Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

If you ever wonder why men have ruled this planet is because women are to much trouble. Men are azzes who fight each other and do stupid things. Women are much more complex in it and then use their natural protections to save their azzes after the trouble they cause destroys others. Now this is not true of all people of both sexes. But movements cause problems in everything we do. And the costs in the West is massive because of the modern age we have. Those same suburban women would cry for help if the anger and rage of inner city men come to their homes for vengeance.

From whence did you obtain this "font of knowledge " about women?

Tom Lykos? Rush Limpdick?
You have to remember that the car left this Government is God. Good determines who has the right to live, and the abortion/infanticide industry has paid good money for the Democrat Party's soul.

Soon, it'll be on to the elderly. Socialized medicine will ration then to death.

A. Have all the God in your personal life you want. In THIS country we live by laws (oh and the Bible doesn't talk about abortion at all)

B. Your syntax is really "foreign" to me
Abortion and other parts of liberalism
Has brought this death sentence of liberal nations

This MONSTER Imbalance of young to old

This has caused liberal nations to run in the young of third world nations and these will grow up and make the non third world nations to go with third world mentality

Abortion and liberalism has brought suicides for western nations

Abortion is not "liberalism", it's biology. Abortions have been around since the days of the cave men, when women used plants and herbs as aborificants. Having a baby is a decision, not a destiny. Having more children than you can afford or properly raise is irresponsible, and it's not good for the children either.

God gave women the ability to chose when they had babies, and the free will to do it. Conservatives, who want to shame and control women, are trying to take that away,
Without life, there is no chance for liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

In New Mexico this week, an abortion bill passed the state house and would allow abortion without restriction and for any reason. If there's ever been a time to not dilute the cause, it's now.

In the not too distant past, Democrats claimed they wanted abortion to be "safe, legal, and rare." In 2019, that old mantra has been exchanged for the most horrific thing imaginable: abortion at any time, for any reason. And this is considered progress? It is nothing short of barbaric.

There is no room for abortion within a civilized society, and there is no place for it among those who call themselves conservatives.

As long a there is no universal health care, no mandated maternity leave for pregnant women, no job security for pregnant women, and no geared to income child care, abortion in American will not be rare. You want fewer abortions, make it easier for poor women to retain their jobs and get proper maternity care and child care.

Look at the abortion rates in countries which have all of the above.
You have to remember that the car left this Government is God. Good determines who has the right to live, and the abortion/infanticide industry has paid good money for the Democrat Party's soul.

Soon, it'll be on to the elderly. Socialized medicine will ration then to death.

A. Have all the God in your personal life you want. In THIS country we live by laws (oh and the Bible doesn't talk about abortion at all)

B. Your syntax is really "foreign" to me
Yes, we do live by laws. It used to be legal to stop women from voting. It used to be legal to enslave people.

If you had a moral basis in faith you wouldn't try to confuse it with laws. You would understand that laws should reflect morality, not your personal greed.
Abortion and other parts of liberalism
Has brought this death sentence of liberal nations

This MONSTER Imbalance of young to old

This has caused liberal nations to run in the young of third world nations and these will grow up and make the non third world nations to go with third world mentality

Abortion and liberalism has brought suicides for western nations

Abortion is not "liberalism", it's biology. Abortions have been around since the days of the cave men, when women used plants and herbs as aborificants. Having a baby is a decision, not a destiny. Having more children than you can afford or properly raise is irresponsible, and it's not good for the children either.

God gave women the ability to chose when they had babies, and the free will to do it. Conservatives, who want to shame and control women, are trying to take that away,
Spare me the mock outrage.

Abortionists and their supporters don't care squat about women. If unborn children gave them more money than those that kill the children, Democrats would be pro-life.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

As long as the the Democratic Party in collusion with leftis Fake News profits from infanticide and frivolous abortions both politically and financially they're going to be about killing humans and taxing all Americans for their inhumanity. Yup, sick shit.

This whole thread is based on fake news. It does not change Virginia laws on abortion only how they are implemented.
It’s about murder. You can make believe anyway you want to.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

Abortion will not be a major issue in 2020. The states where it plays are already Republican. Republicans will have to explain their support for getting rid of Roe vs Wade which is supported by 60% of voters. Newt Gingrich is a victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome. To defend Trump he has to say stupid things.
To independent voters and Catholic blue state voters it will be an issue.

Try using your head not your libido. The Republicans will have to defend wanting to get rid of Roe vs Wade which is supported by around 60% of voters.

The Virginia bill is not infanticide. It reduces the number of doctors required for a late term abortion from 3 to 1 and allows the procedure to be done in a clinic. That is all.
People support STRONG limitations on abortion.

People support Roe vs Wade STRONGLY.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

As long as the the Democratic Party in collusion with leftis Fake News profits from infanticide and frivolous abortions both politically and financially they're going to be about killing humans and taxing all Americans for their inhumanity. Yup, sick shit.

This whole thread is based on fake news. It does not change Virginia laws on abortion only how they are implemented.
It’s about murder. You can make believe anyway you want to.

And then what should the punishment be???
You have to remember that the car left this Government is God. Good determines who has the right to live, and the abortion/infanticide industry has paid good money for the Democrat Party's soul.

Soon, it'll be on to the elderly. Socialized medicine will ration then to death.

A. Have all the God in your personal life you want. In THIS country we live by laws (oh and the Bible doesn't talk about abortion at all)

B. Your syntax is really "foreign" to me
Yes, we do live by laws. It used to be legal to stop women from voting. It used to be legal to enslave people.

If you had a moral basis in faith you wouldn't try to confuse it with laws. You would understand that laws should reflect morality, not your personal greed.

Its really none of your business if a women gets an abortion, you might have a female around you that had one.
You have to remember that the car left this Government is God. Good determines who has the right to live, and the abortion/infanticide industry has paid good money for the Democrat Party's soul.

Soon, it'll be on to the elderly. Socialized medicine will ration then to death.

A. Have all the God in your personal life you want. In THIS country we live by laws (oh and the Bible doesn't talk about abortion at all)

B. Your syntax is really "foreign" to me
Yes, we do live by laws. It used to be legal to stop women from voting. It used to be legal to enslave people.

If you had a moral basis in faith you wouldn't try to confuse it with laws. You would understand that laws should reflect morality, not your personal greed.

Its really none of your business if a women gets an abortion, you might have a female around you that had one.
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.
You have to remember that the car left this Government is God. Good determines who has the right to live, and the abortion/infanticide industry has paid good money for the Democrat Party's soul.

Soon, it'll be on to the elderly. Socialized medicine will ration then to death.

A. Have all the God in your personal life you want. In THIS country we live by laws (oh and the Bible doesn't talk about abortion at all)

B. Your syntax is really "foreign" to me
Yes, we do live by laws. It used to be legal to stop women from voting. It used to be legal to enslave people.

If you had a moral basis in faith you wouldn't try to confuse it with laws. You would understand that laws should reflect morality, not your personal greed.

Its really none of your business if a women gets an abortion, you might have a female around you that had one.
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Without life, there is no chance for liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

In New Mexico this week, an abortion bill passed the state house and would allow abortion without restriction and for any reason. If there's ever been a time to not dilute the cause, it's now.

In the not too distant past, Democrats claimed they wanted abortion to be "safe, legal, and rare." In 2019, that old mantra has been exchanged for the most horrific thing imaginable: abortion at any time, for any reason. And this is considered progress? It is nothing short of barbaric.

There is no room for abortion within a civilized society, and there is no place for it among those who call themselves conservatives.

As long a there is no universal health care, no mandated maternity leave for pregnant women, no job security for pregnant women, and no geared to income child care, abortion in American will not be rare. You want fewer abortions, make it easier for poor women to retain their jobs and get proper maternity care and child care.

Look at the abortion rates in countries which have all of the above.
Do you support the right of a mother to kill her newborn infant?
You have to remember that the car left this Government is God. Good determines who has the right to live, and the abortion/infanticide industry has paid good money for the Democrat Party's soul.

Soon, it'll be on to the elderly. Socialized medicine will ration then to death.

A. Have all the God in your personal life you want. In THIS country we live by laws (oh and the Bible doesn't talk about abortion at all)

B. Your syntax is really "foreign" to me
Yes, we do live by laws. It used to be legal to stop women from voting. It used to be legal to enslave people.

If you had a moral basis in faith you wouldn't try to confuse it with laws. You would understand that laws should reflect morality, not your personal greed.

Its really none of your business if a women gets an abortion, you might have a female around you that had one.
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
A. Have all the God in your personal life you want. In THIS country we live by laws (oh and the Bible doesn't talk about abortion at all)

B. Your syntax is really "foreign" to me
Yes, we do live by laws. It used to be legal to stop women from voting. It used to be legal to enslave people.

If you had a moral basis in faith you wouldn't try to confuse it with laws. You would understand that laws should reflect morality, not your personal greed.

Its really none of your business if a women gets an abortion, you might have a female around you that had one.
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Yes, we do live by laws. It used to be legal to stop women from voting. It used to be legal to enslave people.

If you had a moral basis in faith you wouldn't try to confuse it with laws. You would understand that laws should reflect morality, not your personal greed.

Its really none of your business if a women gets an abortion, you might have a female around you that had one.
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
At what exact point in a human's life do you think that they are entitled to protection?
Yes, we do live by laws. It used to be legal to stop women from voting. It used to be legal to enslave people.

If you had a moral basis in faith you wouldn't try to confuse it with laws. You would understand that laws should reflect morality, not your personal greed.

Its really none of your business if a women gets an abortion, you might have a female around you that had one.
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.
I know where he’s trying to go with this. None of it changes the fact if a girl finds out she’s pregnant, only she gets to decide if she has it.

There are laws. Can’t do it past a certain point, unless special circumstances. And the circumstances are different for everyone. Imo usually all late term abortions are good choices. Sucks how it’s done but how would a conservative do it? Do they have a better way to murder a retard or baby that’s going to kill the mother?

My highlights above.

My hope is that you are being facetious. You can't possibly be serious. If you were, you would know how obscene is your choice.
You are the one who doesn't get it. If you were faced with the choice you too would probably late term abort the retard too. If you wouldn't then you'd be that guy I feel sorry for pushing that retard around town for the rest of your miserable life.

I've never seen a late term abortion I disagreed with. Can you show me one example of a person who got a late term abortion for the wrong reasons? Do you even know what their reasons are?

The only reason you think I'm being obscene is because you are an ignorant person.

And if you would gladly push the retard around then god bless you. That's why you are going to heaven and I'm not.
And what about issues like spina bifida? Where you find out in the third trimester that the fetus has an exposed spine and will never be able to walk...feed be much of anything beyond a vegetable if brought to term??
Spina bifida is treatable.

Living With Spina Bifida - CHOC Children's

Kill everyone with spina bifida and no treatment, research or cure is even necessary. With widespread abortion and euthanasia, medical research stops. It's no longer necessary.

Is anyone surprised at the adults with down's syndrome that have come forward to plead for their lives? In Iceland all those with down's are killed. They have 100% eliminated down's syndrome. Those who have the syndrome yet lead productive lives and are happy know that it doesn't matter. They should have been killed anyway.

This is the humane brave new world.

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