Indiana school district loses $300K because students refuse to buy first lady’s healt

“I’ve had a lot of complaints, especially with the little guys,” Linda Wireman, a food service director for North White School Corp., told JCOnline. “They get a three-quarters cup of vegetables, but if it’s something they don’t like, it goes down the garbage disposal. So there are a lot of complaints they’re going home hungry.”

Really? They're throwing their food away and then bitching about being hungry?
Children in this country are spoiled fucking rotten!!!

“They’re teaching our kids with this meal pattern that it’s OK to throw away,” she told JCOnline.

Just to make sure I get this argument safe - feeding kids vegetables = teaching them to throw food away. Is that what she is arguing?

What a fucking idiot.

Its hardly Michelle Obamas fault that no one in Indiana knows how to cook.

I would have to know if we're talking about canned or frozen veggies.
I know I wont eat em. They SUCK!
My kids take lunch from home....they get what they want and I can make sure they are fed correctly...

gota love those enriched boloney sandwiches and Cheetoes.

Actually its usually a turkey sandwich on wheat bread,an apple,usually some baby son LOVES broccoli and actually sings a song about it...They are made to take a fruit a veggie and usually a sandwich...sure you can come up with some more asinine whatever.

your fav drink still dog turds and tonic?

Really? They're throwing their food away and then bitching about being hungry?
Children in this country are spoiled fucking rotten!!!

good to hear you say that!!!!

how about we put the clamps on all the junk food that you can purchase with food stamps. :thup:
I've eaten at my kids school and the lunches are better than when I was in school in the 1960's.

One other thing, kids, like adults have stopped trying to eat healthy, so if your kids don't like veggies it's not the schools fault, it's the parents. If the kids don't get salted fat then it's not the schools fault,if everything they consume is not corn syrup based it's not the schools fault, it's the parents. I prefer my kid eat something more at school than hot dogs and french fries and ice cream.

The liberal response to children not liking the vile school lunches is to exercise MORE control over the parents finding a way to somehow control what they eat too.

That's it, a lack of liberal control over personal choices.
I've eaten at my kids school and the lunches are better than when I was in school in the 1960's.

One other thing, kids, like adults have stopped trying to eat healthy, so if your kids don't like veggies it's not the schools fault, it's the parents. If the kids don't get salted fat then it's not the schools fault,if everything they consume is not corn syrup based it's not the schools fault, it's the parents. I prefer my kid eat something more at school than hot dogs and french fries and ice cream.

The liberal response to children not liking the vile school lunches is to exercise MORE control over the parents finding a way to somehow control what they eat too.

That's it, a lack of liberal control over personal choices.

I do control what my kids eat. I don't want them to weigh 300 pounds.

The old timers I grew up around put food on your plate and you ate it or went without. If you didn't eat all on you plate it was saved and you had to eat it at the next meal.
There was no snacking or pop.
These old timers lived during a period when food wasn't always available and if it was there was no money to buy it, and nothing went to waste.
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Conservatives here are arguing for what - junk food in the school lunch program? Unhealthy choices for the kids.

I remember when Ronald Reagan declared ketchup a "vegetable" and people were outraged at the attempt to make the lunches less nutrious. Now you're arguing that children should not be provided with healthy food choices.

It's gotten to the point where conservatives oppose ANYTHING the federal government is doing just because a Democrat is in the White House. Republicans have some good ideas as do Democrats, but as long as conservatives continue to dismiss anything the Democrats do as wrong, without consideration as to what it is and why, you people are doomed.

Americans are dividing along partisan and racial lines and any house divided against itself cannot stand. No wonder every quality of life and health indicator show the USA is in decline: health, education, life expectancy, middle class income.

Working together is how you get through a crisis. This shit just gets old real fast.
I, could care less.

No one is forced to eat anything. If your kid doesn't like it, pack them a lunch.

Thats the problem, most of kids that are on the school lunch program are the ones on reduced or free lunch kids. If they dont eat at school, they wont eat. Like welfare queen Bonika Laquonzika is gonna get off her fat ass and make her brat a bag lunch :cool:


I, could care less.

No one is forced to eat anything. If your kid doesn't like it, pack them a lunch.

Thats the problem, most of kids that are on the school lunch program are the ones on reduced or free lunch kids. If they dont eat at school, they wont eat. Like welfare queen Bonika Laquonzika is gonna get off her fat ass and make her brat a bag lunch :cool:


My daughter would get reduced lunch at school I still prefer to send her a healthy lunch...some of that crap they serve is nasty..I know we are allowed to come in and eat the school meals with our kids if we choose to.
I, could care less.

No one is forced to eat anything. If your kid doesn't like it, pack them a lunch.

Thats the problem, most of kids that are on the school lunch program are the ones on reduced or free lunch kids. If they dont eat at school, they wont eat. Like welfare queen Bonika Laquonzika is gonna get off her fat ass and make her brat a bag lunch :cool:



No district is forced to be a part of the federal program. And if a child is hungry, they will eat. Complaining kids are tossing out parts of some of the lunches they don't like is petty whining. Kids have always tossed parts of some lunches.

Bottom line, when the government is feeding you, you shouldn't complain that you got rice and carrots instead of deep fried French fries.
Serve them Twinkies and Ding Dongs. It is the American way. Besdies, it will put those eveil unions that killed Hostess in their place!

To tell you the truth, it is kind of hard for me to get upset about kids school lunches. Once, back in 1960, they gave us tuna dogs. This was before they had garbage desposals at school. All I can tell you was that the Dempster Dumpster truck had to make three trips that day.
I, could care less.

No one is forced to eat anything. If your kid doesn't like it, pack them a lunch.

Schools remove home packed lunches. They aren't allowed.

Preschooler’s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria “Nuggets”

Chicago school bans homemade lunches, the latest in national food fight

Simple solution: claim religious dietary restrictions. There is ZERO chance that any school can claim to have a Kosher (or Halal) kitchen!
“I’ve had a lot of complaints, especially with the little guys,” Linda Wireman, a food service director for North White School Corp., told JCOnline. “They get a three-quarters cup of vegetables, but if it’s something they don’t like, it goes down the garbage disposal. So there are a lot of complaints they’re going home hungry.”

Really? They're throwing their food away and then bitching about being hungry?
Children in this country are spoiled fucking rotten!!!

“They’re teaching our kids with this meal pattern that it’s OK to throw away,” she told JCOnline.

Just to make sure I get this argument safe - feeding kids vegetables = teaching them to throw food away. Is that what she is arguing?

What a fucking idiot.

Its hardly Michelle Obamas fault that no one in Indiana knows how to cook.

I would have to know if we're talking about canned or frozen veggies.
I know I wont eat em. They SUCK!

Many canned vegetables border on inedible, especially after a school cafeteria finishes with them! Frozen is usually pretty good, though.
Conservatives here are arguing for what - junk food in the school lunch program? Unhealthy choices for the kids.

I remember when Ronald Reagan declared ketchup a "vegetable" and people were outraged at the attempt to make the lunches less nutrious. Now you're arguing that children should not be provided with healthy food choices.

It's gotten to the point where conservatives oppose ANYTHING the federal government is doing just because a Democrat is in the White House. Republicans have some good ideas as do Democrats, but as long as conservatives continue to dismiss anything the Democrats do as wrong, without consideration as to what it is and why, you people are doomed.

Americans are dividing along partisan and racial lines and any house divided against itself cannot stand. No wonder every quality of life and health indicator show the USA is in decline: health, education, life expectancy, middle class income.

Working together is how you get through a crisis. This shit just gets old real fast.

you would of had to read my thread on why I quit working for the school and then you would understand why I posted this...they were turning us food workers who also serve it and run the cashier into FOOD Nazis...If you were cashiering that day and a kindergardner didn't have a fruit or vegetable on their tray we had to MAKE them go back in and get one or charge their parents a higher they go back all the while CRYING not understanding what is happening...that wasn't my job to FROCE food on the children when I signed on so I left.
sorry to everyone if it was confusing for this thread
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Really? They're throwing their food away and then bitching about being hungry?
Children in this country are spoiled fucking rotten!!!

Just to make sure I get this argument safe - feeding kids vegetables = teaching them to throw food away. Is that what she is arguing?

What a fucking idiot.

Its hardly Michelle Obamas fault that no one in Indiana knows how to cook.

I would have to know if we're talking about canned or frozen veggies.
I know I wont eat em. They SUCK!

Many canned vegetables border on inedible, especially after a school cafeteria finishes with them! Frozen is usually pretty good, though.

Here, in North Las Vegas, is a place that adds flavoring to canned vegetables. Gawdamighty but it's the most horrid smell imaginable.!:scared1::puke3:
When my stepchildren first arrived from Mexico, my wife and I took them to a casino buffet. While the variety of food was incredible, they ALWAYS headed straight for the pizza and hamburgers!
Completely ignored the Mexican food section.

However, at the time, The Frontier had Margarita's restaurant where they happily ate the Mexican food.
you would of had to read my thread on why I quit working for the school and then you would understand why I posted this...they were turning us food workers who also serve it and run the cashier into FOOD Nazis...If you were cashiering that day and a kindergardner didn't have a fruit or vegetable on their tray we had to MAKE them go back in and get one or charge their parents a higher they go back all the while CRYING not understanding what is happening...that wasn't my job to FROCE food on the children when I signed on so I left.
sorry to everyone if it was confusing for this thread

Why are children in kindergarden allowed to pick and choose their own foods? No reasonable parent lets their child decide what they will and will not eat. Not if they expect to raise healthy children. Why are they not just given a tray with today's lunch on it?

How stupid is it to give 5 year olds free choice on what to have for lunch? You have a menu, unless there is a health reason (allegies, food restrictions) or a religious reason which the school would be aware of, children should be given a tray with their lunch on it. Period, end of story.

If you quit your job over this issue, you're even dumber than the people who came up with this plan.
So, let me get this straight. School children don't like the food, so they're throwing it away, resulting in a loss of $300k in food.

And this is somehow the fault of the First Lady?

If the children don't like the food, then perhaps they should tell their parents to provide them with lunch.

Really desperate, Staph, really desperate.

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