Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

Do you believe a woman has the right to kill her newborn infant?
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.

newborn infant , look it up.
Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age. Infants can be considered children anywhere from birth to 1 year old. Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old, thus encompassing newborns, infants, and toddlers.Oct 24, 2018
Life begins by the Grace of God at conception.

Well everyone alive today did in fact start that way.

As function of Nature, many fertilized eggs, those lumps of cells of unique of human DNA, never become human beings. So I'll pass on that Grace bit.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.
Life begins at conception

Science says this with its own DNA

Lock up the educators that lies and covers up science
The left cries and screams that conservatives ignore science until the topic of human life pops up. Then the left suddenly becomes dumber than a broom handle.

Which proves total crookedness
Yes, everything is political to the left. They believe they can dictate what is morally acceptable and morally unacceptable. I reject their role as my god.
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.

newborn infant , look it up.
Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age. Infants can be considered children anywhere from birth to 1 year old. Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old, thus encompassing newborns, infants, and toddlers.Oct 24, 2018
Life begins by the Grace of God at conception.

Well everyone alive today did in fact start that way.

As function of Nature, many fertilized eggs, those lumps of cells of unique of human DNA, never become human beings. So I'll pass on that Grace bit.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.
We do it all across the globe pard, c'mon now. Really.
No, that's easy, that would be murder or infanticide.

If today's modern imaging techniques revealed a fatal deformity after 8 months would you be okay with early termination then?
You spread your legs and fuck...take responsibility for it. Period.

So you wouldn't allow an early termination in the case of a fatally deformed fetus?
Yes. What dose this have to do with the 9th Month? Medical Science can identify early indagered pregnancy. This is bullisht. This is about murder. This about healthy fetuses...but you Fucking stupid robots think is central to the issue about denying women’s rights.

Wow that sure was worth the wait.

No one in there right mind is pro infanticide, as in killing healthy babies.

The question I asked was about severe (fatal) deformities that are not discovery until after viability of the fetus.
Democrats sat on their hands when Trump asked them to join Republicans to pass a bill against infanticide. The gov of Virginia supports infanticide of newborns.

A bold lie from the SJWer anti-choice crowd. The is no state where infanticide is legal in the United States. Not in New York, not in Virginia.
Life begins at conception

Science says this with its own DNA

Lock up the educators that lies and covers up science
The left cries and screams that conservatives ignore science until the topic of human life pops up. Then the left suddenly becomes dumber than a broom handle.

Nah, you guys just twist yourselves into knots rationalizing the beliefs you're told.
This is why the whole deep state will get locked up

When does a baby start to have a heartbeat?

Hearing the Fetal Heartbeat. Doctors use several different methods to listen to the fetal heartbeat. About 3 weeks, one day after fertilization, when the heart first begins to beat, the sound of the little heart is too soft to hear. Very soon thereafter, they can see the motion using ultrasound technology.
Life begins at conception

Science says this with its own DNA

Lock up the educators that lies and covers up science
The left cries and screams that conservatives ignore science until the topic of human life pops up. Then the left suddenly becomes dumber than a broom handle.

Nah, you guys just twist yourselves into knots rationalizing the beliefs you're told.
like what? some example is needed to support your accusation. got one? of course not, you just like flinging poop.
Life begins at conception

Science says this with its own DNA

Lock up the educators that lies and covers up science
The left cries and screams that conservatives ignore science until the topic of human life pops up. Then the left suddenly becomes dumber than a broom handle.

Nah, you guys just twist yourselves into knots rationalizing the beliefs you're told.
like what? some example is needed to support your accusation. got one? of course not, you just like flinging poop.

Baby's heartbeat begins at 3 weeks

Science is screaming that democrats and educators are corrupt to the core

When does a baby start to have a heartbeat?

Hearing the Fetal Heartbeat. Doctors use several different methods to listen to the fetal heartbeat. About 3 weeks, one day after fertilization, when the heart first begins to beat, the sound of the little heart is too soft to hear. Very soon thereafter, they can see the motion using ultrasound technology.
These ghouls will answer for this.

NY Law Is Infanticide

While many states have laws which require appropriate medical care and treatment for babies who are born alive after a failed abortion, the state of New York repealed that section of the public health law. Now the same medical personnel who would work to save a preemie, need not do anything for a baby the same age who survived an abortion.


“A child can be tortured and killed seconds before it is born in New York simply because it is seen as an ‘inconvenience’ to some and a money-maker for others,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “If the child happens to be born alive, it can now be left to suffer and die. New York has dehumanized the child in the womb, including those born alive after a failed abortion. This is infanticide. This is nothing to celebrate. This is a crime against humanity, and New York wants to become the world sanctuary for abortions by allowing even nonresidents to come and kill their babies,” said Staver.
hilarious how the dupes still don't know that you need two or three doctors to agree that the baby is not viable or that the mother will likely be killed for this to happen, it is so important to get their votes that lying endlessly is just fine... Who cares what doctors and true common sense say....
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hilarious how to dupe still don't know that you need two or three doctors to agree that the baby is not viable or that the mother will likely be killed for this to happen, it is so important to get their votes that lying endlessly is just fine... Who cares what doctors and true common sense say....
I answered that in above, and its not a newborn infant, its a fetus.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.

newborn infant , look it up.
Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age. Infants can be considered children anywhere from birth to 1 year old. Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old, thus encompassing newborns, infants, and toddlers.Oct 24, 2018
Life begins by the Grace of God at conception.

Well everyone alive today did in fact start that way.

As function of Nature, many fertilized eggs, those lumps of cells of unique of human DNA, never become human beings. So I'll pass on that Grace bit.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
Wrong. A newborn infant. So you support killing a newborn healthy human being. Nazi.

newborn infant , look it up.
Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age. Infants can be considered children anywhere from birth to 1 year old. Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old, thus encompassing newborns, infants, and toddlers.Oct 24, 2018
Life begins by the Grace of God at conception.

Well everyone alive today did in fact start that way.

As function of Nature, many fertilized eggs, those lumps of cells of unique of human DNA, never become human beings. So I'll pass on that Grace bit.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!
All of you want to impede on female rights, as though its any of you business.
Despite what you might have heard, at no point did Tran try to legalize infanticide.

When Tran appeared before a statehouse subcommittee, the Republican majority leader, Todd Gilbert, presented her with an outré hypothetical. Could a woman about to go into labor request an abortion if her doctor certified that she needed one for mental health reasons? Tran said that the decision would be between a woman and her doctor, but, evidently taken aback by the question, eventually allowed that it would be permitted under her bill.

Tran handled the moment poorly. She might have pointed out that legislation is not generally written with an eye to prohibiting ridiculous and unprecedented scenarios. It is inconceivable that a doctor would certify a need for an abortion while a woman is in labor; some doctors won’t even let a woman turn down a C-sectionif they think a baby’s health is at risk. But Tran’s impolitic answer to a ludicrous question gave abortion opponents grist for an explosion of self-righteous outrage.
All of you want to impede on female rights, as though its any of you business.
has nothing to do with female rights, it is called human rights of the human coming out. sorry cindy.

It none of you business, and you need to be more concerned about children that are here, not fetuses in someone else's womb. You hypocrites. Time to men to wear condoms. If a female gets an abortion, time to put the male behind bars for getting her pg. how is that.
hilarious how to dupe still don't know that you need two or three doctors to agree that the baby is not viable or that the mother will likely be killed for this to happen, it is so important to get their votes that lying endlessly is just fine... Who cares what doctors and true common sense say....
yes we know you are a brainwashed functional moron....
hilarious how the dupes still don't know that you need two or three doctors to agree that the baby is not viable or that the mother will likely be killed for this to happen, it is so important to get their votes that lying endlessly is just fine... Who cares what doctors and true common sense say....

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