Infanticide or late term abortion?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

You be the judge.

So, this woman gives birth and instantly stuffs it into the garbage to die.

She later said she was moving to a new home and could not afford the infant, which is the #1 reason mothers murder their unborn children.

You be the judge.

So, this woman gives birth and instantly stuffs it into the garbage to die.

She later said she was moving to a new home and could not afford the infant, which is the #1 reason mothers murder their unborn children.
I like that Steve Scalise is crippled. He has cancer. He's gonna die soon.

You be the judge.

So, this woman gives birth and instantly stuffs it into the garbage to die.

She later said she was moving to a new home and could not afford the infant, which is the #1 reason mothers murder their unborn children.
Overturning Roe V Wade means more "mothers" like this.
Glad it's happening in a red state. How will people vote next year? Will Ohio turn blue? I believe Gore won it in 2000 and 2004 so why not?

Murder or late abortion?

Which one?

Obviously, you would not seek to press charges here.
I might fix her so she can never have kids again but that's about it.
Glad it's happening in a red state. How will people vote next year? Will Ohio turn blue? I believe Gore won it in 2000 and 2004 so why not?

I might fix her so she can never have kids again but that's about it.
What about the daughter who helped her mother kill the infant?

And why would you sterilize her for the late term abortion but not a regular abortion?
Overturning Roe V Wade means more "mothers" like this.

Actually, the overturning of Roe vs. Wade helped save this 10 year old girl from continuous rape.

The Left ran with the story of a 10 year old girl in Ohio who could not obtain an abortion in Ohio because of the newer laws, so she went to Indiana for an abortion. Law makers in Ohio thought that the story was made up at first, because the rape of a 10 year old had not been reported to police, and because Ohio law would have allowed her to have the abortion being a minor who was raped.

But it turns out that the abortion doctor in Ohio did not report the rape to authorities, a clear violation of the law. The Indiana abortion doctor then reported the rape to the news, which was a violation of patient confidentiality, but the Left needed the propaganda, so they violated the law anyway. However, this meant that the crime of rape needed to be reported, so they started asking questions as to who raped her. It turned out that the boyfriend of the mother, who was an illegal alien, admitted to the rape of the child. However, the mother refused to believe this and insisted the charges be dropped against her boyfriend, which they obviously could not do.

And there you have it, had Roe not been overturned the abortion doctor would have done the abortion in secret and gone unreported as the child would have returned again, and again, and again, as the abortion doctor laughed all the way to the bank.
Because a late term abortion happens when you find out you're about to give birth to a mongaloid.
I'm no familiar with the term "mongaloid". Is this a medical terms?

Are these people the undesirables you want to rid society of?

You be the judge.

So, this woman gives birth and instantly stuffs it into the garbage to die.

She later said she was moving to a new home and could not afford the infant, which is the #1 reason mothers murder their unborn children.
if you can't figure when you want to abort way before have to be mentally ill

with all of the forms and ways of contraception......and education...abortion should be fookin rare for god sakes the damned cannibals
if you can't figure when you want to abort way before have to be mentally ill

with all of the forms and ways of contraception......and education...abortion should be fookin rare for god sakes the damned cannibals
You forgot adoption.

But yea.
I'm no familiar with the term "mongaloid". Is this a medical terms?

Are these people the undesirables you want to rid society of?
ya know what, to tell you the truth, certain members of this board should have been thrown in the trash can for humanities sake..........jest sayin
What if it were a partial birth abortion?

If is the most powerful word in the English language. Nearly every state limits late term abortion to fetuses with severe congenital abnormalities or a severe threat to the life of the mother. If money was her only consideration yes I think I could call it infanticide if the fetus was viable. I don't know if the states that have no limits would.
I'm no familiar with the term "mongaloid". Is this a medical terms?

Are these people the undesirables you want to rid society of?

It's an obsolete term only used by the abysmally illiterate these days.

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