Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

Its really none of your business if a women gets an abortion, you might have a female around you that had one.
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.

newborn infant , look it up.
Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age. Infants can be considered children anywhere from birth to 1 year old. Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old, thus encompassing newborns, infants, and toddlers.Oct 24, 2018
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.

newborn infant , look it up.
You support killing newborn babies. Look that up, Nazi.
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.
Occupied, it's just not that simple as you make it out to be. It took me 20 years of wrestling with the issue to understand there is no flaw in disliking the taking of an unborn American citizen's life. 20 years, pal. I couldn't understand the outrage until I did some reading about the pain an unborn baby feels, whether it is conscious of it or not. I watched a video of one being jabbed. It dodged and darted to get away from it. It knew it was life or death, and it did all it could to keep away from the torturous equipment that eventually would gauge through pain sensors and nerves to get to the brain, where it would suck out all the cells in the brain it could for the purpose of getting the head to be small enough to surgically remove without damaging the mother's beauty too much.

Vanity! It's all about vanity of a person who ORDERS her own little child to a cruel, unnecessary death if she would take her place in the grown up world sex was meant to be in.
That fact, whether you love it or hate it, is a fact. The fact is, when you're old enough to get pregnant, you are old enough to grow up, little by little if need be, to take your place in the adult world. And if you're not ready for that step, you have no business being in bed with a man who thinks pleasure does not require follow up of paying a costly price for the 18 years that child's needs have to be met legally and rightly so. The mother too, has an obligation to be a decent enough human being not to let anything bad happen to her preborn American citizen. Got that registered in your cerebellum yet? :47:
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.
You would smash their head with a golf club.
When your party does not automatically try to fuck kids in every way then maybe your concern for fetuses will not seem so schizophrenic and anti-women.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
You're lying your ass off, and you know it too, don't you. :eusa_liar:
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.

newborn infant , look it up.
Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age. Infants can be considered children anywhere from birth to 1 year old. Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old, thus encompassing newborns, infants, and toddlers.Oct 24, 2018

Science says the fetus is a human life

At conception is the humans first stage of life. Same as infant and toddler

ALL going on a journey to become adults

Science now has proven this

Educators brainwashed against science. Covers up science

Covering up science makes a nation more weak and can lose to enemies

So educators MUST now be charged with TREASON !!!
Educators also covering up this monster imbalance of young to old which makes liberal nations have to run in low IQ youth from nations that they built as third world
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.
Occupied, it's just not that simple as you make it out to be. It took me 20 years of wrestling with the issue to understand there is no flaw in disliking the taking of an unborn American citizen's life. 20 years, pal. I couldn't understand the outrage until I did some reading about the pain an unborn baby feels, whether it is conscious of it or not. I watched a video of one being jabbed. It dodged and darted to get away from it. It knew it was life or death, and it did all it could to keep away from the torturous equipment that eventually would gauge through pain sensors and nerves to get to the brain, where it would suck out all the cells in the brain it could for the purpose of getting the head to be small enough to surgically remove without damaging the mother's beauty too much.

Vanity! It's all about vanity of a person who ORDERS her own little child to a cruel, unnecessary death if she would take her place in the grown up world sex was meant to be in.
That fact, whether you love it or hate it, is a fact. The fact is, when you're old enough to get pregnant, you are old enough to grow up, little by little if need be, to take your place in the adult world. And if you're not ready for that step, you have no business being in bed with a man who thinks pleasure does not require follow up of paying a costly price for the 18 years that child's needs have to be met legally and rightly so. The mother too, has an obligation to be a decent enough human being not to let anything bad happen to her preborn American citizen. Got that registered in your cerebellum yet? :47:
Most heartfelt post ever placed on this board. The Democrats/Socialist can’t handle the truth. Make them all stand on their record of infanticide.
I've had several women around me that has had abortions.

I've listened to some of them cry. I've heard the stories on how some of them became addicts because they were self medicating themselves in a failed attempt to forget what they had done. I've looked into the eyes of fine that didn't care, too.

I've been around a lot of women that have had abortions. A few that have at least 4.

I even sat with a friend many years ago whom I had personally taken to get an abortion, because she didn't want her child's father to know. That was when I was"Pro-Choice". I was such a good friend I helped a mother snuff out her 1st child's life.

Is it your business if a man rapes another woman? Are you pro choice?

Human Rights is every human's business.

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.

newborn infant , look it up.
Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age. Infants can be considered children anywhere from birth to 1 year old. Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old, thus encompassing newborns, infants, and toddlers.Oct 24, 2018
Life begins by the Grace of God at conception.
Science says human life begins at conception Cells start growing with its own DNA

But educators brought total fraud to education with going against science

Brainwashing against science
Science says human life begins at conception Cells start growing with its own DNA

But educators brought total fraud to education with going against science

Brainwashing against science
The moment of life,science cannot explain?
Last edited:
I have a beautiful family just across from me. Kids everyone coming from Church. Liberals want me to hate that?
So would you be okay with surgically removing a near term fetus who dies in the womb of a severe deformation which went undetected by today's modern imagine techniques?
Of course, they're DEAD. So would you be okay with killing an alive baby after birth?

No, that's easy, that would be murder or infanticide.

If today's modern imaging techniques revealed a fatal deformity after 8 months would you be okay with early termination then?
You spread your legs and fuck...take responsibility for it. Period.

So you wouldn't allow an early termination in the case of a fatally deformed fetus?
Yes. What dose this have to do with the 9th Month? Medical Science can identify early indagered pregnancy. This is bullisht. This is about murder. This about healthy fetuses...but you Fucking stupid robots think is central to the issue about denying women’s rights.

Wow that sure was worth the wait.

No one in there right mind is pro infanticide, as in killing healthy babies.

The question I asked was about severe (fatal) deformities that are not discovery until after viability of the fetus.
If there are any decent humans in New York, and I know that's a huge IF, they must be hanging their heads in shame and embarrassment over their wretched politicians legalizing infanticide.

A new law in New York legalizes the actions for which abortionist Kermit Gosnell was sent to prison for life.

Gosnell director Nick Searcy wrote at TownHall that New York has now legalized almost everything that Gosnell and his aides did in Philadelphia: Gosnell was convicted of killing breathing infants who had already been born. It is now legal in New York to kill an infant who survives an abortion. Gosnell was convicted of allowing untrained and unlicensed medical personnel to perform abortions. It is now legal in New York for non-physicians or any “health professionals” to perform abortions. Gosnell was convicted of performing at least 21 late-term abortions past the legal limit of 24 weeks. It is now legal in New York to terminate a pregnancy up until the due date. In New York, there is no longer any such thing as a “late-term abortion.”

Timely Gosnell Movie: NY State Legalizes Late-Term Abortions | National Review

Yes I am pro choice for the reasons you state above, and only one female has told me she had an abortion, of which I had been friends with a long time before knowing and then one day she said she had 3 abortions while being married and she is married to the same man and they have 2 kids. She never said why and I was stunned and she could tell I was stunned. That is why I believe all insurances should cover the BC pill and the men should wear a quality condom if they do not want a child. Prevention is the best policy.

But I am pro choice due to the fact that I do not know the footprints of those who chose to have an abortion.
Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.

newborn infant , look it up.
Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age. Infants can be considered children anywhere from birth to 1 year old. Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old, thus encompassing newborns, infants, and toddlers.Oct 24, 2018
Life begins by the Grace of God at conception.

Well everyone alive today did in fact start that way.

As function of Nature, many fertilized eggs, those lumps of cells of unique of human DNA, never become human beings. So I'll pass on that Grace bit.
Life begins at conception

Science says this with its own DNA

Lock up the educators that lies and covers up science
Of course, they're DEAD. So would you be okay with killing an alive baby after birth?

No, that's easy, that would be murder or infanticide.

If today's modern imaging techniques revealed a fatal deformity after 8 months would you be okay with early termination then?
You spread your legs and fuck...take responsibility for it. Period.

So you wouldn't allow an early termination in the case of a fatally deformed fetus?
Yes. What dose this have to do with the 9th Month? Medical Science can identify early indagered pregnancy. This is bullisht. This is about murder. This about healthy fetuses...but you Fucking stupid robots think is central to the issue about denying women’s rights.

Wow that sure was worth the wait.

No one in there right mind is pro infanticide, as in killing healthy babies.

The question I asked was about severe (fatal) deformities that are not discovery until after viability of the fetus.
Democrats sat on their hands when Trump asked them to join Republicans to pass a bill against infanticide. The gov of Virginia supports infanticide of newborns.
Life begins at conception

Science says this with its own DNA

Lock up the educators that lies and covers up science
The left cries and screams that conservatives ignore science until the topic of human life pops up. Then the left suddenly becomes dumber than a broom handle.

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