys,” Linda Wireman, a food service director for North White School Corp., told JCOnline. “They get a three-quarters cup of vegetables, but if it’s something they don’t like, it goes down the garbage disposal. So there are a lot of complaints they’re going home hungry.”

Amy Anderson, the food service director for the school district, said the rules made her feel less like an educator and more like a “food cop.” The changes have even made her consider retiring early.

Lori Shofroth, Tippecanoe School Corp.’s food service director, said many students are throwing food away, putting a dent in the district’s budget.

all of it here
Read more: Indiana school district loses $300K because students refuse to buy first lady's healthy meals - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

:evil: You stole my thunder! :evil:

But - check out this - NY School District Drops First Lady's Lunch Menu

I, could care less.

No one is forced to eat anything. If your kid doesn't like it, pack them a lunch.

I don't think anyone was asking you to care..
this was posted because I WORKED in a school..
I've eaten at my kids school and the lunches are better than when I was in school in the 1960's.

One other thing, kids, like adults have stopped trying to eat healthy, so if your kids don't like veggies it's not the schools fault, it's the parents. If the kids don't get salted fat then it's not the schools fault,if everything they consume is not corn syrup based it's not the schools fault, it's the parents. I prefer my kid eat something more at school than hot dogs and french fries and ice cream.
My kids take lunch from home....they get what they want and I can make sure they are fed correctly...

gota love those enriched boloney sandwiches and Cheetoes.

Actually its usually a turkey sandwich on wheat bread,an apple,usually some baby son LOVES broccoli and actually sings a song about it...They are made to take a fruit a veggie and usually a sandwich...sure you can come up with some more asinine whatever.

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