Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

I know who he is, I listen to the show. He’s,
A commentator, and does not hide the fact that he pushes an agenda, he’s not a news man.

Nor are MSNBC, CNN, CBS, et al. They are Democratic Party propagandists pushing the Democratic Party agenda.
Honestly Leo, you can't be that ignorant as to how they connect....?

There would be no January 6th, no one would have gone, if it were not for Trump's lying and scheming.... And as the indictment shows, January 6th riot and attack on the Capitol, was just a smidgen of the former president's different schemes to defraud me and the Nation, and 81 million other citizens, of their right to Choose our president, thru voting for our electors.
Show us where Trump told anyone to riot.
I'm reminded of...

Stole the 2016 election Russian-gate. The left does this all the time AND even with the Russians, in 2016 forward. Above that the story was made up and the Demonicrats fooled the court system to process an empty threat.

Trump's is Racist Charlottesville -gate. The left made it up and it took.

Ukraine-gate and "impeachment". Xiden did worse gone unaccounted for, and subsequently the left mandated Xiden for POTUS. You can't make this shit up, but somehow the left can and gets away with it. . Now the truth's coming out huh?

COVID-gate. They lied and leftists were quick to swallow it.

Insurrection-gate and "impeachment". Didn't carry any weight then and doesn't now.
None of what you previously mentioned involves possible jail time. Who knows maybe trump will cut a deal and plead guilty. Tell trump and his lawyers it doesnt carry any weight I"m sure they'll be happy to learn that.
I'm reminded of
Stole 2016 Russian-gate. The left does this all the time AND even with the Russians in 2016. Then look, the story was made up and the Demonicrats fooled the court system to process.

Trump's Racist-gate. The left made the entire thing up.

Ukraine-gate and "impeachment". Xiden did worse gone unaccounted for, and subsequently the left mandated Xiden for POTUS. You can't make this shit up, but somehow the left can and gets away with it. . Now the truth's coming out huh?

COVID-gate. They lied and leftists were quick to swallow it.

Insurrection-gate and "impeachment". Didn't carry any weight then and doesn't now.
Where did America go?

I think we need to divide the country.

The Leftist Half: This would resemble a Communist/Socialist country. Anyone who disagrees with the State narrative will be censored. Protestors will be jailed. The media would be the propaganda arm of the State. Money would be redistributed from those who worked to earn it to those who did not. Being smart and successful will be discouraged so the less capable would feel everyone is equal. Jobs and promotions would be based on race.

The Right Half: This would resemble the America of my youth. Different opinions were expressed, and debate proceeded without yelling “raaacist” to stop the discussion. The media reported the news objectively. People were encouraged to prepare for a career, and rewarded when they had talent and ability. Those with less talent or ability did the best with what they had. Jobs and promotions would go to the most competent.

OK…..need to stop cause kitty is crying for dinner. Carry on.
It is what they do.

A Manhattan(!) jury acquitted Trump of the rape allegation, but the [civil] trial judge, when denying Trump a retrial, said there was sufficient evidence to say Trump raped her (the lying hag). He had no right to say such in light of the jury verdict and should be smacked down by the Appellate Division.

But it is what they do.
It's better than what your side does......


(A VERY losing strategy)
Hmm? One day(!) after the Archer testimony.

Jack Smith, getting ready to make his personal appearance, and attempt to make us believe this isn't completely political

But yeah, again, an indictment immediately following bad news for Biden a day earlier.

Don't like this post at all, attempting to link two unrelated items.

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